GOLF• CHIEF SAYS 1935 TO BE YEAR OF OPPORTUNITIES ^ 23rd Valley Day At : Texas loop. The difference in I schedules end the lack of Interest P. G. A. JEFE ‘OLD GUARDS’ Alamo Downs Track DIXIE CLASSIC have cast a gloomy shadow over Wednesday, January 23. has been future Dixie classics. The rookie rule that 1 tentatively set aside as Rio Gran- specifies each team must Include three non- de at Alamo ENTHUSIASTIC JOIN FORCES Valley Day Downs IS GOING OUT class players on its playing roster racetrack in San Antonio, accord- is expected to be discarded. ing to C. H. Geyer. who was in Eastern College Group Is Uniform Lights Should Be Greatest Brownsville Wednesday. Texas League Chiefs Meet Reason to Form New John Martin. Southern Associa- Likely Mr. Geyer called on chamber ol f Since 1929, Jacobus Conference Saturday, Sunday tion president, and interested commerce secretaries In Browns- Southern Association owners have Declares At Galveston ville. Harlingen, Sau Benito and been invited to hear G. G. Griffin NEW YORK. Jan. 10.—<*V- For ______ « explain how all parks may boost diplomatic reasons, the seven af- other Valley cities, extending the GALVESTON, Jan. 10—<yp,—Abol- uniformed lighting. Texas Leaguers BY GEORGE R. JACOBUS filiated members of the eastern in- invitation of Alamo Doans to peo- ishment of the Dixie Series and the have complained that It is diffi- ♦President. Professional Golfers’ tercollegiate “old guard *° far ple In this section. Satur- cult to play In some parks because Association> have soft-pedalled their plans to rookie rule is expected here He left at the Chamber of of poor lighting facilities. extend to football the agreements passes day and Sunday when Texas League NEW YORK, Jan. 10— For JViZU>e4 A/s Mus*y Following In the wake of the which already exist In track, Commerce which will admit any convene with the the fame of golf. 1935 wUl be a Jr fCAA*# ooesAkrr magnates pres- American and National League all- year of opportunities, which if rec- baseball and basketball. Valley people desiring to go to the SJ66C«r SPEBD, ident. J. Alvin Gardner. star game, the Texas League may ognized. and ■5s] Whether the so-called ‘Big Se- accepted developed, Mf CAaI 03\JM A races on that day, and persons The adoption of uniformed light- schedule an all-star affair. If the will make it the since ff7 ven’* actually form a gridiron con- greatest year U wishing these may call at the ing for all parks, the discussion of proposal is accepted, the game 1929 W Cf-VKXKXoZi ference or association within the Chamber of commerce and secure an all-star game between northern would be played in mid-season. This m -rue oumgu? next year or two. as appears likely. years tournament schedule them, without charge. and southern teams and the ac- President Gardner favors such * is and to It is nevertheless a fact that their already fu* promises Mr Geyer said that a special ceptance of a 1935 playing sched- game Players for the game would break all to current schedule-making reflects records. This leads me tall excursion rate will probably be ule are Included on the program! be selected by fans, who would do strong mutual interest, from the predict a tremendous increase In secured for that time from the Val- The Dixie Senes contract be- their as well balloting through newspapers number of new In ad- I \ standpoint of competition the players. / IF \V ley. tween the Texas League and the Adoption of a schedule will come • it cento as policies. d ion. many old goiters will be re- / C3*iLi Southern Association has expired. under the head of routine busineee. to the who It can be said with authority that turning game—players The series was a financial failure Bill Rugles, league statistician, while no Intention exists now to Davis found It necessary, due to unsettled Squad Likely In 1933 and 1934. has prepared several schedules to to the bring about iron-clad agreements, business conditions, drop The Southern Association piano be voted on. klkT .