APRIL 15, 1948 355i S3 Per Year; $5 for Two Years MONTH Televise I A 1310 gjau 4%2 invited ID TELEVISER'S 3rd ANNUAL Television Institute and Industry Trade Show April 19, 20, 21 Hotel New Yorker One legistration Fee For Complete Official includes admission toI 2 Program panels, 3 luncheons, with list of speakers video displays, film and all events, see screenings and station inside pages. L tours. At the operator's finger tips every vital indicator and control...for maximum operational convenience... DU MONT Type TA -129-A Tt.:2W41111.1 CONSOLE FEATURES... 12 -inch Picture Monitor and Power Sup- ply. Line and Frame Waveform Monitors, and High- and Low -Voltage Power Sup- plies. Station Monitor Receiver. Visual Frequency Monitor. Aural Frequency and Modulation Mon. itor. Aural Frequency Monitor Power Supply. Visual Meters: PA Plate Ammeter, PA Plate Voltage, Transmission Line Volt- age, Carrier Frequency Deviation, Input Level, and Test Meter. Aural Meters: PA Plate Current, PA Plate Voltage, Transmission Line Volt- age, Center Frequency Deviation, Mod- ulation Percentage (KC Swing), Input Level (Vu Meter), and Line Voltage (Single- and Three -Phase). Pilot lamp flashes when modulation level exceeds any preset positive or negative modulation percentage. Visual and aural input line switching and previewing selectors. Visual and aural monitoring keys en- I&Convenience of the streamlined order marks the advanced design of this able the operator to monitor sight and Du Mont Transmitter Control Console. Transmitter meters and controls sound from almost any circuit. are duplicated immediately in front of the seated operator. The smartly styled Space available for additional facilities suchas room -lightingswitches and metal desk holds all monitoring equipment at optimum viewing angle; pro- other desired accessories. vides storage space for drawings, memos, logs, typewriter, telephones, etc.; Adaptable for use with any make or and is complete with all visual and aural monitoring facilities. Space is pro- model transmitter. vided for additional amplifying equipment if required. The Du Mont Transmitter Control Console is just another link in the chain of START AS SMALL AS YOU Du Mont equipment from camera to transmitting antenna insuring the "First WISH, WITH THE DU MONT with the Finest in Television." 724( LITERATURE ON REQUEST. LET US WORK WITH YOU ON YOUR TELECASTING PLANS AND PROBLEMS. (04L -EN D. DU MONT LADORAT.-041E.S..NC. ALLEN B. DU MONT LABORATORIES, INC. TELEVISION EQUIPMENTDIVISION,42 HARDING AVE., CLIFTON, N. J. DU MONT NETWORK AND STATION WABD, 515 MADISON AVE., NEW YORK 22,N.Y. DU MONT'S JOHN WANAMAKER TELEVISIONSTUDIOS, WANAMAKER PLACE, NEW YORK 3, N Y. STATION WTTG, WASHINGTON, D.C. HOME OFFICES AND PLANTS, PASSAIC,N.J. Chesterfield wants to be satisfied too ... That's why WNBT was chosen-through Newell-Emmett-to broadcast the New York Giant games in 1948. to borrow the phrase ... SATISFY YOURSELF... likeLiggett and Myers, that NBC is the right combination for your television plans. NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY 30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA NEW YORK 20, N. Y. A Service of Radio Corporation of America io the RICHARD W. HUBBELL edam,... AND ASSOCIATES SIRS:Our intention is to set up a complete Dr. Alfred N. Goldsmith organization on French territory, able to ser- Thomas Hutchinson vicetheAmericanTelevision"Newsreel" Robert Jerome Smith departments with news, features and documen- taries either in 16 or 35mm film. The Only Complett Our prices are calculated per day's work but Management Consultant .Service not per story,for one cameraman operating For the Broadcaster and the at your complete disposal, with the technical "Serving Television" Advertiser means he needs as follows: 1. New, features and documentaries cover- age in Paris radius., 12,000 francs per day. Economic Research 2. News features and documentaries cover- Analysis of operating costs age out of Paris, 12,000 francs per day. Engineering Consultation (For any additional cameraman our price is per day: 6,000 francs.) Design and Construction 3. News, features and documentaries cover- Programming age for one cameraman and for one month, 150,000 francs. Promotion 4. Concerning the rights of EXCLUSIVITY, our proposal is: We do not guarantee any Px- Richard W. Hubbell and Associates clusivity on typical "News" stories except a priority in the choice of means of action for 2101 International Building the orders that came in first. The professional ROCKEFELLER CENTER . and they'll sell for you! secret will be, inall occasions, strictly kept. New York 20, N. Y. The absolute exclusivity will be guaranteed. on the contrary, for all ideas of your own in news features or documentaries. Seen on these TV stations: 5. We shallbe gladto study any other proposals you might desire to make and, in any AnExtensiveLibrary WPTZ WCBS WMAL case, will endeavor to improve our technical WWJ WTMJ KSD means and possibilities to give you