H11774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE December 18, 1998 Hobson Metcalf Scarborough ica, against William Jefferson Clinton, Presi- tion brought against him, and his corrupt ef- Hoekstra Mica Schaffer, Bob dent of the United States of America, in forts to influence the testimony of that em- Horn Miller (FL) Sensenbrenner maintenance and support of its impeachment ployee. Hostettler Moran (KS) Sessions against him for high crimes and misdemean- In all of this, William Jefferson Clinton Houghton Morella Shadegg Hulshof Myrick Shaw ors. has undermined the integrity of his office, Hunter Nethercutt Shays ARTICLE I has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has Hutchinson Neumann Shimkus In his conduct while President of the betrayed his trust as President, and has Hyde Ney Shuster United States, William Jefferson Clinton, in acted in a manner subversive of the rule of Inglis Northup Skeen law and justice, to the manifest injury of the Istook Norwood Smith (MI) violation of his constitutional oath faith- fully to execute the office of President of the people of the United States. Jenkins Nussle Smith (NJ) Wherefore, William Jefferson Clinton, by Johnson (CT) Oxley Smith (OR) United States and, to the best of his ability, Johnson, Sam Packard Smith (TX) preserve, protect, and defend the Constitu- such conduct, warrants impeachment and Jones Pappas Smith, Linda tion of the United States, and in violation of trial, and removal from office and disquali- Kasich Parker Snowbarger his constitutional duty to take care that the fication to hold and enjoy any office of Kelly Paul Solomon laws be faithfully executed, has willfully cor- honor, trust, or profit under the United Kim Paxon Souder States. King (NY) Pease Spence rupted and manipulated the judicial process ARTICLE III Kingston Peterson (PA) Stearns of the United States for his personal gain Klug Petri Stump and exoneration, impeding the administra- In his conduct while President of the Knollenberg Pickering Sununu tion of justice, in that: United States, William Jefferson Clinton, in Kolbe Pitts Talent On August 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clin- violation of his constitutional oath faith- LaHood Pombo Tauzin ton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth, fully to execute the office of President of the Largent Porter Taylor (MS) and nothing but the truth before a Federal United States and, to the best of his ability, Latham Portman Thomas grand jury of the United States. Contrary to LaTourette Quinn Thornberry preserve, protect, and defend the Constitu- Lazio Radanovich Thune that oath, William Jefferson Clinton will- tion of the United States, and in violation of Leach Ramstad Tiahrt fully provided perjurious, false and mislead- his constitutional duty to take care that the Lewis (CA) Redmond Upton ing testimony to the grand jury concerning laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, Lewis (KY) Regula Walsh one or more of the following: (1) the nature obstructed, and impeded the administration Linder Riggs Wamp and details of his relationship with a subor- of justice, and has to that end engaged per- Livingston Riley Watkins dinate Government employee; (2) prior per- sonally, and through his subordinates and LoBiondo Rogan Watts (OK) jurious, false and misleading testimony he Lucas Rogers Weldon (FL) agents, in a course of conduct or scheme de- Manzullo Rohrabacher Weldon (PA) gave in a Federal civil rights action brought signed to delay, impede, cover up, and con- McCollum Ros-Lehtinen Weller against him; (3) prior false and misleading ceal the existence of evidence and testimony McCrery Roukema White statements he allowed his attorney to make related to a Federal civil rights action McHale Royce Whitfield to a Federal judge in that civil rights action; brought against him in a duly instituted ju- McHugh Ryun Wicker and (4) his corrupt efforts to influence the dicial proceeding. McInnis Salmon Wilson testimony of witnesses and to impede the The means used to implement this course McIntosh Sanford Wolf discovery of evidence in that civil rights ac- McKeon Saxton Young (FL) of conduct or scheme included one or more of tion. the following acts: NOT VOTINGÐ26 In doing this, William Jefferson Clinton (1) On or about December 17, 1997, William Allen Johnson (WI) Owens has undermined the integrity of his office, Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a Becerra Kaptur Pryce (OH) has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has witness in a Federal civil rights action Brown (FL) Kennedy (MA) Schaefer, Dan betrayed his trust as President, and has brought against him to execute a sworn affi- Crane Lipinski Taylor (NC) acted in a manner subversive of the rule of davit in that proceeding that he knew to be Emerson Manton Torres law and justice, to the manifest injury of the perjurious, false and misleading. Gonzalez Martinez Towns people of the United States. Gordon McDade Wise (2) On or about December 17, 1997, William Wherefore, William Jefferson Clinton, by Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a Hefner Miller (CA) Young (AK) such conduct, warrants impeachment and Hinchey Oberstar