“5X1 M> there Is an understanding that ro- To Include Youths game during ’30 and 31 4j a straight-through 1935 schedule The initial business session will Golfers' Asso- enJoa^o gamss tating schedules will bring the CAMDEN, N. J.. Jan. 10. — The Professional with no play-off. The Texas League be held at 10 o'clock Saturday seven universities—Columbia. Cor- W. Gibbons, of the Davis com- ciation la helping the golf profes- Cup will operate under the extended morning. President Shearn Moody sional ami the UST'fM/i 0Of «»5 is nell, Dartmouth. Harvard. Pennsyl- mittee. says “three youngsters* in recognize develop *Ho \ Shaughnessv plan featuring a four- and Vice President Roy Koehler them- FieUXA>6r wo&f- vania. Princeton and Yale—into amateur tennis are consider- opportunities presenting T**t- being way play-off. As a conseuence the of the Galveston Buccaneers have A-JO L£f Aitf <5o consistently closer relationship in ed for the Davis Cup team that selves It is also creating opportun- WiuSwJ/ southern circuit will end its season completed plans for an entertain- for the to football. will represent the United States ities professional give 15 days earlier In 1935 than the ment program [ l/ifirw&Jr) Princeton, its breach with the golfing public the benefit of fiaft'fflOi OOAJV MIN Thus this year. Is / ( Harvard healed last fall, will re- told the oi West bis knowledge and talents and l7 kajcu/ meat At S A Jtooeu Gibbons leagtic f ) sume with Pennsylvania on the clubs now planning an extensive pro- i CoC AACK. WlUSoU on) Jersey field Wednesday night 3( m/ouu>9f // this after a gram lor broadening the scope and Tue f «tuP gridiron year 40-year that Frank Parker. Gene Mako and value of his work during 1935. An break. The Tigers will play five Donald Budge are tentatively ui- FRIDAY and example Is the club tournament games within this "conference” cluded in his list. catalog it Is now compiling, to group next season including Cor- The other tentative nominees, L^sa^n rro.'J SATURDAY 4 which P O. A. members from IS MiS SfOMlb' ! J §TAMUK nell. Dartmouth and Yale. lie said, are Wilmer Allison, the 8even" are coast to coast have contributed in- SO if AC ASSUAGED Here’s how the "Big Texan ifiw ranked No. 1 nation- them- formation on unusual amateur •357 vMitm me stick. iaJ scheduled to play among ally. John Van Ryn. of Philadel- used at their respect- selves this year: phia and Sydruy Wood. tournaments IQ3S Ok) Tut COAST ^ THEY DUET Columbia vs. Cornell and Penn- ive clubs with success. SACBAwesfro l ..-, l»34. Prw Am o. VjA5 &0U6HT vs. Dartmouth. Shining brightly on the 1935 golf- copyright, C$ptr»l By BftauyN sylvania. Cornell Dartmouth. Dart- ing calendar are the International Pensylvama and AGAIN! Harvard. Prince- Ryder Cup team matches, which mouth vs. Cornell. vs. Dart- SINGING SWEETHEARTS will be played at the Ridgewood ton and Yale. Harvard and Yale. Har- Country C|Jb. Ridgewood. N. J mouth. Princeton Ft. Brown Pulls Films To Princeton and of “SHE LOVES ME NOT” Sept. 28 and 29. These matches al- up By Sport vard vs. Dartmouth, Yale. vs. Columbia, ways furnish some oi the game’s Pennsylvania Princeton and Yale. Prin- most tin tiling exhibitions, bring- Here Cornell. of the 6-0 Be Shown ceton vs. Cornell, Dartmouth. Har- ing together the cream Blanking Goodyear and Yale. Yale world s golfers, but the 1935 match- vard, Pennsylvania of the and Dean, the vs. Dartmouth. Pennsylvania. Prin- es should top any previous PLAYGROUND BALL year outfielder*, collided m the sev- Dizzy Daffy adopt- ed Texans who were the heroes of ceton aud Harvard Wednesday—Fort Brown 6, Good- enth when both went after Powell* _ the World Series, came to 0. drive and although knocked down. past year in the form Torres held on to the ball for the Brownsville Thursday h Landings of a two-reel short entitles cut which retired the side. comedy XTRA and at the Team— W. L. Pet. Rounding out his performance Dizzy Daffy" allowing Capitol Theater. It will run Thurs- Brownsville Sport Fans Here's ■ Kiwams . 2 0 1 000 for the night, Szpemski led the bat- The day and Friday. a Real Treat for You .... Elks . 1 0 1000 ters with a brace of singles in five Brownsville sport fans have Pan-American . 3 1 .750 tries at the platter. TODAY and FRIDAY shown unusual interest in a short Port Browrn .2 1 .667 The box: to be shown Friday picturing the Eagles . 0 2 .000 Goodyear AB R H O A E I Sports unusual plays in the Amarillo-Cor- Goodyear . 0 3 .000 I F. Narvaez, sc .... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Chnsti state Athletic Club 0 1 000 L. Trujillo, c.3 0 0 2 2 0 pus championship high school football game. “What hap- Friday—A. C. at K1 wants. Boeer. lb . 3 0 0 10 0 5 l Spade pened to Ctorpus?'* was the ques- 3b . 3 0 0 3 1 Loya. | tion r With every Brownsville fan was ask- Sgt- Walter Szpemskt hurl- Jeanes. ss . 3 0 1 5 5 0 ing after Amarillo had smeared the ing two-hit ball and the opposi- T. Tores, rf . 3 0 0 3 0 0 Bucs 48-0 for the state pennant. tion guilty of six errors at critical D. Ccates. 2b.3 0 1 3 0 0 The answer to this question can As YOU points, the Fort Brown "ten” had G.
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