PEAK 2 PEAK_30 pm_04_12:TC9990301-LAYOUT-PQ1.qxd 5/2/2012 11:25 AM Page 1 ISSUE Monitoring the effects MONTHLY International NEWSLETTEROF of climate change Conference of THEMOUNTAIN in protected mountain PARTNERSHIP M51 O N T H 4 ecosystems Mountain Countries YEAR 2 0 1 2 (5-6 April 2012, Nepal) to Through REDPARQUES and Peak the Mountain Partnership Climate science Peak Secretariat and with support from GIZ, FAO organized a 'needs greater "Workshop on monitoring the social science input' effects of climate change on mountain protected ecosys- tems" together with the Chilean "The climate isn't the only thing chang- ing that some social problems typically regions, forcing nomadic pastoral com- this issue Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ing," said Michael Glantz, director of blamed on climate change, such as munities to take up lowland farming, University for International Earth Day 2012: Mountains witnesses of global change P.1 Cooperation and the the Consortium of Capacity Building at water shortages, can have predomi- increasing the demand for water. Development Bank in Latin Messner, first mountain Ambassador: Encountering the mountains P.2 America. The workshop was the University of Colorado, at the nantly social causes. The meeting in Nepal was attended by When men and mountains meet held in Santiago (Chile) from 19 International Conference of Mountain In his research in China, Nakawo, around 30 country representatives, and P.3 to 21 March 2012. The overall objective was to analyze the Countries held from 5 to 6 April 2012 in executive director of the National concluded with a 'Kathmandu Call for International Conference on Mountain Countries P.4 current forms of monitoring pro- Kathmandu (Nepal). Dr Glantz noted Institutes for the Humanities in Japan, Action', with a view to highlighting the tected areas in mountain regions (APZM) in order to that social behaviours also have a found that reforestation policies had specific needs of mountain countries at improve environmental man- direct impact on the climate and need increased, rather than decreased, the international negotiations, including the agement so as to ensure the conservation of biodi- to be studied. demand for water. forthcoming Rio+20 Summit MOUNTAINS Earth Day 2012 versity, water, glaciers "They are linked in a very complex The measures had restricted access to in June. in the face of climate KATHMANDU and Earth Day change. way," Masayoshi Nakawo echoed, not- traditional sheep pastures in mountain CALL FOR ACTION Mountains witnesses of global change While people of all nationali- ties and backgrounds were voicing their appreciation for the planet demanding its pro- tection... Peak to Peak Issue 51 Month 4 Year 2012 Europe ...the University of Zurich reported the negative effects Postcard from the mountains climate change is having on the Matterhorn. A quote from the Mountain Messner Museum in Firmian Castle (Italy) Source Earth Day 2012, whose theme was “Great things occur when men and mountains Share with us: Mobilize The Earth, will serve as a meet”, were we reminded in an exclusive inter- Pakistan view that will be launched in Rio. Indeed, moun- ...Pakistan has launched its springboard for a final sprint to the UN first climate change adapta- Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable tains are witnesses of global change and assets tion project aimed at tackling for “the future we want”. Carbon credits, pay- the threats communities face Development in Rio De Janeiro (Brazil) from “mountain tsunamis” in this June ments for watershed protection, sustainable eco- the country’s northern moun- tains. tourism, wildlife monitoring... these are just some Source On 22 April 2012, more than one billion people of the ways we can create a cutting edge model of Mountain Partnership Secretariat around the globe participated in Earth Day 2012 community-based mountain conservation. Once FAO, Forestry Department Viale delle Terme di Caracalla Asia and helped “Mobilize the Earth”. conservation meant protecting the Earth from the 00153 Rome, Italy [email protected] ...a group of Asian glaciers Celebrities are pledging acts of green and the people. In the 21st century conservation is dealing www.mountainpartnership.org have gained mass but remain The toolkit “Communicating mountains in Rio+20” is aimed a global anomaly, according Mountain Partnership has found its first with the people’s needs and development. at providing crisp, up-to-date messages on the benefits the to new research published in Ambassador in mountaineer, former politician, Nature Geoscience. OLMAN SERRANO “mountain package” provides for “the future we want”. Click! Source farmer and explorer Reinhold Messner. MOUNTAIN PARTNERSHIP SECRETARIAT COORDINATOR PEAK 2 PEAK_30 pm_04_12:TC9990301-LAYOUT-PQ1.qxd 5/2/2012 11:13 AM Page 2 MESSNER, FIRST MOUNTAIN AMBASSADOR Mountains MESSNER MOUNTAIN MUSEUM Mountains in UN “harmony at Rio+20 with nature” event ENCOUNTERING THE MOUNTAINS WHEN