SWAN COASTAL PLAIN, HARVEY-CAPEL DAWA LAND REOURCE MAP No. 23/2 000mE LAND RESOURCES FROM 115 45'E 390 385 115 37'30"E 380 375 33 22'30"S 000mE P6c P8 B1a P3 115 30'E 370 B4 B4 365 P9b B2 B1a B6 HARVEY TO CAPEL ON THE 360 S4a P3 P6c P6a B1c P1b F2b 357 B4 P1d WATERLOO P8 P3 P3 33 22'30"S S4a B6 P3 BUNBURY Sw B3 B3 P6a S3b P6c P8 SOUTH P9 GUIMELLI ROAD B2 B4 P1b P10 PHILLIPS DOWDELLS P1b CITY OF P3 RECREATION SWAN COASTAL PLAIN S3b Sw P3 B2 P6a Sw B1 P7 P8 ROAD BUNBURY P6a S3 Sw S2a B1 B1a B1 B2 S3b B1a DARDANUP WESTERN AUSTRALIA Sw B6 P9 CS P1a ROAD B4 P10 6305000mN S2c B2 P1b B2 P1b B1a B4 6305000mN P7a P3 SHEET 2 B1 B5 P1b ROAD B6 B2 P7a B6 B1 WESTERN P6a Qp2 B1 B1a (Includes north extension of the Busselton-Margaret River-Augusta Land Resources Survey by P.J. Tille). P8 QUELLUP P1a P6a B3b B1 ROAD P10 B1a B1c P8 B1a B3 P3 B3 P3b P9 S3b B3b B2 B6 B2 F5 B2 ROAD S3b B3 BOYANUP B1 B1 B3 B1 B2 B2 B1 B.A. Barnesby, P.D. King and M.E. Proulx-Nixon HIGHWAY S1b B1a B4 B3 B1a P1a P6a B1a B3 P1b P1a I N D I A N B3b B3 B1 CS B6 B2 Sw B2 DARDANUP P6a Natural Resources Assessment Group B3 B1a MOORE FERGUSON B6 B2 P6a P1b B1a Department of Agriculture Western Australia B2 B1a B6 B1 B3b B6 B6 B1 S4a LILLYDALE ROAD P1c P10 B4 ROAD To accompany Land Resources Series No 15 (Land resources from Armadale to Capel) B1 B2 B1 B1 P3 P1b P8 B2 PADBURY B1 B1a B1 P6b B2 B1 B1 Legend of soil-landscape mapping units arranged in physiographic order Qd P6c B1 P1b B6 B1c B2 P9 B3 P9 B2 P6a B2 ROAD Sw S2b ROAD The mapping units are grouped according to the geomorphic elements described by McArthur and Bettenay (1960) P1a P1b B3 B1c P3b B1 B1 P1a P1a in order of decreasing age. The distinguishing features of the mapping units are shown below. Wherever possible B1a P2 B1c Qd Sw B1 B2 PANIZZA ROAD the terminology of the Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook (McDonald et al., 1984) has been used. Sw P10a Sw GARVEY ROAD S3b B1c B2 B2 Sw P1b Some of the terms are quantified at the bottom of the legend. Sw B1 CS S3b B1c Sw P6a B6 B2 P9 B6 CROOKED P1b P1b B1 ROAD B1 B1 B2 Qd HASTIES P10a B2 B3 B3 P1b Darling Scarp: Moderately inclined to steep, incised, high relief slopes forming the Spearwood dune and sandplain system: - Gently to moderately inclined low hills and B1 P1b S3b WEST B2 Qp2 B2 B3 B1 western edge of the Darling Plateau. Upper areas are capped with laterite and the gently undulating plain located west of the Bassendean System associated with B6 B1 P10 B2 B1 HIGHWAY DARDANUP ROAD remainder have variable soils formed from weathering of Archaean granitic and Pleistocene, Tamala Limestone. Hills consist of a core of friable aeolianite, capped S1b B5 B2 B1a P6a B1 P1b gneissic rocks. Soils are generally well drained and rock outcrops commonly occur. by secondary calcite and overlain by variable depths of well to rapidly drained B1 B3 Sw B2 B3 siliceous yellow-brown sands. The gently undulating plain is the surface expression ROAD BUSSELL B1c D1 Steeper slopes (20-30%) of scarp face with gradational red and yellow S3b P6a of the consolidated marine limestone component of the Tamala limestone. B1 B3 P1a earths and duplex soils with variable depth and common rock outcrop. O C E A N Qd P1b B6 B2 PRESTON S1 Dune ridges with well to rapidly drained: Qd B5 B2 D2 Moderately inclined slopes (10-20%) with similar soils and rock outcrop to D1. B1a B2 B3 b. Deep yellow brown sands or pale sands with yellow-brown subsoil, and P7 D3 Deeply incised tributary valleys with steep sideslopes; soils and rock outcrop slopes 5 to 15%. B3 B3 BROOK WOODS ROAD B5 P6a similar to D1. 6300000mN B1a B1a 6300000mN B2 B1c B3 c. Deep bleached grey sands with yellow-brown subsoils, and slopes S2b P6c B1 Sw JILLEY Sw B2 D4 Gently inclined crests and upper slopes with shallow uniform brownish sands 5 to 15%. B1 B1 SHIRE OF DARDANUP Sw P6c B3 P9 DILLON ROAD with ironstone gravel and very common duricrust outcrop (block laterite). B1 B1a d. Moderately deep to deep yellow-brown sands, rare limestone outcrop ROAD P10 ROAD S2b B6 SKIPPINGS P6a POAD and slopes 15 to 25% on the eastern slipface. B1 B2 S2c Ridge Hill Shelf (foothills): - Lateritized, low relief, foothills of the Darling Scarp B3 B1 P7a B1 P1a comprising fossil shoreline bench sediments, Holocene colluvium and narrow bands S2 Lower slopes (1-5%) of dune ridge with well drained: P1b B1 TWOMEY Sw P3 COKELUP P9 of alluvium. B1 P6a a. Moderately deep to deep yellow-brown sands or pale sands with yellow- P1b Sw B6 B1 F1 Gently inclined slopes (5-10%), with moderately well to well drained: brown subsoils, and minor limestone outcrop. B3 B1 B1a S2c B1 P6a b. moderately deep to deep, gravelly acidic yellow duplex soils and rare b. Shallow to moderately deep yellow-brown sands and common limestone Sw B1c B3 ROAD B2 B1 B1 S3b Sw B1 B1 P6a laterite. outcrop. B1c B1 B1 P1a B6 Sw P9 Qp2 B1 B1 ROAD c. deep uniform yellowish brown sand, generally laterite and gravel free. c. Deep bleached grey sands with yellow-brown subsoils usually occuring B2 ROAD B3 B6 KILPATRICK B1a RIVER P6a P1a on the eastern edge of the Spearwood dune ridge. B1 Sw B6 B3 F2 As for F1 (b,c), but with very gently to gently inclined lower slopes (1-5%). Sw B1 B1 P6c B1 Sw ROAD B3 P6a S3 Interdunal swales and depressions with gently inclined sideslopes and deep B2 P3b B6 P1b P6a F4 Incised stream channels with poorly drained acidic yellow duplex soils and ROAD B1 well drained siliceous yellow-brown sands. B1 B6 B2 P3b P3b B1a gradational sandy brown earths. B3 COLLINS P1b ROAD Sw P1a B1 P3 P6a S3b Interdunal swales and depressions with gently inclined sideslopes, with deep S1b P3 P1a P1b B1 F5 Poorly defined stream channels on lowest slopes with soils similar to F4. B4 B1 B1a bleached white/grey sands underlain by an organic pan or peat deposit. B2 P9 ROAD Sw B1 B6 B1a BROOKDALE ROAD Bay Qp2 P3 B4 B3 P6a S4 Flat to gently undulating sandplain (including minor depressions) with: B6 B2 B1 B2 Whicher Scarp: The age of the scarp ranges from Tertiary to Pleistocene. This low B1c B3 P1b S3b B1 B3 Sw B1 P6a scarp (30 to 80 metres high) is a complex marine erosional feature that marks the a. Deep, pale and sometimes bleached, sands with yellow-brown subsoils. B2 B2 ROAD B1 B2 south eastern boundary of the Pinjarra Plain and the northern boundary of the B1 P1b b. Shallow to moderately deep yellow-brown and grey-brown sands with MINNINUP B6 B6 B3 Blackwood Plateau. B2 B1 B3 B1 B2 P6a P3 B1 minor limestone outcrop. B1 B1 B1 QUINDERUP CS (Cartis) Extremely low to very low relief footslopes with deep bleached grey P1d c. Deep, yellow-brown or dark brown sands that are seasonally inundated. B2 B2 Sw sands with some deep yellow brown sands and bleached gravelly B4 Sw B1 P10 B2 B1 sands. Drainage on the gently sloping unit is rapid. B2 B2 S5 Stony plain with extremely low ridges (relict beach ridges and shallow to S2a B3 B1 B3 P1d P1a moderately deep siliceous yellow-brown sands. BOYANUP P6a B2 GARDINER B1 B2 B1a B6 Pinjarra Plain: - Broad low relief plain west of the foothills, comprising predominantly S6 Flat stony plain with poorly drained shallow siliceous sands and large areas B6 P6a P1a Pleistocene fluvial sediments and some Holocene alluvium associated with major B1 B1 B3 of bare limestone pavement. B2 B2 P1a current drainage systems. Major soils are naturally poorly drained with many P8 B1 295 WEST B2 B3 ROAD 295 B2 P6a swamps. S3b P3 ROAD B3 B6 B2 Quindalup Dune System (coastal dunes): -Unconsolidated Holocene sand west of P1b B1 B1a B2 B1 P1 Flat to very gently undulating plain with acidic mottled yellow duplex HIGHWAY the Spearwood Dunes. The major formations are low relief complex parabolic P1a B2 (or "effective duplex"*) soils comprising: P3 B1 P1d CS dunes fronted by foredunes with moderately inclined to steep slopes. The soils are BOYANUP P1b B1 B1 P1b B2 well to rapidly drained, uniform pale calcareous sands. P3 B1 BOYANUP a. Shallow pale sand to sandy loam over clay; imperfect to poorly drained MANGLES B4 P1d and generally not susceptible to salinity. Qf1 Foredune/blowout complex (semi erosional) with very low relief ridge and P9 B1 B3 P1a b. Moderately deep pale sand to sandy loam over clay: imperfectly drained swale topography and deep calcareous sands. S2a P4 P1b Sw WEST and moderately susceptible to salinity in limited areas. P1a ROAD Qf2 Relict foredunes and gently undulating beach ridge plain with deep P8 P1b calcareous sands. P3 c. Deep pale brown to yellowish sand to sandy loam over clay: imperfectly Qp2 P5a P3 drained and moderately susceptible to salinity in limited areas.
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