OVER 175 ILLUSTRATIONS _ SHORT-WAVE RADIO FOLLOWS THE RACES! Short -Wave Radio in 1937 - How to Make the "Short -Wave Special" How the "Radio Piano" Operates - Fun with Short -Wave Apparatus OVER 50,000 RADIO MEN READ RADI , AFT MONTHLY to US llop Model 546 3" Cathode 1 Ray oscilloscope $6.50 down -$5.95 for 'Om °nthe.$59.95 FATELE Cash Pria. 4007. V/lilA! SFBV/ll/N5will increase YOUR profits! HERE ARE THE 6 REASONS! 1. Visual Alignment- Signal Only by using this type equip- $6.00 dòß ment can R. F. and I. F. circuits $5.44 for on modern, high fidelity receiv- months o n ers be properly aligned. C. terms. P<<á $54.95 2. Audio Response- Only by using this type equip- ment can over -all audio re- sponse and'''sstsagr -by- stage" -a analysis measurements be made quickly and accurately in both receivers and P.A. or theater amplifiers. ALL visual servicing is not alike! That's why you should demand proof of its accuracy and profit -making ability- before you buy! 3. Hum Check- Shown here are six profitable short-cuts that not only allow you to do Only by using this type equip- service work more quickly, but more efficiently! They are only a few of ment can objectionable hum be the many dozens of uses to which you can place your Supreme Model quickly traced and eliminated. 581 Signal Generator and your Supreme Model 546 3" Cathode Ray Oscilloscope -the perfect instrument combination for Visual Servicing because they were both designed to work together! 4. Check the features of the Supreme 581 Signal Generator and Fre- A. F. Amplifier Overload- quency Modulator: Razor -Edge Shadow Tuning -Giant 340 degree Only by using this type equip- dial -38 to 1 knob to condenser ratio-actual 8 feet long scale length ment can audio frequency dis- -125 KC to 60 MC on 8 bands be used as (1) tortion caused by overload or -can Unmodulated phase shift be located and cor- RF oscillator (2) 400 cycle -30% amplitude modulated RF oscillator rected. (3) 24 KC fixed band width frequency modulated RF oscillator (for visual alignment) (4) Externally amplitude modulated RF oscillator (5) Fixed 400 cycle AF oscillator (6) Variable 60 to 10,000 cycle AF 5. I. F. Amplifier Overload- oscillator (7) Power supply frequency time base for scope. Only by using this type equip- Check the features of the Model 546: 3" Cathode Ray Oscilloscope:- ment can I.F. overload with re- (1) Lowest price complete sulting A.F. signal distortion be 3" tube scope (2) 0 to 90,000 cycle linear found and removed. vertical and horizontal gain controlled amplifiers (3) 15 to 30,000 cycle saw toothed linear time base (4) "Snap Lock" Synchronization circuit (5) Internal or external synchronization circuit (6) All controls including "Spot Centerers" on panel (7) D.C. or A.C. signal can be fed direct to 6 Demodulator Distortion- deflecting plates. Only by using this type equip- For the utmost in high precision, low cost, latest design and complete ment can Demodulator Output satisfaction, see SUPREME before you buy! Waveforms be checked and dis- tortion or possible presence of R.F. be Combination Offer! Model 546 3" Oscilloscope, plus Model 581 Signal located. Generator, Only $11.50 down -$9.48 per month for 12 months. Sold on Supreme S.I.C. Terms -the world's easiest installment terms! SUPREME INSTRUMENTS CORP. Greenwood, Miss., U. S. A. Export Dept., Associated Exporters Co., 145 W. 45th St., New York City Cable Address: Lopreh, New York Y RADIO -CRAFT for JANUARY. 1938 385 BILL, YOU'RE ALWAYS I'LL TRY, MARY, / TAKE IT FOOLING WITH RADIO- - I'LL TONIGHT OUR SET WON'T HOME WORK-- WILL A YOU FIX IT T, WHERE IVE BEEN STUDYING RADIO AT NOME, BILL, SAY- GOT A HELLO JOE- WHERE'VE YOU LEARN i CANT FIND OUT HELLO, BILL- WITH THE NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE. YOU DID YOU BEEN LATELY - THAT TEST, ITS WHAT'S WRONG 'TOUGH ONE OUGHT TO TAKE THEIR COURSE. IVE GOT A GOOD ONE FIX? AND WHERE DID YOU A GOOD RADIO JOB NOW. LETS MAKE A GUESS I'LL MAKE A LET ME LEARN CIRCUIT DISTURBANCE TEST -STARTING WITH TOOL of THE AUDIO OUTPUT STAGE HELP YOU ANYTHING MYSELF ( AND TESTING EVERY STAGE ABOUT RIGHT BACK TO THE WITH MARY RADIO? ANTENNA. LISTEN FOR THE CLICKS WHEN 1 J TAP THE GRID LEADS AVIATION RADIO, POLICE ADS NOW THAT THIS NERE.S THE