/ ^ V THE O bserver The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Marys VOLUME 40 : ISSUE 70 FRIDAY, )ANUARY 20, 2006 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Abroad returnees readjust to ND Campaign By JOE TROM BELLO exchange News Writer Editor's Note: This is the first in a two- — ™- -", t M part series exploring how students heats up make the transition back to Notre Dame from studying abroad. SMC presidential “Expect life to be different,” reads a vice presidential sentence in the London Program’s ori­ 7 * I 1 entation handbook given to students :: ' hopefuls vie for votes before their semester abroad. For many Notre Dame students, cultural and lin­ guistic differences can make re-entry By MEGAN O ’NEIL into the United States — and especially Saint M ary’s Editor into the Notre Dame community — diffi­ cult after spending a summer, semester Midway through their cam­ or year abroad. paigns, Saint Mary’s student body Terri Bays, associate director of the presidential and vice presidential London Program — Notre Dame’s candidates tried to win over vot­ Crowds gather outside Buckingham Palace in London, a popular study abroad destina­ ers Thursday by fielding students’ see ABROAD/page 9 tion for Notre Dame students — some of whom face difficulties in returning to campus. questions on everything from past lead­ ership experi­ See Also ence to the “Saint Mary's College’s rela­ Book buyers look to new options for deals tionship with e le c tio n s 2006” Notre Dame. page 4 Though she had to wait for The e x c h ­ By LUISA CABRERA her books to be shipped, News Writer ange between Cimino felt that it was worth presidential hopeful and current the wait. student body vice president Susan While many returning stu­ “The tradeoff is th at it takes Mcllduff and running mate dents packed the Hammes a couple of days to receive the Maggie Seifert and opposing can­ Notre Dame Bookstore with books, but it is worth it for the didates Amanda Shropshire and seemingly endless lines during amount of money saved,” she Annie Davis was largely congenial the past week, some opted to said. “ I also sold many text­ as the tickets outlined intended buy their books elsewhere. books online that I had not changes and highlighted personal After semesters of purchasing been able to sell back to the attributes. costly books while receiving bookstore. In the past two McMufF emphasized her role as minimal money back for the days, I have made $200 just president of the Student used copy after finals, students on selling books.” Academic Counsel while saying say they are exploring less Students are using Web sites one of her main goals if elected expensive ways of buying such as Betterworldbook.com, would be to improve students’ books as well as buy back pro­ Amazon.com, EBay.com and selection of and enrollment in grams with better incentives Half.com (owned by EBay), courses by making all course — despite a new Bookstore which offer competitive prices requirements available to stu­ rewards program. on the same new and used dents prior to registration. Senior Mary Catherine books sold at the bookstore. Mcllduff also hopes to examine JENNIFER KANG/The Observer Cimino used Amazon.com for In December 2002, two adding and dropping classes, a Freshman Eileen Zander shops for books at the Hammes Notre the first time to purchase and Dame Bookstore Thursday. sell her books this semester. see BOOKS/page 6 see ELECTION/page 8 Unique challenges confront transfer students Patience required during class registration , housing search on-campus housing her first who transferred in the fall By KAREN LANGLEY semester. Instead, she found of his sophomore year, lived Assistant News Editor an apartment at Turtle in a one-person studio Creek with three other apartment at Turtle Creek When college students female transfer students while waiting to receive on- open their transfer accept­ who had met on a message campus housing. He got a ance letters from Notre board set up by the Office of place in Knott Hall in Dame, they may assume the Undergraduate Admissions. October of that year. hardest part is behind The group had addressed “That’s when 1 met my th em . B ut all of the paperwork friends, ” he said. “The first even though required to rent the apart­ month a half was a little transfer ori- ment but had not yet signed weird because there aren’t e n t a t i o n See Also the lease, a delay that a lot of ways to meet peo­ During Freshman s m o o t h e s “Saint Mary’s proved fortuitous when ple. You go to class and Orientation, sophomores the start to transfers