~~1t~~ Chinese Progressive Association Realizing the Vision A Fundraising Banquet for CPA's Permanent Home and Organizing Center Banquet Sponsors .~~-tlt'JJh;t Hon. Thomas M. Menino, Honorary Chair •• ~~±.~~I.~~±' ••~. Empowerment * .if {fi James Lee and Marian Tse Kate and Phil Villers Chia... Ming Sze and Diane Sze Wei Weil Gotshal and Manges LLP Unity * [I] ,~t Citizens Bank Tetsuo and May Takayanagi ~:I:- !:i~ Solidarity * "'0 ~ Chinese Merchants Association China Pearl Restaurant Andrew Leong & Chi Chi Wu Hong W. Lee LYC Financial Group South Cove Community Health Center Suffolk Construction United Commercial Bank (formerly Asian American Bank) Community * ll.l& Blue Cross Blue Shield Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center Mass Pike Tower Tenants Association Tufts ... New England Medical Center - Table of Contents Letters and Proclamations Page 4... 6 *:tfj£J$tk-t~ A Few Words from Our Chair - Suzanne Lee Page 8 ... 9 It *&.Jl ~ ~Jf fIl Realizing the Vision Page 10 ... 11 b t:::. "It lJ.c k'r ~ ~ El /.X...I.. -, F fa' )} Mission Statement & Programs Page 12 ... 15 *~J&8t 2005 Accomplishments Page 16 ... 17 Po ~:it ~~ p iJlJ ~1~ The People of CPA Page 18 :it .I.~ ~ I- Jild: ~1~~~J;I; Award Recipients Page 19 ... 21 'f!l! ~ -tt ~ ~ .sb J!l ~ $ ~ ~ if-A. Capital Campaign Page 22 ... 29 ~.I.. Volunteers Page 30 ~1t~~M:t Partnerships & Assistance Page 32 EDWARD M. KENNEt)y Mt.SMtHUtlff% tinitm ~tattS~fnatf WASH ! NGTON~ DC 2051CF2101 ~1arch 24, 2006 Chinese Progressive i\ssociation "S"l:"J"> .'H JllTL",,,' .. ' '''.A.,n··, t.A·).'H::n~.: . f · ;) · ···~ · le·. , · ;),.. nl pi: 1(; 10 r . Boston~ MA 0:2111 Dear Friends: Ia1'u delighted to exicno greetings and congratulations to aU those gathered this evenIng to celebrate Realizing tite lfision afundraising campaign for a peYroanenthotne in Chinatown. Ch.inese ProgressiveAssoci ation~ along\\'ith several other distinct organizati()o$~ deservesottr thanks and appreciation for sUits efforts on hehalfof the Asian community in the New' EnglHud area as well as fi)f its outstanding contributions to the City"of Boston, The goal of Realizing the Dret.!}ll is to help acc()1l1plish the $1.5 nliUion in order to rnaterializ.e the dream of rDo\,ing into the !v1etropo!itan prqject on Parcel C. Wilh your heip and contributions, CPA bopes to complete. the project and tbe m.ove in by this SUD1D1.eL Together, we are all working towards the launch of bilingual Chinese and VietmlInese ballots in Boston~ as \veU asadva.nces and encouragernent of more Asian Anletic,atl politictd participation. You shouldaH take great pride in the lllany ac,cOlnplisi1roents of your wQnder.ful association. I know that the future \vill be tilled with even greater successes as you continue your inlpOl1ant\vork ,\\lith best: wishes., 2400 JFK Federal Building Bostou i> tvtA 02203 W•• Nn910n · om"~ t5~l~~ Committee MFiMociaJ se~ W~hlngli:wt (H12001 &·}?iOO 2Cf,2·22.$·S1H CommltMM Tr~oo &, InfrMtruotUi'e Fa~ ;: 2a* ·:l2!H)3a2. Oermxf4tlc Steering &. POliO}' Dis.trict Ottk:.$~ Com~ 110. Ftrot Snst CatnbridgQ, MA Q2t 41 Congress of the United. States fi174i2t <6200 F'AJ<: erNIZHUW$ House of Representatives Roxoory Communl'ly . Co!~ MichaelE. Capuano· Room 110 a.tit District! .