USOO7214262B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,214,262 B2 Hurwitz et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 8, 2007 (54) TEMPORARY COSMETIC DENTAL 4,682,950 A 7, 1987 Dragan ........................ 433/90 SURFACE COATING 4,822.279 A 4, 1989 Greggs ...... ... 433/202.1 4,992,049 A 2/1991 Weissman ................... 433,215 (75) Inventors: Marni Markell Hurwitz, Far Hills, NJ 35. A 3. E. y al. .......... Slave Narasimhan, Flemington, 5,968,998. A 10/1999 JochumOCU et al.- .............- - - - - - 523,116 6,036,494. A 3/2000 Cohen .............. ... 433,217.1 6,210,163 B1 * 4/2001 Cohen .... ... 433,217.1 (73) Assignee: I Did It, Inc., Far Hills, NJ (US) 6,652,280 B2 11/2003 Cohen .............. ... 433,217.1 6,652,281 B1 1 1/2003 Eckhardt et al. ............ 433,219 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,709,271 B2 3/2004 are a - - - - - - - - - - - - 433,228.1 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 313 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. No.: 10/949,430 http://www.shellacepc.com/properties.html. (22) Filed: Sep. 23, 2004 k cited. by examiner O O Primaryy Examiner C. Melissa Koslow (65) Prior Publication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Ernest D. Buff & Associates, US 2006/OO63853 A1 Mar. 23, 2006 LLL; Ernest D. Buff; Theodore J. Pierson (51) Int. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT A6IC5/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. ..................... 106/35.433/217.1:523/115. A temporary cosmetic dental coating has a transparent resin 523/105; 427/2.1; 427/2.29: 424/401; 424/49; matrix containing embedded glass microspheres. The refrac 424/52; 424/58; 424/600 tive index of the microspheres is at least 0.03 greater than the (58) Field of Classification Search ............. 433/217.1 refractive index of the transparent resin matrix. Incoming 106735: 523/115, 105. 427/2.12.29: 424/4O1 light is reflected back in the same direction as it was s s s 42 4/45 52 58 600 emanated, providing a lustrous dental coating that is cos See application file for complete search 3history. - as a sis metically appealing and covers dental defects and discol oration. The transparent resin matrix with glass micro (56) References Cited spheres is formed by mixing together a methacrylate based liquid monomer of methyl methacrylate or BIS-GMA and U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS glass microspheres coated with activators/catalysts. The user 3,066,112 A 11, 1962 Bowen ....................... 523,116 applies the mixed composition to the teeth to form a tem 3,539,533 A * 1 1/1970 Swartz et al. ............... 526,211 porary cosmetic dental coating, which is readily removed 4,032,627 A 6, 1977 Suchan et al. .. ... 424/54 using a dental pick. A lac resin dissolved in ethyl alcohol is 4,097.994 A 7, 1978 Reaville et al. ................ 32/15 optionally mixed with glass microspheres and applied to 4,141,144 A 2, 1979 Lustgarten ..................... 32/15 teeth Surfaces. The coating is hardened by alcohol evapo 4,310,584. A 1/1982 Cooper et al. .............. 428.212 ration and removed by alcohol dissolution. 4.433,959 A 2, 1984 Faunce ....................... 433,201 4473,353 A 9/1984 Greggs ....................... 433,215 4,512,743 A 4, 1985 Santucci et al. ............ 433/217 6 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets 1 O 16 15 13 (SN 12 11 U.S. Patent May 8, 2007 Sheet 1 of 2 US 7,214.262 B2 Fig.1 16 15 14 (XXXVOOOO 12 11 U.S. Patent May 8, 2007 Sheet 2 of 2 US 7,214.262 B2 Fig. 2 16 Ø 12 Q-32-«C»-4 C2(C) <ZZZZZZZZ!<2 11 US 7,214,262 B2 1. 2 TEMPORARY COSMETIC DENTAL color system embodying an additive color system which SURFACE COATING includes color pigments of an enamel blend and a Subtrac tive color system which includes color pigments of a dentin BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION color blend. These color pigments are distributed in color centers or microdots of color that are layered within a 1. Field of the Invention matrix. The veneer is glued to a prepared tooth Surface. It The present invention relates to temporary coatings for does not form a coating applied by the user to unetched teeth, that enhance their cosmetic appearance; and more teeth. particularly, to a coating comprising non-toxic components U.S. Pat. Nos. 4.473,353, 4,822.279 to Greggs disclose a that is applied by the user. 10 method for cosmetic restoration of anterior teeth, wherein a 2. Description of the Prior Art glazed porcelain Veneer is bonded to a patients tooth. A Dentist applied procedures have long been available for method and article for the cosmetic restoration of anterior improving the cosmetic appearance of teeth. Such proce teeth is provided whereby a glazed porcelain labial veneer is dures are recognized by the American Dental