9/4/13 5:47:01 PM TY i S C S a ® K ago ® NS K C a GUESTBOO K Chi GUESTBOO where where ® whereGUESTBOOK GUESTBOOK® Hotel nam KanE ciTSya Snam ciTEy 2008-20092013-2014 .xxx” where KC-GB_cover.indd 1 KC-GB_130900_IFC_Final.indd 2 9/3/13 4:42:26PM Photo credit gotham book 5.5/9Pt Welcome to KANSaS citY t P Photo credit book gotham 5.5/9 Photo KC-GB_130900_IFC_Final.indd 1 9/3/13 4:42:33 PM contents KanSaS ciTy 8 FIRST LooK 20 Time-honoRed 36 dInIng MUST-see AttRActIons ARtifacts MARveLoUs MenUs Kansas City puts its best AntIQUes A discerning selection foot forward with these Treasure-hunting with some of of dining options outstanding places KC’s best antique dealers By RoBIn WAshINGTON 42 MUseUMs & 12 AnIMALs In STONE AttRActIons cARved cReAtURes 22 neIghBoRhoods tAKe the toUR A Kansas City menagerie in gran- stARt exPLoRIng heRe The region’s top cultural ite and limestone Kansas City’s most attractions PhotogRAPhy popular districts By steve MohLenkamp 46 art & AntIQUes 28 shoPPIng coLLectoR’s choIce on the cover 16 Kc BReWed sPendIng tIMe Kansas City’s dynamic Strange Strange Sam, dInIng The best malls, stores gallery scene a granite sculpture by Andy Dufford at the Get your craft beer here, and pair and services Kansas City Zoo it with some of the most innova- 48 partIng shot ©Steve Mohlenkamp tive food in the city 34 enteRtAInMent WAteR WoRKs InsIde Front Cover By JeAn dUvALLe the nIght Is yoUng Testimony from a manhole Liberty Memorial A full spectrum, from cover frames the Kansas music to theater City skyline ©Steve Mohlenkamp 2 WHERE GUESTBOOK KC-GB_130900_toc.indd 2 9/4/13 6:55:31 PM KC-GB_130900_FullPages.indd 3 9/3/13 3:00:27 PM where GUESTBOOK® kansas city ADVERTISING & CIRCULATION REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Patti Ann Ruesch 312.566.5217 PUBLISHER Amy Taylor 504.450.0212 ADVERTISING COORDINATOR Katie Schillerstrom 312.566.5221 Morris Visitor Publications MVP I EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Donna W. Kessler VICE PRESIDENT OF OPERATIONS Angela E. Allen CHIEF TRAVEL EDITOR Geoff Kohl GENERAL Manager, wHERE MAPS Christopher Huber DIRECTOR OF CIRCULATION Scott Ferguson national MARkETING MANAGER Melissa Blanco NATIONAL Circulation Coordinator Noreen Altieri MVP I nationaL sales VICE PRESIDENT, national sales Rick Mollineaux 202.463.4550 Director, partnerships AND Digital sales Bridget Cody 706.821.6663 national sales coordinator David Gately E-MAILS fOR ALL Of THE above : [email protected] MVP KANSAS CITY sales office 1006 Olive St., Suite 202 St. Louis, MO 63101 Phone: 314.588.8313; fax: 314.588.0920 www.wheretraveler.com Morris coMMunications CHAIRMAN & CEO William S. Morris III PRESIDENT William S. Morris IV Where GuestBook® is produced by Morris Visitor Publications (MVP), a division of Morris Communications, Co., LLC. 725 Broad St., Augusta, GA 30901. Where® magazine and the where® logo are registered trademarks of Morris Visitor Publications. MVP publishes Where magazine, Where® QuickGuide, IN New York, and IN London magazines, and a host of other maps, guides, and directo- ries for business and leisure travelers, and is the publisher for the Hospitality Industry Association. MVP is a Proud sPonsor of Les CLefs d’or USA 4 WHERE GUESTBOOK KC-GB_130900_mastheads.indd 4 9/5/13 11:32:07 AM KC-GB_130900_FullPages.indd 5 9/3/13 2:19:09 PM where GUESTBOOK® kansas city EDITORIAL EDITOR David Lancaster assOcIaTE aRT DIREcTOR Erika Harris assOcIaTE editor Amanda E. Doyle REGIONaL editorIaL DIREcTOR Leigh Harrington cONTRIbuTING photographER Steven Mohlenkamp Morris Visitor Publications MVP I CREATIVE chIEf cREaTIvE OffIcER Haines Wilkerson sENIOR REGIONaL EDITORIaL DIREcTOR Margaret Martin DEsIGN DIREctor Jane Frey phOTOGRaphy DIREctor Susan Strayer cREaTIvE cOORDINator Beverly Mandelblatt MVP I PRODUCTION DIREctor Of pRODucTION Kris Miller pRODucT MaNaGER Cher Wheeler GRaphIc DEsIGNER Kyisha Gandy photo scaNNING Jerry Hartman DIGITaL IMaGING spEcIaLIsT Erik Lewis MVP I MANUfacturing & technology DIREctor Of MaNufacTuRING Donald Horton TEchNIcaL OpERaTIONs MaNaGER Tony Thorne-Booth E-MAIL fOR ALL Of THE above: [email protected] MVP Kansas city, editorial office 1006 Olive St., Suite 202 St. Louis, MO 63101 Phone: 314.588.8313; fax: 314.588.0920 www.wheretraveler.com Where GuestBook® publishes editions for the following U.S. cities and regions: Arizona, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Colorado, Dallas, Florida Gold Coast (Fort Lauderdale & Palm Beach), Fort Worth, Hawaii (the Big Island), Houston, Jacksonville/St. Augustine/Amelia Island, Kansas City, Kaua’i, Los Angeles, Maui, Miami, Milwaukee, New Orleans, New York, Northern Arizona, O’ahu, Orange County, Orlando/Winter Park, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, Tampa Bay, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle/Tacoma, Southwest Florida (Naples), Tennessee (Nashville & Memphis), Tucson, and Washington D.C. ©2012 by Morris Visitor Publications. All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, in whole or in part, without the express prior writ- ten permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility to any party for the content of any advertisement in this publication, including any errors and omissions therein. By placing an order for an ad- vertisement, the advertiser agrees to indemnify the publisher against any claims relating to the advertisement. Printed in the United States. 