TROUBLE,111L1-, IN THE I'VE SEEN THEIR I M CONVINCED TELEVISION, OR A JOB RADIO, I NEVER THOUGHT I AND GET FIRST I.F. AMPLIFICATION STAGE. I $UT COURSE IS -PRACTICAL ELECTRONuC CONTROLS - LEARN RADIO AT NOW WITH A RADIO LEARNED THAT TEST EVEN BEFORE COULD ,,..COMPLETE. I'LL ENROLL RADIO IS SURELY GOING BROADCASTING OR STARTED TAKING THE COURSE, HOME-- I'LL a/ 'PLACES. AND THE 'DESCRIBED IN A MAIL THEIR 6 TRANSMITTING 3111. IT'S MANE NATIONAL RADIO T4IE COUPON 'RIGHT AND THEN l CAN -.) STATION FREE LESSON WHICH 15511TUTE HAS TRAINE AWAY REAL MONEY SERVICING NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE Li ~-1 HUNDREDS OF MEN RADIO SETSr_-_.........___, î SENDS YOU WHEN TOR JOBS IN RADIO ; YOU MAIL A ) COUPON PROM OR INSTALL AND SERVICE ONE OF THEIR ADS LOUD SPEAKER SYSTEMS 4 C'-- r0U CExr*INcv KNOW THANKS' iT CERTAINLY IS RADIO, 500504 AS EASY TO LEARN RAD10 THE 0000 M THE DAY NR1. WAY. l STARTED ONLY APO, A110 I'M I BOUGHT IT. A FEW MONTHS I will send you a Lesson on ALREADY MAKING GOOD MONEY. THIS SPARE TIME ,- WORK IS GREAT P r. (( FUN AHD Radio Servicing Tips FREE PRETTY SOON (L I'LL GE READY TO SHOW HOW PRACTICAL IT IS FOR A FULL TO TRAIN AT HOME FOR TIME JOB GOOD JOBS IN RADIO J. E. SMITH Do you want to make more money.: tat,' Maim pl ln 0,11.x 51x training g , >,'u lenee untie learning. l'resldrnt I'M SO OUR WORRIES ARE OVER. can trains you at home in I gant irai Itadiu expel ON GILL- I'm sure I National Radio Institute YOU IM MAKING GOOD MONEY your spare time for n good Rad'i, Job. Establt_hed 1414 GLAD I ASKED TO FIX OUR RADIO. NOW, AND THERE'S A 111 send you a sample lesson FREE. 'rh... I ha has d,me Ied Examine it, read it, see for yourself the Ina", study IT GOT YOU STARTED BIG FUTURE AHEAD or rt u: illy Fog IN how easy it is tu understand even if ,mrv thanu THINKING ABOUT Uf other in America.an you've never had technical experi,nce RADIO AS A CAREER. (n a RADIO or training. AHD NOW YOU RE GOING AHEAD Many Radio Experts Make $30. 550. 575 SO FAST a Week Radin brondea.11hr -1 :,l Pori. ,optic) ellginet't.. $5.ramis. -t at .au and pa)' UP to 000 a Spare tine 1 set soviet. I Give You a Professional pay, .l It1U h $200 p, ram FIAI Servicing Instrument ligne It` 'Ulu .roi, Inc lobs pap u ill, a. tau. $50. $75 a neek. slauy Badin l'. IN1is nl n'ale 11eo flu n.h umrlu err c Radio ,'sI rt their own lull One r pall thin Malta -ales end, :uulI pant. an ,xíí- %V.ne, API- PotPnst. and sere ire lu. ine,','.. Radio n Inlrfactitt Sit servicing lu.tr nuent. It ,,9laüo . and Jobbers eimdo lester,, ilpOldnr S. Gare. thing el :n, li, Al',. and I, 1. gnter:s. :Yin:, al, ta voltages e ula eat m tes', lithe.. resl.t :me,: $0ya0.00 )ear. Itahdi I'n'nOIls°irs t .1ún: gel :ldJttSl and align .el. odd , r pen'. It goad pay, see the wail besides. Au!omob'le. .aliAie< )our need, I lof I,u,h_sJ.mal rrlehlg 7 aviation. eennn: +'trial Radin. end loud alter You C- :Moab' i..111 help mat, eStrt J. E. SMITH, President, Dept. SAX Police. unnu) out. in, ''I. ihib' uanduc. 1 B Radio Institute, Washington, D. C. dkor the, future. T,Ïeeldon I Inanliie' ma o National Men I liane ¡mod job. My Lesson xa! j065 sonn. trained Get and E4'Page Book FREE - Sir. \ \'llhaut ,abllgathv, crud uu. a :Aamplr le.aon and 3''uur free of 1 Il..ar smith: in Ilu.e lin nille,' Radio. al 1111,1. Itadiu ,tp,rtunil ia<, and Itou un Mail G'uo,n b u: : r aJI Hw . <palt' time .0 full In- h m at umo in .pur 111111 : mut the S.It. I, Set Servicing :..u,v ...m'. I... -. 1 ,sd1 ,.1 'rain for Many Make 55. Sto, SI5 a Week tn. +9.ace Iluuk: '111.,ní IGow:u',I. °in est 30,1 gIa'P m1.. (Plea .e mitt, plai n b.) Extra In Snare Time ÌNdh.. Bath . free to u ' teuno iO years old. My í50,k Indnlr Ií,1,11 i, 1 :mare nma.rtvinum.: 1 While Learning :ltd full d 1 Age coining I Television: tells : Name .tltlmst eler, ne Iglilnrrhnl\I nerd. a ,1 Attire Training ln Had.. and `alevislo,,: sluu,Ws m . ' yon, time <rn'irelll. n. The ,ho y on enroll Mint.' bark 'gmel shows letter. Sheet.. They fens. men 1 0í',1d C1tdning what they are sending )nu Ear-, Stoney ,Inh Ranlb, I I Itmr to doing. earning. rind ont what offer. B Address 1 Allan' you liso to du Walla repair J'di. YOU! MAIL ITIn: 101:0(15 in 311 envelope.
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