' -’ey* \ jn-M ‘ • • » *’ * ■ ' ilONDAY/jANUARY 24. i^55 Avflraite D i^ r Nat Prtsg H «| Far U& Week Ba4M Tha Wcathar nU3B8DCnSII W m n a m lEvenittg f^eralil Jtat. S3. 1888 Fssacaa* ef b. g. Q 11,550 CMMy, «sM tsaight, efeartag Members Of the WATES, newest Mra George Marlow edll be Couple SiirpHsed towaN momlag. Lew lg-8t. W ed­ local women's club, aimounca that leader of the meeting Tuesday Sdiendel Receives Award McMtor at tke Audit nesday, partly eleedy, eeld. Mglt' . About Town - their first fund-raising voflturs' sVenlBg at 8 o'clock at the home Anniversary Bureaa.at Ctrewlatlea 86-88. will take the form of a food sale of Mrs. Louis HurwiU, 104 'Con-' HALE'S JANUAI MancJusler^A City of ViUage Charm way Rd., when the Guardianship A . I.C. <3 > r ia to p ^ W . Hewitt, eonThursday, Jan. JT, .at flihO a. b l , /■ bill with regard to neglected chil^' « f Mr. and Mn. Albert O. Hewitt, la H b1s> store. ' - Mr. and Xrs. Frank M. Tan/I dren w ill be discussed, by members TT W eet a t . he* been i>romoteil to kowski, 88 North St, were pteas- VOL. LXXIV, NO, S7' (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1955 (CUaallled AdvartMag an Fag* 16) PRICE nVE CENTS the riuBk bit noa-commlMioned of* Memberh of St Margarets of the League of Women Vofera ahtly surprised yeeterday when WHITE SAI Ahother meeting will be held Wed­ --- --- ^ -- - fleer, staff sergeant Circle, Daughters of Isabella, have they arrived at the home of their p^poned their covered dUh sup­ nesday at 8:80 a m. at the home son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and of Mra. WiUiam Barton, 7 Hack­ Coritinatfl with dozens of vslaciB iii Shdets, Casofl, Sist* Following ita regular meeting per and program owiiig to ; the Mrs. Andrew MlChaUmk o f W est -mT"' matack S t Mrs. V. E. Poppelmeier trcflg Pflds, Covers, PiUows, Blank^and Towel*. ^ -SmmI tf a StriM tonight, Campbell Council Knights death o f Edmund U Kiely, hno- Wtlltaigton, to find that the mem­ wiU conduct the unit discussion. 1: bsnd of the regent All members bers of the family had arranged a of Columbue will hold a special Wednesday at p. m., the meeting are requested to meet tomorrow 8 party In honor of their 46th wed­ m eeting to take action on the death will be held with Mrs. William Low, Low Pmm* On of Edmund U Kiely,« member of at 8 p;h». at Burke’s F u a e w ding anniversary, which occurrs Home, where Father M «g^- Roacoa Jr.. 77 Princeton St, and the oouncil and will proceed to the M ra W. E. Taylor will be moderaT today. chaplain of the arcle, wlU lead In the group were the families WOKDEUuirNO IRON John B. Burke Funeral Home to tor. pay last respects. member* In the WCiUUOn of the of another daughter, Mrs. Frank rosary. / Mordavsky, 100 North St, and Msinchester Lodge No. 78. A F A DACROI^URTAINS Refei^edto Juvenile Court Jan. 1953 Tbs Manchester Child S tu dy their aoiu, Edward F. Yankowskl TAILORED—Double atR^ed side hems—8"’bottom hems. x N / Group will meet tomorrow at 1 Members of the corqblned Cath' AM, will hold a stated oommuni- of N. Elm Street and Sylvester (In *Th* Case of deaald Mitch-,, \ B. m. In the library of the Buck- oUc Mothers’ Ctrelea are requeaU oation at the Masonic Temple to­ 4 l"x 54*’ LONG ....... $2.» t pr. K Tankowskt of Northampton, Mass., •a.” Hsmia Staff Writer Lceoard Jey School. Miss Ann Foberg o f the ed to meet in front of the John B. morrow ni£bt at 7:80. Follow ing r. together with the nine grand­ 4 l"x 63'‘ L O N G ................... $3.2f pr. Mdcaberg gmcHhaS tbs work *f State Dept of Education will ad* Burke Funeral Home, $T E. Cen­ the business meeUng, Christopher ter St. at 8:45 this evening to say W. Totten, master of Daekam children. r'x '* LONG ........ ...... $ pr. th* Ooaaeeffeat Javrallc Owwt a. i. dress the group On the subject "R e­ Mrs. rranh Yankowskl received' | 4 72 3.49 the rosary with Father CarroU for Lodge 86 of Glsatonbury and a It p lajs Ub r*l* la the caac o f aa port Chrda” Mra Marjorie Salmon a corsage of pink camellias to I"x I ’;L O N G ......... ....................) $ pr. Edmund I*, k iely. member of Phlloeophlc l«dgc, wiU 4 8 3.79 Imaglaaor hey wb* I* la trooMr . will act as chairman. wear at the party. A purse of spMdc on "Maeonic Information" r u f f l e d — 644” flniahed ruffle— extra fuU.ruSlea. with Wmaclf, hi* tmoalij, aad the,' A eocisl hour and refreNimenta money contributed by the -children /-law.)'