VOLUME 15 ^ O / V I T E D ^ NUMBER 19$ Washington, Thursday, October 12, 1950 (2) In registering and inducting persons CONTENTS TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT pursuant , to paragraph (1) of this subsec­ tion, the President shall, to the extent that Chapter I— Proclamations he considers practicable and desirable, reg­ THE PRESIDENT D esignation of C losed A reas U nder ister and induct in the following order of Proclamations Page M igratory B ird T reaty A ct priority: Designation of closed areas under First. Those persons who participated as E ditorial N ote: For designation of students in the Army specialized training Migratory Bird Treaty Act------ 6845 certain waters in the vicinity of the program or similar programs administered by Special registration; medical and Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, the Navy, and those persons who were de­ dental________________ ____ _ . 6845 Delaware, as a closed area under the ferred from service during World War II for Migratory Bird Treaty Act, see Designa­ the purpose of pursuing a course of instruc­ EXECUTIVE AGENCIES tion leading to education in one of the cate­ tion 1 under Department of the Interior, gories referred to in clauses (A) and (B) of Agriculture Department Fish and Wildlife Service, in the Notices paragraph (1) of this subsection, who have See Commodity Credit Corpora­ Section of this issue. Such designations had less than ninety days of active duty in tion; Production and Marketing have heretofore been issued in Presiden­ the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Ma­ Administration. tial proclamations. rine Corps, the Coast Guard, or the Public Health Service subsequent to the completion Air Force Department of or release from the program or course of Rules and regulations: instruction (exclusive of the time spent in Payments; year of satisfactory postgraduate training). federal service for eligibil­ PROCLAMATION 2906 Second. Those persons who participated as ity for retirement; rejec­ students in the Army specialized training tion for military service: S pecial R egistration program or similar programs administered by Death gratuity-------------------- 6857 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES the Navy, and those persons who were de­ Disloyal or subversive per­ ferred from service during World War II for OF AMERICA the purpose of pursuing a course of instruc­ sonnel_________________ 6857 Retirement of Air Force Re­ A PROCLAMATION tion leading to education in one of the above categories, who have had ninety days or more serve personnel__________ 6857 WHEREAS the act of September 9, but less than twenty-one months of active Alien Property, Office of 1950, Public Law 779, Eighty-first Con­ duty in the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, Notices: gress, amends section 4 of title I of the the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, or the Public Health Service subsequent to the com­ Vesting orders, etc.: Selective Service Act of 1948 (62 Stat. German nationals, copyright 604), as amended, by adding thereto sub­ pletion of or release from the program or course of instruction (exclusive of the time of (2 documents)____ 6869,6870 section (i), which contains, in part, the spent in postgraduate training). Kretzschmar, Sibylle___ 6871 following provisions: Third. Those who did not have active serv­ Von Vietinghoif, L. Zuleikha_ 6871 (1) (1) Notwithstanding any other provi­ ice in the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Winslow, Ottilie Franke Mul­ sion of this title, except subsections 6 (j) and Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, or the Public ler_________________ 6871 6 (o), the President is authorized to require Health Service subsequent to September 16, special registration of and, on the basis of 1940. Civil Aeronautics Administra­ requisitions submitted by the Department Fourth. Those not included in the first and tion of Defense and approved by him, to make second priority who have had active service Rules and regulations : special calls for male persons qualified in in the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Irregular air carrier and off- needed— Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, or the Public route rules: (A) medical and allied specialist categories Health Service subsequent to September 16, who have not yet reached the age of fifty 1940. * * * Facilities-.