1 Report to/Rapport au : Planning Committee Comité de l'urbanisme and Council / et au Conseil February 12, 2013 12 février 2013 Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe, Planning and Infrastructure/Urbanisme et Infrastructure Contact Person / Personne ressource: John Smit, Manager/Gestionnaire, Development Review-Urban Services / Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services urbains Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance (613) 580-2424, 13866 [email protected] Kitchissippi (15) Ref N°: ACS2013-PAI-PGM-0047 SUBJECT: ZONING – 159, 163, 167 PARKDALE AVENUE OBJET : ZONING – 159, 163, 167 PARKDALE AVENUE REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS That the Planning Committee recommend Council approve: 1. An amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 159-167 Parkdale Avenue from Residential Fifth Density, Subzone B, Maximum building height of 37 metres, R5B H(37) to MC[XXXX] SXXX as detailed in Document 3 and shown in Document 2; 2. An amendment to the Zoning By-law, 2008-250 to add a new part to the By-law to include Zoning By-law provisions passed pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act; and 3. The Zoning By-law implementing Recommendations 1 and 2 not proceed to City Council until such time as the agreement under Section 37 of the Planning Act is executed. 2 RECOMMANDATIONS DU RAPPORT Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande au Conseil d’approuver : 1. une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250, de manière à faire passer le zonage des 159-167, avenue Parkdale de Zone résidentielle de densité 5, sous-zone B, hauteur de bâtiment maximale de 37 mètres, R5B H(37) à MC[XXXX] SXXX, tel qu’exposé en détail dans le document 3 et illustré dans le document 2; 2. une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250, de manière à ajouter une section décrivant les dispositions de zonage adoptées conformément à l’article 37 de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire; 3. que le Règlement de zonage mettant en œuvre les recommandations 1 et 2 ne soit pas présenté au Conseil municipal jusqu’à ce l’accord prévu par l’article 37 de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire soit conclu. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Assumption and Analysis The subject property is located on the northwest corner of Lyndale Avenue and Parkdale Avenue, north of Scott Street, and south of the Ottawa River Parkway, opposite Tunney’s Pasture (see Document 1). The applicant is proposing to construct a mixed-use building with a height of 30 storeys (97 metres) containing approximately 210 units. The proposed development is located in a Mixed-Use Centre and complies with relevant Official Plan policies including encouragement of transit-supportive land uses, such as offices, retail uses, restaurant uses, and high-density residential uses close to transit stations. The development complies with Urban Design and Compatibility criteria in the Official Plan as it includes ground floor retail and office uses up to the third floor, is compatible with neighbouring uses, provides for streetscape improvements and building transitions to minimize privacy and shadowing concerns, and will have minimal traffic impacts. Financial Implications Should the zoning amendment be carried and appealed, staff resources will be used to defend Council’s position. In the event that the recommendation is not carried and an appeal is brought, an external planner and possibly an external architect will need to be retained at an estimated cost of $35,000 to $45,000. Funds are not available within existing resources, and the expense would impact Planning and Growth Management’s operating status. 3 Public Consultation/Input Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City’s Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The City received 35 comments regarding this application. Thirty-three comments expressed concern, two requested additional information and one indicated support. The Ward Councillor held a public meeting in the community on August 7, 2013. Concerns expressed at the meeting were similar to those received through the City’s notification process. Consultation details are contained in Document 4. RÉSUMÉ Hypothèse et analyse La propriété visée se trouve à l’angle nord-ouest de l’avenue Lyndale et de l’avenue Parkdale, au nord de la rue Scott et au sud de la promenade de l’Outaouais, face au pré Tunney (voir le document 1). Le requérant souhaite construire un bâtiment polyvalent d’une hauteur de 30 étages (97 mètres) et contenant environ 210 unités. L’aménagement proposé, situé dans un centre polyvalent, serait conforme aux politiques pertinentes du Plan officiel, notamment celles qui encouragent les utilisations du sol favorables au transport en commun, comme les bureaux, les commerces de détail, les restaurants et les immeubles résidentiels de haute densité, à proximité immédiate