PRICE 25c JULY 21, 1978 Jf ^^^P^M. ^^^^J^^m VOL. XX No. 20 Evangelize homes, neighborhoods, Charismatics told By SHARON HOLLIS Matrimony. She called the SUTTER people to evangelize their own homes, families and neigh- ST. LEO —The quiet borhoods and the world would summer silence of St. Leo soon change. College campus was tran- Bishop Joseph sformed last weekend when McKinney, auxiliary 4,000 Catholic Charismatics bishop of Grand Rapids, came together for the Third told the congregation at the annual All-Florida Catholic Saturday morning Mass Charismatic Conference. that the evangelization of "Proclaim the Good the Good News can only News to All Creation" was the happen through the power theme of the three-day and presence of the Holy workshop on evangelization. Spirit. CHARISMATICS were The bishop, who is also told to start evangelizing the chairman of the National world by first evangelizing Service Committee of the themselves. Catholic Charismatic Re- "Give your mind to Jesus newal, spoke to the group and the whole world can of the richness of the- change because the Spirit of "Paraclete." the Lord lives in you," It is a Greek word for the proclaimed Mother M. Holy Spirit, he said, with such Angelica, Poor Clare Abbess a rich meaning that it could of Our Lady of Angeles not be translated into English. Monastery in Birmingham, He said the Paraclete is "the Ala. one who comes to assist, to Mother Angelica stressed enable, to intercede for us, to that each Christian is called to give us power and to urge us SIGN OF FIDELITY: Paul Josefek makes the sign for holiness in his present state of to go out and witness the "promise" as he weds Dorothy Matthews (both deaf) at OFFICIAL life. She spoke of the need for Good News." Sacred Heart Church in Fall River, Mass., at the area's first married couples to bless each BISHOP Charles B. sign language wedding. Meanwhile, America's first deaf- Archdiocese of Miami other and to learn to live fully McLaughlin, Diocese of St. born priest tells The Voice the Church is "uncomfortable the Sacrament of Holy Continued on Page 3) with us." See page 5. At the urging of Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy, Memorial Masses will be celebrated in 5-Story unit for elderly slated churches of the Arch- diocese on Wednesday, A $5 - million five-story THE ARCHDIOCESE need." July 26, for the late housing complex for senior will have a kitchen, living already has over 1,000 The new Carroll Manor, room, bedroom and bath. Archbishop Coleman F. citizens of moderate income qualified persons on a waiting Carroll, first Archbishop of will be built by the Arch- to be named in memory of the list for the complexes, late Archbishop Coleman F. Qualification require- Miami. diocese of Miami in the Sharkey said, and the 230 new southeast Miami area near Carroll, first Bishop of Miami, ments set by the government On Thursday, Aug. 3, apartments will help alleviate will be located on S. Miami are: Applicant _must be 62 Mercy Hospital. the shortage. Archbishop McCarthy will Avenue on five acres adjacent years old, be ambulatory, be the principal celebrant of "Last year," he said, "we to Mercy Hospital grounds, have income no more than The project, which is had 12 openings at Marian a Memorial Mass for the acquired in a land swap $8,000 for a single person and prelate at 7:30 p.m. in St. expected to be complete in Towers in Sunny Isles and 400 between the Archdiocese and $9,100 for a couple. about 15 months, is the Arch- people to fill them. Mary Cathedral. Mercy. Archbishop Carroll Ten percent of the units diocese's fifth such low-cost "I feel that it is in- directed the building of four housing project for senior cumbent for anyone with will be made available to All priests of the other such complexes in ambulatory handicapped, Archdiocese have been citizens, according to Bernard the means," Sharkey said, Sunny Isles, Pompano Beach, Sharkey, executive director of "to furnish safe, decent, Sharkey said. The complex invited to concelebrate. Fort Lauderdale and Coral will provide 24-hour security, The occasion marks the Archdiocese Office of adequate, affordable hous- Springs. Community Services. ing to those who have that a recreation director, a social the first anniversary of the Each of the new 230 units worker, and the facility will death of Archbishop have a game room, auditorium Carroll. AAsgr. Philbin, founding and kitchen. FUNDS FOR con- pastor, dies at age 70 struction of the project are provided through a govern- Concelebrated Mass of An official statement ment insured loan. The Arch- the Resurrection was offered from Father Gerard T. diocese is sponsoring it and for Msgr. Romuald E. Philbin, LaCerra, Chancellor, lauded donating land, equipment and 70, at the church he was Msgr. Philbin's unique executive services amounting founding pastor of 31 years contribution to Religious to about $1.5 million. ago, St. Michael the Arch- Education. The statement angel. said: The site, according to Bus Guide 16 Principal celebrant at the "Msgr. Philbin es- Sharkey, "is a prime location Classified 17 Liturgy was Father Noel tablished the first Religious Editorial 6 in a residential area, near Family Life 14 Bennett, assistant chancellor. Education Office in the community facilities, buses, Movies a-TV. .. 