Draft Initial Environmental Examination August 2011 NEP: Integrated Urban Development Project - Janakpur Municipality Prepared by the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Physical Planning and Works for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 5 August 2011) Currency unit – Nepalese rupee (NRs/NRe) NRs1.00 = $0.01391 $1.00 = NRs 71.874 ABBREVIATIONS ADB - Asian Development Bank CBO - community building organization CLC - City Level Committees CPHEEO - Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization CTE - Consent to Establish CTO - Consent to Operate DSMC - Design Supervision Management Consultant EAC - Expert Appraisal Committee EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EMP - Environmental Management Plan GRC - Grievance Redress Committee IEE - initial environmental examination IPCC - Investment Program Coordination Cell lpcd - liters per capita per day MFF - Multitranche Financing Facility NGO - nongovernmental organization NSC - National level Steering Committee O&M - operation and maintenance PMIU - Project Management and Implementation Unit PSP - private sector participation SEA - State-level Executing Agency SEIAA - State Environment Impact Assessment Authority SIPMIU - State-level Investment Program Management and Implementation Units SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement TOR - terms of reference UD&PAD - Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department UDD - Urban Development Department ULB - urban local body WEIGHTS AND MEASURES dbA – decibels ha – hectare km – kilometer km2 – square kilometer l – liter m – meter m2 – square meter M3 – cubic meter MT – metric tons MTD – metric tons per day NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Purpose of the Report 1 B. Basis and Extent of the IEE study 2 C. Objectives and Scope of the Environment Study 4 D. Approach and Methodology 5 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 5 A. Type, and Need of the Subprojects 5 B. Description of the subprojects 5 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 9 A. Physical Resources 9 B. Ecological Resources 10 C. Social and Cultural Resources 10 D. Infrastructure 14 E. Economic Development 14 IV. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 16 A. Drainage Improvements 16 B. City Roads 23 C. Sanitary Landfill 29 D. Potential Environmental Enhancement Measures 37 E. Trans-boundary and Cumulative Impacts 37 V. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION, AND PARTICIPATION 37 VI. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM (GRC) 39 VII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 42 A. Environmental Monitoring 42 B. Implementation Arrangements 56 C. Cost Estimates 58 D. Implementation Schedule 59 VIII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 61 APPENDIXES 1. Assessment (REA) Checklist 62 2. Urban Development- Rehabilitation of City Roads: Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist 65 3. Solid Waste Management: Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist 68 4. National Drinking Water Quality Standards (2062 B.S.) 72 5. Environment Related Acts and Regulations in Nepal 73 6. National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Nepal 75 7. Recommended Noise Exposure Limits for the Work Environment (Adopted from Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 76 8. Nepal Vehicle Mass Emission Standard, 2056 (1999) 77 9. Recommended Standards for Vibration from Construction Sites 82 10. Tolerance Limits for Wastewater to be Discharged into Inland Surface Waters from Combined Wastewater Treatment Plant (Generic Standards) 83 11. Public Comments/Suggestions including Attendance of Focus Group Discussions 84 12. Municipal Board Meeting Represented by all Political Parties 96 13. EIA Government’s Requirements Gaps to be Fulfilled and Resources Needed 98 14. Sample Environmental Monitoring Report Template 99 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 The Government of Nepal requested a loan and grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the Integrated Urban Development Project. The purpose of this Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is to examine the proposed infrastructure components in Janakpur Municipality to ensure that they will not damage the environment, and to provide guidance for their planning, construction and operation. In the environmental assessment, potential environmental impacts are identified, their significance assessed, and strategies devised to avoid these impacts or reduce them to an acceptable level. These strategies (called ―mitigation measures‖) are then incorporated into the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The EMP assigns responsibilities, timescales, and performance indicators/standards for each mitigation measure—to make sure that they are implemented and not ignored. An environmental monitoring plan is also added. This recommends protocols and responsibilities for monitoring the operation of the project, within a range of relevant and agreed performance indicators. The project will be implemented by the Janakpur Municipality with support from the Department of Urban Development and Building Construction in the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works. 2 In Janakpur Municipality, the following sub-project/components are proposed: (i) stormwater drainage; (ii) roads and lanes improvements and (iii) solid waste management. Community Development Programs will be defined during implementation in poverty pockets, and will be guided by the Environmental Assessment and Review Framework prepared for the project. The subproject will help achieve higher and more socially inclusive economic growth through effective, efficient, and reliable delivery of improved and affordable municipal services by the Municipality to its citizens. 3 The Government of Nepal’s legislation and ADB policy require that the environmental impacts of development projects are identified and assessed as part of the planning and design processes, and that action is taken to reduce those impacts to acceptable levels. This is done through the environmental assessment process, which has become an integral part of lending operations and project development and implementation worldwide. 4 Overall, the impacts of the subprojects will be very positive for the environment and the public if they are properly implemented and environmental issues duly considered. Some negative impacts are anticipated during construction but in specific areas and for short duration (dust, noise, traffic problems, etc.). It is expected that the adverse environmental impacts of the planned subprojects will in general not be significant and can be easily and reasonably mitigated and prevented through adequate mitigation measures and regular monitoring during the design, construction and operation phases. This IEE will be disclosed on ADB’s website and within the Project Implementation Units in Janakpur and Project the Coordination Office in the Department of Urban Development and Building Construction. I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose of the Report 1. The Government of Nepal requested a loan and grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the Integrated Urban Development Project. The Project aims to improve quality of life and to help achieve higher and socially inclusive economic growth in four key municipalities in Nepal, Nepalgunj, Siddarthanagar, Janakpur and Dharan, through improved and affordable municipal services delivered effectively, efficiently and reliably by accountable local bodies. The Project will implement urban environmental improvement, on an integrated basis, in the areas of drainage, municipal roads, solid waste management, and water supply. 2. The Project for Janakpur includes (i) improvements/rehabilitation of the drainage systems and city roads; (ii) sanitation (construction of septage drying beds) and the construction of a sanitary landfill); and (iii) Community Development Program focussed on poverty pockets in the Municipality which includes community infrastructure such as hand pumps, sanitation and drainage improvements and street paving. The investments will help the municipality achieve higher and more socially inclusive economic growth through effective, efficient, and reliable delivery of improved and affordable services. Table 1: Janakpur Project Components Stormwater Drainage Rehabilitation of the existing system Extension of the existing drain in ward no. 4 up to Jalad Nadi (L= 1 km) Widening and lining of the natural drain along the Jaleswor Highway (L=3.5 km) Cleaning of the existing drains (L= 17km) Covering of the open drains within the city core (L= 4 km) Replacement of broken concrete slabs (l= 0.5 km) Construction of new drains Construction of 9 km of new drains in ward no. 5, 6, 7 and 8 Construction of 4.2 km of new drains in ward no. 4, 9 and 10 Construction of 5.4 km of new drains in the remaining parts of the Parikrama Road Solid Waste Management (SWM) Development of integrated solid waste treatment/processing facilities, including: a waste transfer station sanitary landfill cells for 5 years including liner system, leachate and LF gas collection, treatment and disposal systems. a pilot compost plant (with necessary equipment) for
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