D ungeonsAdvanced &D ragons · m ~ V WI ID m I Game Adventure O)oonligbt0) a~n~ss An AD&D®Adventure for 4-6 characters of 4th-6th level by penny & SkipWilliams Table of Contents Dungeon Master's Background .. .. ........ .... ............... .. .... 2 A Note on Lycanthropy (Optional Rules) ......... .. ....................... .. 2 Thornburg ............................... .. ... .. .............. ... .5 Courier Service ... .... ... .... ... ... .... .. ... ................ .. 9 Cold Springs .. .... ....... .... .................... .. .... .. .. .. .12 Fun in the Forest ..... .... .. .. .............. .. ...... ... .. ... .... ... 16 Sphinxes and Others .. ................................. ..... .. ...... .. .22 Brant's Bandits . .... ...... ... ..... ... .. ............. .... .. ....... .. .. 29 Hennits and Antihennits .... .... ..... ... .... ............... ......... 36 Rude Awakenings . .......... .. .............. .. .. .. .. .............. 38 Sharptooth Valley . ...... ....... .. ................ .. .. .. .... ...... 41 The Moun tain Pass .. ... ...... .. ..... ..... ....... ....... .... .44 The Hermitage ........... ..... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... ...... .. ... .46 Scrying Rules/Moon Chart/Prerolled Saves ...... .. .... ... .. ....... .47 Credits Original Tournament Design: Penny & Skip Williams Editing & Development: John D. Rateliff Brand Manager: Lisa Stevens Cover Illustra tion: Jeff Easley Interior Illustration: Jack A. Keefer Cartography: Dennis Kauth and Rob Lazzaretti Typography: Angelika Lokotz and Eric Haddock Art Director: Dawn Murin ADVANCED DUNGEONS &:DRAGONS, AD&:D,DUNGEON MASTER.RPGA, the RPGA logo, and the TSR logo are regislered trademarks owned by TSR. Inc. MONSTROUS MANUAL is a trademark owned by TSR. Inc. Copyright 1998 by TSR.Inc. All rights reserved. TSR. Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Made in the U.S.A. This product is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unlawful use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR. Inc. U.S., CANADA EUROPEANHEADQUARTERS SampleASIA, PACIFIC,&:LATIN AMERICA Wizaros of the Coast, Belgium file Wizaros of the Coast, Inc. P. B.34 P. 0. Box 7rJ7 2300Tumhout Renton, WA 98057.()7'07 Belgium 1·206-624-0933 +32-14-44-30-44 Visit our website at www.tsr.com ters are exposed to various types of lycanthropy. These can Dungeonmaster's Backgrounb be as simple as a nighttime raid on the PCs' camp by a Some or all of the player characters in this module are pack of wolves (several of which are secretly werewolves) suffering from lycanthropy . Each character so cursed will or a dungeon encounter with a swarm of giant rats (with naturally wish to find a cure before his or her personality several wererats unobtrusively among their number), to as and alignment change to embrace the darkness within, subtle as the dying curse of some evil high priest the char­ leaving the new animal-self dominant. Conventional acters have just slain or side effect of that magical fountain cures having failed, the characters are seeking for a semi­ they all drank from. It's best if more than one PC is in­ mythical place called "the Hermitage on the Lake," fected-ideally at least half the party, if not all, should be which offers them one last hope of finding someone will­ suffering from exposure to a variety of weretypes. In the ing and able to effect a cure before it's too late. Unfortu­ original tournament upon which this module is based, the nately, no one seems to know exactly where the player characters were a werewolf ranger, a wererat thief, Hermitage is. It is said to be a retreat far away from the a werebear cleric, a weretiger mage, an elven werefox hustle and bustle of civilization that only the truly pure fighter/ mage, and a wereboar barbarian. or needy may find in their hour of greatest need. The adventure opens in the walled city of Thornburg, which is currently undergoing a werewolf panic. The city gates have been sealed and a mob mentality rules, with A note on f ycantbropy angry citizens ready to set upon any suspicious-looking (OptionalRules) stranger. Characters who confess their affliction will ei­ The following optional rules are provided to help the ther be lynched on the spot ("Get him!") or arrested and DM adjudicate the chances of player characters becoming held until they can be formally executed. The PCs are werebeasts, infecting others with their curse, and invol­ thus faced with two goals throughout the adventure: untarily assuming bestial form. The much briefer stan­ keeping their lycanthropy secret and finding a cure before dard lycanthropy rules may be found in the DU NGEON time runs out. M AS TER® Guide (under "A DM's Miscellany") and the Before the adventure begins, then, the DM should MON STROUS M ANUAL™ tome (under "Lycanthrope"). arrange a series of encounters in which the player charac- th e Progress of tbe Disease A character may be cursed with