STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE Date 15th June 2017 Application DET/2017/0012 No: Location Adopted Grass Verge, Leek Road, Endon Proposal Installation of a radio base station comprising a 17.5m streetworks slim-line column supporting 3 no shrouded antennas, 2 no transmission dishes, 2 no equipment cabinets, 1 no meter cabinet & ancillary development there to Applicant Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Ltd Agent Clarke Telecom Ltd Parish/ward Brown Edge and Endon Date registered 05/04/2017 ward If you have a question about this report please contact: Mark Ollerenshaw – Email: [email protected] Tel: 01538 395400 Ext: 4921 REFERRAL This application is to be decided at Planning Applications Committee because it is a locally controversial proposal. 1. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATION Prior Approval is Required and Granted 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS 2.1 The application site is located within a break from the residential area on the adopted grass verge set back from Leek Road and adjacent footpath. The site is set against the backdrop of semi mature tree hedgerow with the land beyond rising upwards. 2.2 The site is within the Endon Conservation Area and also within the Green Belt. To the north east along Hallwater are Hallwater and Hallwater Barn, which are Grade II listed buildings. A Scheduled Ancient Monument, Audley’s Moat, is located approx. 90m to the east of the site. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL 3.1 The application has been submitted under Part 16 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, as amended by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2016 which came into force on 24th November 2016, in accordance with the electronic communications code under the Telecommunications Act 1984 as amended by the Communications Act 2003. 3.2 The application is a determination as to whether Prior Approval of the Local Planning Authority is required for the siting and design of the proposed development which comprises the installation of a 17.5m high streetworks slim-line column supporting 3 no shrouded antennas, 2 no transmission dishes, 2 no equipment cabinets, 1 no meter cabinet & ancillary development. 3.3 The applicant states that the proposal is required to provide improved 2G, 3G and 4G coverage where currently there is little or no indoor coverage within the village of Endon and the surrounding area. The proposal will allow both Vodafone and Telefonica to operate from a single telecommunications network. 3.4 An ICNIRP Certificate has been submitted with the notification in accordance with Chapter 5 of the NPPF which shows that the equipment is within agreed health and safety standards. 3.5 The application and all details associated with it can be found on the Council’s website at: http://publicaccess.staffsmoorlands.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet? PKID=113558 4. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY None. 5. PLANNING POLICIES RELEVANT TO THE DECISION 5.1 The following policies of the Staffordshire Moorlands Core Strategy are considered relevant: SS1 Development Principles SS1a Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development SS6 Rural Areas SS6a Larger Villages Area Strategy DC1 Design Considerations DC2 The Historic Environment National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Achieving sustainable development Chapter 1 – Building a strong, competitive economy Chapter 5 – Supporting high quality communications infrastructure Chapter 7 – Requiring good design Chapter 12 – Conserving and enhancing the historic environment Other Relevant Policy Documents National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) 6. CONSULTATIONS CARRIED OUT 6.1 Site notice displayed adjacent to the site on Leek Road on 02.05.2017. The site notice expired on 23.05.2017. 6.2 Public comments 181 no. letters/emails and two petitions of objection (one containing the signatures of 14 no. individuals and the other containing the signatures of 8 no. individuals) have been received in which the objections raised can be summarised as follows:- Adverse impact on the views in to and out of Endon Conservation Area and Cauldon Canal Conservation Area. Adverse impact on setting of a Scheduled Ancient Monument. Adverse impact on landscape character. Design of the mast is out of character with the listed stone and part stone buildings and rural nature of the Endon Conservation Area. The photomontages of the proposed column are understated and misleading. There are inaccuracies in the submitted information. The applicant has not undertaken an accurate analysis of the experience for the residents on near and far views of the proposal. The impact on heritage assets has not been properly assessed by the applicant. Harm to the heritage assets outweighs any public benefits. The proposal conflicts with Policies DC1 and DC2 of the Core Strategy. The applicant should be requested to provide further photomontages from other key vistas. Other less sensitive sites should be considered. Inappropriate