o ;:o o o o 00: -a ~ c: ! ~ :::I (j ~ I ~ .ilia o :ro 0) ... cc Canada & Mexico $7 u.s. $3.75 ..CD- -- Contents' RDEX Contributors •.•...••.•.•..• 23 Chemistry: Balancing Equations 10 PaJ)Cr Plane Pilot , 12 . , Chemistry: The Periodic Table 10 PattenlS 12 ·Most Wanted Softkeys ••••••••••• 23 Cleanwater Detectives 10· PiCtlJJ"e Chompers 12 linClassifieds .•.••.•...•..•••..•.•.••... 23 Clock ~ 20 Probability Lab ! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 12 ComInunikeys ~ 10 Problem-Solving With Nim 12' The Product Monitor Conquering Decimals (+,-) 10 Rings ofSaturn It;) ~ , , Re~iews Conquering Decimals (X,/) 10 Space Station Freedom 12 Quest for Clues III 5 Conquering Fractions (+t-) 10 Spell It 20 ~ ~.. ~.g I I ~.' '£ i · 10i f Wing C~mmanderII: Conquering Fractions (X,f) lO Spellevator '12 e ~ ~ Conquering Math Worksheet Generator .. 10 Spelling Puzzles and Tests.~ 12 losa 1 ~ O·~c::3 Special Operations 1 u u 4 10 ~ Ii: §VJ I Vengeance ofthe Kilrathi ~.~ 4 , Conquering Percents Spelling Series ToolKit 12 I~ Cog I Fast Frames, Updates, Etc. Conquering Ratios & Proportions 10 Star Maze .•........................: 15 Coordinate Math h ~ 10 Sun & SeasOIlS ' 12 ~~ Apple Materials ~ : 5 l:::t I Decimal Con.cepts ' lO Teaching Scientific Inquiry .: 12 llgs Disk Fixer ~.'1 ••••••••••• 5 en =.:S~ ~ I l -I Platter Plague? 6 Dungeon Master's Assistant vol2 12 Time Navigator e ••••••••••• 1,2 I w g ; I Tunn.els and Trolls 5 )Early Skills (2 diskettes) 20 Time Navigator Around The World 12 Eq,uation Math... ~ ....................................•. 10 Time Navigator Leaps Back 12 I ~ ~ ~ I Tunnels and'Troll~ Tavern Talk 6 Estimation Quicksolve I 10 To PreservetProtect & Defend 12 .1 !::l ~ ~ I ,Vendors ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Estimation Quicksolve II 10 Type Attack .....•....................................... 19 \ ,. 1m' ~~ I Bugs: Estimation Strategies 10 W~eds, To Trees ~ 12 I 0 ~..,. I ~ Bug in Captain Goodnight Softkey 15 Exploring Gas Laws ~ lO What's First? WhaCs Next'! 20 / ~ 1:2 6' I Bug in Gorgon Softkey 15 Five-Star-Forecast ·..- 10 Wo<Xl Car Rally ' 12 I~~i- c:r .... I Features, Notes & such: Flip 9ut ..........•.................•..................... ~. 19 Wooly Bounce ..: ~ 12 I ~ ~ e.. I Fossil Hunter " 10 A fix for "Putting... Super Boulder Dash Advanced Playing Tech·niques': I n~ I Fraction Concepts, Inc 12 ona Hard. Disk ....•............ ~ 8 m ;- i I Fraction Practice Unlimited 12 Eidolon , 7 An ELITE Craft without NMI 6 ~ 1 !lo' a 0 Gram.mar Gazzette 12 ."Elite ; 6 e.~·;P I Boot code tracing·Star Maze 15 I:J I Granunar Toy Shop , 12 Super Boulderdash APT, Explanation 7 ~ ~ g. § I EZ APT's with Compare Disk program .. 14 I = ,A.::S mstant S'urvey ..........................•............... 12 Playing Tips: · CD ;".YJ I Notes on Hacker II ..·· 7 Instant Surv~ySampler 12 I < ::s toQ en Gemstone Healer ~ 7 < Q..~ Ii: I Run MECC On Hard Disk 10 n~ Invisible Bugs to ••• 12 .1 ....... fa Super Boulderdash APT Explanation 7 ~ ~~ I Keyboarding Klass 16 IBM Softkeys: I ~ ~, ,co The Basics of KrackingPart 10 ~ 10 Kinder Koncepts , 20 Battle Chess II 22 I ~ ~ s= I WindwalkerGS Editor 20 • LittleTown Zoo ..........•........................•.... 12 ~arrier Command ~ 22 lip gi I Hilkeys: . Living Cell (The) : 12 Colonel's Bequest 22 ~ ~ ~ I I MECC Copy System/Label Utility 12 Lunar Greenhouse ~ 12 Continuwn 22 ~ ~ ~ I g I Midwest S.oftware 22 Mastertype's Writer 20 Crime Wave 22 ~ ~ I Ma~ Facts Tracker 16 Crimewave vl.1· 22 I s ~ Softkeys: I t3 .. ~ I Measureworks ~ _ 12 Curse ofthe Azure Bonds 22 Alge - Blaster Plus 20 MECC 3.5" ProDOS disks ..' 10 Dragon's Lair 22 I g =. "O.~ I Arcade Machine (The) ( 10 MECC Outliner 12 Dragon's Lair n 22 I~ ~ I Axis Assassin 16 Miner's Cave 14 Earl Weaver's Baseball vl.5 22 Backyard Birds 10 Minotaur 20 Earthrise 22 I ~ ~ I. I I ~ !. I Bandits ~ .. 17 Money .....................................•................ 