6 WHERE GUESTBOOK KC-GB_130900_mastheads.indd 6 9/4/13 4:28:25 PM KC-GB_130900_FullPages.indd 7 9/3/13 2:22:50 PM What you’re about to discover, if you didn’t knoW already, is that kansas city totally rocks. check out a feW of the city’s high- firstlights right here, but be advised:look there’s more...lots more. KC-GB_130900_firstlook.indd 8 8/29/13 1:43:30 PM Union Station It’s the amazing, all-purpose visitor destination in the glo- riously repurposed rail center: Science City, the KC Rail Experience, the Planetarium, the 4-story-tall Extreme Screen theater, shops, restaurants and major traveling exhibits. And, oh yes, there’s an Amtrak station. 30 W. Pershing Rd., 816.460.2222, www.unionstation.org firstlook KC-GB_130900_firstlook.indd 9 9/4/13 5:53:39 PM First look Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art This magnificent comprehensive art museum exhibits work spanning 5,000 years of human creativity. Highlights of the encyclopedic collection include impression- ist works, American art and the world-famous collection of Asian art. The Steven Holl-designed Bloch Building addition for contemporary art has been justifiably hailed as a modernist triumph. 4525 Oak St., 816.751.1ART, www.nelson-atkins.org Kauffman Center for The Performing Arts Visually stunning, state-of-the-art performance center designed by internationally acclaimed architect Moshe Safdie features a theater and a concert hall that accommodates the seasons of its resident companies—Kansas City Symphony, Kansas City Ballet and Lyric Opera of Kansas City—as well as a sparkling cavalcade of touring events. 1601 Broadway, downtown, 816.994.7222, www.kauff- mancenter.org. ©STEVE MOHLENKAMP; FROM PREVIOUS LANCASTER; ©STEVE D. MOHLENKAMP LEFT: PAGE 10 WHERE GUESTBOOK KC-GB_130900_firstlook.indd 10 8/29/13 1:43:49 PM J.C. Nichols Fountain In a city of fountains, this one is easily the most famous. Sitting prettily at the eastern entrance to Country Club Plaza, the fountain’s four equestrian figures were created by French sculptor Henri-Léon Gréber, and are widely believed to represent four great rivers of the world: Mississippi, Volga, Seine and Rhine. 47th Street and J.C. Nichols Parkway National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial One of Kansas City’s premier architectural landmarks is the only pub- lic museum in the U.S. dedicated to the history of World War I, where state-of-the-art interactive technology brings history to life—a do-not- miss Kansas City experience. 100 W. 26th St. in Penn Valley Park, 816.888.8100, www.theworldwar.org. Oceans of Fun That’s the watery half of Worlds of Fun, that together form a 235-acre amusement complex. Highlights include the Mamba, one of the tallest, longest and fastest roller coasters in the world, live entertainment and Hurricane Falls, a 680-foot-long super-slide. I-435 at Parvin Rd. (exit 54), 816.454.4545, www.world- FROM TOP: D. FROM LANCASTER; ©STEVE D. MOHLENKAMP; TOP: CITY ©KANSAS CONVENTION & ASSOCIATION VISITORS soffun.com WHERE GUESTBOOK 11 KC-GB_130900_firstlook.indd 11 8/29/13 1:43:57 PM ANIMALS IN A KANSASSTONE CITY MENAGERIES IN GRANITE AND LIMESTONE. PHOTOGRAPHY BY STEVEN MOHLENKAMP PHOTO CREDIT BOOK GOTHAM 5.5/9PT PHOTO 12 WHERE GUESTBOOK KC-GB_130900_photoessay.indd 12 9/5/13 9:20:59 AM KC-GB_130900_photoessay.indd 13 9/4/13 6:09:49 PM N ANY OTHER MIDWESTERN CITY two stylized Chinese lions guarding the south entrance to City Hall might seem out of place, but the two in Kansas City, presented by the government of the Republic of China on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the Independence of the United States, are right at home in a city whose major art museum (Nelson- Atkins) houses one of the best collections of Asian art in the U.S. Elsewhere in KC, a roaring menagerie of stone animals (heavy on lions) flanks stairways, decorates buildings and greets visitors. Go ahead and pet them; they won’t bite. PREVIOUS SPREAD: LIOnS kEEP wAtch At thE EntRAncE tO Kansas cIty LIfE InSURAncE Company At BroadwAy AnD ARmOUR/ LIOnS fLAnk- Ing thE colonnADED mEmORIAL tO thOmas h. SwOPE In thE park thAt BEARS hIS nAmE ARE By DIStIngUIShED AmERIcAn ScULPtOR chARLES kEck. thIS SPREAD fROm LEft: OnE Of twO chInESE LIOnS At cIty hALL, 414 E. 12th St./RhInO, hIPPO AnD ELEPhAnt At thE Kansas cIty ZOO.
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