MEN AND MOUNTAINS MEET The Mountain Pavilion To mark International Mother MOUNTAINEER, FORMER POLITICIAN AND FARMER, OUR FIRST MOUNTAIN AMBASSADOR HAS DEDICATED The Earth Day, the United Nations REINHOLD MESSNER HAS DELIVERED A MESSAGE TO THE MOUNTAINS AND THE MOUNTAIN CULTURE Peruvian Government has taken the initiative General Assembly held ON MOUNTAINS THAT WE WILL LAUNCH IN RIO A UNIQUE MUSEUM NETWORK of organizing an interactive dialogue a Mountain Pavilion on harmony with nature at the United Nations on 18 April 2012 at UN Conference on Sustainable Headquarters to examine Development Rio+20. how human activity has affected the regenerative capacity The of the planet. “As we get closer Mountain Pavilion will be held at the Athletes’ Park, to Rio+20, we must keep Above: Firmian is at the heart of the Mountain Messner Museum. It addresses man’s between 13 and 24 June 2012, the Earth in full view when encounter with the mountains. Photos (c) Tullia Baldassarri Hoger von Hogersthal / FAO and open to the general public making decisions and taking Below: Juval Castle is dedicated to the “Myth of the Mountain”, and the world’s holiest mountains. In addition, Messner also runs an organic farm with inn and vineyard. between 13 and 18 from 11 am actions shifting from to 7 pm. a self-centered to an Earth-centered approach,” The Mountain Partnership Mr Sha told participants. Secretariat received an official “Our success and wealth must s the UNCSD Rio +20 Nepal and in the Andes.” he Messner Mountain Mu- the Mountain” and the world’s holiest invitation to join forces be measured by the balance we Summit is drawing near, Human world:“The key in each seum is a place of en-count- mountains. A collection of Tibetica, in organizing the stand create between ourselves we met Reinhold Messner adventure is not reaching the summit er with the mountains, with masks and artefacts from five conti- and involving members. and the world around us; that is, in Firmian Castle. Below is his world- or any other target, but getting back mountain people and ultimately with nents can be admired. In addition, This initiative was very well by our ability to live in harmony A T view on selected topics. from a hostile to a human world, ourselves. Messner also runs an organic farm received and official letters were with nature.” back to the people.” with inn and vineyard. sent to each Mountain Partnership Active Remedy Ltd., a recent Anti-clockwise or, How to visit the Meeting the mountains: “Each of The enchanted mountain member, member of the Mountain mountain at Juval Castle:“Juval is us has different emotions in meeting At the heart of the Messner The mountain heritage inviting them to participate Partnership, have formulated a strong place. For more than 5,000 the mountains. When men and Mountain Museum, MMM Firmian is In Bruneck Castle, the colection in the Third Global Assembly a method for doing this. of the Mountain Partnership years, Juval is to be visited in an anti- mountains meet, mountains can do organized as an itinerary between the focuses on the everyday lives of the It is a combination of several on Friday 15 June 2012 clockwise circle, like the holy moun- no mistakes: they are there.” various works of art, installations and people living in the mountain modern and traditional and to submit side events tains of Tibet 3,000 years ago.” relics - leading visitors from the ori- regions between the Alps and the conservation techniques The sacred theory of the earth: proposals to be held that address the diverse Ascent:“The power of spirit, of rocks “Fossils are also a key to the history gins of the mountain and the religious Himalayas, the Andes and Africa - in the Mountain Pavilion. requirements of this challenging and of clouds is equally strong of the landscape.” significance of the peaks to the history of from nomadic life to the sedentary task. throughout the world. Moreover, the Self-reliant mountain farming mountaineering. world of the mountain farmer. If you have concrete proposals for activities to be hosted nearness and distance convey an (from a sign close to Castle Read their statement: at the Mountain Pavilion “Unlike resources such as coal, oil overview.” Juval): “We breed horses, donkeys, End of the world Museum in the clouds or you are willing to provide and gas, the fresh water system Eco-tourism: “Long-term agricul- sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, llamas. MMM Ortles is situated at 1900 m on Located in an old fort (1912-1914) on financial or another kind is a renewable and regenerative ture and long-term tourism is possi- We grow fruit, vine, spice and veg- the slopes of Mount Ortles. The Monte Rite (2181 m), the Museum of support, please contact one. It has the ability of being ble. Many people are coming to see etables. We do this according to the underground structure is dedicated offers a spectacular panorama of some the Organizing Committee replenished.
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