WEST GOODPARM. The Free Sewing Machine "Over the River" formed part of the 000000000000.000000 (Continued from Page 3) program in the first grade Wednesday NERVOUS? afternoon. Several visitors were pres- AROUND ABOUT All run down ? Ayer's Sarsaparilla Mr. Wm. Ward iv. quite sick and ent to visit the first and second grade tinder the doctor's care. is a strong nerve tonic. No alcohol. programs. 000000000000000000 Sold for 60 yearn. Miss Bina Wolcott spent from Fri- c Chas. F. Cook -has been recommend- Your Doctor. Ayer till *Sunday with Ada Lewis. High School Ask I,wel ed for appointment as postmaster at Mrs. Maggie Bonner entertained The Senior English class is just Farinridge. her sister, Airs. Bright, of Chicago, starting Hamlet. VON QUALEN & O'CONNOR last week. 'Speaker McKinley, of the Illinois The Coffee You The Junior English class are read house of representatives, was married Several of the schools have re- UNDRT AKERS and log Milton's 'Minor Poems. Wednesday to Miss Katherine E. Want at the Price FUNERAL DIRECTORS sumed work again after a two weeks' The only insured machine. Sold on The 'Sophomore English class are Riley. acation. ready to read "The Three American You Want To Pay Best of Service convenient payments, by Business men of Bement have de- Airs. Ed McGuan, of Wauponsee, is Poems." Mcx-O-Ja is an unique blend C. M. BAKER & SON cided to assist the ladies to maintain of our selection of berries frorn Tel. No. 75 Dwight. III. somewhat better and pronounced out The program Wednesday afternoon the world-famous coffee growing a public reading and rest room. A of danger at this writing. was very good. Several visitors were countries of Sao Paulo and the 00000000.00000t30000 good proposition. mountain districts of Mexico. The Chicago & Alton Railroad Com- Several from here attended the R. present. O 0 pany will sell week-end excursion N. A. drill entertainment and supper The Wilmington high school heat Geo. H. Hyle, of Washington, Ill., tickets, Dwight to Chicago and return, given at Verona hall aSturday even- • SCHOOL NEWS 0 Dwight high school 27 to 24 at Dwight the pony man, recently took a lot of O 0 going any train Saturday or Sunday ing. Friday evening, Nov. 21. premiums at Madison Square Garden 00000000000P0***** except Alton Limited; good returning Mt. and Mrs. Clyde Kilmer, of Alor- The high school reports went out in New York City. up to and including 10 a. m. Monday. ris, formerly of E. Highland, are the The fifth grade learned the poem, Wednesday noon. Every parent of Grand Ridge was visited by robbers Not gooa on Red Hummer. F. D. proud parents of a baby girl, their The Landing of the Pilgrims." high school students should receive a last week. Three stores were entered Scoville, agent.—Adv . third daughter, born Nov. 21. The fourth graders are planning to report. but not much was taken except a dol- Mrs. C. \V. Wolcott, who has been make reed baskets next week. lar and some cigars. The fourth graders have learned the T471Z-ia staying with AIrS. 1.l7.7.ie Small the past The Eureka Electric Cleaner is guar- Geo. Johnson's remains were found l poem, "The Village Blacksmith." WE WANT YOU week, also has been very sick, but is anteed to be free from defects of work- near the Rock Island tracks near Ot- It makes a full, rich Earn 5,0-S, weekly selltne•.1.1arante,d Underwear. The fifth grade wrote some interest- drink — positively unmatcha- much improved at the present time. manship or material. It will last in- tawa terribly mutilated. He was an n“sleryand Sweaters A merces ing original Thanksgiving stories. ble at the Price. 3'41,71s7;::Me, outfit FREE. James Weldon, several years ago, a definitely. We will replace or repair employe of a factory. Its purity and quality Seventy-five per cent of the Children resident of Goodfarm, died at the home without charge all parts giving out assure a satisfying, whole- have had 100 in spelling this week. Murl Lovell, an escaped reforma- some drink. of his son, near Seneca, last week. within one year under normal and George Hansen entered the third tory boy, was captured at Blooming- Mex-O -Ja is delivered to LIT IVE DO IT ! Burial was made in a Seneca ceme- proper usage. C. M. Baker & Son.