Association. custom-made for a patients tooth and thereafter chemically They are typically applied at the dentists office using 15 and mechanically bonded to such tooth, so as to provide a commercially available preparations; and the cosmetic treat healthful and long-lasting cosmetic restoration of desired ments are generally permanent. Such treatments include color, shape and esthetic appearance. This veneer is glued to bleaching as discussed at http://www.ada.org/public/topics/ a prepared tooth Surface; it does not form a coating applied whitening.asp using chairside bleaching procedures wherein by user to unetched teeth. the dentist applies a chemically oxidizing solution. The U.S. Pat. No. 4,682,950 to Dragan discloses a device and dentist may optionally use a special light or a laser light method of bonding and Veneering dental material to a tooth. beam to activate the painted oxidizing agent. This chairside An applicating device is used to cosmetically bond and treatment takes typically 30 minutes, and several chairside veneer the teeth with composite dental material. A dispos procedures may be needed to achieve adequate teeth whit able Syringe tip defines a reservoir that contains a predeter ening. In an alternate bleaching procedure, the dentist pre 25 mined amount of composite dental material. Connected to pares a custom fitted mouth guard that holds a bleaching gel the Syringe tip is a discharge end portion which narrows to Suited for nighttime bleaching. This nighttime bleaching a rectangularly shaped discharge orifice having a width of procedure may require repeated applications over several approximately 0.5 mm and a length of approximately 4 to 6 nights to achieve adequate teeth whitening. mm. The 950 patent discloses a permanent veneer of a thick Bonding techniques are commonly employed by the den 30 strip, which is applied over surfaces of the teeth. No dis tist wherein a matching tooth colored commercial prepara closure is contained therein concerning a temporary cos tion is applied to an etched enamel surface of the tooth to metic coating for the teeth. bond and cover discoloration, repair chips, breaks or cracks U.S. Pat. No. 4,992,049 to Weissman discloses a method and fill in gaps as discussed at http://www.ada.org/public/ for applying a veneer facing to a tooth. A veneer is secured topics/veneers.asp. With these bonding techniques a com 35 onto a tooth Substrate by a method comprising the steps of posite resin is shaped and hardened, using special ultraviolet 1) removing enamel in a matrix pattern, to a predetermined light or chemical processes. The tooth with the hardened depth, from the lingual or buccal surfaces of the tooth; 2) composite resin is Smoothened and polished to appear removing the remaining outer enamel layer intermediate the natural. When properly applied Such a bonding typically has matrix pattern, to the predetermined minimum depth, to a life expectancy of three to five years. Representative 40 provide a first, substantially level excavated enamel surface; patents that disclose bonding procedures are discussed 3) further excavating a plurality of compact areas on the first below. excavated enamel Surface to an additional predetermined Veneer is another technique used by dentists. It involves depth therebelow, but without exposing dentin, to form an the use of a custom made shell that matches the color of the indexed enamel Surface; 4) taking an impression of Such tooth, as discussed at http://www.ada.org/public/topics/ve 45 indexed enamel Surface; and 5) obtaining from the mold a neers.asp. The veneer is fabricated by a dental technician or dental veneer, which can mate with Such indexed excavated a commercial dental laboratory from a model provided by enamel Surface and adhering the indexed veneer Surface to the dentist. Veneers are used to close gaps or cover teeth that the indexed enamel Surface so as to accurately place the are stained, poorly shaped or slightly crooked. Placing veneer on a tooth as an attractive outer labial or buccal veneer is often an irreversible process, because Small 50 Surface. Preferably, the indexing grooves are undercut to amounts of enamel are usually removed to accommodate the improve adhesion. This veneer requires Substantial prepa thickness of the veneer shell. The teeth underneath the ration of tooth Surface including excavation. The veneer veneer sometimes begin to decay, at which point a new application is permanent. It does not form a temporary replacement veneer is needed. Prior art teachings related to cosmetic coating, which can be applied by the user. veneers wherein a glue or cement is used to attach a veneer 55 Polymeric compositions have been proposed for use in and are discussed below. dental applications. Representative patents disclosing Such U.S.
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