MERRIOTT PARISH COUNCIL DRAFT Minutes of monthly PARISH COUNCIL meeting held DECEMBER 1st 2014. OPEN SESSION: 6 residents present. All interested in Planning item 4. Land at Gappers Pool, Church Street. Mr & Mrs Venn commented that they have a business in the village and the proposed house and garage will be their home. MEETING OPENED: 7.10hrs. PRESENT: Mr G Merrick, Mr J Shorting, Mr I Noble, Mr B Norton APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Mr P Maxwell. IN ATTENDANCE: Marion Andrews (Clerk). Mr C Le Hardy, County Councillor from 20.05hrs.. CODE OF CONDUCT AND DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: The Chairman asked members for declarations of interest. All members declared an interest in the Pavilion Project, Budget and Precept and have signed a Dispensation Form to cover Discussion on Financial issues. No other Declarations. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The Minutes of the monthly meeting held on November 3rd were reviewed. 2014/314 It was proposed by Cllr Shorting and unanimously RESOLVED that they are a correct record. The Chairman signed them. MATTERS ARISING There were no immediate matters arising. 2014/315 The following ACTION points from previous meetings were reviewed. 2009/314 point 10 Lowering of kerbs a Manor Drive, Bakehouse Corner,Townsend Corner, Sherlands corner. ACTION: Now submitted by CC as small highways improvement scheme 2014/15. 2011/173, 2011/283 Cllr Maxwell to pursue the conservation of the bollards at Evergreen path. The Clerk awaits a copy of a form from Cllr Maxwell (re English Heritage). ACTION: Cllr Maxwell meeting English Heritage August 2013 & lised. Awaiting paperwork: Ongoing bollard at Shyners terrace. Open forum – Selling of property at the Piece, Hitchen dedicated Social Housing. Contact with Knightstone. 2014/090 Make further enquires with a view to securing Social Housing tenure on remaining properties. Cllr Maxwell to make enquires. ACTION: Ongoing 2014/060 Cllr to meet CC to view flood areas etc in Village. TO BE ACTIONED. 2014/093 Site for Memorial Bench at Recreation Ground. Should be completed in December. 2014/186 Letter to resident regarding overhanging tree into Recreation Ground. Delivered 16/7. No response. NOVEMBER – SEND REMINDER. 2014/287 Broadway traffic calming – Joint meeting with CC & Highways. Arranged for Dec5th. 2014/298 Cost additional goal post sockets and installation. ACTION: Clerk REPORT FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Not in attendance: e mail said that the modifications were all agreed last month and that Council will look to adopt the Local Plan between February and March at a special meeting. FINANCE The following Invoices received in November were presented for payment. PAYEE DETAILS AMOUNT BUDGET FOR LINE PAYMENT 40.hrs £451.84less PAYE M Andrews £90.40 =£361.44 Travel [email protected] 15.81 Telephone 4.50 MERRIOTT PARISH COUNCIL – MINUTES DECEMBER 2014-CHAIRMAN Cllr NOBLE For further information contact Clerk: [email protected] or Tel: 01935 863420 Page 1 Office Allowance 20.00 Pav event refreshments 25.00 Clerk Print Paper 42.89+8.58 51.47 3168 Toners x2 65.02 +13.00 78.02 Pamphlet holder 7.08+1.42 8.49 TOTAL: £564.73 Tithe Barn November x 1 £16.00 Hall Rental 3169 Groundsman: Nov Winter £162.50 less PAYE M Rowswell 25hrs £34.40 = £128.10 Groundsman 3170 Pavilion Caretaker: Oct & £50 less Nov PAYE£10=£40 Caretaker TOTAL: £168.10 Parish Magazine December edition 0553 £299.00 Messenger Printing 3171 Pavilion leaflet 0554 £9.40 Pavilion Management J Jackson Merriott Messenger Edit £90 + additional pages Messenger 3172 December issue £45. Total= £135.00 SSDC Ranger October 14th & 28th £204+ Vat £40.80 Lengthsman 3173 Total= £244.80 SSDC Playground annual £48.00+vat £9.60 Playground. 3174 inspection report Total= £57.60 Jaycee Plumbing Replace thermostatic £89.00 + vat £17.80 Pavilion 3175 mixer Total= £106.80 Management Merriott Rovers Weed Control £80.00 Rec 3176 maintenance. 2014/316 Cllr Shorting proposed payment of the Invoices. Unanimously RESOLVED. Action: Clerk 2014/317 The following Deposits were made in November BACS –Completion of VAT return 13/14 -£483.26 MM –M Porter -£100.00 MM- Parkhouse- £100 A Stoodley -Burial Robinson - £125 Pavilion Booking - £20 2014/318 Draft Budget for 2015/16. The Clerk had circulated the current income and expenditure against budget, projected outturn for 2014/15 and a draft budget for 2015/16. It was reviewed in detail. There were changes in employee salary due to recently agreed national pay awards and inclusion of Pavilion Caretaker role. Action: Clerk to update for January 2015 meeting. PLANNING AND PLANNING ITEMS (1) APPLICATION:14/04755/FUL APPLICANT: Mr C Bailey. PROPOSAL: The Erection of 3 canopy’s to farmyard & 1 sand bunker. LOCATION: Bow Barn Farm, West Chinnock, Crewkerne. TA18 7QG. 2014/319 recommend APPROVAL MERRIOTT PARISH COUNCIL – MINUTES DECEMBER 2014-CHAIRMAN Cllr NOBLE For further information contact Clerk: [email protected] or Tel: 01935 863420 Page 2 (2) APPLICATION:14/04918/FUL APPLICANT: Mr B Gray; PROPOSAL: The erection of a single storey rear extension LOCATION: Oak Tree House, Church Street. Merriott. TA16 5PT 2014/320 recommend APPROVAL (3)APPLICATION: 14/04760/LBC APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Adam & S Maloney. PROPOSAL: Demolish existing garden room & erection of replacement garden room. Alterations and conversion of barn to form additional self contained residential accommodation ancillary to LINDUM HOUSE. LOCATION: Lindum House, 33 Broadway. Merriott TA16 5 QG. 2014/321 recommend APPROVAL (4) APPLICATION 14/04949/FUL APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Venn. PROPOSAL: Erection of 1 dwelling house and garage. LOCATION: Land at Gappers Pool, Church Street, Merriott. 