INDEX Admiralty Court Records, 88 Boldre, schools at, 133 Aldershot, grants to schools in, 132 Bole, John, 88 National School, 134 Borod, George, 88 Allbrook, 114, 121 Bournemouth, schools at, 133 Lock, 123, 124 Bower, 90 Alleyn, Edward, 81 Bowkett (Mr.), 122 Alton Pottery from, 62, 67-68, 69, 70 Bradley, Richard, Excavations on Portsdown Hill School at, 129, 131 1963S, 42-58 School society at, 130 Bramber, Pottery from, 69, 72 (footnote) Alverstoke School, 132 Brambridge, 114, 125 Alwele, Edward, miller, 103 Single Gates, 114 Amber, 26 Bramdean, Stephen, 105 Amberwood Inclosure, boiling mound, 15 Bransgore, school at, 129 America, salt to, 91 Brocas, Sir Bernard, Chantry endowed at South- Andover, Canal, 121 wick, 73 Schools at, 129, 131 Brookfield, Rev. H., HMI, 127 British School, 134 Brothwell, D. R., The Human Remains from Anglo-Saxon Skeletons, Fart I, in Human Remains Ports Down in A Prehistoric and Anglo-Saxon from Ports Down, by D. R. Brothwell, 36-41 Burial Ground, Ports Down, Portsmouth, 36-41 Animal Bones.from Portsdown Hill, 52-54 Brown, Thomas, 90 Armfields of Ringwood, 111 Buckherd Bottom, boiling mound above, 15 Arnauld, John, 103 Buckle, iron, 23, 34 Ashbee, Paul, The Wessex Grave in A Prehistoric Bulkley, Bartholomew, saltern owner, 89 and Anglo-Saxon Burial Ground, Ports Down, Bulpett, C. W. C, 122 Portsmouth, 26-33 Bulpett, W. W., 121 Burghal Hidage, Southampton, by David Hill, 59-6i Burial Ground - A Prehistoric and Anglo-Saxon Baker, David, 78 Burial Ground, Ports Down, Portsmouth, 20-41 Baker, Harry, linen draper, 118 Burrade, George, 88 Bar End, Winchester, 117 Burrard, George, saltern owner, 89 Barrow Simmonds, family, 105 Salt duty collector, 92 Barton, Kenneth James, Three Groups of Medieval Burrard, Thomas, saltern owner, 89 Jugs and their Wider Significance, 62-72 Burrell, C, Reynolds, J., and Bignell, D., Durn- Barton Mill, 103 gate Mill, Winchester, 103-112 Basingstoke, school society at, 130 Button, shale, Bronze Age, 21, 27 Beads of Lignite, 26, 2g Bedhampton, Saltpans at, 86 Bell, Dr., 128 Bentley, school at, 129 Bereleigh, Portrait of Edward VI at, 81 Berewater, 89 Canshut Lane, Southampton, 59 Bernard, Sir T., 92 Catherine Hill, 114 Bignell, D., Reynolds, J., and Burnell, C, Dum- Lock, 120, 125 gate Mill, Winchester, 103-112 Catholic Poor School Committee, 132 Binsted, Pottery from, 62, 69 Chalton, Hants, Manor Farm, Pottery from, 71 Bishopstoke, 114, 119 Channel Islands, salt to, 91 Bishop's Waltham Great Barrow, 30 Chantries endowed by Southwick Priory, 73" Black, T., barge owner, 119 Chapel, 121 Blackbridge, 120, 123 Chichester, Pottery at, 69 Wharf, 113, 114 Baffus Hall, Pottery at, 69 Boarhunt, Saltpans at, 86 Tower Street, Pottery from, 71 Boiling Mounds in the New Forest by A. H. Pasmore Chickenhill Lock, 124 and J. Pallister, 14-19 Chilbolton, school at, 134 137 INDEX Christchurch, Priory Cartulary of, 87 Drake, Capt. W. Tyrwhitt, 81 Schools at, 131, 133 Duck Hole Bog, boiling mound above, 15 Grants to schools at, 13a Dummer, Thomas of Cranbury, 117 City Foundry, Winchester, 112 du Port, Rev. C. D., HMI, 130 Clark, Rev. John, 133 Dumgate Mill, Winchester, by J. Reynolds, C. Clarke, Turner P., 1 a 1 Burrell and D. Bignell, 103-112 Clausentum, 59, 61 Durrington, Sussex', Pottery