) What Do You Know! There is Hardly Six Weeks Left in Which to Do Your Christmas Shopping .HMMMmMiHiiimiMHmmiiimiiiimiiiMDiimiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiimiimimtimMim: J11! 11H1111111MI tl 111111111111 < 11111 i 1111111M11111 i! 11 i > 1111 It E1111111' 1111111111 la ‘ 111’ 1111111111 } SHIRE TOWN OF l AROOSTOOK TIMES April 13, 1860 to I AROOSTOOK COUNTY ! December 27, 1916 | = . 1111U1111111 (I M111 (IH11111 (MIH111M111111H111111 iIhI!111i1111II111111111111i M11!. .11.1i1111T VOLUME LX 11 HOULTON, MAINE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER N U M B E K EOKT Y-S E V E N HOULTON MUSIC CLUB MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER RECEPTION AT Mrs. (5. E. Wilkins delightfully en­ On .Monday evening thirty young BASEBALL BENEFIT tertained the dub members at her TUESDAY’S TOWN MEETING iiid t-s gathered at the home of Mrs. home on High street Thursday eve­ AI;i y Ayotte on School street, the CHURCHPARLORS ning. Nov. Pith. affair being a surprise party and show­ IN SOCIETY HALL The meeting was called to order by Voted to Instruct the Selectmen to Put a on er for .Miss Zdla Farker whose mar­ Iht' president, .Mrs. Lida B. Hudgins, riage to Air. William Flynn pikes place Welcome Given New Pastor and after the business meeting came Present Foundation on River Street in the near future. Box Social Gives Goodly Sum the program with .Miss McKay and by the Church People The guests were nn-t ilt the door Toward Paying Debts Miss Hither chairmen, the subject be­ It was very gratifying to sec En­ Armory couhl he built ns per vote of by Dolly Ayotte. ing ('edit- Chaminade. large attendance at the special town the town at the regular town meeting and Citizens Tin- dining room was very taste­ Program: meeting which was ln-ld on Tuesday last spring, according to the rulings of of Association fully decorated with cut (lowers and Among the delightful oerasions to Reading: L fr of Chaminade morning at the Auditorium and tin* the Attorney (P-m-ral and tin- instruc­ delicious refreshments of chicken (By Kelley) he held in Moulton this year was tie- Miss Bitln-r voters realize it is a duty to attend tions from tie- Adjutant Hein-iais de- salad, hot rolls, ice cream, cake and Usually a feller numbers his friend-- reception tendered by members of the Piano Solo: The Flatterer any meeting where their opinion is pa rt iiieii r. coffee, ;i Iso candy ami nuts were serv- according to tin- number of little iron First Church (Unitarian) in honor of .Mrs. Hrant asked or tln-ir judgment is sought in Col. Frank M. Hume gave some very <-<! by .Miss Lacey Fov and Aliss Dolly men In- commands as denoted by the their new pastor, the Rev. (ieorge W. Vocal Solo: Retournelle appropriat ing money. iniej--sting information regarding the Ayotte. st til) of his cheek book. You will ex­ Cooke, which took place on Wednes­ Betty 1 lunn The warrant was read hr selectman fine work of the National (luard dur­ Vocal Solo: Silver Rim .Miss T le gliest Ilf llOUO" 1'C( ited many < use this bit of bush league pliilo- day evening at S o'clock at the Uni­ 1 )oa m A. E. Cartel- who was eh-cteil clerk ing the World War and the etlicient ni< * gifts including linen silver and sophising. but aint it the truth, gentle tarian church on Military street. A Piano Solo: Scarf Dance ]>r > tein, .Judge Jas. Archibald was way in which tlmy went into the front kitelmn utensils. reader? .John Dee Sliake-a-feller has competent committee had been chosen Miss Hanson elected moderator and a motion was line warfare, due in the excellent a larger retinue <n rapt (I m.-an wrap­ to make arrangements for decorations Vocal Duct : Duct of the f- tars made that tin- selectmen hi* authoriz­ ti'aiuing which they had received in .Music and dancing were enjoyed and ped. or is it rapped? i admirers than and program. The large attractive Mrs lirant and Mrs. Robinson ed to erect ii building as jut article - the (i ua n I. belli as o dicers of the guard it was a late hour when the guests de­ does tin* popular president of Houl- parlors off the main churc h were open­ The club has been fortunate in se­ of the warrant. aid as otlieials transferred to rt ga­ parted after spending a very pleasant curing the services of Mr. David A. e\ citing. ton's largest Trust. Company. On the ed up and presented a delightful ap­ The warnml follows: la r-. ,-iimI tin* importance in support­ Soderquist is direr) or of the dioius. other hand, the kindling wood king pearance. The