The Inventory of the Marquand-Sedgwick Family Collection #271 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center I All Bll!lt. _ M.i.rquand...Sedgwick Family Archives ~ Kept in units as marked although some envelope units had 1n be broken up into two or more; there was do re-arrangement of letters. Box 1 Correspondence ? 1. folder: Sedgwick, Alexander to his daughter Christina Sedgwick M:trquand (Mrs. John P,) 1927-29 1925 1 ALS 1926 8 ALS most with halo. envelopes 1927 2 ALS 1929 6 ALS Box 2 2. envelope: Sedgwick, Alexander "letters to. while in Europe, 1917 - 1918" from members of his family and some papers relating to his departure for Kansas as a volunteer for the Norton Harges ambulance corps ..• etc. contents Lodge, Henry Cabot (Senator) TLS 4/30/17 1 . 3 ALS "family letters" 3 empty envelopes Pearce, Ronald H, AIJ3 8/21/1917 5 t. sheets 1 mortgage certificate NY subway 1871 Box 3 3. envelope: Sedgwick, Alexander "letters to AS and Lydia C.S. from Anne Douglas Sedgwick and Basil de Selincourt" contents Sedgwick, Anne Douglas (novelist) 17 AIJ3 to A.S. some with envelopes (not all dated) 1921 - 23 incl. mention of 11 Lost Lady" in 12/1/23 letter also mentions her work and her husband's in other letters .De Selincourt, Basil. 9 ALS to Ch11Ustina S. !inrguand 1931-35 De. Selincourt, Basil ALS Oct 31 19- to Lydia C. Sedgwick l!l.edgwick, Henry D. ? ALS to Christina S. M,irquand signed "Uncle Harry" McVeagh, Fanny Royce ALS to Christina S. !inrquand Aug 1943 Box 2 4. envelope: Sedgwick, Theodore letter (ALS) to H. Bleeker (Albany, N. Y. ) dated Stockbridge 13 !iny 1824 1 £. re his election to General Court. 5. envelope: "Notebook containing drafts of ..• " etc. contents 1 brown cover notebook holo, lettering on cover "Notes of the Trip, C. S . M. 11 3 ALS to C.S. Ml.rquand from members of her family and Howe, Helen ALS with envelope postmarked Nov 7, 1932 3 p. Potter, Harriet ALS torn one unidentified ALS from "Louisa II to "Charlie 11 Oct 2 1856 4 snapshots of M9.rquand children, C.S. M3.rquand as child, etc. 6. M3.rquand, Christina S. "Letters (ALS) to her mother Lydia c. Sedgwick 1931-32" contents folder: 1: 1929 1 ALS, 5 ALS, 1 TLS and 1 postal undated, 1 postal to Grandma from Philip? signed Johnny, and 1 postal to John M. signed M. 1931, and 1 postal 1931 signed Johnny folder 2: 1931 16 ALS 1 postal Folder 3: 1932 25 ALS !iny 28 letter enclosing one to / CSM from Anne Sedgwick M3.rguand, John TIB to Mrs. S. M3.rch 26, 1932 2 p. Box 2 7. M3.rquand, Christina S, letters to her parents 1918 67 Ats incl. is letter to Mrs. S. re great work Christina is doing in hospital Box 2 1919 57 AIB 11 1920-32 11 on envelope contents folder 1: 17 AIB undated 6 AIB 1928 and 1 postal to J. M3.rguand undated signed 11 Munnny 11 folder 2: 3 AIB 1921 2 AIB 1925 20 AIB 1926 incl. 1 postal and 1 telegram 9 AIB 1927 2 AIB 1930 16 AIB 1929 and 5 Fragments also 1 AIB from Ellery S. to CSM on July'30 Box 3 8. Sedgwick, Lydia Cameron to Christina S. Narquand 1924 17 AIB and 17 AIB undated ( ca. 1924 ) and 3 fragments 1925 23 AW 1926 63 AIB with 2 undated and 1 fragment 1927 40 AI.S 1928 31 AIB and several undated AIB ( in fragments?) 1929 39 AI.S incl. some undated 1930 20 AI.S 1931 28 AIB and 1 AIB from "Uncle Harry" i.e. Henry S.? 1932 26 AIS and 2 fragments / 1933 5 AIS 9. folder writings ( CSM) "A Prodigy Come True" t. 14 /. "Progress Through Poetry" t. 9 {. minor holo. corr. "Illusion. Christina Sedgwick M3.rquand" t. 1{. SUMMA.RY OF INVENTORY Christina Sedgwick M3.rquand (Mrs. John P. ) 247 letters from her 36 letters to her Alexander Sedgwick 17 letters from him plus 256 letters to both ~-"-, 22 to him / / letters / from CSM Lydia Sedgwick 50 letters to her 311 letters from her plus 4 + fragments M3.rquand, John P, Jr. 1. file box Box 5 M3.rquand, John "Letters received during freshman year at Harvard, 1911-12 11 with holo. notation by JPM Jr. dated Nov 1966 detailing finding orthis group and mentioning 2 of the correspondents - James B. Conant (Harvard prexy) and Sidney Howard (Yale) Included are copies of exams, college mementos, letters of greeting on his eighteenth birthday, primarily from members of his family. Separately noted, ie grouped and tied together by his son are 5 groups: Philip M3.rquand to his son 1911-12 30 AIS John M3.rquand from his grandmother Fuller 1911-12 6 AIS Herbert Dudley Hale to JM 1911-, 2 AIS Aunts Elizabeth, 1'-Rry, and Laura 1911 - 12) 8 AIS Margaret Fuller M3.rquand to her son 1911-12 34 AIS BroNn folders: all grouped and marked by JPM Jr. and identified -Box.4 2. 