~'1iUkS~(husetts ~1arcb 13 t 2006 Chinese Progressive Association 33 Harri.sonAvenue ~ 3rd .Floor BQston.,.Jv1A 02111 Dear Chinese Progressive Association Supporters: ,Velcome to the Realizing the Vision fundraising banquet It has ·been an honor loselveon tbiscapiw campaign's Committee. lam pleased to have had the opportunity. I appreciate your attendance at tbis.evening~sevent. Thank you tor your support Again" welcome to the banquet! PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: The'Chtnesc Progressive Assoclal!tm has·been a grassroots communitjtorganizatioTl fOr nearly 30 years workingJor thefoll . equality ofthe Chinese. com",Ullity;' AND . Jf'HBIlBAS: The ChinesePtogressive'Aasociaoon has ·worked with the City of BOIlOn to provide Chinese aniJ ·Ytelnamese hllinguaJba1tots beginning in 2006; AND WHBRBAS: TheCA/nue Progressive Association has made important strides in VOIer r~gistr:atiQndndvoter education. 'o/the Chinese American community in BO$to.n.;~ A.ND The Chinese Progressive: Association has provid.ed support to Chinatown tenants.. .. residentsK Chi.est! immigramwOri:er$~youths~ .and/ami/ie'S in the areas ofworkers' rights~ tenant .rigitts*, and community developm«nt: NOW rHBRBFOR& l ThomasM. Menino..~MiryorQfthe.City(}fBoat(Jn:,. do ·lierebyjoin witb·theentire BOltOtl Co".munit}~i" proclaiming .March ·14t 2006 CHINESEPROGRES·SIVE ASS()CIATIONDAY in the City ojlJoslt:Jn.andlurgtf (lll ofmy jellow Bostol1lans loioin. .. ... • L. : > "J . ., ":. ~i",L .' . ~L~ ., .. ' ~I'''h' ~e In·"On01:1ng all" congra'JIJ'lltlngt,.e COtunf"Uti()1t$ OJ ... ...IS (),.,an~ti()nto ,the Cityo/1J()#tfJ.ll. Proman Workers Rally AEI Workers Strategy Meeting Proman Jf-*.I..~ *ir~itlft t1ttQ jc~t't -=r R-itJ..~* t1~~ Chauncy House Rent Struggle Victory Party Broken Promises at Boston City Hall *} ~.~*ll *Jf~f*~ll~~*'j!llJL~ 1.iiJt ±~Jl* Mmaq " 1t ~ " ~~1t~JJ Get.. Out.. The.. Vote Street Theater Petition Solicitation for Chinatown Branch Library " ~ *- ~t ~ " 4fj- jj! ~ "1 ~~ ~t~t"~~t-£ ~*;~ i1 t" #; fX1r'~Wr~=F~8:fj 30 1fT ,~~ '1f~l¥JfX1r' ~~+&~+1f~I¥J~~~~ffi*'@~~~* fp-.~W a fX1r' ~~{§ ,zp:~ Aili§g2j(~ § al¥J 1:15fOffr±wrl¥J a m~'~8=F~~~I¥JT'~fX~ill~~~-1¥J {§~-~§N~~*Jl*~~*N~i~I¥JA '*EU~2j(~~ 11lm~1¥J a ~fX~@U~*'~~~1f*M~ffil¥J~~~' fX~m~*~~~~'fX~8m®*~A~~~ OO:fjM~~: m~~IA.~'~m~~wr~~ ~'~~~~'~~~~b~'&~~*~~~' %.f¥*~/G\I¥J~.R~I~i~1~t)1¥~ , 1*W~ ~ a Wlf:t~~ '.AWJ~wr1~~~*Jl*~I¥J*~/G\ 'A1r'w.; ~~~*~~~~'~~b~I¥J~~&@~~~ ~W~~ '1H~.f¥8~m~m~&~.1t¥liU 1¥J~][¥I§gb o ~flft '.AWJ~wrm~*N~][~~J1- [email protected]*l¥J~m~*'~~'ili:fj*§ M~.~A±.~I¥J~~'~~I~~~m~:fj ~fX~~bm~~.A~~1:m&I~~#Z J1JEzJili °fX1r'1JJ~1i¥ij£jffJ~ ,{BfX1r'JE1i¥i{§JG\ , ~~ 'fX1r'~*tilil¥Jm~~$~~~$b ~ ,*t?J~¥~~trJ ~:fjm.~~,.~~:fj1:~&~~I¥J~wr o 5~1¥J1I:ft~* a ~®~~~~~~~I¥J.~A~~~:fjI¥J'@=F fX~~W~=+1fWJI¥J~~'~~'fX~~~mff R~-{@J*Jl*~I¥J~* a ~-M~m~,jJ o ~.AWJ~wrI¥JI1'PB~~m ~'fX~:fj~~.ff*W~~I¥J~~&m.