VICTORIAN BAR ANNUAL REPORT VICTORIAN BAR ANNUAL REPORT 2013 2013 Annual Report of the Victorian Bar Incorporated for the year ended 30 June 2013 To be presented to the Annual General Meeting of the Victorian Bar Incorporated to be held on 21 October 2013 in Owen Dixon Chambers East, William Street, Melbourne the victorian bar incorporated registered no. a0034504s THE VICTORIAN BAR ANNUAL REPORT 2013 PART I VICTO RIAN BAR A NNUAL R E P O RT 2 3 T 2013 AB LE OF CON T EN T S TABLE OF CONTENTS part i Chair’s Report 4 part viii Personalia 48 part ii Bar Council 2012-2013 12 part ix Roll Of Counsel 50 part iii Bar Office Staff 13 part x Consolidated Group Entities 54 part iv Year in Review 14 part xi Reports of Group Entities 54 part v Bar Associations 16 part xii Financial Reports 58 part vi Standing Committees 24 part xiii The Victorian Bar Incorporated Detailed Income Statement 76 part vii Judicial and Other Appointments 42 part xiv Barristers’ Benevolent Association 78 THE VICTORIAN BAR ANNUAL REPORT 2013 PART I VICTO RIAN BAR A NNUAL R E P O RT 2 3 T 2013 AB LE OF CON T EN T S TABLE OF CONTENTS part i Chair’s Report 4 part viii Personalia 48 part ii Bar Council 2012-2013 12 part ix Roll Of Counsel 50 part iii Bar Office Staff 13 part x Consolidated Group Entities 54 part iv Year in Review 14 part xi Reports of Group Entities 54 part v Bar Associations 16 part xii Financial Reports 58 part vi Standing Committees 24 part xiii The Victorian Bar Incorporated Detailed Income Statement 76 part vii Judicial and Other Appointments 42 part xiv Barristers’ Benevolent Association 78 THE VICTORIAN BAR ANNUAL REPORT 2013 PART I 4 CHAIR’S REPORT 5 C HAIR FIONA MCLEOD S.C. ’s Re P O RT In 2013 the Bar embarked upon its second major many individuals is recorded in this Annual Report. strategic plan. The central vision of the next five year It represents the great spirit of service so familiar plan is ‘A strong and independent Bar’. Our focus is both to the Bar and is greatly appreciated by all. external and internal. Externally we are supporting the This year accommodation within BCL Chambers has work of the courts, the right of all to access quality legal been in high demand. BCL opened new chambers at representation and support for the rule of law. Internally level 23 Aickin Chambers and at level 8 Dominion we are providing support and services for our members House and began construction of four new floors on to promote an enduring community of barristers top of Owen Dixon Chambers West. This follows who maintain the highest standards and excellence the opening of Coldrey, Gorman and Ninian Stephen in practice. Chambers over the last three years. BCL has also I am pleased to report that this year the Bar has restarted the telecommunications project. I thank the embraced and delivered on a number of key new Chair of BCL, Michael Wyles SC and the BCL initiatives in new educational programs and facilities, Board and staff for their service to the Bar. communications and marketing and in new chambers The Bar’s involvement in the Law Council of Australia through BCL. The Bar actively engaged in public debate (LCA) and the Australian Bar Association (ABA) is about legal aid funding issues, the work of the Adult strategically important as the national profession Parole Board and overcrowding of prisons. It also confront many challenges. This year the Bar’s engaged on issues concerning aboriginal incarceration, relationship with both organisations strengthened with regional pro bono legal assistance and other issues of my election to the LCA Executive, former Chairman law reform including direct briefing. Michael Colbran QC becoming the President of both Throughout this reporting period the Bar has produced a organisations, and with the Victorian Bar becoming the strong financial result reflecting sound management and new host for the ABA Secretariat after an extraordinary oversight. This careful financial management has made contribution of many years by the Queensland Bar. The it possible for Bar Council to hold unchanged 2013-14 LCA identified several key priorities for attention in the subscription rates for junior members (they have now lead up to the 2013 federal election, including access remained unchanged for four years) and achieve an to justice, human rights advocacy and the treatment of average 20 per cent reduction in 2013-14 professional asylum seekers, international engagement, promoting indemnity premium rates. Australia as a hub for international arbitration and addressing the high attrition rates of women lawyers. The work of the Bar is heavily dependent on the The work in these areas and the policy work of the selfless contribution of many volunteer members LCA secretariat remains an important undertaking and representing thousands of