from, 70 Cobbett, William, 137 Coin, Claudian, 58 Coles, Jn., salt boiler, 93 Coles's, saltworks, ga Eades, Tom, 107 College Bridge, 117 Earle, W., barge owner, 119 College Mead, 114 East Wellow, school at, 134 Lock, 125 East Woodhay, schools at, 133 Collingridge, Rev. Ignatius, 132 Educational Census of 1870, 133 Compton Malm, 114 Edward, Earl of Devon, 88 Lock, 125 Eight pans, saltworks, 92 Cdmptori Place Lock, 125 Eling, saltpans at, 86 Conegar, 114 Evans, Wm., salt boiler, 92 Lock, 123 Evison, Vera I., 'The Saxon Finds' in A Pre­ Contribution of the Voluntary Societies to the Provision historic and Anglo-Saxon Burial Ground, Ports of Elementary Education in Hampshire, 1800- Down, Portsmouth, 33-36 1870, by B. V. Spence, M.A., M.Ed., Excavation, The, by A. Corney in A Prehistoric 127-135 and Anglo-Saxon Burial Ground, Ports Down, Copnor, saltpans at, 86 Portsmouth, 20 Corney, A., A Prehistoric and Anglo-Saxon Burial Excavations on Portsdown Hill, 1963s, by Richard Ground, Ports Down, Portsmouth, 20-41 Bradley, 42-58 Course, Edwin, The lichen Navigation, 113-126 Eyles, Richard, 119 Craite (Mr.), 105 Creek Bottom, boiling mound, 15 Creek Cottage, windmill mound at, g7 Cremations, Part 2, in The Human Remains from Fareham, schools at, 133 Ports Down, 41 Fawley, Sunday school at, 128 Crofton, saltpans at, 86 Fiennes, Celia, Method of Evaporation, 89 Fishbed, weir, 105 Flatform, saltworks, 92 Saltern at, 99 D'Arcy, John, 117 Flints, worked, 18 Deadman Bottom Site, 15 Fired, 26 Boiling mound, 15-19 Fordingbridge, school society at, 130 Deane, T., 117 School at, 131 Decoy Pond, 114 Freeman, John, 75 Lock, 119, 123 Fry, Richard, baker of Salisbury, 96 'Deer Roasts', 14 Fiirner, William, 91 Densome Wood, boiling mound, 15 Dimmick,.Wm. Jnf., salt boiler, 92 Dimmick, Wm. Sen., salt boiler, 92 Dimmicks, saltworks, 92 Garton, Jonathan,' 91 Diocesan Board of Education, 128 Gater, W. H., barge owner, 119 Dissenters Schools, 130 Gaters Mill, 119 Domum Wharf, 125 West End wharf near, 121 Dore, Jos., salt boiler, 92 Gob's Barrow, 26 Dores, saltworks, 92 Goldfinch, Richard, 120 Downie (Mr.), of Alton, 122 Gorley Bushes, boiling mound near, 15 138 INDEX Gosport, Catholic school at, 132 Hurst Castle, 89 Grants to schools at, 132 Husee, Sir Roger, Chantry endowed at South- Graffham, Pottery from, 72 wick, 73 Great Bridge, saltworks, 92 Green, C. H., 75 Griffiths, George, of Epsom, 117 Guidott, F., saltern owner, 89 Guydott, Francis, saltern owner, 89 Incense Cup, Bronze Age, 21, 27 Ireland, salt to, 91 Iremonger, Dr. Frederic, 128 Iremonger, Rev. Richard, 134 Isle of Wight, saltpans at, 91 Itchen, River, 103, 107 Itchen Navigation by Edwin Course, 113-126 - Hale Purlieu, boiling mound, 15 Hambledon, schools at, 133 Hampshire Society for the Education of the Infant Poor, 127 Hampton, Jacob, salt boiler, 92 Jewell, P. C, 110 Hampton, Jos., salt boiler, 92 Jewell, H. P. M., 111 Hamptons, saltworks, 92 Hanton, 60 Hamwih, 60, 61 Hangletoh, Pottery from, 71 Hanley, H. R., barge owner, 119. Kennard, A. S., 26 Harmwood, William, saltern owner, 89 Kent, John, salt duty collector, 91 Harting, potters at, 72 Keyhaven, 89 Harvey, Francis, 80 • Saltern at, 88, 97 Hasler (Mr.), miller, 105 King, E., 89 r Havant, Pottery from, 62, 63-67, 70 Knapp, Edward, 