Pop. EXLI BRIS ehar£€sMocg WaUoft- Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2010 witli funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/edinburghleithdi99aitc THE EDINBURGH AND LEI TH ' DIRECTORY, TO yuir 1800. ••<••<••<••<•<••<••<••<.<•<••<•<••<••<••<•<•<••<••< CONTAINING AN ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT O E Noblemeuy Private Gentlemen, Merchants, Traders & Others ; In the City and Suburbg of EDINBURGH and LEiTH, \£c. Carefully Sele£led by THOMAS AITCHISON Ulth fTynd,^ {Price Is-U} . M.-IGISTRA TES -OF 'EDINBURGH. Prottjl Riol.t Honourable Sir Jjmks STinr.tNG, Bart. Urd and LerJ LUuUiiiiiil of- the Cd)' Ht-mJ^-Toi^, Efq. Jaines Eyre, E^q. I 'I'brn;, "j /j^j/.ff, Efq, " Gto-ge Spaokie, Efq. | Peter Hill, J ' Chailcs Kir, Efq. Dean c'f Chuff, Archibald Gllthr.;t, Efq. Tre.jUrtf.' r. .1 tor Thoniat Rider, Eiq: Old f f..^ ,,/,,( Tonics Tackfon. KTq, I '1 ii,,msn .-vmitiij.Erfi, 1 • «***;J *Js,7fri W-iH..Da'»ympIe, t'-qi William H^il, Et.^ J Malcolm Wti^lif, 6(V DpM*f6'rti/rf, Ttfufmr, ., „"' . AiQhWiali y^'liitiky, Old MmkiHt ro!tr,Mhv,, T,uii» Cornfilkn ' Areh. Mtnz'gs, ^'•' and . - .• ;'.. Alts. KiRPeaP,- j . WDuff-Haft. Qrd'riiirt C9unf'<l Dfficcnu Bsken,- W, Rarkcn, D. Con. IV;/w. I Jii^ljerrDadgeon, j^.mes PenUolm, J:.t.h Lindifly, ju3. J*;mTf. »''««'*fJ'^ ' 3on, m^^> AlaandetBuff, rr!|,'V; \ Mf%. Fcrguffon, Df!'rtr,fy . ., M-t'licrditKirj CsimU Gci"., Gre<',Of.y. H>mmer, Aircrew rrviiie,.M^/«/.;. j ., AufJrew Wood, Si:rgc!t;r. ' }A'tn. RaiV, Ci/ai/'fi. \ ' F/c/?'crs- Tl)i)5. Kennedy, i-Vrarj. j An. ITutchcfon.^ , .'*;« Omi^raioHn, l)avi<i f aterfca, Ffq, C'flf «/ ^ _ Vv>,l,..« Neil Ferguiion, JarrKs Or',va'd, ichr. PittiloB-, aB^ gCe-wa;t, Efp.ts. Ad'^^ocsts?. ./^#.-j. , Jthn Dundas, and John Gia^, Pri>i, CIcrh, Alexander Duncan-, and Ja"-.es Laing. Dtp. Ciok^. Willi.'^m Forbes, Kapcr of Records of Ccuticl. Thomas Hay, Chamberlain. —Joha Macricchie, ^^f''- Ja. B^uce, Joint Jccom^ar.!, Jo])n Huttoc, Su^er'tnlendant of IV'atcr. William Gilltfpie, Supperintendant cf Pol'tci. , Wiillam Sprot, F^cfl/—Rich. Rtchardfcn, K'ui r>:a;<) '. ~ T. Smiih, Efq. Baron Bailie of.Ca»(n§ate ai.d C^dion Tames C^cpban, and Alexander Bocg, P.tfJei.t i-'u.,' .;. rv:r Carfiae, Trcafurer— J. hVKkchic, CV-;. Cemge (ZIranftoun, Efq. Advocate. /^J/ff/or, V/iliani Dabymple, Efq. Admlrd of Lelth, Barclay FyfFc, and Andrew C?.ffe!s, Refa.-ht Bm'.-.a. Edward Maccormick, Efq, /Kfeffor— Jc. Patifon, CUi f: ' William Hall, Baron Bathe of E<'JisT & JVefter Fariji/iti^'-^ William. Caldcr, and ^V. Gibfon, Sefident Bailies. William Young, Clsrk. DEAN OF GUILD COURT. Charles Kerr, Efq. D. of Guild— M. Wright, Old D; of Gu:id McfiTJo White, Win Phinn, Akx Duff, Francis BiaidvrooU, and Andrew Irvine, Council. C Cunninghai:!, Clerk— Pv Werajf?, Officer. , . At ^ ( 4 ) COURT OF SESSION. Hay Cnmpbell of Succoth, Lord Prefident, Park place David Rae of Efkgrove, Lord Juftice Cierk, No. lo St John's ftrect John Campbell of Stonefield, No ii George's fquare I)avid Rofg of Ankcrville, No 3 St Ancrcw^s fquare Sir William Nsirne of Donfinnao, Argyle'a fquare. op pt.fite Merchant Hofpital William Craig of