'. Fi.ld erving The and tile People of Iowa 'City !fstabliabed in 1868 - Five Cents a Copy and Pboto Sn\"ire Iowa City. Iowa, WedDesday. s.pWnber 19. 193I Personal Welcome to 'SUI like A~ds Des Moines 'Cautions GOp· To Tell Truth . ~ In Campaign " LONDO, t.fI - The W t rn Bi, Three a~ Tuesd y nleht to ' WASHINGTON ~ - President k workllll arran, menta with E!eypt to share control of SlK't Canal EI nhow r added a peech to his !rlmc' • tep toward peacelul lUl'men! ot the crLsll. (owa schedule Tuesday, while tell· .S. r tnry or t tt> John F t r Dull undErtook to launch in, Rt-public. n carnpalcners to th Am rlc.n.BriUsh.Frenell prG- avoid lhe "exac, rations of par· j(>ct (or In l8on.tlon soclaUon of t!san political talk" and let the canal r, at lhe nd London Democrat. "do the yellin(. " Su % con,Ce nee openinl Wednes- WhIte HOUR pre . s«retlll'Y day. Jame. C. Haaerty aMO~ .Ir. Dull will outlin the plan, ('m. ~ wW apeat fn{ormall, (o.u, I ..... P~.t. ~, Bid Sol •• phll IzIIli its peac CuI purpose. 00. at the De. Molaes Airport Fflday SUI PRESIDENT VIRGIL HANCHER and Mn. HinchI' til ..... H.rl.M Wel"tr.uO, AI, El,ln, III., •• afterooon lollowinl an GU-tbe<1I(t dIt ,nttn the H,ncher h.me for the .nnua' new Itu dent te. Tllesd.y nl,ht. Another .r.up of new (ore diplomats of the 18 nations talk farller at thf N ~ FleJcI .tvden... nd ori. ntation Indus will .H.nd • slmll. r tt. tonl,ht fr.m 7:*':JO p.m ••nd tiki tturt I r~pre ntlnl 90 to 9S per cent 0 Day and PlQwinl contnts near threueh the hom •. hlppln, throueh th canal. Newton. Th r wa an unrnlitakable mood CAl' ,,,,.,h,-, Accompanied by hi. Yife, the MR . AHD MRS. JOEL C. CARLSON, a-., will be ho.tt tt .....,, - PreAi"~ t .. ~ 11 n t n... Moines • of kApUnlsm and n,'cn some oppo. _ .. M I h .... I "",n "u y 0 ~ ~" .. de"t..... .... E M" .w.r ....,"' '" ..,.""ltht .t.v ThurtNv. TIM TtIursday and motor ~ Boo~ Registration Time Boy Shoots Gunman Ilion to tbe propo d users Iroup C.rll"'l .,. M,.. EIMnh_.,'. unci •• IN! .unt. Tho P,...l"'"t will Mrs. E1aenhow r's q\l:thp]ace. pion lIB tordlD ministers .nd ape. .pe.k at the Hati,n" FI.ld D.y • ."eI "I_'", m.tch.. " .., N.w· 11w' Elsenhowers will ~y over· H.,.. Is tocl.y's ref/i,tr,tlo" cial t'""CI~" ambled. toft Frld·v. nl,ht with her uncle and .aWlt, Mr. schedul •. A ,ov rnment 011 pokesman said and Mr •. Joel C. Carlsoa. wbo oc· ••.m . ...... ... .. F.Fz In Robbery Attempt As If to und 'tlin the doubts. I . em r, DCy oll suppU would F th G · F · I N cupy the oLd family bome in ':30 . G·GI on of th bo s of the EiYptian come mainly from T xas. Loulla· a er ,yes ,no 0 Boone. HEIDELBERG. Germany"" - ! uel Canal Authorily nt forth na, Okllhoma nd N·w Mexico all The P,"ldent', , H.Hen An Am rican ~hoolboy calmly part of n rly compl he ':30 H_HI ::et.up 10 .•.••. .•. ,. shot a iUnman Tu.. y the what m d to be a chall ~ to av rt .. low pelroleum T T ' EO ' SC,=1e t~ ~:cate IO~ .:~ I·K.' man took aim at th boy' fath r th or,anlten of the a.soclation. In We t rn Europe. concern on the part of 10:30 Kem.L.1 Thieves Steal' 0 .ot s ye peration ~bllcaD 11 ... , . Lam·Los In, roboory attempt, G rman Dir ctor M hmoud Yu.nl., lpe k· U. A. t wart. dlr ctor of th In· leader. ,bout polltJca1 trends lzt 11:30 .. Lot·LI police report d. jng In the canal halfway port of Is· tt'rlor DcplIrtmcnt's I and oU cli· ATLANTA tit _ Litt! JOhMY Pair's Cate apparently was de<:iOOd the farm belt. Ref/lltr.tlon for th. 1956 fall Car Counters Later, an r twhll rrl nd Dr mailll, wa. nsked by r port n vision laid l1\ advanc plannln, 1'1.1 sd 'I, as f r hi rar nts r cone rned. • Mr. Eisenhower will ~ a fOf· Mme.t.r will clos. It noon th ,unm n was found hot dead what would happen II th a oela· Is ba' d on bell f prompt acUon Irs. Bessie Pair, hi mother, plact'Ci him In a day nur ry so ahe mal ferm speech In P~la, m.