118, 119 Knapp, Mary Ann, barge owner, 119 • Saltpans at, 86 Knapp, T.,. trustees of, 119 • School at, 129 Knife, iron, 23, 33 Grants to schools in, 132 Knocker, Gp. Cpt. G. M., 20 .,. Hayling, saltpans at, 86 Headley, schools at, 133 Heathcote, Sir W., 120 Hebbards, saltworks, 92 Hethstone (sandstone), 17 Land Mollusca from Portsdown Hill, 54 High Lay Saltworks, 97 from Portsdown II, 57 Hill, David, The Burghal Hidage, Southampton, Lansdall, James, 90 59-6i Lawrence, Jas., salt boiler, 92 Holbein, 80 Lawrences, saltworks, 92 "•• Holbury Inclosure, boiling mound, 15 Leland, 73 Holdenhurst, schools at, 13 Lewes, St. Anne's Church," Pottery from, 70 • Hollis, F.J., 121 Lincoln, Bishop of, 93 Hollis, George, 118, 120 Little Bridge, saltworks, 92 Hooper, Bari, 58 Littlehampton, Pottery from, 69 . "•'• Hooper,.William, coal merchant, 11.7 '••• Little Oxey, saltworks, 92 Hordle, saltpans at, 86 -• Lloyd, A. T., The Salterns of the Lymington Area, Hordell, tithe of salterns of, 87 86-102 Horsham, West Street, Pottery from, 70 • ;. Lock House, 114 • ' How, John, salt duty collector, g 1, 92 Lock, 124 Human Remains from Portsdown by D. R. London and Southampton Railway, 120 Brothwell in A Prehistoric and Anglo-Saxon London, Philip, 92 '• • *' • Burial Ground, Ports Down, Portsmouth, 36-41 Lower Beeding, Sussex, Pottery from, 69 139 DEX Lymington, 86 O'Carroll, Patrick, 122 Tithe of salterns of, 87 Odiham, school at, 131 Saltpans at, 91 Otterbourne, 124 Sunday school at, 128 Outer, A., 52, 54 Schools at, 129, 131, 132 Over Wallop, saltpans at, 86 School society at, 130 Oxey, saltworks, 92 Lyndhurst, school at, 128 Oxeye, saltworks at, 88 Pallister, J., and Passmore, A. A., Boiling Mounds McVaugh, M. R., The Position of Alware Street in in the New Forest, 14-19 Medieval Winchester, 82-5 Palmer, H., carpenter, 121 Malm Bridge, 125 Passmore, A. H., and Pallister, J., Boiling Mounds Mansbridge, 114, 119, 123 in the New Forest, 14-19 Markway Holms, boiling mounds, 15 Paul, J., barge owner, 119 Martyr Worthy, 129 Paulet St. John's, family, 80 Marwell, 80 Pennington, 89 Massachusetts, salt to, 93 Saltern at, 88 Mays Firs, boiling mound, 15 Manor Farm, 97 Meadow, William, coalbrig owner, 117 Pennington Nervitt, 88, 93 Melchet, school at, 134 Petersfield, school at, 129 Merkin, G. The Site ofSouthwick Priory, 73-79 Plaitford, school at, 134 Michelmersh, schools at, 133 Portchester, 59, 61 Middleton-on-Sea, Sussex, 62-63 Priory Church at, 73 Midhurst, Pottery from, 72 Schools at, 133 Mildmays family, 80 Portraits of Edward VI from Hampshire Collections Milford, saltworks at, 86, 87, 88, 91 by Nigel Surry, M.A. (Oxon.), 80-81 Sunday school at, 128 Portsdown, Anglo-Saxon inhumations found, 20 Milkham, East End of, boiling mound, 15 1 st century site at, 58 Mill Lawn Brook, boiling mound, 15 Site I in Excavations on Portsdown Hill 1963-5, Moody, John, coalbrig owner, 117 42-55 Morell,J. D., HMI, 131 Site II in Excavations on Portsdown Hill 1963s, 55-58 Portsea, school at, 129 Grants to schools at, 132 Catholic school at, 132 Nails (2), 34 St. John's School, 132 Naked Man, boiling mound near, 15 Saltpans at, 91 National Society, 127 Portsmouth, Hospital of Domus Dei, 73 Naughton, A.
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