Entomology and Applied Science Letters Volume 6, Issue 1, Page No: 1-7 Copyright CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Available Online at: www.easletters.com ISSN No: 2349-2864 Zophobas Morio Semiindustrial Cultivation Peculiarities Nagdalian, Andrey Ashotovich1, Pushkin, Sergey Viktorovich1, Rzhepakovsky, Igor Vladimirovich1, Povetkin, Sergey Nikolaevich1, Simonov, Alexander Nikolaevich2, Verevkina Marina Nikolaevna2, Ziruk Irina Vladimirovna3 1 North Caucasus Federal University, Russian Federation. 2Stavropol State Agrarian University, Russian Federation. 3Saratov State Agrarian University of N.I.Vavilov. Russian Federation. ABSTRACT In order to develop various Zophobas morio cultivation ways, the experiments were conducted to find out the optimal storage and reproduction conditions. Based on the acquired data, the Zophobas morio cultivation technology was developed. The dependencies were found between different fodder substances and the speci- mens’ growth and reproduction rates. The optimal cultivation fodder substance was also found. Keywords: Zophobas Morio, Insect, Larvae, Cultivation, Imago, Population. HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Nagdalian, Andrey Ashotovich, Pushkin, Sergey Viktorovich, Rzhepakovsky, Igor Vladimirovich, Pov- etkin, Sergey Nikolaevich, Simonov, Alexander Niko-laevich, Verevkina Marina Nikolaevna, Ziruk Irina Vladimirovna; Zophobas Mo- rio Semiindustrial Cultivation Peculiarities, Entomol Appl Sci Lett, 2019, 6 (1): 1-7. Corresponding author: Pushkin S.V. E-mail [email protected]. and antiviral chitosan's properties are widely Received: 05/11/2018 Accepted: 11/03/2019 used in the biomedicine [7, 8]. The insects' bio- conversion ability of various substances justifies INTRODUCTION the interest to the topic, and making them the object of research. Thus, there are certain insect The development and the implementation of the species, i.e. Zophobas Morio, which are capable new efficient fodder additives has become the to convert cellulose fodder into their own pro- leading tendency in the feeding technology im- tein mass [9, 10]. As of now, there is a certain provement and the preventive veterinary technology deficit, in terms of producing the measures of the modern livestock and poultry needed assortment of biologically active com- farming [1, 2]. Most of the insects’ species are pounds, based on cheap and available raw mate- extremely fertile, namely hundreds times more rials of animal or plant origin. That is why a fertile than any subject of the modern livestock need to develop new technologies has arisen, breeding [3, 4]. Insect cultivation and insect- the technologies that enable the researchers to based fodder additives development have been produce and acquire highly efficient broad- very prospective and highly feasible fields. Late- spectrum agents. While the biggest market share ly, the chitin-based compounds, have been con- has belongs to expensive foreign products, it sidered as highly promising in terms of livestock (the market) suffers from the lack of affordable breeding applications. Chitin is the main sub- Russian-made compounds. That is why the re- stance of the insect cuticle [5]. The chitosan, chi- searches aimed at fodder production issues res- tin's de-acetylated form is the most biologically olution, including the fodder base improvement, active of all its (chitin's) derivatives. Those are and new fodder additives development is par- natural polymers, they are characterized by a ticularly actual. Thus, Zophobas morio semi in- high sorption capacity, immune system stimula- dustrial cultivation peculiarities were studied in tion, anti-tumoral, bacteriostatic, and wound this article. healing properties [6]. They are also compatible with the animal tissues. Antibacterial, antifungal, 1 Nagdalian, Andrey Ashotovich et al. Entomol. Appl. Sci. Lett., 2019, 6 (1):1-7 METHODS AND MATERIALS ue of the error in fractions relative to the aver- age (10-20%, i.e. 0.1 or 0.2). To develop an insects cultivation method, 40 kg The adult bug population density was deter- Zophobas morio larvae, which was equivalent to mined by keeping the record of the linear routes 40 000 units from "Zoofond" LLC (from Russian (route recording), as these specimens live main- " ") (Moscow region, Solnech- ly on the surface. The total insect population nogorsk district) was acquired. Insect cultiva- density on the surface can be determined by the ООО Зоофонд tion has been conducted in terrariums, 1.2 kg following formula: larvae each. The terrariums volume was equal to 400 liters, they have been made of sheet glass. P=NSR (3) The larvae differed in size and weight (ranging from 0.6 to 1 g). With an average weight of 0.8 g, where P is the population density per 1m2, N is there were about 1,500 larvae per terrarium. the total number of insects found on the sur- The container was covered with a 20 cm thick veyed surface along the route (only on one