20—MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Oct. 19. 1989 r n ANTIQUES/ CARS A Newspaper In Education Prograin L £ | COLLECTIBLES SALES FOR SALE T H E Q U IZ Sponaortd by The Manchester Herald A Specjolisl ANTIQUE Phone-Crank ESTATE/Tog sole - 25'/a CORVETTE 1971 Sting type. In excellent con­ Eldridge Rood, Man­ Roy, C.J.K. 84K origi­ dition. Useable. No chester, Saturday, Oc­ nal miles. 99 per cent (10 pointi for each question 1 .': reasonable offer re­ tober 21st, lOom - 4pm. restored. $25,000 In­ WORLDSCOPE answered correctly) I fused. 643-7759. Rain or shine. Furni­ vested asking $10,500. ture, antiques, brass Serious Inquiries only. bed, mirrors, china, 633-8560._____________ gloss, silver, country, OLDSMOBILE 1974 Cu­ MACHINERY original pointings, tlass. Runs good. I AND TOOLS Christmas tree and Needs exhaust work. manrhpalpr Irralft CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL crystal decorations. $325. 649-4914, before REMODELING t a b l e Sow - 10" Rock­ FOUR family tog sole, 1pm. well. $75. or best offer. October 20th and 21st, 643-7063. CHEVROLET. 1984 Covo- DUMAS ELECTRIC 9om - 3pm. 75 East ller Wagon, good con­ GCF HOME Service changes, Middle Turnpike. Fur­ dition. Many extras Friday, Oct. 20,1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents additionai wiring and niture, linens, miscel­ $2,500. 643-2108. SERVICES laneous. Priced to sell. Rempdellng, repair, decks, repairs on existing trim work, smaii jobs. homes. Quality work at i MISCELLANEOUS BOB RILEY Senior Citizen Discount affordabie pricea. I FOR SALE 645*6559 Entirely owner operated. WANTED TO OLDSMOBILE 27 years exp. Call BUY/TRADE 259 Adams St., Joseph Dumas END ROLLS Austin Healey - Any year 1 Troops of one of Generctl Manuel Noriega's elite battalions are Frustration 27%" width — 25« Manchester PAINTING/PAPERING 646-S253. or condition - port cars seen here guarding the country's military headquarters shortly 13" width — 2 for 254 tool MGB's 1965 to 73 649-1749 after an unsuccessful coup attempt a few days ago. TRUE OR Newsprint end rolls can be any condition. Private 1985 Ford LTD $5995 FALSE; The administration has said it had no prior knowledge of “IP's can tell you picked up S t the Manchester collector. Coll Jon at 1989Toronado $17,900 the coup. ivhat to look for... MISCELLANEOUS Herald ONLY before 11 a. m. (603)228-8115 (NH) SERVICES Monday through Thursday. Finder's fees paid I 1966Toronado $8,995 and what to look *Lt ATHER Jackets 1986 Olds Cutlass $8,495 2 As the October 16 deadline ap­ MATCHWORDS on increase Men's extra large $50, 1986 Chevy Eurosport $6,995 proached, it was still not clear that outforF women's small, $35. CARS 1989 Olds Clera $11,999 Congress would be able to avoid WET BASEMENT? Leather coot, small, (2 points for each correct match) FOR SALE 1986 Chevy Monte Carlo W,995 Gramm-Rudman's across-the-board Ov»r 40 Years Experienoe $60. Winter boots, 8C, 1987 Olds Clera $6,999 H arB ro Written Guarantee (CHOOSE ONE: spending cuts, tax 1- elite a-strongesl Free Estimatee $40. 649-8635. 1986 Olds Clera $5,999 HatchwiM. Foundation Cracks, OLDSMOBILE 1981, Cu­ increases). 2- regime b-top P a in tin g MINOLTA 310 Copier. 1987 Pont. Bonneville $10,995 Surrp Pumps. Drainape Lines. tlass Supreme. 2 door, 3- dominant c-take back Basement Waterproofing of Floors & Small, runs excellent, 1986 Pontiac 6000 $4,995 of Manchester Walls 6 More new tires, high miles. 3 Demonstrations against the East in Bay area $425 or best offer. 569- 4- rejecf 649-9977.____________ 1987 Pont. Grand Am $7,495 d-government Albert Zuccaro 646-3361 2684.________________ German communist regime of 5- repeal Quality Painting FORD 1981 Escort 2 door, 1987 Conversion Van $16,995 e-throw out GREAT for Christmas, 2 1986 Olds Delta Sedan $7,995 (CHOOSE ONE: Erich Honecker, S ervices 20" Dirt Bikes, excel­ automatic, olr, new Kardy Grosz) broke out in several •Free Estimates HAWKES TREE SERVICE lent condition $45. Coll timing belt, new v Bucket, truck & chipper. joints. 649-9977.______ cities a few days ago, on that nation's PEOPLE/SPORTS Death estimate shrinks •Senior Citizen Discounts Stump removal. Free 643-0727 otter 5. 40lh anniversary. CHEVROLET 1981 (5 points for each correct answer) •Aluminum & Vinyl estimates. Special SLIDING gloss door and SCHALLER consideration for elderly Chevette, 2 door, 4 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Rescuers said they were finding Powerwashing screen 6 toot. $100. Col ACURA QUALITY 1 The Dalai Lama, exiled leader o f..?.., and handicapped. 643-0727 otter 5. speed, excellent trons- PRE-OWNED AUTOS 4 Israel’s (CHOOSE ONE: Ldxx, Ukud) Death toll estimates shrank but ten­ fewer cars than feared under the portotlon. 649-9977. 