20 Escape From Hell' ' 22 Bill Budgets SpaceAlbum 18 ~ ~ Mystery Matter 12 F-15 22 I m I I Borg 18, 19 I ~ I I Mystery Objects o. 12 Wherein U.S.A. is CarmenSandiego? 22 ~..; ..........•..~ Software recommendations "Assembler". Most of the source code in older sending source code files, and you are not using issues is in S-C Assembler format. If you use a the S-C Assembler, send them as normal text TheStarter Kitcontains mostofthe programs different assembler, you will have to translate files. that you need to "Get ~tart~d". In addition, we portions of the source code into something your recommend that you acquire the following: assembler will understand. When to include a printed letter Charles R. Haight Editor - Applesoft program editor such as "Global Don't include hardcopy (printout) unless: Jeff Hurlburt Reviews Program Line Editor (GPLE)". Dave Goforth BBS -Assembler such as "Merlin/Big Mac". a. You are writing aboltt"a bug or other printing -Bit-copy program such as "Copy IT Plus", error. COMPUTIST is published by· SoftKey "Locksmith" or "Essential Data Duplicator". b. You are writing to ask for help. Publishing. Address all inquiries to: -Word-processor (such as AppleWorks). c. You are answering another readers help re.. COMPUTIST -"COpyA", "FlD" and "MUFFIN" from the quest. 33821 East Orville Road DOS 3.3 System Master disk. Eatonville,·WA 98328-9590 d. You are writing about your. subscription or (206) 832-3055 Super lOB and Controllers sending an order for back issues or software. - COMPUTIST does NOT purchase editorial This powerful deprotection utility (in the Bugs, requests for help and answers to re.. material. The entire editorial contentconsists COMPUTIST Starter Kit) and its various Con­ quests for help are bwnped to the head ofthe line of information submitted to COMPUTIST trollers are used in many softkeys. (It is also on and go in the very next issue. All other l~tters are for publication in the shared interests of all ea~h Super lOB Collection disk.) printed in the order· that we receive them. COMPUTISTs. - Unsolicitedmaterial (manuscripts, letters to Reset into the Monitor Writing to get help the editor, softkeys, A.P.T.s, playing tips, questions, etc.) are assumed to be submitted Softkeys occasionally require the user to stop When writing to request help, be sure to as letters-to-the-RDEX-editorfor publication the execution of a -copy-protected program and include ALL relevent information. The more with all and exclusive rights belonging· to directly enterthe Apple'ssystemmonitor. Check information you include" the easierit is to find a COMPUTIST. the following list to see what hardware you will solution. There's an old saying ·tbat goes "A - Entire contents copyright 1990 by SoftKey need to obtain this ability. properly framed question includes 90% of the 'Publishing. Allrights reserved.Copyingdone Laser 128: Your ROM includes a forced answer". for other than personal or internal reference jump to the monitor.. Press ctrl return reset. 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Our ROM with amodified reset-vector on the com­ readers privacy is important, so we will not print expressed by the authors are not necessarily RDEX (are-decks) stands for: Reader's Data those ofCOMPUTIST magazine or SoftKey puter's motherboard as detailed in the"Modified your address unless you specific;lly say too. ' EXchange. We priilt what you write. When you Publishing. ROM's" article (COMPUTIST #6 or Book Of send in articles, softkeys, APTs, etc., -you are SoftkeysIII)orthe"DualROM's"article(COM­ How to write to RDEX authors SUBSCRIPTIONS: Rates (for 8 issues): submitting the~ forfree publicationinthismaga­ PUTIST #19). U.S $24 CanadalMexico .. $34 zine. RDEX does not purchase submissions nor When writing to one ofthe RDEX authors. Apple lie, Ilc: Install a modifiedCD ROM on U.S. 1st Class .. $34 Other Foreign ..... $54 do we verify data submitted by readers. If you Write your letter and seal it in an envelope. 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