witness in a Federal civil rights action trial, and removal from office and disquali- brought against him to give perjurious, false b 0927 fication to hold and enjoy any office of and misleading testimony if and when called honor, trust, or profit under the United to testify personally in that proceeding. Mr. KING and Mr. KINGSTON States. changed their vote from ``aye'' to ``no.'' (3) On or about December 28, 1997, William ARTICLE II Jefferson Clinton corruptly engaged in, en- Mr. BERMAN changed his vote from In his conduct while President of the couraged, or supported a scheme to conceal ``no'' to ``aye.'' United States, William Jefferson Clinton, in evidence that had been subpoenaed in a Fed- So the motion to adjourn was re- violation of his constitutional oath faith- eral civil rights action brought against him. jected. fully to execute the office of President of the (4) Beginning on or about December 7, 1997, The result of the vote was announced United States and, to the best of his ability, and continuing through and including Janu- as above recorded. preserve, protect, and defend the Constitu- ary 14, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton inten- tion of the United States, and in violation of sified and succeeded in an effort to secure f his constitutional duty to take care that the job assistance to a witness in a Federal civil PRIVILEGES OF THE HOUSEÐIM- laws be faithfully executed, has willfully cor- rights action brought against him in order to rupted and manipulated the judicial process corruptly prevent the truthful testimony of PEACHING WILLIAM JEFFERSON of the United States for his personal gain that witness in that proceeding at a time CLINTON, PRESIDENT OF THE and exoneration, impeding the administra- when the truthful testimony of that witness UNITED STATES, FOR HIGH tion of justice, in that: would have been harmful to him. CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS (1) On December 23, 1997, William Jefferson (5) On January 17, 1998, at his deposition in Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, by direction Clinton, in sworn answers to written ques- a Federal civil rights action brought against tions asked as part of a Federal civil rights him, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly al- of the Committee on the Judiciary, I action brought against him, willfully pro- lowed his attorney to make false and mis- call up a privileged Resolution (H. Res. vided perjurious, false and misleading testi- leading statements to a Federal judge char- 611) impeaching William Jefferson Clin- mony in response to questions deemed rel- acterizing an affidavit, in order to prevent ton, President of the United States, for evant by a Federal judge concerning conduct questioning deemed relevant by the judge. high crimes and misdemeanors, and and proposed conduct with subordinate em- Such false and misleading statements were ask for its immediate consideration. ployees. subsequently acknowledged by his attorney The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- (2) On January 17, 1998, William Jefferson in a communication to that judge. lows: Clinton swore under oath to tell the truth, (6) On or about January 18 and January 20± the whole truth, and nothing but the truth 21, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton related a H. RES. 611 in a deposition given as part of a Federal false and misleading account of events rel- Resolved, That William Jefferson Clinton, civil rights action brought against him. Con- evant to a Federal civil rights action President of the United States, is impeached trary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton brought against him to a potential witness for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that willfully provided perjurious, false and mis- in that proceeding, in order to corruptly in- the following articles of impeachment be ex- leading testimony in response to questions fluence the testimony of that witness. hibited to the United States Senate: deemed relevant by a Federal judge concern- (7) On or about January 21, 23 and 26, 1998, Articles of impeachment exhibited by the ing the nature and details of his relationship William Jefferson Clinton made false and House of Representatives of the United with a subordinate Government employee, misleading statements to potential wit- States of America in the name of itself and his knowledge of that employee's involve- nesses in a Federal grand jury proceeding in of the people of the United States of Amer- ment and participation in the civil rights ac- order to corruptly influence the testimony of December 18, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H11775 those witnesses. The false and misleading ency of proceedings in an impeachment The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. statements made by William Jefferson Clin- as the pending business on the floor of LAHOOD). Is there objection to the re- ton were repeated by the witnesses to the the House, remarks in debate may in- quest of the gentleman from Illinois? grand jury, causing the grand jury to receive clude references to personal mis- Mr.
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