des stations de transport en commun. L’aménagement est également conforme aux critères de design urbain et de compatibilité du Plan officiel, puisqu’il intègre des commerces de détail en rez-de-chaussée et des bureaux jusqu’au 3e étage. Il est compatible avec les utilisations environnantes, et prévoit en outre des améliorations au paysage de rue et une transition entre les bâtiments qui permettra de limiter les problèmes liés à la vie privée et à l’ombrage. Ses répercussions sur la circulation seront minimes. Répercussions financières Si la modification de zonage devait être adoptée et faire l’objet d’un appel, des ressources en personnel seront utilisées pour défendre la position du Conseil. Dans le cas où la recommandation ne serait pas adoptée et qu’un appel serait interjeté, les services d’un urbaniste externe et peut-être également d’un architecte externe devraient être retenus, pour un coût qui pourrait varier entre 35 000 $ et 45 000 $. Les fonds nécessaires ne sont pas disponibles à même les ressources existantes et cette dépense aurait des répercussions sur le fonctionnement d’Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance. Consultation / commentaires du public L’avis concernant cette demande a été diffusé conformément à la politique de la Ville sur les avis publics et la consultation. La Ville a reçu 35 commentaires portant sur cette demande, 33 exprimant des préoccupations, deux demandant de l’information complémentaire et un manifestant un soutien au projet. Le conseiller du quartier a 4 organisé une réunion publique le 7 août 2012, au cours de laquelle ont été exprimées des préoccupations semblables à celles reçues par suite de l’avis émis par la Ville. Les détails de la consultation figurent dans le document 4. BACKGROUND The subject site is located at 159, 163, and 167 Parkdale Avenue at the northeast corner of Lyndale Avenue and Parkdale Avenue to the north of Scott Street and south of the Ottawa River Parkway. The property has a total area of 1371 m2, a lot depth of 45.87 m, and a lot frontage of 29.91 m. The site currently holds a small, single-detached dwelling, a three-storey apartment dwelling, and a small restaurant. The site is surrounded by a mixture of uses including low-rise residential to the east, mid- and high-rise residential to the north and south along the east side of Parkdale Avenue, and the Tunney’s Pasture Federal Office Campus to the west. The Tunney’s Pasture rapid transit station is located less than 400 metres to the southwest. The site is designated ‘Mixed Use Centre’ pursuant to the Official Plan and zoned ‘Residential Fifth Density, Subzone B, Maximum Height of 37 meters’ (R5B H(37)) pursuant to Zoning By- law 2008-250. In order to accommodate the proposed development of a 30-storey mixed-use building with commercial use at grade and on the second storey and 210 apartments above, a Zoning By-law amendment has been requested. The Zoning By-law amendment proposes to introduce non-residential uses and site-specific performance standards to increase the permitted height from 37 metres to 97 metres; reduce interior setbacks after 21 metres back from the property line to 0 metres, and rear yard setbacks from 7.5 to 0 metres and combine visitor and commercial parking spaces. DISCUSSION Planning Act and the Provincial Policy Statement Section 2 of the Planning Act outlines those land use matters that are of provincial interest and to which all City planning decisions shall have regard. The provincial interests that apply to this site include the appropriate location of growth and development and the promotion of development that is designed to be sustainable to support public transit and to be oriented to pedestrians. In addition, the Planning Act requires that all City planning decisions be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), a document that provides further policies on matters of provincial interest related to land use development. The PPS promotes a range of densities and land uses and Section requires that land use patterns facilitate the efficient use of land and resources, are accommodated 5 by existing or planned infrastructure, minimize negative impacts to air quality and promote energy efficiency. Energy and Air Quality polices in Section 1.8.1 support the use of alternative transportation and support the integration of transit and significant developments using a compact urban form within a nodes and corridors urban structure. The proposed development complies with policies of the PPS and Planning Act in a number of ways. The development is on a site in a Mixed-Use Centre where sufficient infrastructure exists to accommodate the proposal with commercial and office land uses proposed to complement the residential component of the building. A retail component and additional landscaping along Parkdale and Lyndale Avenues will improve the streetscape and pedestrian environment.
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