. will conclude the ceremoaiee of the and grandchildren was also pre­ 48"x54'" L O N G ....... ........... $4.49 pr. !< evening. sented -to the couple, who ^have 48"x63" LONG .................. $4.49 pr. By Leonard Zeidehberg Tip Source Dulles Discusses Formosa been residents of Manchester for Cnrishl ms. ■•rai* rrlMta* Joint Chiefs the past 44 years. 48"x72" LONG ______ ....... $4.98 pr. , Fred T. Baker of 8# Lyndale S t, Kottald Mltcncll, th* 15-yesr-old. V' an agent for Farm Bureau Ineur- 4l'^’x8 r ’ LO N G ...... ...........................$5.49 pr. high school Jijnior who w as! ance Coe., and-John VanHoueen turned over , to Juvenile Court on On Belsky Shift Aims, of 118 Broad St., an adjueter for " TIERS—Prsshlrrsd top, ruffled bottom. a January night in 1958 for stesl-1 the Inaurance group, will attend a 36"x30" L O N G ................... ......... $1.98 pr. ing a car. first felt |M had "to do [ cloee-circult tweeast preeented by •ometblag," h* th* morning i Held Secret Farm Bureau at N.ew Haven Wed- 36"x36" L O N G .......... ............ • $1.9B p r. after his referral to th* Juvcnils Support Ike r rj ■ Bear Bxand needay. Some 18,000. employee, Tested Court, even before schoIasUc diffl- arente and friends of ths insurance Qulties had begun to 4X1* up on ashlrigton, Jan. 25 (JP)— him. group will view the Ulecast on the ■Sen. “McCarthy (R-Wis) re­ Washington, Jam 25 (IPi— QUALI-TESTED Problem* involving hi* teacher* eame day in theateri and audl- fused today to reveal to the The House took up the fight- I toriuma in 31 eastern cities. EXTRA RNE QUALITY NYLON and h li atudiaa, which weren't new W H E N Y O U pteee yhar in to him anyw’sy, bad m erely aggra* Arm y Jhe sources of his in­ if-we-must defense plan for V BiraM Fboto vated the situation, be ia!d. Formosa today under a rush Ths Friendship Circle of ths Sal- Police Chief Herman O. Schendel, IMt, receive* the Phillip* H. sufflnec with this affcncy CURTAINS AT NEW LOW PRICES , formation about Pfe, Marvin % TAtLORgD— Double stitched aide hems, * ’’ bottom hsm. Ronald was eitting. in a small schedule with a three-hour vaUon Army will meet tonight at Lord "Oangbusters" certificate for outstanding contribution to law effic* of the Juvenile court build­ S'. Beisky, a physician, who Wonderful Besr Brand . 7:80. A t 8' p,m. XUes E va Johneon, enforcemeqt from Mayor Harold A. Turklngton. The award waa yon have the sound protec­ 4 1"x54" L O N G ................................. $2.29 in g- a dowdfy, red-brick converted declined to answer some ques­ debate limit and a bar asaictant euperintendent of Man­ presented during a brief ceremony at the State Theater Saturday house located on Washington against amendments. chester Memorial Hospital, will tion of< a reliable company 4 1 "x63" LONG ................. $2.49 pr. tions on Communism, evening. Schendel is one of a very few chief* in the country to be atrest tn Hartford—giving hi* McCarthy Wants the Arm y to The rule* committee, which con­ show movies of her trip to Sweden so honored by the producers of Gangbusters. The moyle of the same 4 l"x 72" LONG .. j ................ ............$2.49 pr. stetement to a probation officer.’ trols the order o f business in the last summer. All women Intereet- back of it and a service to discharge ^Isky dishonorably for Quality^Yarn at .Reduc^ name la currently playing at the State. _________________ ' He waa also relaxing his nerves refuring To anav.-cr q: ealiona .and House, put the hurry-up label on I ed are invited to attend. — 4 l"x 8 l " LONG....... $*•♦$ which had been wound tight by the measure shortly after the poUcyhoIders that hss been invoking the Fifth Ame.Klment Mra. E lla M. Quish. Democrat, RUFFLED—6 H ” cut ruffle^sxtra fun ruffle. h ii experlenSea in the last 18 before the Senate Investtealions House Foreign Affair* Committee j , The Brotherhood of Temple The Rotary Oub wlU meet to- hours.' It had been an extn ord l- o f 69 N . School L has received subcommittee last MarchT when Issued a report saying the Joint Beth Sholom wilt hold ita month­ niorrow night at 6:80 at the Coun­ 8 thoroughly proved and test, 48"x54" LONG $3.49 pr. nary period of tirrie.for him. for the appointment as hostess at the M cCarthy’wss its chairmrn^ Chiefs or Staff had given it unan- Prices During Jhis Sale ly meeting tonight at 8 o’clock at try ^ Club. A color travelogue film "x " LONG ...........
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