- by the grocer In a carton bear- grade on Tuesday, from Grundy coun- ton Tuesday. He was shot in the left Ingt;roadT green and red stripes. tery. Adv. leg by Deputy Sheriff Nierstheimer. •5'elrnTZ:I coeo-e llirlgit•a L'unii A good sized crowd attended the ty. Mrs. Reynolds and Master John Ex-Sheriff Reed, of Pontiac, recent- to.ozG,TI:yrne igP:ric e MgeToChanp erse lecture course at Verona hall Monday $1.00 to Chicago and return via Chi- —the Q uality Never Reynolds visited the first grade -Mon- ly went through a very serious opera- evening. The next number is Dec. 13, cago & Alton each Sunday, going on Pries subj.' day. tion at a hospital in Milwaukee—the Saturday evening, a musical entertain. No. 26 at 7:45 a. m. Return on trains Russell Jensen has left the fifth removal of a cataract from one of his ment by a company which everyone No. 77 and 5, leaving Chicago 6:16 p. trhaswexa,:.2. Pound grade and now goes to school in Jo- eyes. should hear. in. and 9 p. m. F. D. Scoville, agent. ARBUCKLE BROS. liet. Freeport—A gust of -wind blew Ja- fdex-O-Ja Sal. Dept. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rose enter- —Adv. 365-465 East Illinois Street Eleanora Swanson has been absent cob Zeitsch, a carpenter of Franklin, Chicago, ILL tained to Sunday dinner, their sons, on account of sickness, from the fifth WITH OUR CHURCHES. Ohio, from the roof of an eight story Arthur and son, William, of Morris, grade. Methodist Episcopal Church—G. H. building. His body struck the roof of Clarence and family, of blazon, Har- et Best Results End The second graders have a farm McClung, pastor. Sunday School, 9:30 a freight house, eight feet below, and scan t old, of Peru, and his friend, a Mr. I am the man you need, if you yard in their sand table for Thanks- a. m. Morning worship, 10:45. Ep- then bounded on to some railroad Gabol, also of Peru. want to sell your property at public giving. worth League, 6:45 p. m. Evening tracks. He was dead when companions auction. Farm and livestock sales The date for the Neville school The second grade played the story worship, 7:30. The Rally Day ser- reached him. pound social has been changed to Sat- are my specialty. Call on or write "The Elves and the Shoemaker" this vices last 'Sunday proved to be a real • terling.—An attempt to wreck urday evening, Dec. 6, instead of Dec. A. N. Jensen, 114 W. Delaware., afternoon. affair. For the benefit of our out of trains on the Northwestern was avert- 13, as announced before, at bliss Lind- Dwight, Ill. The second graders wrote letters to town members we will state that our ed when section men found thirteen berg's home, one mile west and two Lillian Paaske, who is sick, Friday total attendance for the day was 789. holes drilled in the rails on a curve miles north of school house. Every- afternoon. We had aimed at 250 in Sunday School east of Sterling. The police believe one come and enjoy the evening and The third grade made excellent free- and reached 282. The sermon by Dr. that the holes would have been later supper. hand cuttings illustrating Thanksgiv- McVety on "The Three Storied Man" filled with nitroglycerine and the fast ing stories. was thoroughly appreciated by all mail wrecked. A Consumptive Cough. This week the third graders have who heard it. We were represented Decatur—John Milton Bowman, the A cough that bothers you continual- been making a §tUdy of the Indian THE BEST...... 1 at the School of Methods conducted in 82-year-old heir to the John Bowman ly is one of the danger signals which and the Pilgrim. Pontiac last week by Bishop McDowell estate of $250,000 at Stonington, is - 1 warns of consumption. Dr. King's In physical training the children of .. ....%. POLICY by the . following men : F. A. Haise, being besieged with love letters from - A • OPilID GIU-E ET E .CS, New Discovery stop the cough, loosen the fourth grade are learning to dance Burton Orr, A. L. Harrison, E. C. Dar- the chest, banish fever and let ye.' the Virginia Reel. all parts of the country. Many letters mon, G. B. Hager and the pastor. All asking charity have also been re- sleep peacefully. The first dose In geography the children of the report a pleasant and inspiring ses- ceived. The aged heir has placed the PROTECTION checks the symptoms and gives I fourth grade are studying the bark of sion. Next Sunday evening the pastor, love letters in the hands of his trustee prompt relief. Mrs. A. F. Mertz, of the different trees. it is indeed a trying ordeal to see all will give a report of the great conven- with instructions to inform the fair Glen Ellyn, Iowa, writes: "Dr. King's' The booklets made by the third your earthly possessions destroyed by tion recently held in the city of Co- writers that he proposes to remain New Discovery cured a stubborn , graders for Thanksgiving Show hard firey flames, but what a consolation lumbus, Ohio.
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