-- .. ' llr\\,t V - United State'SDepartment of the Interror FISHAND WILDLIFE SERVICE WashingtonFish and Wildlife Office 510Desmond Dr. SE, Suite102 Lacey,Washington 98503 FEB2 2 2011 HonorableKimberly D. Bose Secretary FederalEnergy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street,NE WashingtonD.C. 20426 Dear SecretaryBose: This documenttransmits the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's(FWS) Biological Opinion (Opinion) basedon our review of the proposed issuanceof a new 45-yearFederal Energy RegulatoryCommission (FERC) hydropowerlicense for the Henry M. JacksonHydroelectric Project (Project)located on the SultanRiver in SnohomishCounty, Washington. We evaluate the Project'seffects on marbledmurrelet (Brachyramphusmarmoratus), bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus),and bull trout critical habitatin accordancewith Section7 of the Endangered SpeciesAct (ESA) of 1973,as amended (16 U.S.C.1531 et seq.). Your requestfor formal consultationwas receivedon August 13,2009. The FWS concurswith the FERC's determinationin its August 13,2010,letter that the proposedProject "may affect,but is not likely to adversely affect" the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). The FERC also determinedthat the proposedProject would have "no effect" on grizzlybear (Ursus arctos),gray wolf (Canis lupus), and Canadalynx (Lynx canadensis). Should the action agencydetermine that thereis no effect to listed speciesor critical habitat,there is no requirementfor FWS concunence,nor do the regulationsprovide the FWS with the authorityto concurwith that determination.The determinationthat therewill be no effect to listed speciesrests with the action agency,and no consultationwith the FWS is required. We recommendthat the action agencydocument their analysison effectsto listed species,and maintain that documentationas part of the project file. Thereis no designatedor proposedcritical habitat for federallylisted terrestrialwildlife specieswithin the action area. This Opinion is basedon informationprovided in the Biological Assessment,the Draft EnvironmentalAssessrnent, the SettlementAgreement, the Pre-ApplicationDocument, field investigations,and other sourcesof information. A completerecord of this consultationis on file at the FWS WashingtonFish and Wildlife Office, Lacey,Washington. Sincerely, A ,t r1/" lli'trt*' { 4/4,-"tu*r&o (/ l./t Ken S. Berg, Manager WashingtonFish and Wiidlife Office Thrcg Fntnrg@frp+,* 'NAMERICA=' EndangeredSpecies Act - Section7 Consultation BiologicalOpinion U.S.Fish and Wildlife ServiceReference No. 13410-2010-F-0609 Henry M. JacksonHydroelectric Project Project 2157-000 Agency: FederalEnergy Regulatory Commission ConsultationConducted By: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Washington Fish and Wildlife Office February2011 //tl '?/z* /t t D^1" ' ashingtonFish and Wildlife Office TABLE OF CONTENTS CONSULTATIONHISTORY ,,.......,,,,4 DESCRIPTIONOF THE PROPOSEDACTION ....,......,,.......5 ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE JEOPARDY AND ADVERSE MODIFICATION DETERMINATIONS ..,....20 STATUSOF THE SPECIES(Bull Trou0.........,..... ....,..........21 STATUSOF CRITICAL HABITAT (Bull Trout) ...............,.33 STATUSOF THE SPECIES(Marbled Munelets) ................37 ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE (Bull Trout, Bull Trout Critical Habitat, Marbled Munelet) 64 EFFECTSOF THE ACTION.. ,...,...,,.74 CI-]MULATIVEEFFECTS ..............107 CONCLUSrON.......... .....108 INCIDENTAL TAKE STATEMENT............ ..,.110 CONSERVATIONRECOMMENDATIONS............ ......,,.,IT2 REINITIATIONNOTICE ...,..,.,.,.....TI3 LITERATIIRE CITED .,,114 FIGI.IRES AND TABLES Figure1. Projectlocation, .,......".'..'.....6 Figure2. Culmbackdam andthe morningglory spillway.,..........,. '.......'..8 Figure3. Henry M. JacksonHydroelectric Project Powerhouse and switchyard..............,........... 9 Figure4. The SultanRiver DiversionDam at RM 9.7. '.'..."' 11 Figure5. Actionarea.....,.,... ...'.......""14 Figure 6. The seasonalchanges in the relativeproportion of breedingand non-breeding murreletsin the marine and terrestrialenvironments within WashingtonState .........40 Figure7. Operationalreaches ,..'.".....'66 Figure8. Suitableand occupied marbled murrelet habitat within the action area......................,72 Figure9. MarshCreek slide area cover type map. ..'......'..."'98 Table1. Summaryof proposedLicense Articles. .'."'........'."16 Table 2. Streamlshorelinedistance and acresof reservoiror lakesdesignated as bull trout critical habitatby state. ...."".....'."34 Table3. Rangewidemurrelet demographic parameter.......'.'... .....'.".'....48 Table 4. Estimatedacres of suitablenesting habitat for the murreletmanaged by the Federaland non-Federalland managers in ConservationZonesI and2........'.".., ...'