CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-33 TAMIL NADU DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - B TIRUVANNAMALAI DISTRICT VILLAGE & TOWN-WISE PRIMARY CENUS ABSTRACT <31) ch~ ~..._'" PEOPLE ORIENTED Dr. C. Chandramouli of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Tamil Nadu Contents Pages Foreword XI Preface XLll Acknowledgements xv Map of The Tiruvannamalai District XVll District Highlights - 200 I XIX Important Statistics of the District -2001 XX] Ranking of Taluks in the District XX111 Summary Statements from 1 - 9 Statement l: Name of the headquarters of DistrictITaluk, their rural-urban XXVI status and distance from District headquarters, 200 1 Statement 2: Name of the headquarters of District/CD block, their xxvi rural-urban status and distance from District headquarters, lOO I Statement 3: PopUlation of the District at each census from 1901 to 200 I xxvii Statement 4: Area, number of villages/towns and population in District xxviii and Taluk, 200 I Statement 5: CD block wise number of villages and rural population, 2001 xxx Statement 6: Population of urban agglomerations (including constituent units/ xxx towns),200l Statement 7: ViUages with population of 5,000 and above at CD block level XXXI as per 200 1 census and amenities available Statement 8: Statutory towns with population less than 5,000 as p!t:f 20Gl XXXHI census and amenities available Statement 9: Houscless and institutional population of Taiuks, XXXIV rural and urban, 2001 Analytical Note (i) History and Scope of the District Census Handbook 3 (ii) Brief History of the District 3 (iii)Administrative set-up 5 (iv) Physical features 5 (v) Pages (v) Census concepts 13 (vi) Non-Census concepts 19 (vii) Census 200 1 findings 24 Distribution of population in Rural and Urban areas: Size, class and status of Towns; Population Growth, Density and Sex Ratio; Literacy; Economic Activity; Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Religion (VBl) Brief Analysis of data based on mset tables 1 to 52 28 (ix) Major Social and Cultural events in the Distnct - Fairs and festivals 80 (x) Places of tourist interest in the District 80 (xi) Major Characteristics of the District, contribution of the district in the 81 form of any historical figure associated with the district (xii) Scope of Village and TO\vn Directory 81 Part A - Village and Town Directory Section I - Village Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in the village directory 85 (b) List of villages merged in towns and outgrmvth of 200 I Census 86 (c) CD block wise presentation of Village Directory Data 1. VEMBAKKAM CD BLOCK (1) Map of Cheyyar Taluk 91 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 200 1 93 (iii) Village Directory 96 2. CHEYYAR CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 200 1 123 (ii) Village Directory 126 3. ANAKAVUR CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 2001 147 (ii) Village Directory 150 4. VANDAVASI CD BLOCK (i) Map of Vandavasi Taluk 169 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 200 1 171 (ui) Village DlTectory 174 (vi) Pages 5. THELLAR CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 2001 197 (ii) Village Directory 200 6. PERANAMALLUR CD BLOCK (1) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 200 I 221 (ii) Village Directory 224 7. ARANI CD BLOCK (i) Map of Arani Taluk 245 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages aiongwith location code 1991 and 2001 247 (iii) Village Directory 248 8. WEST ARANI CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 200 1 259 (ii) Village Directory 2fiO 9. CHETPET CD BLOCK (i) Map of Palm Taluk 271 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 200] 273 (iii) Village Directory 276 10. POLUR CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List ofVilJage alongwith location code 1991 and 2001 297 (ii) Village Directory 300 11. JAWATHU HILLS CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 2001 323 (ii) Village Directory 324 12. KALASAPALAYAM CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwlth location code 1991 and 2001 337 (ii) Village Directory 338 13. PUDUPALAYAM CD BLOCK (i) Map of Chengam Taluk 355 (ii) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 2001 357 (iii) Village Directory 358 14. THURINJAPURAM CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 2001 377 (ii) Village Directory 380 (vii) Pages 15 KILPENNATHUR CD BLOCK (i) Alphabt:tical List of Villagt:s alongwith location code 1991 and 2001 399 (ii) Village Directory 402 16. TIRUVANNAMALAI CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 2001 421 (ii) Village Directory 424 17. CHENGAM CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 2001 451 (ii) Village Directory 454 18. THANDARAMPET CD BLOCK (i) Alphabetical List of Villages along,vith location code 1991 and 200 I 475 (ii) Village Directory 47& (d) Appendixes to Village Directory Appendix - I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other amenities 500 in villages - CD block level Appendix - Ia Villages by number of Primary Schools 504 Appendix - Ib Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 505 Appendix - Ic Villages with different sources of drinking water 506 facilities available Appendix - II Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not 507 have Ohe or more amenities Appendix - IIa List of Census Towns which do not have one or more amenities 508 Appendix - III Land utilisation data in respect of Census 508 Towns/non-municipal towns Appendix - IV CD block wise list of inhabited villages where no amenity 509 other than drinking water facility is available Appendix - V Summary showing number of villages not having 510 Scheduled Castes population Appendix - VI Summary showing number of villages not having 510 SchedUled Tribe population Appendix - VIla List of villages according to the proponion of the Scheduled 511 Castes to the total population by ranges Appendix - VTTh: List of villages according to the proponion of the Scheduled 527 Tribes to the total population by ranges Appendix - VIII Number ofvj[[ages under each Gram Panchayat 537 {viii) Pages Appendix - IX Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages 569 Section II - Town Directory (i) Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory 570 (ii) Tovvn Directory Statements Statement I Status and GrOViitb History 574 Statement II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1999 576 Statement III Municipal Finance, 1998-99 578 Statement IV Civic and other Amenities, 1999 580 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 582 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1999 586 Statement VII Civic and other amenities in Slums, 1999 588 (iii) Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrov.th with population 592 Part B - Primary Census Abstract Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 595 District Primary Census Abstract 598 Appendix to District Primary Abstract 604 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 618 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 624 Village Primary Census Abstract - CD block wise 630 Urban Primary Census Abstract 822 Annexures and their write-ups Annexure- Number of Villages under cach Gram Panchayat 860 Annexure- II Fertility and mortality measures 910 Annexure- III Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage 911 Annexure- IV Percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth/place 912 of last residence Annexure- V Brief account of main religions in the district 914 Anncxure- VI Mantal status of population in the distnct 915 Annexure- VII Age, sex and educational level in the district 916 Annexure-VIII Distribution of different mother tongues in the district 917 (ix) Foreword he District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since T1951 census, is one of the important publications in the context of planning and development at grossroots level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village-wise and to\"IoTI-wise of the district alongwith the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastructural facilities, etc. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The DeHB published at the 1961 census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 censlis-DCHB series was in three parts Part-A related to village and to\'o11 directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain anal)1ical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB was in two parts: Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCAofvillage and town including the SCs and STs peA up to tahsillto\\11 levels. New features alongwith restructuring of the formats of village and to\'o11 directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. Information on new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village \vere provided so as to meet the requirements of some of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Information on approach to the village was provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to giye the details on number of inaccessible villages in each district. In the To\'o11 Directory, a statement (VII) on slums was introduced to provide the details on civic and other amenities in the notified slums of Class I and Class II towns.
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