• tedty. The leg ndory "unconqu rable in a wood'd area ncar Ih city lion tried to nd ~IPS through wlU be n cary In th v nt th t could work and announced that h r hands are U d Igninst an operation Sept. 25, H is expectecl to deal pirit" of Ihe . cientlnc re earcher und r my t rlous circum lanc. Su % with th Ir own pIlots, on or both or these d velopmcnts that ml,ht save his II! . also with the farm Issue to some has be n conquer d _ at I a t Th young. ter who kJlIed th I "Let th m try," Yunl., retort d. cnter Into the Su 1 picture: S id Arnold Pair, Johnny's eJt1 Dt In a CBS naUonally.(elevis· temporarily _ In Johnson County. gunman w 5 Id 'nUfi d as Robert Yunl declored th crl I I ocr I, We tern European nation d· rath r. from whom she Is di.orc d, The Weather ed campai,n speech from a Ituclio Offi~ial Ousts Th theft oC two traWc counters Kuh·l. 14. lJe is Brooklyn·born I by a mas wllkout of forelen pllota clde to avoid Su I Canal, nd· gave ber finn! and un ulvocal here toni,ht. MondllY nlghl on Bartl It road ca t but ha be n a re i~ll~ or Heid 1'/'85. ~riday ha.!l "nd dand that the In, tan rs carrying Mlddl Eut "no" Monday nighl to prospects ~ Pr ldent told R publicans 01 Solon ho· r ulled in the r. ber, inc 1948 wh('n his fatht.-r tramc sltuallon In th waterway 011 on t~ lon, r roule around AI· ot an operation. Cloudy at a sende(f break/1St [or Vice· Negroes from muval by County Engine r Ray H. came here to manage the brlnch "I returnin. to normal:' rl Doctors rilaJrirmed that John- Pre I~nl Richard Nixon and other Just It of th lhr e rcmaininll coun· orne of th Cha ManhattAn Only 31 ship c1 ared throuah th 2.' The now of 011 thr~h Middl ny'5 only chance to urI/Iv a can· campal,net's Tuuday mArlling 10 Dixie School tI:rs on that rood. Bank. canal under th ,uidance of EIf)'p- East pipe Un I disruptoo by r of his rcmBinlnl rilht ye ' and tell the tl'Uth about his adimn'\.tra· "We can't get a lraflic pattern Th would· be robber 'Na Id ntl· Uln and Or k pilo Tuesday, Atab rallyln, to Eeypt's sid in to ••crlCice his sl,ht to an oper:!· lion. FRANKFORT, Ky. IA'I - Ken· at the inter CtiODS without all five lied as Hueo Walg nbach. ~. Po· a,aln I an averag o( more than th bllt r qU,rT I ov'r control of tlon thaL mleht stop th mall,. "B,y no meaDi do we- need \0 tuc.)ly's attorney icneral ruled counter, 0 we had to remove the lice said h onc served lime (or II oW dally before the walkoul Su z. nancy. They also clmil that the Cool claim' perCection," he Said. '1'he ..... others. We're aoing to hold o(f bank roboory 10 the niled States, Am rlc"M, Brill hand """ nch 0 r tloo. which would plun" thc reeord is lh reo And It ill good: ~ucsdBy that Negro studcntlj can· • OIl' n .. h L__ f 1- .1 i h Cor a whlle oofore instalhng them German polic reported th y I adcrs air ady h.ve said th as. 5-y ar-old boy inlo total darkn ., "And w er it UIUI ai "'" t .as not attend the previously all·white again," Ju len explained. (ound til body of Walter Floerch. oci tiDn ould mploy pilots to might not aye his ille. CaUed bec.~ of ckcumstaaces J ' S~rgis High Sclioolin u .nion Coun· He added thai they had been in· meyer, a friend of Walgenbach In run the hlps of memMrs throue\1 to be Ived In the oil shipm nt One doctor said: "We fecl that Skies over Iowa City will be often beyond control. !y. stalled a wcek ago Tue doy and the woods n ar Held Ibcrg Tu sday the canal, d 'al with th EgyptJan plan. Contrary to whaL Secretary the operation Is hLs O~ly chance, partly cloudy today with a few "For example," he continued, Eight Negro students are now that th original plan was to kcep and they beli ve Walg nbach killed authoritJes nnd pay Egypt (or the of State John Fo ter Dullcs said and a good one, That s why we ~~f!h~~ 5/low r. predicted for "we may be as pea~uI as ' vwe .. • them there for about three, wC('ks him wh n he r fu d to help in u of the wlterway.
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