Craig, No 23 Georgs-'a fquare William Bailie of Polkemmet, No 27 George's Areet fouth fide David Smyth of Methven, No 23 St Andrew's fquare Sir William Mil'ar of Glenlee, Brown's fquare Allan M-Conocbie of Meadowbank, No 20 fouth Frede- rick ftreet Robert Cullen of Cuilcn, Argyll's fquare William Hoayman of Armadale, Park-place M'Leod Baunatyne of Barmatyne, No 52 George'a ftreet, north fide Claud Bofwel of Ballmufo, No 38 St Andrew's fquare George Fergufson of Hcrmon, No 60 George's ftreet* fouth fide LORDS CLERKS. Lord Prcfident's, Waiter Lockhart, Park ftrctt Lord Juftice Clerk's, Robert Brown, Canal ftrect Lord Stonefield's, Archibald Campbell, Carruher's clofe Lord Ankerville's, John Chalmers, Gay-field place Lord Dunfinnan's, Prtrick Murray, Argylc's fquare Lord Craig's, Rob. Hedderick, at Mrs sibbald'nCha.ft* Lord PolJccmmei'e William Wilfon, Gobford's clofe Lord Methven'a, James Jclmfton, Lord Glenkt's, Andrew Biffet, Brown'* clofe Caftlfi bill JLord Meadowbank'j, Mr Han'oti, Lavra-market — (5 ) Lord Cullen*8, Alexander Grant, AHfcm's fquare X-ord Armadale's, James Lightbody, op. Aichera liali Lord Bannatyne's, John ChriRie, mid. Rofe StresT, Lord Balmuto's, James Wi'fon, Wardrop's Court Lord Hermon's, George CruiklTiaok, Riddh'a clofe Lawnmarket Depute and other Cierks of the Bill Chamber. Andrew Miller, writer, No 5. St James's ftreet, dcpute- c'.erk Tames Mercer, Bucdeuorh ftr ? ^, , ^ ,. .. ,.-„„, i * '^ Clerks to adjudication* T^ i •* James Kerr ^ Wii'iani Scott, No 15 St James's ftreet, affiftaat clerk Jatnci Glafs, Panmuir's clofe, Caaongata BARONS cf EXCHEQUER; Right Hon. James Montgomery, Lord Chief Baron, QijeenftsTfy houle, Canongate Hoaoarable Fletcher Norton, Abbey hill Sir John Dalrymple, Bart. Argyle's fquare Cofaao Gordon, Efq. No- 4 St Andrew's fquare Archibald Cocicburn, Efq; Carolina park REGISTER HOUSE, fronting nor.h end -of North Bcidge, genera! record room in the froat, Wiliiem and Akxauder Robertfoos, deputy keepers. OTHER PUBLIC OFFICES. Admirality office, Paterfon's back court Barrack mafter genijral's office, No .2 Chariotle faviar.s Cuftom houfe, Royal Exchange Commiffary office, Parlian^.ent clofe Cefs oSce, Parliaraeul ciofe Chamberlain's office, Blair ftreet Excife ofHce; St Andrew's fquare Zxclle PERMIT OFFICE, above Siatnp Of.ice Clofe, opea for granting Permits. From '8 to 9 o'clock Morniogj » ' to to 1 Afternoon, —— 3 to <J Evening, Friendly infurance ofHce, head of back Itaii^i X3-en.eral..poa office, North bridge Kirft treafurer'e office, Exchange Kirk TeJiya clerk's office, old church -'^e A 3 { 6 ) Lyon clerks o£5oe, No 33 St Andrew's fquarc Lyon depute office> Merchant ftreet Mi lillers widov/3 fund office, No 13 Qneen'9 (IreeS phoenix fire iufurance office* head of Anchor dofe Pott horfe tax office, St Mary's wynd Sheriff cierks office. Little's clofe, La'7nm5rket Stamp office, oi<i (hip clofe, High ftreet Signet office, Writer's court Society hall. Baron Maul's clofe Sun fire infurance offices Wri.ers court Town clerks office, Cremcj Truftees office, Writers court Water duty office* Blair ftreet BANKS. Bank of Scotland* middle of Lawnmarket, fouth lidc