decorations were of To Frank \V. Hogan, one of the Con­ ing the military organization of (In­ from Davidson counts his followers pine and chrisanthumns. A long fable stables of the Town of Houlton, Erect­ state, which was listened to wilh a FORD BIBLE CLASS more numerous than can your hand­ was arranged very attractively, from DRESS REHEARSAL ing: great deal of pleasure. Thomas F. some scribe, for all my beauty and which refreshments were served. Tin- Faekard spoke of tin- .......Is of a Com­ VENISON SUPPER A REVELATION In the name of the State of Maine, extreme intelligence. But despite the guests were received at the entrance n of tin- First 15a pt ist church you are hereby required to notify and munity building for the town and his After four weeks of long tedious fact that the scale of popularity of of the church by *he various ushers position in the controversy which has enjoyed a venison supper provided by warn the Inhabitants of said Town of (he three w<-ll known persons above and escorted to the parlors where they rehearsals the cast of one hundred of tin* Ford Bible ehiss last Friday eve- Houlton. qt alified by law to vote in been going on tor tin- past three weeks Moulton's I)-st vocal talent, who an* mentiom-d goes, John Dee. first. Air. were received by Hon. and Mrs. F. A. in the TIMES. ning. A few minutes after six more Town affairs, to assemble at the As­ Oil. a dose second and Kelly it -------- Peabody. Rev. Mr. Uooke. .Mrs. Hern- participating in the Elk's Annual than seve nty hungry men sat down to sembly Hall, in the High School build­ Air. Ast h- as dm i rim n of Hu* Ima rd poor third, on account of the slight dis­ aril Archibald. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Show, under the direction of .1. Dal one of the best meals tin md eaten ing on Tuesday, the t wenty-tirst day of S e 1 ■' e t mi'll gave their position on Putnam and Mrs. Eunice Lyons. After Luther, gave a dre.-s rehearsal on lor a long time. crepancy in our savings accounts, of November, 11*22. at nine o'clock in the mat t er and t lie reason for t !n*ir there is an exception to this rule just passing down the line they were met Monday night that was a surprise and H. H. Woodward, president of tin- the forenoon, to ad on tin- following doing as tiny (lid in not moving tin- ;is th.-re is to the on.- that states that by members of the society who assist­ revelation t ) those privileged to at­ class presided while an orcln-stra com­ artides, to wit : building as voted. Chiirh-s Darn.-s can't shoot or buy a ed in presenting them to the rest of tend. posed of Miss Frances Alansfn-ld. F. Article 1. Ti i i 11 oosi a m m 1 • *r;* t ot According to tin- information avail­ the guests present and a social hour "A Pirate Bold” will lie the hit of Al. Wt-1 more, Oscar Wilson. Harry deer. to preside :il said meeting. able there is now $:!fiuu. h-ft from tin- .vas enjoyed. the season. Despite the advance in­ Hogan and Ellis Dunpliy furnished Xobuddy nor .nothin could 1'*- any Article ?. To see it the town will ■d ".nun. which was voted at the s|>**« i- After all the guests had been n- formation that the production would music for tin- occasion. Tie* nn-nii poorer than tin- Houlton Baseball vote to authorize the selectmen to al town meeting which is available to i eived Hon. E. A. Peabody extended 'wlipse anything evrr a11cmpt»-d at t lie consisted of roast venison, brown As.-oeia t ion when this nineteen twenty erect a building on tin- lot recently apply on tie* new building, which is a few words of welcome to those yearly Elk holies, the TIMES report­ gi'avy, mashed potato. masln-J turnip, tomb September cane- down tin* purchased by tin* town from tin* Tern to I)** two stories from tin- street floor .'resent, expressing for the society the er was amazed. Tin* Opera has a plot carrot.-, sweet pickles, potato salad, stretch, closely followed by Jackson tn-y heirs, for the purpose of provid- am! which will cost about ■r.'l.enu. non* cordial welcome they felt, later intro­ that is nov-1 and amusing and the baked beans, rolls, doughnuts, cake Crat tin'..' And. according to our check­ ing suitable quarters for tin- National than tin- amount ra ised f n moving- t In ■ ducing Rev. (ieorge W. Uooke, the new music has t n- brilliancy of the writ­ and coffee. Tin- feast was followed book philosophy of ahoy.-, this said Uuanl Organizations in this Town, ami old town hall and buying a loi, ami it pastor.
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