face Martell was contacted five then th ere’s nowhere to go their careers days before she arrived on back to but your place.” lead new students. as N otre m in o r campus and informed that Brennan had met people Transfer students must D am e s tu ­ difficulties” she could live in a dorm. in class and through pick­ assume greater dents, hous­ Her roommates were also up sports, but he became ing and page 3 given on-campus housing. more involved in the com­ independence. class regis­ “The difference between munity after moving into ♦ tration have proved chal­ living on campus and off Knott. He served as the lenging for some transfers campus is like day and hall’s senator his junior PHOTOS BY this year. night,” Martell said. “I’m so year and is currently a resi­ DUSTIN Anne Martell, a sopho­ glad — I can’t even imagine dent assistant. MENNELLA& more transfer this fall, had not living on campus.” been told she would not get Ryan Brennan, a senior see TRANSFERS/page 3 BETH WERNET page 2 The Observer ♦ PAGE 2 Friday, January 20, 2006 In s id e C o lu m n Question of the Day: W h e r e d o y o u b u y y o u r b o o k s ? I have an iPod dream There is nothing as blissfully anti­ intellectual as the late night cartoon comedy block (because the anime it Adebola Giwa Meghan Jason Vierig contains is to be avoided) on Cartoon Tom Hoffman Colin Heye Mike McKenna Network known as [adult swim]. Johnson The most well- freshman freshman freshman freshman freshman sophomore known show, and Peter Ninneman Alumni Cavanaugh Zahm also my personal O’Neill O’Neill O’Neill favorite, “Aqua Teen Hunger News “Online.' “I compete in “Amazon and “You have to “Tibetan Force,” features Production “Umm ... the a genius box of Editor bookstore. ” battles o f the bookstore. ” buy books?” traders in French fries, a valor. ” Mongolia. ” trouble-making milkshake and a lovable mentally handicapped wad of raw meat, all living under one roof in Jersey, next to the outstandingly irritable and libidinous Carl, clothed in a wife- beater and blue sweatpants. This is basically the format of [adult swim] cartoons. There is some crazy situation with eccentric char­ acters from which hilarity (usually) In B r ie f ensues. There is rarely a conven­ tional plotline or message. The best Football walk-on applications way to describe these shows, in all are due today at the football truthfulness, is “dumb.” office of the Guglielmino This, however, is not really the Athletics Complex. Forms can be case with a show new to both [adult picked up at the football office. swim] and television itself: “The Boondocks,” adapted from the politi­ The Notre Dame Student Film cally- and socially-charged comic Festival begins today at 7 p.m. in strip by Aaron McGruder that is syn­ the DeBartolo Center for the dicated in about 350 American Performing Arts. The Festival newspapers. will feature 12 short films made Over break, I was fortunate to as class projects during the past catch the Martin Luther King Day year and will include dark come­ episode, entitled “Return of the dies and documentaries. King.” The premise of the episode is this: Bill O’Connell’s Chicago w hen MLK was shot, he slipped into Skyliners, a swing band, will per­ a coma, but failed to die. He comes form today at 10 p.m. at to in the present day, and moves to Legends. Chicago, where the main characters, Huey and Riley Freeman and their The Saint Mary’s swim team grandfather Robert, live. will compete against Kalamazoo It turns out that Robert and MLK College in its final home meet of were brothers in the civil rights the season today at 6:30 p.m. in movement (Robert was sitting next Rolfs Aquatic Center. to Rosa Parks, but she got all the JENNIFER KANG/The Observer Students look over materials for the semester while gathering at a Right to attention). Through their relation­ Life meeting in the auditorium of LaFortune Student Center Thursday. The Saint Mary’s first year ship, Riley, a politically aware board is sponsoring Battle of the “urban youth,” meets and immedi­ Bands 2006 Saturday at 6:30 ately accepts Dr. King as a com rade- p.m. in the Saint Mary’s Student in-arms, asking him to head up Center. The event will feature America’s first black political party. Notre Dame bands “Somers­ MLK, however, has been branded aults,” “Slap Bracelet Suicide, ” by the media as anti-American for O ffbeat “Robbie Hazen,” “Ryan believing his country should turn the Connaughton” and “Patrick the Court upholds obscene ($2,000) on three models inside. Michael Sean other cheek to al-Qaeda.
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