11J.P.M., 1948-54, last letters from his father - read in conjunction with the 1911-12 letters" 2 AIS incl. are carbons of JPM to his father and re his father's death and funeral, t. copy of funeral sermon (Unitarian) Bo:x 4 3. 111st Lt. JPM to parents during World War I 1918 M3.y - Nov" 9 letters some TIS and other mementos cf war service. All mounted in a scrapbook. Box 4 4. "JPM 1930 - 32, clippings, fragments, corr. and editorial corr. holo, drafts of early1costume stories' written for Sat Eve Post" 2 envelopes envelope 1 includes reviews of his books, several hundred holo. leaves unnumbered, a t. c. of "Keep the Cash II and 5 TIS re his writings envelope 2 has also several hundred holo. leaves of mss. and 2 copies (t.) of 11Tolerance 11 and 10 TI.8 with 7 AI.8 from various readers of the Scott M3..ttaye ~eries and others. Box 12 5. JPM to JPM Jr. 1934-60 in 4 envelopes "1934-41 11 ca. 114 holo, letters from his son with t.c. of fathers replies while boy was at St. M3..rks, incl. are his grade sheets, his accounts, and early records at Indian Mt. School. Also pencil holo. of "A Night on the 'Nause:a' " by son ( an account of a voyage on Eastern Steamship) in early letters are some to his mother. "1941-50" incl. are 2 TI.8 original letters to his son. Also carbons and holo. letters and t. from son. JPM Jr. was in army and his father and Adelaide having a family. JPM was in Washington often and writes of war events there and his contacts also reminiscences of his own war service. Also letters from son to his mother. The last days at St. M3..rks are included. Box 5 "1951-1960" incl. t.c. of letters from JPM to son and his wife and originals from son, also incl. reminiscences of his father-in-law, JPM Jr. ' s grandfather. Incl. letters before and after his marriage and letters concerning the announcements, etc. 11 1936-60 11 these are the original letters which duplicate most of the carbons in envelopes 1-2-3, i.e. originals of JPM to his son and Sue, and to son in army. the 1930 1 s incl. school letters 22 letters, mostly TI.8 the 1940 1 s incl. Harvard and army days of son: 2 AI.8 to father from JPM Jr. 21 TI.8 from JPM 2 TI.8 F, C. Hanighen 5 TI.8, 2 AI.8 from Adelaide M. 1 AI.8 from grandfather 3 TIS Carol Hill ' .. ;, ... the 1950's incl. letters urging son and Sue to come home to , I, America and settle down) \,. -: "--•,· 1 AIS postal and 15 TIS from JPM to son or his wife l TIS from sister Tina Box 6 6. "JPM letters re Kent's Island, later 1950's" business correspondence concerning furnishing of house at Kent's Island, and letters to lawyers etc. 1960 after JPM's death re house at Pinehurst carbons of JPM included. Box. 6 7. "JPM files of correspondence re Cui;an' s Mill in 1948-55, incl. let:bers to lawyers regarding the property division and dispute with Hale family" photos, plans and legal letters (no originals of JPM) Box 6 8. "JPM- CSM 1933-1936, The Saddest letters" 1 box of early pre-marriage letters to C.S. 131 AI.S 2 TIS from JPM 1920-30's incl. 1 snapshot of JPM marriage certificate and sermon record (Episcopal) Sept 9, 1922 notebook "Private" 1934 diary of CSM pkg, of family snapshots 2 AI.S to JPM never sent by CSM 5 AIS to JPM loose from CSM 7 AIS, 4 TIS from JPM, 1 AIS from 03M, 1 AL fragment from CSM in envelope marked "Letters from JPM Autumn 1934 .. ,keep" 11 holo pieces, letters, notes -etc. of CSM in envelope marked "Private papers 1934-35 '' 9. "JPM General Corr:espondence" 3 portfolios Box 7 no. 1 11 General Correspondence" incl. carbons from JPM 1945-53 partial contents: Saltonstall, Leverett TIS 1953 Klein, M:tj. Gen. Ju:ILds,1 TIB 1955 Conant, James B, 2 TIB 1947 signed "Jim" 1 TIB 1952 Sulzberger, Arthur H, TIB 1955 (NY Times) Covell, Gen. Sir Gordon AIB 1948, AIB 1951, 2 AIB 1949 Lovett, Robert A. TIB 1950 Tunrf, Gene 2 TIB 1954, 1 postal 1953 (AIB ), 1 TIS 1950 Libby, Rear Admiral R.
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