the magical disease known as "lycanthropy" in any of a number of ways. The most usual is to be bitten by a werebeast. In the standard rules, the chance is 1% per hit point lost. Under these op­ tional rules, a character so bitten has a chance of acquir­ ing the disease equal to the percentage of his or her total hit points lost due to the injury. Thus, a 1st-level character mauled for 4 out of his total of 5 hit points would have a much greater chance (80%) of catching the disease than a 5th-level fighter who got scratched for a mere 4 points out of 40 (10% chance) in the same fight. A character reduced to zero hit points or below who survives due to prompt aid (the "death's door" rule), or one slain by the beast and then raised from the dead, should be given a 95% chance of becoming a werebeast. In all cases, the particular type of lycanthropy picked up in this fashion will be the same as the attacking creature (thus a person attacked by a werewolf will become another werewolf, not a wererat or wereboar, and so forth). Note that if the attacking were­ beast is in animal form at the time the character may not realize until long afterwards that there was anything su­ Samplepernatural about the encounter fileand thus may not seek aid (beyond standard healing spells for the injury) until it is too late. Three traditional cures for lycanthropy are listed here: the DM may allow the player characters to learn of them from NPCs they encounter in the course of tl1e adventure 2 (gypsies, Muldoon the druid, Stewart the ranger, Grim, character in question might have little cause to suspect the gynosphinx, etc.). Whether or not these remedies that he or she has been infected until the process is too far work is, of course, entirely up to the DM. gone to cure by ordinary means. Characters can also be­ (1) Swallowing a fresh sprig of belladonna within an come werebeast, especially evil types, through commit­ hour of the attack has a 25% chance of negating the dis­ ting heinous acts that are more "animal" than human ease, but remember that belladonna is toxic and can kill (e.g., cannibalism), but player characters should rarely the patient (1% chance), incapacitating any survivors for fall in this category. ld4 days. (2) Cure diseasecan negate the blight, but only if cast ]nt>oluntaryChanges to Wetefonn within three days of infection and only if cast by a priest ("GoingWete") or priestess of at least 12th level (this adventure assumes that no clerics of appropriate level are available in the Infected characters will assume wereform under one of campaign this side of the Hermitage). two circumstances: when undergoing great stress or dur­ (3) Remove curse may negate the infection but only if ing certain phases of the moon. Any time the character cast on the victim while in wereform (i. e., after the dis­ takes one-third or more of his or her total hit points in ease has fully manifested itself) and even then only if the damage in combat, he or she has a flat 50% chance to shift character in question succeeds on a saving throw vs. poly­ into wereform (kindly DMs may, optionally, reduce that morph. If this cure works, the character immediately re­ chance to 25% in daylight hours). In addition, all infected verts to normal form, free of the curse. Remember that the characters undergo the change during the time of the full werebeast will do everything within its power to disrupt moon (at sunset on the night before, the night of, and the the spell, including fleeing at top speed or simply attack­ night after the moon becomes full). Use the Moon Chart ing the priest with tooth and claw. Think of the werebeast provided as an appendix to this adventure as a handy as a second personality beginning to emerge that will means to keep track of how many days the characters eventually devour and replace the PC's original personal­ have left before disaster strikes. It's up to the DM to de­ ity. At first it isn't aware of what the PC does, nor does the cide the moon's phase when the adventure begins: the ad­ PC know what his or her bestial form does under the full venture assumes that the opening scene takes place moon. Eventually each becomes aware of the other, but during the dark of the moon, but a generous DM may rule only when they are beginning to merge with the were­ that the full moon has just passed, allowing a full month beast mind as the dominant one. When it is in control it before the next transformation. does everything possible to destroy the PC's friends (al­ The change to wereform temporarily boosts the charac­ lies of the hated original personality), either by killing ter's Strength to 19 but renders the character unable to them or by infecting them in turn. If only one PC is in­ function for one or two rounds (roll any die: odd = one fected at the beginning of the adventure, that could easily round, even = two) due to disorientation.
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