~~ m**1ttz~~. ° fX1r'~~-¥)z ,ms r~][~OO~1¥J ~~*~~m~'&~~~I~~~~±~:fjJ1 JEZtili a 8 A Few Words from Our Chair When we founded CPA almost thirty years ago, As we work to improve the living and working some of us were young people coming out of the standards of Chinese Americans, our local strug.. movement of the Sixties and Seventies, returning gles need to build strength in order to challenge to the community to make a difference. We our misplaced national priorities. believed in ordinary people changing their own lives and society. We came out of the mov~ment thirty years ago, and today we have an important role to play in Now, it's no longer a fashionable thing, but it's still rebuilding the movement. As CPA's work has what we believe in-the importance of putting grown, we have more responsibility to connect ordinary people at the center of creating change. with other communities and organizations to make an impact. Together, we can build a new move" And when we look back over the years and try to ment for change and ensure that working people assess what impact we have had, we can honestly will have a place in Boston. say that we have helped people make a difference in so many ways: translation for unemployed workers, interpretation at city hearings, bilingual .,.,Suzanne Lee, Chairperson ballots, greater political clout, and the chance for the immigrant working class core of Chinatown to survive as the neighborhood develops. Across the country, many Chinatowns have been gutted or wiped out by urban renewal and gentri.. fication, but here in Boston, Chinatown still has the chance to remain a place where people can live. This is the direct result of resident organiz.. ing, as well as the crucial support from the broader community that wants working people to have a place in the city. We still have a long way to go, but we are confident that Chinatown has a fight .. ing chance to survive and grow. These are the accomplishments of thousands of ordinary people, not just of one organization. At the same time, CPA represents that organizing center that people need.... to lend experience, back them up, and believe in their leadership. That's why it is so important for CPA to be Building a Center for Grassroots Leadership. 9 § 1985!rf.¥ 1994!rf '¥AMJi1rW¥t-$fflG=f J: ~A±~.&~-oo~.~~mC~~oo~* ~19']j[~I¥J§tIU ° ~@1ImtfL~W!f~tp 'ffdJ~1£1Bl ±rt!Jf$7fjfflG7 -11m~ C till~~~§)[ffr±~tp / ~\I¥JD ~ 0, ~+~!rf~'fflGm~~~C~~~~M~~~m till ,~C till~~J:OO~7 {§~*JJl ,~ 251 oo1~i1 ~~AI¥J1±~.11z ' & -00~piFfU~ml¥J7k~1I ill: ° ~)l ,.AMJi1l*1D~1ImJi~ C ttf2~~1¥J7j(~ 11 ill:1£*Ji*~ tp I ~\ ° ~~'~~~-M.~~~fflG-!rf*~*I¥J_ ~1r'8~'¥§5-oo1R)g~ ~1r'IXJJ:ffrr1l1& 1iJ*JT*C *~~~iJJ~ , ~1r'pfT~¥UI¥J1R)g~/f Si -00 ° , ~~!rf)l7( , C ttf2~~#~1~m*~-00*)}f~7Gij~ 7G1¥J¥U* '~1r'ffrr~l¥Jm~l:B*1~~~§U~~$ rEtp / ~\ , ffrr~~~m1l ' 1f!rftp / ~<&1j[fNW~M ttt1JDI¥J*c~ , ~!&¥Utp3t1£~1¥J~§Nm~ , 1£~ rl=i7=;'~JJ....-;:n:;~ F::;:F66~ 1=1 R*. Ll1 *J3J~tp/~\ ° I I.J ' F3 SllL.E 1m P\:JJ2S:ii~~lfjJ'1-Li ° c~~m~I¥J~~~m-~-E,mW!=+!rf' ~~1r'JJ:ffOl@®fflGgtB~ , ~1r'/f{B SiJl;§t~!rf1[l[ ~.L-~-T§tl¥J¥t-$J5~&¥t-$ffrr~A±~~~)g~~ , 1~~mI¥JA± ' ~1r'fu/f)~j}/3*01¥J51i~tKl ' ~1I'M~~~~~~~'~~~!rf*I¥J~~M 1£~~~~.n'rr~~EI¥J~M¥ o ~0001l~ ,~§tIU~±tilll¥J~~ ° *~~HW1~ 1&ii ' ~¥AMJi1lt~lliEU1l=+~!rfz~* ' ~ mID¥~J5~~~!rfI¥J~~,~'¥7fjfflG~~l¥Jm 1r'~16~¥UMJi1l1±mffijili~ , ~1r'~ttt1JD~][¥J -00J5~~.'~@-~~1¥J0~~~n~'.¥ n ' 1£m*JT~1r'~1j[fN~*Ji*~ , ~!&IE~ , ~± ~-wrmi}]~1r'I¥JJifi ° 1£~~I¥J~m o ~~~=~~~~~/f~~nl¥J :Rt~ ° 10 Realizing the Vision From 1985 through 1994, the Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) and thousands of others in Chinatown organized to oppose three successive proposals for a parking garage on Oak Street's Parcel C.
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