hours of work. of relevance to members. The work of the Bar’s associations, committees and of THE VICTORIAN BAR ANNUAL REPORT 2013 PART I 4 CHAIR’S REPORT 5 C HAIR FIONA MCLEOD S.C. ’s Re P O RT In 2013 the Bar embarked upon its second major many individuals is recorded in this Annual Report. strategic plan. The central vision of the next five year It represents the great spirit of service so familiar plan is ‘A strong and independent Bar’. Our focus is both to the Bar and is greatly appreciated by all. external and internal. Externally we are supporting the This year accommodation within BCL Chambers has work of the courts, the right of all to access quality legal been in high demand. BCL opened new chambers at representation and support for the rule of law. Internally level 23 Aickin Chambers and at level 8 Dominion we are providing support and services for our members House and began construction of four new floors on to promote an enduring community of barristers top of Owen Dixon Chambers West. This follows who maintain the highest standards and excellence the opening of Coldrey, Gorman and Ninian Stephen in practice. Chambers over the last three years. BCL has also I am pleased to report that this year the Bar has restarted the telecommunications project. I thank the embraced and delivered on a number of key new Chair of BCL, Michael Wyles SC and the BCL initiatives in new educational programs and facilities, Board and staff for their service to the Bar. communications and marketing and in new chambers The Bar’s involvement in the Law Council of Australia through BCL. The Bar actively engaged in public debate (LCA) and the Australian Bar Association (ABA) is about legal aid funding issues, the work of the Adult strategically important as the national profession Parole Board and overcrowding of prisons. It also confront many challenges. This year the Bar’s engaged on issues concerning aboriginal incarceration, relationship with both organisations strengthened with regional pro bono legal assistance and other issues of my election to the LCA Executive, former Chairman law reform including direct briefing. Michael Colbran QC becoming the President of both Throughout this reporting period the Bar has produced a organisations, and with the Victorian Bar becoming the strong financial result reflecting sound management and new host for the ABA Secretariat after an extraordinary oversight. This careful financial management has made contribution of many years by the Queensland Bar. The it possible for Bar Council to hold unchanged 2013-14 LCA identified several key priorities for attention in the subscription rates for junior members (they have now lead up to the 2013 federal election, including access remained unchanged for four years) and achieve an to justice, human rights advocacy and the treatment of average 20 per cent reduction in 2013-14 professional asylum seekers, international engagement, promoting indemnity premium rates. Australia as a hub for international arbitration and addressing the high attrition rates of women lawyers. The work of the Bar is heavily dependent on the The work in these areas and the policy work of the selfless contribution of many volunteer members LCA secretariat remains an important undertaking and representing thousands of hours of work. of relevance to members. The work of the Bar’s associations, committees and of THE VICTORIAN BAR ANNUAL REPORT 2013 PART I Revision to the Silks Appointment Process of the first floor training hubs in Owen Dixon Chambers The appointment of senior counsel in and for the state of Victoria East with video conferencing equipment installed in the signals a recognition of the outstanding service as advocates and Neil Forsyth room in early August 2013. In addition, new advisors that is expected of those barristers so designated. on-line CPD features were added to the website to improve accessibility and archiving of material. Using the long-dated In 2012, after thorough consultation with members and the CPD calendar and new web facilities, Bar associations profession broadly, a new process for appointing senior counsel and committees are now able to book a date for hosting was endorsed by the Chief Justice the Honourable Marilyn CPD events and members are now able to schedule their Warren AC and the Council of Judges of the Supreme Court. attendance at CPD events, view CPD podcasts and keep A new model was introduced involving a Preliminary Evaluation a record of CPD attendances on-line. Committee appointed by the Chief Justice to assist with the workload associated with the appointment process. This was My thanks to Jacqueline Stone and her education and policy continued on a pilot basis in 2013 with some refinements.
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