83FordEscct1 $1,995 party, the dominant party in Israel’s was recently awarded the 1989 Nobel sions and frustrations grew as Nor­ highway, known as the Nimitz 646-6815 647-7553 COFFEE table $30. 2 end f M , m PONTIAC Grand Prlx, 4 ryl, Low MI governing coalition, recently rejected Peace Prize for his efforts to wrest his thern California tried to regroup Freeway. Some credited the World We’re H ere To Se.we tables $15eoch. Hoover 83 0MiCu«anSij|xanw MASS homeland from the Chinese. upright vacuum $5. Sky 1981, automatic, V6. Ve.M'.ArC.LowMM an Egyptian proposal for Palestinian- from a devastating earthquake and Series with reducing TUesday even­ blue Oriental rug 6x9. $1,200 or best. Coll 649- X7 Toyota T«c«l M P X Israeli talks. 4 cyl, AT. Arc, Low Mka unnerving aftershocks that con­ ing’s rush-hour traffic by drawing WEXarS P/MNTMG ca TREE Potlo table and um­ 1698. 2 Bette Davis, who for many years defined Quality work at a U Honda Accord U( tIopSB tinued today. baseball fans to television sets. brella. Assorted house­ CHRYSLER LeBoron- SSpd.Air.UwNM 5 Unlike the House, the Senate voted the term ‘movie star," died last week at rsatonabis pricsl REMOVAL hold goods. Dining 1983 4 cylinder, 5 speed, S3 NItaan Stanza I1.48S President Bush flew west today to “Maybe the World Series saved Interior & Exterior Trees trimmed arxt removed. SSfxt.ATC.SIwao not to repeal the catastrophic health the age of 81. Davis was nominated for 10 Free EStImatee Cordwood sold. Seasoned and room light fixture $5. standard. Good condi­ STCaicaGTS $11,496 tour the area, including the col­ our lives,” said Oakland pxilice Sgt. 643-9603. tion. Negotiable. 646- coverage in Medicare, but it did scale Oscars, winning (CHOOSE ONE: once, unseasoned hardwood only. SSpd..Loa<M.Rad twice). lapsed Interstate 880 in Oakland and Bob Crawford. Call Brian Walgle Fully Insured. Free Estimates. 1313. S3PonSac6000L£ $apas back the program. And it (CHOOSE The third game of the champion­ 645-8912 ' Crane Service Available. Ve.Aulo.tjoadad the severely damaged seaside city of SSChwyNcva $3p« ONE: added, eliminated) a surtax that ship between the Oakland A’s and Call Carl 742-5986 TAG Aulo,Stat*o finances if. 3 The Oakland A's won a return trip to the Santa Cruz. He said he hoped “to 8SBukAC«nluty t * j m World Series by defeating the Toronto take a look and to provide en­ the San Francisco Giants had been Wall Papering and 'SALES CLYDE KM, AC Blue Jays 3 games to 1. Former New York couragement to people.” set to begin just minutes after the Painting SNOW PLOWING CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. S3 Monday Acootd LX $4P«' SSpd.AC NEWSNAME Yankee..?.. was named the series’ MVP. Three days ^ter the quake, the killer quake struck at 5:04 p.m. 30 years Experience Commercial, residential. NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ ROUTE 83. VERNON S30tdaCi«a $3paS eral Statute 23-65 prohibits V«. Auto. Arc (15 points for correct answer or answers) need for encouragement seemed to Insurance and Bolton, Vernon, Covent7 82 Malibu 4 Dr $4,695 the posting of advertise­ S40ldtCula« $3ptS 4 Thanks to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers be growing. Please see QUAKE, page 10 References area. Free estimates. ments bv any person, firm or 84 Caprice Classic Cpe. $6,895 Auto. Arc. P.S. recently visited MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM victory over the Chicago Bears, the Damage estimates by the state Of­ MARTY MAHSSON Call Pete, corporation on o telegraph, 84 Buick Century Vtag $5,965 with President 649-4431 telephone, electric light or 84 Olds Cutlass Cpe $5,895 345 Center SL Manchester Bush to talk about (CHCXDSE ONE: San Frandsco 49ers, fice of Emergency Services rose to 643-1213. power pole or to o tree, 6A7-iOT7 Los Angeles Rams) were the only unde­ shrub, rock, or onv other 85 Skylark 4 Dr $6,895 my nation's huge well over $4 billion. A private DICK COBB natural oblect without a w rit­ 85 Buick Somerset 2 Dr $7,295 debt and its other feated team left in the NFL after five economist, Frank McCormick of Firehouse ten permit for the purpose of 86 Delta 88 2 Dr $9,995 problems. Who am weeks. Bank of America in San Francisco, GUTTER protecting Itortheoubltcond INTERIORS carries a fine of up to S50 for 86 Bonneville 4 Dr $6,995 TRUCKS/VANS I and what nation said damage is likely to reach $10 Clean Quality Painting at CLEANING each offense. 86 (^ntury Wagon $7,495 FOR SALE do I lead? 5 Early last week, Wayne Gretzky was billion. An estimated 12,550 jieople meeting Fair Prices. - 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,495 / only ton points away from tying the NHL SERVICE CELLAR - 66 Bliss Street were displaced, 10,000 in hard-hit Specializing in Interior 86 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,395 CHEVROLET 1979 Von.
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