side: layer of loose soil with a high content of rotten to the left or to the right of the observer), S is the leaves. The rotten logs were put in this fodder length of the route, R is the width of the sur- substance for the larvae to pupate. The storage veyed surface, in this case 1.11*0.66 m. temperature and humidity corresponded to the The insect survival analysis at different devel- habitat environmental conditions (t = 28-30 °C, opment stages was determined by compiling W = 80-85%). survival tables by the D. K. Varley, D. R. Gradwell The Zophobas morio larvae population density and M. P. Hassel method [11]. was determined by sampling, considering the The qualitative and quantitative of various fod- population size. The optimal sample size was der substances’ influence on the larvae devel- selected in order to ensure the minimum results opment rate and mass growth were studied. The dispersion, and to minimize the labor and time experiment has been conducted in plastic con- costs. The following formula was used to calcu- tainers of 150x200x100 mm size. We used sever- late the number of larvae: al fodder substances: coconut flakes (test group 1); vermiculite (test group 2); saw dust (test P= 2T 2t (1) group 3); oat flakes (test group 4). To create a control group (test group 5), we put larvae in where P внis theмп optimal size of a unit, 2– dis- containers without any fodder substance. The persion within the sample, 2– dispersion be- temperature and humidity were stable during вн tween the samples, T is the time required for a this experiment: t =28°C, W = 80%. мп transition from one unit (sample) to another, t – time to analyze a unit. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION There was a kind of special case here, as the logs were also considered, taken from the cultivation While developing the Zophobas morio potential terrarium, i.e. there was a population density cultivation methods, the experiments were con- dispersion within the soil and between the logs. ducted to find out the optimal conditions for To determine the number of samples that al- storage and reproduction. lowed to draw a conclusion concerning the pop- First of all, in order to get a reference position, ulation size with a certain accuracy, the follow- the natural conditions in a 400 liters terrarium, ing formula was used: glued of glass sheet where the researchers placed 1.2 kg Zophobas morio larvae, were rec- m2 (2) reated. The larvae differed in size and weight (ranging from 0.6 to 1 g). With an average n=t∂ε where n is the required number of samples, t is weight of 0.8 g, there were about 1,500 larvae the Student's test (with an accuracy of 0.8 (error per terrarium. 0.2) is equal to 1.5), is the dispersion, obtained The container was covered with a 20 cm thick during the preliminary study, m is the average layer of loose soil with a high content of rotten δ number of specimens per sample according to leaves. Rotten logs were put in this fodder sub- the results of the preliminary study, is the val- stance for the larvae to pupate. The storage ε 2 Nagdalian, Andrey Ashotovich et al. Entomol. Appl. Sci. Lett., 2019, 6 (1):1-7 temperature and humidity corresponded to the teristics, larvae maturation and pupation timing habitat environmental conditions (t = 28-30 °C, in natural conditions. Figure 1 shows the W = 80-85%). Zophobas morio population density dynamics The main purpose of creating an experimental graph in the constructed terrarium. terrarium was to study the behavioral charac- Fig. 1: Zophobas morio population density dynamics change in the experimental terrarium. According to the graph, the larvae density dur- The adult bugs’ number decreased by the end of ing the placement to the terrarium was equal to the experiment which was most likely connected 120 units / dm3. Over time, the number of units to the struggle within the population. At the per sample began to decrease, which might be same time, since the 70th observation day, there connected with the mature larvae isolation and was a spike in the larval population growth. The preparation for pupation, or with the survival larvae, however, were much smaller, which indi- struggle within the population. It was needed to cated the adult bugs’ reproduction cycle comple- conduct the population mortality analysis to tion. draw more accurate conclusions. Yet, according to the larvae population density The first bugs appeared in the terrarium on 35- change, the growth has reached only 12% of the 40 observation days, then their number in- expected results. Presumably, there was a high creased up to 69 units during the next month. competition for the food, females and the best However, the further period was characterized conditions in the terrarium, thus cannibalism by the static growth of the number of adult spec- arose, especially for the case of the adult beetles imens, and then the fall of their number.
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