God, Improv & The Art of Living – Say Yes Week Two - June 13th, 2021 PRIDE Celebration “Several Circles, 1926” Artwork by: Wassily Kandinsky 540 S. Commonwealth Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90020 Telephone 213.385.1341 – www.FCCLA.org The Gathering of the People First Congregational Church of Los Angeles is a safe place for all people, and we celebrate our diversity of race, creed, gender, religion, cultural background, sexual orientation, gender identities and expressions...We extend a warm welcome to all this morning and especially those who are worshiping with us for the first time. Your presence both enriches us and this time of celebration together ~ Prelude on the Great Organs Christoph Bull When Bach met Kraftwerk: Autobahn-Toccata (Johann Sebastian Bach, Ralf Hütter, Florian Schneider, Emil Schult; arr. C. Bull) Fugue in F Major, BWV 540/2 (Johann Sebastian Bach) What's Going On (Al Cleveland, Renaldo Benson, Marvin Gaye) Over The Rainbow (Harold Arlen, E.Y. Harburg; arr. C. Bull) Welcome Rev. Laura Vail Fregin Chiming of the Hour Words of Gathering Thomas Zamora & Raul Rojas We come together in a rainbow of hope and love. We come together filled with eXcitement for the new world we are creating. In this virtual place, with open arms, with pride and Joy, we celebrate our diversity of race, creed, gender, religion, cultural backgrounds, seXual orientations and gender identities and eXpressions! Gay, lesbian, biseXual, transgender, queer, questioning, same-gender loving, Straight, cis, old, young, disabled, athletes, people with questions, and those who know all the answers – are welcome here! No one is eXcluded from this place of grace and goodness. Here, we remember God loves us all, Just as we are. So let us worship our God, as people who are one in God’s Spirit! Hymn of Gathering All Are Welcome Prayer of Awareness Rev. Wally Hoeger O God, whom no image can encompass, no definition encircle, and yet who meets us in the gentle touch of love, the beauty of a butterfly's wing, and the laughter of children - help us on this day, to move beyond our attempts to limit you, as you bless us and fill us with your hope. Help us in this time to open our hearts and affirm our love as we say yes to your call… for you, O God, are with us on this day, and in all the days to come. May it be so. May it be so for all of us. Amen! Introit “Just A Closer Walk With Thee” arr. DON GILLIS Gay Freedom Band of Los Angeles, Justin Raines, Director The Lord’s Prayer Sarah Hoffman Our God…who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Gloria Patri Children’s Blessing Rev. Wally Hoeger Prayers with the People Rev. Laura Vail Fregin Invitation to Silence & Prayer a strong rainbow pours itself out, bending the eastern sky with glory, it brings with it a powerful beauty to soothe our needy hearts with hope. and I do believe I hear the sun wild with wonder and reJoicing, laughing at the once-darkened sky now parted in colored splendor. I remember then the One who came, who broke our stormy night apart, and shook despairing hearts with hope; this One told truth of things beyond and gave us more than gold. this rainbow filling mid-June sky touches more than Just the earth; it makes its mark within our depths and lets our hearts look up in hope. -Joyce Rupp/adpt lvf This morning as we come into the time of silence, we hold tightly to the beauty of the rainbow even as we remember those who died five years ago at the Pulse nightclub on a warm mid-June night. The artist that we are Journeying with this summer, Wassily Kandinsky, had a theory about geometric figures and their relationships. He believed that the circle is the most peaceful shape and that it represents the human soul. We invite you now to let his incredible gift of this painting, lift our hearts as we remember all those who died. Silence Prayer of Our Hearts Holy One, all around us, all within is gift. You are ever on the move, ever calling us into the future – creative, playful, dazzlingly loving God. This morning, may we find Joy within ourselves, wisdom in our flaws, amazement and gratitude in this ongoing process of becoming who we are. Help us to realize, Holy One, we need not be that which we cannot be - help us to leave behind those caricatures of what others said we should be… and help us to embrace the marvelous person you created us to be. Let us proudly embrace the life we are co-creating with you and with each other. O God, in these moments, let this wonder and your ever eXpanding love for us sink deep into our hearts and minds - healing the pain of the past even as we are becoming part of this glorious present… and your amazing future. Amen and Amen. Meditation Anthem “Let My Love Be Heard” JAKE RUNESTAD Laude, Dr. David Harris, Director The Reading from the Gospel of John Sarah Hoffman There was a wedding in Cana of Galilee and Mary, the mother of Jesus, was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the celebration. At a certain point the wine gave out and Jesus’ mother said to him, ‘They have no wine.’ Jesus said, ‘But what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.’ Mary instructed those waiting on tables, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ As prescribed for Jewish ceremonial washings, there were siX stone water-Jars on hand, each one holding between fifteen and twenty-five gallons. ‘Fill those with water,’ Jesus said, and the workers filled them to the brim. ‘Now,’ said Jesus, ‘draw some out and take it to the chief server.’ They did as they were instructed. The caterer tasted the water -- which had been turned into wine -- without knowing where it had come from; the only ones who knew were those waiting on the tables, since they had drawn the water. The caterer called the bride and groom over and remarked, ‘People usually serve the best wine first; then, when the guests have been drinking awhile, a lesser vintage is served. What you’ve done is to keep the best wine until now!’ This is the Gospel of Grace. Thanks be to God! Sermon God, Improv, and the Gospel of Living ~ Say Yes Rev. Michael Lehman Invitation to Offering Sarah Hoffman Out of gratitude for the God that set us free, we are invited to bring all that we are and all that we have as we commit to sharing with others the love that has been shared with us, in this place. When we share our gifts, we are given the opportunity to co-create with God – and with each other - alternative possibilities: Possibilities of a Just world. Possibilities of a beloved community. Possibilities of care, of tenderness, of hope. May the Spirit of Life be your guide as you give these offerings with the peace and courage to make God’s dream of freedom, a reality in our time and place. Offertory Anthem “Wake Me Up” TIM BERGLING, ALOE BLACC, & MICHAEL EINZINGER arr. HANS BRIDGER HERUTH Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, Ernest Harrison, Director, Danny Moreno and Jeffrey Allen Gale, Soloists Doxology "Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleuia!" Prayer of Offering Rev. Wally Hoeger Good and Gracious God, with these offerings we give thanks for this time where we have shared stories, built memories and filled ourselves with the things of love so that we might live strong and confident in the places we hold in this world. As we prepare to leave this sacred space and return to our precious world, may we now give what we have learned to strengthen love in all our relationships, may we live in ways that guard each other’s souls, and may we build, for every single human being, a place that they might know the beauty that is ‘home.’ Holding fast to a vision of a love-filled world, we pray this may be so – and that it may be so for all of us. Amen. Passing of the Peace Sarah Hoffman In the beauty of this day and in the light of the rainbow that shines over this gathered community, let us remember that our God is always and forever with us! May the peace of God be with you. And also with you. Words for the Journey Rev. Michael Lehman & Rev. Wally Hoeger In this place, we believe in the precious nature of each individual. And we eXtend peace to the people who respect their eXciting and challenging neighbors. In this place, we believe in Justice for all people. And we eXtend peace to the people who support the right for people to be accepted, and celebrated, for who they are. In this place, we believe in the acceptance of people of all seXual orientations and gender identities.
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