15 Msgr. James J. Walsh gave Archdiocese and laid the churches, shopping, and, of Youth. 13 Msgr. Philbin the homily. Continued on Page 16) course, a hospital." KYF 10 f -News at-a~glance \ Pope rips Soviet trials CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy- "We feel obliged to do this," 'si/ (NC) — Pope Paul VI said July 16 he continued, "because of the that the sentences "inflicted with sentences inflicted with great great severity" on Soviet dissidents severity on those accused, as is were unjust and violated the 1975 commonly believed, of Helsinki accords. ideological rule-breaking, as well Speaking to crowds at his as because of our commitments summer villa in Castelgandolfo, Pope undertaken at Helsinki to call Paul said that "political opinions or one another back to a spirit of the revendication (legal recovery) of human feeling to which we are all one's own rights cannot, as such, be bound." prosecuted and punished as a crime." moral sense," said the vacationing The promotion of human rights pope. is "not subversive," he declared. The pope said that final THE POPE was referring to judgments could not be formed about heavy sentences given to three the trials because of the lack of "»•<.—, leading Soviet human rights activists complete information. "But no one after partially secret trials. The can fail to be struck by the dissidents—Alexander Ginzburg, unanimous reaction" to the trials, Anatoly Shcharansky and said the pope. Lithuanian Catholic Victoras He said that the universal Petkus —were given sentences condemnation "stems from the lack ranging from eight to 15 years on of news on the trials, from the feeling ft* charges of anti-Soviet agitation or that the defendants' rights to defense espionage. were not sufficiently protected, and "The end of the trials, which from the disproportion between the AIDING REFUGEES—Laotian refugees who fled to Thailand to escape the are being talked about in all the charges and the sentences." Communist regime receive medical treatment in the Thai Nongkhai Holding papers, obliges us as well to express He stressed that the main ob- Camp. The nursing sister is part of a four-person medical team supplied by our pain—not out of polemical jection to the trial was the conviction Catholic Relief Services of the United States through the Catholic Bishops of passion, but in order to confirm our that political opinions and human Thailand's Refugee Program. trust in the consistent and" rights cannot be prosecuted and progressive maturation of mankind's punished as a crime. Lithuanians protest coverage to make life harder for the poor, the elderly and John R. Quinn of San Francisco, president of the Lithuanian-American spokesmen are in- the disabled. That seems to be the consensus of National Conference of Catholic Bishops, is creasingly bitter about what they say is the editorials in about a dozen Catholic newspapers recovering on schedule after the removal of his meager press coverage given the trial by Soviet assessing Proposition 13 and the "taxpayers' gall bladder July 7 at Mary's Help Hospital in authorities of Lithuanian Catholic activist revolt." Daly City, Calif., according to a spokesperson for Viktoras Petkus. TV shows honored the hospital. Catholic school taxes LOS ANGELES-(NC) —The writers of HEW regulations hit "Special Olympics" and episodes of "Family" WASHINGTON-(NC)-Msgr. James WASHINGTON—(NC) —Catholic schools and "All in the Family" have received the 1978 McHugh, director of the bishops' Committee for should pay recently imposed unemployment Humanitas prizes totalling $50,00.0 for Pro-Life activities, said that the tightening by the compensation taxes "under protest" pending "humanizing achievements in television." The Department of Health, Education and Welfare of further study of the issues involved, according to awards were presented July 10 during ceremonies regulations for funding abortions might cut a memo from the U.S. Catholic Conference's legal in Los Angeles by the Human Family Institute. dishonesty, but not abortions. The regulations counsel. The advice came from USCC General Italian MDs won't abort require that the two doctors required to certify Counsel George Reed. that an abortion is necessary to protect the Rhodesia denies charges VATICAN CITY-(NC)-Most ob- mother from severe and long-lasting physical stetricians and gynecologists in Italy have of- health damage "must be financially independent WASHINGTON-(NC)-The government ficially declared that they will not perform of one another" to rule out conflicts of interest.
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