________________ 6853 at the time of registration, and Maintenance and inspection; (B) dental and allied specialist categories AND WHEREAS section 6 of the all aircraft______________ 6852 who have not yet reached the age of fifty aforesaid act of September 9, 1950, reads as follows: Civil Aeronautics Board at the time of registration. See also Civil Aeronautics Admin­ Persons called hereunder shall be liable for For the purposes of this Act, the term istration. induction for not to exceed twenty-one “allied specialist categories” shall include, Notices : months of service in the Armed Forces. No but not be limited to, veterinarians, optome­ Trans-World Airlines, Inc. ; trists, pharmacists, and osteopaths. such person who is a member of a reserve hearing________________ - 6863 component of the Armed Forces shall, so long as he remains a member thereof, be lia­ AND WHEREAS title I of the Selective Civil Service Commission ble for registration or induction under this Service Act of 1948 contains, in part, the Rules and regulations: subsection, but nothing in this subsection following provisions : Exceptions from competitive shall be construed to affect the authority of service; Department of De­ the President under any other provision of Sec. 6. * * • (k) No exception from registration, or fense __ ,____________ !------ 6848 law to call to active duty members and units exemption or deferment from training and of the reserve components. No-person in the Formal education requirements service, under this title, Shall continue after for appointment to certain medical, dental, and allied specialist cate­ the cause therefor ceases to exist. gories shall be inducted under the provisions scientific, technical, and pro­ of this subsection after he has attained the ***** fessional positions; soil sci­ fifty-first anniversary of the date of his birth. (Continued on p. 6847) entist____________________ 6848 6845 6846 THE PRESIDENT ,tS\°NAL 4 *1V CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Power Commission Pase Internal Revenue Bureau— Pa§e FEDERAlMREGISTER Notices: Continued Hearings, etc.: Rules and regulations—Continued Atlantic Seaboard Corp____ 6866 Tax payment on rinsings—Con. Black River Electric Coopera­ Distilled spirits, tax-paid; tive _^____ 6863 bottling__ ____ :__ ______ 6855 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, California-Pacific Utilities Co. Spirits and wines, rectifica­ and days following official Federal holidays, and Idaho Power Co______ 6863 tion______ ______ 6855 City of Allegan, Mich_______ 6863 by the Division of the Federal Register, International Tradè, Office of National Archives ahd Records Service, Gen­ City of Trinidad, Colo______ 6864 eral Services Administration, pursuant to the Colorado Interstate Gas Co. Organization and functions (see authority contained in the Federal Register and Canadian River Gas Foreign and Domestic Com­ Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Co ____________________ 6864 merce Bureau). amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Interstate Commerce Commis­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Gulf States Utilities Co_____ 6864 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Hope Natural Gas Co______ 6865 sion the President. Distribution is made only by Independent Natural Gas Co. Notices : the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ and Northern Natural Gas Applications for relief: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Co___ . _________________ 6864 Pecans from Albany, Ga., to The regulatory material appearing herein Montana-Dakota Utilities Co_ 6883 St. Louis, Mo___ ________ 6836 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, New York State Natural Gas Pig iron from Texas to Ohio. 6867 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Corp. (2 documents)_____ 6865 Rates, less-carload, and mini­ amended June 19, 1937. Southern California Edison mum charges in official ter­ The Federal Register will be furnished by Co______________^_____ _ 6863 ritory __________________ 6868 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Texas Eastern Transmission Rubber, crude, from North per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Corp___________________ 6864 Atlantic ports___________ 6867 advance. The charge for individual copies United Gas Pipe Line Co____ 6865 Sugar between points in the (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the West_____________ 6866 size of the issue. Remit check or money Fish and Wildlife Service order, made payable to the Superintendent Notices : Rules and regulations: of Documents, directly to the Government Designation of areas closed to Freight forwarders; motor com­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. hunting; certain waters in vi­ mon carriers, agreements ; ex­ There are no restrictions on the republica­ cinity of Bombay Hook Na­ piration date_____________ 6858 tion of material appearing in the Federal tional Wildlife Refuge, Dela­ Justice Department Register. ware_____________________ 6858 See Alien Property, Office of. Rules and regulations: Labor Department Designation of areas closed to See Wage and Hour Division. hunting; certain waters in Production and Marketing Ad­ Now Available vicinity of Bombay Hook Na­ tional Wildlife Refuge, Dela­ ministration ware___________________ _ 6858 Rules and regulations: UNITED STATES National
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