..50 Table 5. Comparisonof different habitatmodeling results for the Washingtonnearshore zone 5I Table6. Proposedprocess flow components. '...,.85 Table7. ProposedReach 2 instantaneousminimum flows' '...."'.'....""..88 Table8. DefaultReach 3 instantaneousminimum monthlyflow releases. .."".....'.'.89 Table9 Thresholddistances to protectthe marbledmurrelet from noisedisturbance. ....,...'...". 99 CONSULTATION HISTORY The Public Utility District No, I of SnohomishCounty (District) and the City of Everettr formally initiatedthe IntegratedLicensing Process for the Henry M. JacksonHydroelectric Project(Project) on DecemberI,2005, by filing a Notice of Intent for a new FederalEnergy RegulatoryCommission (FERC) Licenseand Pre-ApplicationDocument describing the Project and the existingenvironment (Snohomish County PUD and City of Everett 2005). The District subsequentlyconsulted with the resourceagencies and other stakeholdersto develop22 tecltrical studiesevaluating Project operations:geomorphology, water resources,fisheries, noxious weeds,wildlife habitat,recreation, cultural resources,andrare, threatened, and endangered species.The District usedthe resultsof thesestudies in combinationwith extensivestakeholder consultationto developa PreliminaryLicensing Proposal (Snohomish County PUD 2008),which was filed with the FERC on December3T,2008, and a Final LicenseApplication, which was filed on May 29,2009 (SnohomishCounty PUD 2009a). In a separatebut parallel processto the IntegratedLicensing Process, the District and the stakeholdersmet regularly in settlementnegotiation sessions in an attemptto developa settlementagreement for the relicensingof the Project. On October 14,2009, the District filed a SettlementAgreement and ProposedLicense Articles signedby the District, National Marine FisheriesService (NMFS), U.S. ForestService (USFS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service(FWS), National Park Service,Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), Washington StateDepartment of Ecology, Tulalip Tribes,Snohomish County, City of Everett,City of Sultan, andAmerican Whitewater(collectively known asthe SettlementParties) (Snohomish County PIJD 200eb). Together,the SettlementAgreement and ProposedLicense Articles representa comprehensive packagethat resolvesall relicensingissues among the SettlementParties. As such,the SettlementParties (including the FWS and NMFS) view the FERC's adoptionof the Proposed LicenseArticles (without materialmodification) as essentialfor orderly and timely implementationof the SettlementAgreement, On May 4,2010, the FERC publishedits Draft EnvironmentalAssessment (DEA) (FERC 2010). In the DEA, FERC staff recommendedrelicensing the Projectas proposed by the District with certainstaff modificationsand additionalmeasures. These modifications and additional measuresdiverge, in somecases, from what was includedin the SettlementParties' Proposed LicenseArticles. For purposesof this Section7 consultation,the DEA's StaffAlternative with Mandatory Conditions(FERC 2010) is the proposedaction and is describedin detail in the Descriptionof the Action sectionbelow. While the FERC's DEA typically servesas the Biological Assessment(BA) for the purposeof Section7 consultation,in a June 18, 2010, letter,the FWS notified the FERC that its DEA did not containsufficient information for the FWS to completeits Section7 consultation 1 The District and the City entered into an agreementin2007 in which the District would be the sole applicant for a new Licenseunder the FederalPower Act. Both the Dishict and the City petitionedFERC to issuea declaratory order finding that the District has sufficient rights to the City's properliesand facilities that are necessaryfor Project purposesand that the City neednot be a co-applicantfor a new Licenseto operatethe Project. FERC approvedthis reoueston December20,2001 . responsibilities.The FWS proposedto work with the District to developan adequateBA, consideringthis approachto be the most efficient way to obtain the information neededfor analysisand to completeits consultationresponsibilities in a timely manner. The FWS also indicatedthat formal consultationwould be initiatedupon receiptof a completeBA from the District or the FERC. During a June 16,2010, conferencecall with the District, NMFS supportedthe FWS requestregarding the needfor a more thoroughBA. The FERC submitted the final BA to the FWS on August 13,2010, FWS considersthis dateto be when formal consultationwas initiated. BIOLOGICAL OPINION DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION Project Location The Projectis locatedin the northwesternsection of WashingtonState, on the westernslopes of the CascadeMountains (Figure 1). The Projectfacilities are sitedon the SultanRiver between river mile (RM) 4.3 andRM 16.5,and betweenelevations, 285 and 1,470feet meansea level (msl). The Sultan River flows into the Skykomish River
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