development in the Green Belt and there are no very special circumstances. Current mobile phone reception in the area is good and doesn't warrant further improvement. Mast design is subject to testing and if through testing the mast type does not meet the applicant’s needs, the design could easily and seamlessly morph into a more typical pylon-type design. Loss of outlook from the primary windows of nearby dwellings. Loss of views. Health concerns. Devaluation of neighbouring properties. Loss of income (from nearby holiday accommodation) due to impact on views / health concerns. Traffic hazard. HGV lorries turn into Park Lane opposite the proposed site to access the S.J Bargh dairy in Park Lane. The risk of hitting the large mast opposite this junction is very high. The applicant has not engaged / consulted with Historic England. Inadequate consultation with local community, including local primary school. Acceptance of this proposal may set a precedent for other such developments in the area. 3 no. emails supporting the proposal have also been received. 6.3 Endon and Stanley Parish Council Initial comments (24.04.2017) Objection. At the February meeting of the Parish Council there was a considerable public representation (over 50 people) raising objections to the above. The objections covered the following: 1) The special qualities of the Conservation Area status and the significant harm to the visual amenity. 2) It will dominate the area significantly harming the protected view of the distant landscape. The suggested situation on the main road from Stoke on Trent to The Moorlands, because of the height of the mast, will make it highly visible to all coming into and/or leaving the village area. The Old Village has considerable historical significance, holding its annual Well Dressing event and welcoming visitors from all over the country and beyond. 3) There appears to have been no assessment of any site on higher ground particularly to the east and south west where the hills dominate the area. The use of this geographically low point, we believe makes the very tall mast necessary. The Parish Council understands that technological progress means economic growth but the costs of the current proposal to the Historical Conservation area are too high. The Parish Council would welcome other proposals to facilitate this progress but the current one should be discounted because of the above reasons. Further comments (23.05.2017) Whilst the Parish Council do not object in principle to a radio base station and agree that there may be a need for this type of equipment in Endon the current site proposed is completely unacceptable and strongly object to the application and would like to add the following to their earlier objections: 1) No heritage statement has been provided with the application and therefore the effect on any heritage assets has not been assessed. Audley’s Moat is a village heritage asset and no consideration has been given to the appearance and setting of the column when viewed long distance across the Moat. 2) The column is in the Village Conservation Area and we do not consider this type of feature should be allowed to detract from the conservation area or its setting. 3) We are concerned that the photomontages do not accurately represent the height and therefore the visual impact of the column. A further independent photomontage should be commissioned to allow an accurate assessment of its impact to be made. 4) Concerned about our listed buildings and do not consider sufficient thought has been given to the setting of adjoining listed buildings, particularly at Hallwater and the Plough Inn, which are either side of the proposed site. 6.4 Conservation Officer comments Original comments (02.05.2017) Heritage Significance The proposed site is just on the edge of the Endon Conservation Area. Reference to the character appraisal will show that views from the vicinity of Leek Road into the Conservation Area are important in helping define the character and appearance of the area. The hilltop setting of the settlement allows clear views in to and out of the Conservation Area as well as internal views across the pasture. The topography of the area means that the upper part of the pole would be visible from a relatively wide distance. The application site is also in close proximity to Hallwater and Hallwater Barn which are Grade II Listed Buildings. A detailed evaluation of the setting of these Listed Buildings has not been undertaken by the applicant. It is noted, however, that Hallwater does not overlook the application site. Applicant’s Supporting Statement The applicant’s supporting statement states that ‘due to the existing semi-mature tree belt/hedgerow and rising land in this location, views of the column will be very limited and will not be seen from the conservation area. As such, the proposed development will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of the conservation area and the listed buildings within the area.’ It is not accepted that the column will not be seen from the Conservation Area.
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