(FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THRin VOL. LH., NO. 307. (CSaastfled Adverttatag on Page IS.) MANCHESTER, CONN.; THUBWAT, SEPnOlBBR 28, 1933. Albany N is^ t Boat Crashes In Fog trawNERsmto g o v e r n m e n t it . ’ MdKEE MAY ENTER 1 . -Ot FLED MARE NEW YORK CONTEST Polititnans Expect His De- FORD FIRM,IS MUM in u r s g h e l c a s e cision Soon — Fusion ON CHESTER STRIKE adoes Hare Split' hto PRINCETON’S OLDEST U* S, Attorney Toffs Jnry Forces Plan Campaign to . Scatter^ Gnaps — Fear ALUMNUS IS DEAD Eyes of Whole Nation b Destroy Tammany’s Rule. Closes Up Plant in Pennsyl- Captive Sheriff Slain. Now Focused on Outcome vania Whkh Employs New York, Sept. 28.—(AP)— A Cheaterton, Ind., Sept 28— (AP) Rot. Dr. Edward G. Read, of Trial— Four Separate youngish straphanger rode into Over 2,000 Persons. —^While searchers for 10 'convicts town in the subway today with a who executed a bold dash for U b^ Groups h vobed in Kir statement in his pocket that was ty from the Indiaha state prison at Retired (Sergyman, Pass* expected to make the cauldron of New York politics boil over. Detroit, Sept. 28.— (AP)—^Ford Michigan City Tuesday concentrat­ naping Plot Joseph V. McKee, the Bronx Motor Comptmy offlci:-> declined ed forces near Valparaiso today, re­ es Away at 88. Democrat, was due to announce to­ to admit today that there was any ports from other sectKms indicated day whether he would run for may­ significance I the closing of the that toe fugitive band had split into Oklahoma CSty, S ep t 28.— (A P ) or, and the best guess of most ob­ 8catto«d groups. Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 28.— (AP) Chester, Pa., assembly plant, where servers seemed to be that the an­ From Ottawa, 111., Sheriff E. J. —^The Rev. Dr. Edward G. Read, —Joseph B. Keenan, assistant U. swer would be "y«s-” , an undetenained number of men Welter reported he believed William S. attorney general, opened'toe flzial were on strike. retired clergyman and oldest alum­ McKee rolled up his sleeves in his Dietrich and Russell dark, two of arguments in the CSiaries F. Urscbel Mamaroneck summer home today It was explained hore that be­ the escaped criininals, had stopped nus of Princeton Uziiversity, died at and started to conqwse the stat^ cause of the closely interlocking hie home (at 826 Park avenue) to­ kldziaplng activities of machine gun there last night to refuel their auto- O^ILTI pm ment. Even before his pen touched nature of all producti^x. units in a nooblle. day after several weeks of toillz^ Ford plant, absence of even a few “The interest of the Nation is the paper the Fusion forces, sworn Sheriff Welter W d that a gaao- health. He wa' 88 years old azld to destroy Tammany Hall, had be­ key men is likely to result in cessa­ focused upon the drazna now cozn- Uhe station attendant reported the was graduated from Princeton to gun an attack on his candidacy. tion (ff all operations. men carried two shotguns in their Izig to a cloee in this comrtroozzi, Samuel Seabury, noted investiga­ The officials have claimed that A gaping bole in her port side, the Hudson River Night Line steamboat Rosselaer Is pictured proceeding automobile and that they wore gray 1861. and we are here to find an answv tor, saw the candidacy as a trick to only a few hundred men are on to N ^ York under her own steam after colliding In a heavy fog with the Sw^sh freighter RoXena near trousers, the prison gato. Born In Sharon, Conn.', Noivem- to toe question of whether we shall ynitmtaiTi Tammany’ s “ corrupt con­ strike in the Chester plant, al­ Poughkeepke, N. Y. Six of the 127 paseei^ers on board were injured in the crash. The ptdr had inquired the route to ber 3, 1884, the eon of Rev. and have a goverziment of law and or^ trol” by spUtting the anti-Tammany though 2,400 in, all were affected.' Peoria, said Sheriff Welter. Mrs. Hollis Read, Dr. Read lozig der or abdicate in favor of machine vote. They refused ito comment on re­ Chicago Watching was active in toe affairs of toe Re­ gun gazigstere,” Keezian told tbe Feverish revisions of plana in the ports that this strike might bring Chicago police were on the look­ formed church in America Follow­ jury* political camps started as McKee’s to a head Henry Ford’s reported out for four men who outdistanced, ing hie graduatior frozn/Princeton, Albert Bates and HarvSy Bailey announcement was momentarily ex­ refusal to recognize the collective EMPLOYMENT GAINS a Haznmond, Indiazia police squad he attended Princeton theological are accused aa principal defendants pected. Up to now