Groundfish Supplies up in April of the "'Orthea~Tern Lnited State

Groundfish Supplies up in April of the "'Orthea~Tern Lnited State

RECENT NMFS NO I cchnlLa l Re pol t \I I '-, tlon ... o r thc ationa l ;-'I a rinc " lshcIiCS SCIENTIFIC C I RC -IXO. I nge tt. \1.11 , I lien . dnd '-, Cl \ ICC. atlona l Oceanic a nd '\tmo.,­ phc ll c Administration (untt! Oc.tohcr, I ee C r ho r ... o n. "Fi., hcr) publica ti on,>, PUBLICATIONS IlJ 70 th c Bureau of (ommcrc ial ca lendar) ear 1968: Iht., and in de\c.,." I I... hc lic ... or the I '-, I ISh a llll Wtldl itc \ I.I} 11.)7 I 24 P I 0 I '-, ,t1 e h } t h C '-, Cl \ ICC ) In calenddf ye.lI IlJ6X (lIC IlSt cd OAA J echnlcal Re port \11 ') '-, upe l illtendent of DOLllmc nh. L '-, numc llcall y (\\ ith ahstract ... ) and ind cx· C IRC-37 1. '-,01-0 10 ... 1- 1. \ d.[m \ C' lHclnment Prin tin g OITl cc Wd ... hlllg cd hy autho r, ... lIhjcct. ,[ nd gcographic (edLtor) " Ocean fhher) management : to n. D( 20402 Prl Le Vi ccnt'> a lCd' ( II c ul al, Data Re port f' l hC r] In du ... tl la l Re ... ean: h, F- i hery I.c.dlct, discussions and research. " -\pnl 1971. \B'-,JR\( I and '-,pccia l Scienti fic Rc po rt 171 p. f-or ... ale hy the '-,upenntendent or r he 10 1l ll\\1I1g ... cnc ... ll f li ... he l} puhlica· - f "'hcrlc ... Document ... L '-, (,o\ernment Print In g Office. \\ .I ... hlngton IX 20·Hl2 Pnce' ';'1 .50 Monthly Fishery Market Review 0:\ -\ T ecl1nlc.t1 ReplHt '\I \II '-, C I RC -174. ( 001- . 0 .[\ Id CJ . .Lnd R.dph o Bnnl-hur...r ""arine fl ora and fauna Groundfish Supplies up in April of the "'orthea~tern lnited State.... \n­ nelida: Oligochaeta." \I a\ 11} 71 2.1 p ('tHai "'lIpplte ... or groundli ... h uUllng .l dnUar} I to \ pnl .10, In\entorie of For ... ale h\ the '-,upe llnte ndent of \ pnl \\ere ctln ... idel ~ lhl) hlghel th.tIl d hlod: \\ere reduccd hy 4.1 millll)n Document... L '-, (,o \ ernment Print­ \edl dgO. \\ Ith ... uh ... tantial g.lIn III Im- pound... DUling the .lme f1\!rlud 1(1 t ing Offill. \\ a ... h111 gton. DC 20402 port ... a nd he .t \ lei heginnlng In\en- }ear, the net dr:l\\do\\ n \\a 9 million Price: 35 Clnt-.. tllIle .... Pa nicularl} trtlng dem<lnd PlllJllU ... during the n1l1nth cllntrihuteu to higher J anuary- \ pnl re ult 1'01 heilli h -\BSTR \ C f \\ hok ... tie and retail price ... ... ho\\ed he<l\ier tllt,tI upplie~ for all \ upplie ... tlfhloel- ... gener.LlI) ueeltned m~ljllr peele . eomp.treu \\ nh a year The m.LnuaI1l1c lude ... \I1 1I1 troduction on the gener.LI biology, an ill u ... trated dunng the month a ... import cllntInueU ago. due chlell} to hea\ y Carr}ll\er in- I-ey. an annotated .,y ... tematic li ... t. a to he hekl\\ d )ear earlier \\ Ith Itmer \entorle l.tIldlllg of hrimp. ,>eleeted hibliograph y• an an ind e \ to the ... uppl ie ... lI1d Increa ... lng uemdnd lrom callt1 p ... anu meriean lob ter \\ere marine Oligochaeta of the Ea ... t C oa ... t of ... tiel- anu portion ... prouucer . hillel­ uh tantIall} higher th,tIl a )ear earlier. >"':orth , merica. The F- a mtlle ... '\jdldidae, Tubificidae. F I1l:h\ traeldae. pric l. ... 1I11.rea ... ed aero ...... the hoard. In­ There \\ere declille in hnmp and pin) and \lega ... colec id ae are treated \entone"'llf ... tIcl- ... dnd portion ... fell dur­ loh ... ter Im porh. hut import o f ... Ldllo p II1g the month and price lI1uea eu. anu -\ meriean loh ter \\ere hea\ ier. "10 AA fec hnlcal Re po rt ...... \ 1 F­ upplt e ... of ... hellft ... h \\ere greaterdur­ on umption of all major he ll fi ... h in­ CI RC-379. T ho r,>o n. Lee C . and \Iary II1g -\pnl than III the ... arne month in cred ed ... ignificantl}. Ellen Engett " Fisher) publication. , 1972 Demanu dppeared reldtl\el, calendar )ear 1969: lists and indexes." ~trong a ... In\entone., genera ll y fe ll April 1913 II P F- o r ... a le h y the GROUNDFISH P nce~ for ",pln} lob ... ter and hnmp ro ... e Superintendent of Document.... L S \\ hll e ., callop ... and Amencan lob ... ter Dome ... tt c grou ndfi~h lil nd ings in Government Print111 g Office, W.I... h1l1 g­ pnce~ uec lineu . -\pnl we re 4':- percent belo\\ the pre\ I­ ton. DC 20402 Pnce : 45 cent'> T he cumuldtl\e pic tu re for Jdnu,lry o u ... yedr. dnd the totdl for the year th rough Apn l for grou n dfi~ h fi ll et ... th ro ugh April \\a ., uo \\n 16 percent AB TRACT ~ h o \\ ~ total ... upplt e~ up 13 percent. con­ (T able Il. Hea\ y -\pril impo rt~ mo re The fo II 0\\ 1I1g series of fish e ry publi­ ~u mpti o n up I pe rcent and i n \e n to n e ~ than off... et the dec line in landing:,. For cati o ns of the N a tional \I a rine on A pri l 30 mo re than douhle \" hat the y Ja nuar, through pril. haddocl- im­ F isheries Service . ational Ocea nic were a yea r ago. Price c ha nge., we re po rt ~ \\ ere 56 percent higher tha n a yea r and Atmo phe ric Administration (until mixed according to '>pecies. 'Ai th in­ ago. cod 12 percent higher. Flounder Octobe r 1970 the Bureau of Commer­ cial Fisherie s of the U . S. Fish and Wi ld­ c reases ge ne ra ll y ranging bet\\een 10 import., moved up 48 percent. but im­ life Service) in calendar year 1969 are percent and 40 percent. p011\ of ocean perch dropped about 20 Ii. ted numericall y ('Aith abstracts) and Block impo rts for Janua ry-April were percent. For April the combination ofa indexed by author, subject, and geo­ :!8 percent belo'A a year ago. con~ump ­ :!4 percent increase in imports and an 87 graphic area: Circular. Data Repo rt. ti o n increa ed slig htl y a nd end-of­ Fishe ry In dustrial Researc h. Fishe ry percent gain in beginning inventorie Leafl et, a nd Special Sc ie ntific pe riod in ventories dropped 37 percent re ulted in a 41 percent ri e in the quan­ Re po l1- Fi he ri es. compa red with a year ea rli er. From tity available for consumptio n. During 44 ,m. CIte ...... flU MAA APR '173 1m 1m " -II PouIWl8 ~, ....MInt In_toty 501 444 ,..1 .. I I? LMd"", T_ n 51 U 46 Importa 115 241 5 205 4 T_IIv"" 71 I 747 835 44' 41 Ending in_IDlY 444 ,..1 311 142 123 Conaumpllon 287 311 3111 307 4 T..... 2 -Ground..... prto... AprIl '.13 FEB MAR APR APR "73 1173 1973 1972 .c. , P.r P nd P COD E v._1 247 243 200 113 9 Whol... ", I Ib Canecllan S70 S79 615 SSO 10 58 S Ib CanadIan 514 533 SSO SSO 4 Retail 179S 1Sot 5 lSot 0 lIS 40 4 FLOUNDER E_I Yellowlall ,.. 91 2885 3237 '962 Lemonaole SSOO 5315 4400 36 78 20 Greyso'e 3771 3630 29 40 2041 .. B'ackback 3S 10 321S 30 OS 1929 SS Whole ..le 5 Ib domel"C 925 975 1113 888 5 981 5 Ib Caned Ian 778 791 805 SSO 9 89 RetaIl 2040 2257 2366 8 41 HADDOCK E_I' Lerve 44. 4710 497 4' 5 20 Scrod 287 2716 325 333 • • WhOl ...'e S Ib C nad 'an 775 780 795 S95 34 Rela" 1196 '208 , . 4 SHRIMP OCEAN PERCH 72 54 41 BLOC S STIC S D PORTIO S Table 3.- Blocks and slabs, supplies, April 1973 SCALLOPS ">lIppll e~ of .., allo p ~ in April con­ FEB MAR APR APR Percenl JAN APR JAN ·APR Perceni 1973 1973 1973 1972 Change 1973 1972 Ch a ng~ tmued to he \.. cll aho .. c the previou~ - - ·Mlllion Pounds- - - Percent - - Mill/on Pounds Percent year ( I Llhle.., 9 and 10) . I he increa'>e amounted to 1<7 pcn;ent, the re'>ult of Beginning Inventory 624 486 41 2 49 8 17 75 8 627 21 Producl lon 06 04 02 01 <100 1 5 06 .150 hight.:r hegmnmg in .. entorie'i, landing'>, 187 36 827 114 2 28 Imports 170 302 290 <tnd Import~. For JanUdf} through Tolal Supply 800 793 601 78 9 24 1600 177 5 10 Ending Inve nlory 486 41 2 326 51 8 37 326 51 8 37 '\pnl totdl upplic,> of call()p~ wen: S Consumpl lon 31 4 333 275 27 1 1274 1257 pcrcent "hme d year earlier. The declin­ In' trend 10 e\-\e ~el anu \\ hllle,>ale Table 4.- Blocks and slabs, prices, April 1973. Wholesale prices 01 blocks 1.0 b primary wholesaler - Bollon. pnce~ , hegun in (ctnher, 197:!, on­ Gloucester, and New Bedford, Mass. tlnued thrnugh c\pnl \\Ith decline.., 0110 pcn.:ent and:! percent, n.: pc ti\el .. Rc· JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUl AvG SEP OCT OV DEC tail pn\.!e~ , ho\\e\cr, \,erc 10 rer ent - - .{;ents Per Pound· - - aho\e the prt.:\ iou year. pparentl~ In re pon e to lo\\er Cod 1972 465 470 470 470 456 465 470 470 470 470 470 480 1973 486 524 566 585 600 price dnd Imr)fo\ed upplle .

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