the most of Motion Pictures KTLA efficient and fast possible service. We intend. WMAR WBKB in the near future, to develop a cameramen for Television network all over the country, so that our stories PH,dutta' and I)an,J/ could be covered more quickly and the trans- STILL AVAILABLE portationexpenses couldbeinmostcases BRAY STUDIOS, Inc. FOR SPONSORSHIP avoided. HENRY FABIANI, .,/, (12 half-hours each) 20 Rue de Tournon, Paris (60) Tel.:Odeon 1579 Complete Production The Three Musketeers Facilities The Miracle Rider Applause ... fur the The Lightning Warrior SIRS: Comments all this week have been very Adventures of Rex and Rinty enthusiastic and quite complimentary about the Television Industry Shadow of the Eagle Pittsburgh Television Institute. Already they're in(ludmg Devil Horse asking about the next one! So our thanks to TELEVISER for a successful meeting and will Cartoon and The Wolf Dog you pass along our appreciation to your fellow Technical Animation Law of the Wild "Instituters"? h)the Mystery Mountains T. J. MAcWILLIAMS Originators of the Smith, Taylor & Jenkins, Inc Animation Process Pittsburgh, Pa. FILM EQUITIES CORP SIRS: Comment has run most complimentary Jay Williams. Television Director following our session, andItrust that next THE BRAY STUDIOS 1600 BROADWAY year's Institute will be as profitable. INCORPORATED N. Y.19, N. Y. Cl. 7-5850 CARL M. DOZER 729 SEVENTH AVENUE Pittsburgh Radio & Television Club N. Y.19, N. Y. Pittsburgh, Pa. 2 THE TELEVISER . Mod The newestintelevision; America's leading tele- 3 Luncheons; How to cut studio costs; How to solve film problems; visionpersonalities 12 Panels; Television'sfuture plans. fromallparts of the 50 Video Displays; U. S. A.... the people Film Screenings; Sfle Twofloorsoftelevision youread and hear Station Tours; receivers, equipment,etc. about daily. Video Entertainment. 1E1 In =I IN I= 11 1M11 1111 11N NI I=mg En El =1 El =I I 3RD NATIONAL TELEVISION INSTITUTE TELEVISER MAGAZINE, 11 WEST 42ND ST., NEW YORK 18, N. Y. IGentlemen, please reserve tickets for the following: Name Firm Title send it Address City State TODAY ! Name Firm Title Address City. State $15 for 3 days Name Co.. Title (7.50 for I day) Address City State INN WI MI 1M NM In I=ININ E APRIL, 1948 3 Si),N1IW Sti Yovo withvovioti WCAU-TV the Philadelphia Bulletin television station,is now in operation on Channel Ten, the first high -frequency, high- fidelity Channel in Philadelphia. With a tower 737 feet above the street, the highest struc- ture in the city, WCAU-TV has a combination of supreme height and power thus assuring advertisers top reception for their sales messages in America's third largest market. WCAU-TV IS REPRESENTED NATIONALLY BY RADIO SALES . DIVISION OF CBS. CONSULT THEM ABOUT PUTTING THIS GREAT NEW SELLING FORCE TO WORK FOR YOU. 111/CAU-11 CHANNEL 10 Tbe VbilabelpijiaClain Telebizion *tation April 15, Vol. 5 1948 EV1SE No. 4 JOURNAL OF VIDEO PRODUCTION. ADVERTISING &OPERATION the WATV Test -Pattern Published at 11 W. Forty -Second St., N. Y. 18, N. Y. Tel: LO 5-1683 is now beir.g telecast daily in the New York area IRWIN A. SHANE,Publisher on Channel 13. JOEL PETERSON, Editor ZINA PROVENDIE, Ass't Editor Art Director John B. Hermansader Business Manager Morris Cooper Editorial Assistants Advertising Director Richard Shack Ruth Ginsberg Irene R. SilverAdv. Field Rep George Webster West Coast Advertising Rep John A. Basset & Co. 101 McKinley Bldg., 3757 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. NATIONAL NEWS Television At A Glance 10 TBA Industry Charts 12 the new WATV Mobile Unit Petrillo Lifts Video Ban 15 will begin remote operations General News 23 in April. Opportunities inTelevision 62 STATION MEriS 17 WATV Plans May Opening 18 Rate Cards Need Standardization 42 Station Rates 44 People 63 TELEVISION INSTITUTE Program of Events 27 "WHO'S WHO": PART IV Baltimore TV Executives 24 WATV ma inTelev ision Studio, NETWORK NEWS world's largest, (84'x82'), is A. T. & T. Files New Toll Rates 41 rapidly nearing completion. Major Video Nets Expand 41 SPONSOR NEWS General News 20 "Effects" Help Commercials 47 PRODUCTION NEWS "Tonight on Broadway" 49 WCAU-TV Labor Trouble 49 Cold Light Needed 49 Styling the Swift Show 50 "House of Usher" for Fewest $$'s 54 PROGRAM SUMMARIES 55 WATV FILM NEWS AND SHORTS CHANNEL Film Screenings 57 Films or Networks/ 59 RECEIVER NEWS Installation-Chief Bottleneck 64 TELEVISION CENTER Production and Distribution Chart 68 NEWARK, NEW JERSEY Enteredassecondclassmatter,Oct. 13, Pan-American Countries; $3.50 in Canada; 1944. Re-entered as 2nd class matter, at the post officeat New York, N. Y., under the $4.00 elsewhere, payable in U. S. Currency). Act of March 3, Advertising Rates Upon Request.Published serving New Jersey and 1879. Subscription Rate, $3 mouthy by Television Publications, 11West Per Year (in the U. S. and territories, and Forty -Second Street, New York 18,N. Y. EntireContents Copyrighted,1948.
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