the prospect bargaining provisions of the Na^ REPORT MORE DAMAGE, in the $200,000 kldziap case, with car last night, finally disappearing seminary, wac graduated in 1865 had been for a clear-cut, knock- tlonal automobile code. Ford has in toe heavy traffic on Indlaziapoils and waa ordained aa elergsrznan of George Kelly, guziznan arrested in down-and-drag-out tussle between refused to sign the code, but has C0UNTEDAT815,000 boulevard. The men in the speedizig the Flrat Presbyterian church of Memphis. The others are T. Q. tw o foes. let it be known that the company LIVES LOST IN TAMPICO automobile had no shirts; police Madison, Wie., in toe same year. (Boss) Shazmon, bis wife, Ora, and The Tammany Side. intends to more than live up to. the theorized they might have been to 1868, b became pastor of toe his son Armon, and toe five Min­ work-wage provisions. On one side was Tammany Hall, members of the fugitive band and Third Presbyterian churcb ol ESlz- neapolis and St Paul men Barney Siflonr Week with John J. Curry as its leaner and had. discarded their pzisoA attire. abeth, N. J serving until 1876 Berman, Clifford Skelly, Isadora John H. McCooey, corpulent and po­ The 32-hour week that the Ford A contingent of 160 men searched when he acceptec a cidl to toe Sec­ Blumezifleld, Sam Krooick and Sam tent boss of Brooklyn, chief among company put into effect this week Rivers Above Hoed Stage MARCONI ARRIVES; a wooded sector near Valparaiso ond Congregatiozial church of Ben- K ozberg. its Tammany’s candidate is in what wae described as a plan to azid found nothing. zilngtozi, V t He remained there im- Four Oronps strike an av<erage of SS hours, as F. of L -1 1 M lons Are Mayor John P. O’Brien. * and Heavy R m CoBtm- Fear Sheriff’s Death tll 1882 whef he became pastor of Keezian referred to the unusual On the other was “Fusion", foes specified by the IJRX code, was The fear that Sheriff Charlee the Second Reformed church of spectacle of four separate groups one of the grievances of the assem­ TALKS TELEVISION. of Tammany united for the fight. It Neel, who was kidnaped by the llee- Somerville, N. J., iiriiere he stayed bly plant workmen, although they Stiff MIe. of defendants linked In toe same / includes Republicans, Independent n^ Residents Face Food Ing criminals, znay have been kilUed until he retired in 1908 because of case. Democrats like Seabury and other also are asking a 16 daily mini- was expressed by Captafii MAthew ill health. muni. ‘Tt would leem that Itidzzapiiic Mements. Its candidate is Fiorello Leach, in cozzunand at toe Indiana Posts to Jersey has become a modem act" he said. H. political battler who The Ford company, which was and Water'Shortage. Famous Inventor Decinres It Waahingtoii, Sept 28.—(AP)— paying a minimum wage of 50 state police. From 1886 until 1892 ho was a “It requires the ’spotters,’ those won nation-wide notice as a Repub- Big employment g i^ today were He said hie znen would concen­ .cents an hour whan the code be­ member ct toe New Jersey State who determine that toe intended Ucan congressman. attributed to toe Roosevelt recov­ trate upon flndlzig toe missing offi­ came effective, since ha^ raised the Is Jnst Emerging from Board of Education, for oine years victim can pay; it rciqulres toe ac­ Now McKee, interim mayor after . Tampico, Sept. 38—(AP) — The ery program by William Green, cial rather than the oonvipta who, the resignation of James J. Walker, minimum to $4.80 a day for pro­ was. a member of toe Board of E3d- tual ‘snatchers,’ toe bold outlaws rain swollen Panuco and Tamasi American Federation of Labor ohief- be laid, “would be caught sooner or enters the picture, complicating it duction workers and spokesmen ucation of tbe Reforzztad church who szziash their w ay into a hozziq have said that a schedule was be­ rivers rose steadily above fiobr ' A o Resenreh Stage. taln, but employer-labor diffioultiee later aziywuy." and for 86 years was a mamber of In the dead at night to whlek away He is a protege of Edward J. Flynn, —this time involving Henry Ford— A force of 200 National Giuurds- Democratic leader of the Bronx aM ing worked out to extend the in­ stages today and brought fuither toe Board of F ore^ Misslens of their victim at the point of zziaohinc crease to non-pioduetlve workmen. continued to worry NRA offieiala. men wa# ordered to assist in the that ohurob. to 18OT, .Rutgen coa* guna. longtime rooter for aestructioa to this .parti atUl proa- Green eaid the Federation’a eati- spreadiu man-bunt.
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