Royal bank of Scotland, oppofite the Crofs, fouth fide Britifn linen company, Netherbow* fouth lids BANKERS. Allan Robert, Writer's court Allan Alexander and company* High ftreet Anderfon Robert and company, txijhange Forbes Sir Wiiliam. Sir J. H Blair & co. Parlia ch Kinnear Thomas and Sons, Exchange Manatield, Ramfay and company, Exchange Scot, Smith, Stein and company. Exchange Seton, Wallace and company. Exchange Smith Donald, and company, Exchange SCOTCH FAIRS. IVieK any Pair falls on Saturday it it generally delayed till the Monday or Tuefday following JANUARY CritfF, 2 Tuef Eccle^echan, Fri Ayr, I Tuef OS Dunferm 3 WcdOS after the 11 day Arbro th. 31 day JDunkcld, 2i day Falkirk 31 day Airuie, 2 fuef Dun .on 2 Weu OS Falkland, 2 tL Cupar ia Fife, i Tb,Drumbiai,2 Tu OS OS 7 { 7 1 Gairtraorc, S day Drammoch i Fri Stirling, t Frid Glafgou', 2 Mood Dunkeld, 3 day Strichcn laft Th Grancon i Tuef Dumfries 24 day OS Hamilt lafl TuOS Dunoon 2 W. OS Stoovtn Murray, Kilfyth, 2 day Ecclcfcchan, Fri nearCrief 9d OS Kilwinning 3iday after the 11 day Tsrbert, x Tuef Kip pit], I Wed Falkland* lalt Th.Wigton, TFri O^J KilliaBredal2id. OS Laufencckirk 3 d. Forfar, laa Wed MARCH. Linlithgow, i Fri Forres, i WedOS Alyth, T«cf after after the i Tuef Fyve. Faftena cv the 3 Tburf OS Lokerby 2 Th OS OS Auchtcrard loOS Lochmab laft TufGIcnfhee, ^ Tuef Bucklyvie, z Tacf 0-> Hamilton, jThur QS Machlinclaft Wed Invcrnefs, 11 dayiBerwick, 1 Satur OS or Wed after Calder, 2 Tuef day liiimarn. Faft, €v Cornbill, t Moo Muthtl, 19 ' Old deer 3 rh OSKirton of Aiford Dunbarton, 3 Tii Old Meldrum, the laS Thuefday Duublane, i Wed 2 Tuef OS KirktoB of Weem Dunferral. 2 Wed Peebles, a Toef 2 Tuefday Dunkeld, 8 day Sirathavep i Thur Lanark, laft Tuef Dorncch. 3 Wed St Fillan's 2« day Largs, i Tuef Dunfe, I VVed Taia. I Tuef Liiili'hgow25day Ecclefechan> Fri Turreff laltTtt OSLockcrby, 2 Th after i I Monyrau{k,2We(J Foulis, 11 and 19 FEBRUARY. Muline, 26 OS Glafgow, Thurf Aberrvethy 12 dayN«iiro, 1$ day before Eafter Airdrie. t Tutf Old Deer, 3 Thur Galalhids, 2 Wed A'yth. Faft e'ca ' OS NS. Banff f TuefOS P. fley, 3 Tharf Invcrkeith 1 Wed Biair io Alb 1 d. Ranray, \ Tu OS Ke'fo, I Friday Buckiivie, 2 Tuef Ruthven, of Ba- Ken more, i Tuef Cupar in Fife. 1 denocb, 2 T'lef OS Wednel OS .Sj)iai,ofG: nfhce Kiurofs,^W.'d03 Dornoch, i W^d i2 day OS Kirkpatrick, 1 Dovrae, u day .Shots, 1 Tuef OS, or day af:er Kilff th, 1 Tucf Cupar Fife i Wed OM Deer aT OS Ladykirk, 25 day OS ;Perth i Friday OS iDunbarton Th-jrf Rothfay laft Wed Longfide, Tuefl before Eafter 3 | OS 03 iDunferml.4WedRutherglen laft'' Lockerby 2 Thu Ecclefechan Fri Friday, OS OS it i after day Saline 3 Wed Marnoch, i Tuei Eigin bef. Eafter Shots laft Tu OS and Wed OS . Falkland laft Th Stewarton laft Fri Melrofe, Thu\f OS OS before Eafter Fettercairn laS; Strichenlaft Tuef Mid-Calder, 2 Ti; Tuef OS OS Nairn, I Taefday Forres 2Wed OS Selkirk 15 day Old Deer, 2 Thur Fortrofe 1 Wed StBoniface i Wed OS i Frendraught 3 St Andrew's 2 Th ' Peebles, i Tuef Tuefday OS ' OS Pertlj, 1 Friday GrantoD laft Tuef Wigton iMon OS Roiher.
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