2014/322 This application is in a Conservation area designated for NO development within the Village Plan. Therefore, the Parish Council support the Village Plan outline. Should this application proceed and get granted permission by SSDC then the Parish Council strongly request a condition that there is no further development on this site. DETERMINATION OF APPLICATIONS (5) Change of use of land and erection of buildings to form rural life & vintage vehicle museum. GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS (6) Erection of Oak Clad garage/car port; GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS. COUNTY COUNCILLOR 2014/323 Cllr Le Hardy reported Today the Government has announced support for A303 improvements. He has made Mr Gunn SSDC aware of the discussions on traffic calming in Broadway and will invite him to the meeting on Friday. The 101 emergency service has been re-contracted and a new provider chosen. Following recent discussions at Seavington on the delivery of faster Broadband it is expected that by the Autumn of 2015 the survey for implementation to 01460 numbers will be completed. The Councillor has supported a school group attending Frogmary Farm. 2014/324 The Clerk asked if Mr Le Hardy could check with Highways on the schedule for the dropped kerbs, which he agreed to do. Also, if there is a form to complete for the grant towards the bench for the Crewkerne Road. No, the grant request has been made. RECREATION GROUND 2014/325 Quotes from Holden engineering and Somerset Landscape were tabled. It was RESOLVED that Somerset Landscape proceed with the replacement of the scramble net base pole. ACTION: Clerk to send work order. A third quote is awaited for the Zip Wire running board repair. 2014/326 Proposal from Cllr Noble for the payment of £80 towards the weed treatment undertaken by Merriott Rovers. ACTION: Clerk to arrange payment. 2014/327 November Report: Cllr Noble is most concerned on the condition of the footpath because of the weeds and encroachment of the edges. Weather too wet for spraying. Suggestion that the Groundsman undertake a spraying course to be certified to undertake the task. ACTION: Clerk 2014/328 Groundsman work for December. Include cleaning of security camera. Cllr Liaison for December: Cllr Noble. COMMUNITY PAVILION & PUBLIC CONVENIENCES 2014/329 Cllr Noble reported that the event was a success. See the Merriott Messenger for details. 2014/330 Weekend Cover for the Caretaker – Cllr Shorting was available for cover to unlock, lock and secure the Toilets and Pavilion in the absence of the Caretaker for the 29th/30th November. Thank you. 2014/331 PIR light – Doesn’t seem to be working, The bulb may need replacement. ACTION: Contact Mr Ricketts. 2014/332 Store doors- Mr Hall has offered his time in January to treat/varnish the doors. ACTION: Clerk to make arrangements. 2014/333 The Clerk reported that she had contacted the supplier who said he will talk to Mr Ricketts and come to Somerset to correct the error. ACTION: Clerk to follow up again. MERRIOTT PARISH COUNCIL – MINUTES DECEMBER 2014-CHAIRMAN Cllr NOBLE For further information contact Clerk: [email protected] or Tel: 01935 863420 Page 3 TRANSFER OF EGWOOD TO PARISHES 2014/334 The Chairman confirmed that the changes requested to the lease have been accepted by Somerset County Council. Somerset County Council cannot indemnify against any unauthorized occupation once the lease is signed. Insurance has been sought and can be supported within a joint venture. Merriott Parish Council will be subjected to a 50% share, Hinton 35% & Lopen 15% of any expenditure now and in the future as the other Parishes precept could not support anything greater as originally agreed in 2011. Cllr Noble proposed that Merriott Parish Council support this arrangement and ask for the Lease and Insurance details to proceed. UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED. A joint meeting to be arranged in 2015. ACTION: Cllr Nobel to liaise with lead. 2014/335 The site has been inspected and a request to SCC is being made to ensure the road fence is reinstated following the recent accident and that the car remnants are removed. That the boundary fences are repaired and the barbed wire fence around the paddock is removed.
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