a x ONAL/J/ j, UTTERA SCRIPTA MANET 1934 VOLUME 19 NUMBER 165 Ü A / IT tO Washington, WednesdayAugust 25, 1954 into pieces less than 2% inches but not CONTENTS TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE less than % inch in length, and may Chapter I—Agricultural Marketing contain shorter end pieces which result Agricultural Marketing Service Pa8® Service (Standards, Inspections, from cutting. Proposed rule making: Marketing Practices), Department (d) “Short cut” means frozen beans Milk handling: consisting of pods that are cut trans­ Greater Kansas City------ ---- 5403 of Agriculture versely into pieces of which 75 percent, Topeka, Kans________________ 5406 Part 52—P rocessed F r u it s a n d V eg e­ by count, or more are less than % inch Rules and regulations: tables, P rocessed P roducts T h e r e o f, in length and not more than 1 percent, Beans, green and wax, frozen; and Certain O ther P rocessed F ood by count, are more than 1*4 inches in U. s f standards for grades; Products length. miscellaneous amendments-. 5391 (e) “Mixed” means a mixture of two Agricultural Research Service Subpart— U n ited S tates S tandards for or more of the following forms' of frozen Notices: Grades of F ro zen G r e e n B e a n s an d beans, whole, cut, or short cut. For the Frozen W ax B e a n s 1 Organization, functions, and purpose of this style: “Whole” means a authorities; Production Eco­ MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS whole pod or pods cut not less than 2% nomics Research Branch; ’i inches in length; “cut” means pods cut Pursuant to the Agricultural Market­ Plant Pest Control Branch-. 5413 into pieces less than 2% inches in length ing Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 1087 et seq., but not less than % inch in length; and Agriculture Department 7 U, S. C. 1621 et seq.), the United States “ short cut” means pods cut less than % See also Agricultural Marketing Standards for Grades of Frozen Green inch in length. Service; Agricultural Research Beans and Frozen Wax Beans are Service; Commodity Stabiliza­ amended as hereinafter set forth. 2. Change § 52.2328 Defects to read tion Service. These amendments revise the defini­ as follows: Notices: tions! for “cut” and “short cut” styles of § 52.2328 Defects— (a) General. The Federal Crop Insurance Corpo­ frozen green and wax beans by increas­ factor of defects refers to the degree of ration; organization, func­ ing from y2 inch to % inch the minimum freedom from extraneous vegetable ma­ tions and procedures---- -—. 5414 length for cut beans and the limitation terial, loose seed and pieces of seed, for the maximum length of 75 percent Atomic Energy Commission unstemmed units, detached stems, small Maintenance of the Mobilization or more of the units in short cut beans. pieces, damaged units, or units that are The definition of “mixed” style is revised Base (see Defense Mobilization blemished or seriously blemished. Office). to apply only to the forms of beans (1) ' “Blemished” means any unit which may be used in mixed style. which is blemished by discoloration or Civil Aeronautics Administra- With respect to tolerances for defects, blemished by other means to the extent tion mixed style is deleted from cut style and that the appearance or eating quality Rules and regulations: included with short cut style for the ap­ Danger areas; alteration----- — 5394 plication of the provisions of the stand­ of the unit is materially affected. (2) “ Seriously blemished” means any ards. This change will eliminate the Civil Aeronautics Board requirements with respect to small pieces unit blemished to such an extent that Notices: in mixed style when the product consists the appearance or eating quality of the Southern service to the West of cut and short cut beans. Other unit is seriously affected. case, reopened ; postponement- changes are made for clarification of the (3) “Extraneous vegetable material” of oral argument------- .----- 5415 text of the standards. means leaves or pieces of leaves and other similar vegetable matter. Coast Guard These amendments, which shall be­ Rules and regulations: come effective on the date of the publi­ (4) “Small piece” with respect to cut U. S. Coast Guard Reserve regu­ and mixed styles means a piece of pod cation of this document in the F ederal lations; procurement; general Register, are as follows : less than % inch in length and with requirements; enlistments 1. Change paragraphs (c), (d ), andrespect to sliced lengthwise style means and reenlistments-__________- 5396 a piece of pod less than 1% inches in (e) of § 52.2322 Styles of frozen beans to Commerce Department read as follows: * length. (5) “Damaged unit” means any unit See Civil Aeronautics Administra­ (c) “Cut” means frozen beans con­that is broken or split into two parts or tion; Federal Maritime Board. sisting of pods that are cut transversely that has very ragged edges, or is dam­ Commodity Stabilization Service aged by other mechanical means to such Notices: - 1 Compliance with the provisions of thesi an extent that the appearance or eating Hawaiian sugarcane; notice of standards shall not excuse failure to compl; with the provisions of the Federal Food quality of the unit is seriously affected. hearing on prices and desig­ Drug, and Cosmetic Act. (Continued on p. 5393) nation of presiding officers— 5413 5391 5392 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS-—Continued Defense Department Page Interstate Commerce Commis­ Page FEDERA^REGISTER Delegation of authority to Secre­ sion “V^ niteo1934 *«Sr tary with respect to disposal of Notices: certain parcels of land at Milan Motor carrier applications— » 5416 Arsenal, Tenn. (see General Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, Rules and regulations: and days following official Federal holidays, Services Administration). Scope of operating authority; by the Federal Register Division, National Maintenance of the Mobilization routes; use of Pennsylvania Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Base (see Defense Mobilization Turnpike by motor \:arriers ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Office). • authorized to operate over thority contained in the Federal Register parallel routes.______________ 5400 Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Defense Mobilization Office amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Notices: Labor Department tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Thiokol Chemical Corp.; addi­ See Public Contracts Division. mittee of the Federal Register, approved by tion to list of companies ac­ the President. Distribution is made only by Land Management Bureau the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ cepting request to participate ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. in activities of Ordnance Notices: The regulatory material appearing herein Corps Integration Committee Alaska; shorespace restoration is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, on Propellants and Explo­ order___________ ____________ _ 5411 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant sives_____ ____ ____________ _ 5415 Rules and regulations: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Rules and regulations: Michigan; partially revoking amended August 5, 1953. Maintenance of the Mobiliza­ former Executive Order which The Federal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 tion Base (Department of withdrew lands for lighthouse per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Defense, Atomic Energy Com­ purposes_________ __________ 5399 advance. The charge for individual copies mission and the. Maritime (minimumr l5tf) varies in proportion to the Administration)____________ 5395 Maritime Administration size of the issue. Remit check or money Production facilities for Mili­ Maintenance of the Mobilization order, made payable to the Superintendent tary and Atomic Energy Pro­ Base (see Defense Mobilization of Documents, directly to the Government curement; expansion goals— 5395 Office), Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. See Federal Maritime Board. There are no restrictions on the republica­ Federal Maritime Board tion of material appearing in the Federal Rules and regulations: Mines Bureau R egister. Determination of profit in con­ Notices: tracts and subcontracts for Approval of contracts and construction, reconditioning change orders relating thereto CFR SUPPLEMENTS or reconstruction of ships; for construction, alteration, miscellaneous amendments— (For use during 1954) 5399 or repair of any building or Rules of practice and procedure public work______ ;_______ ___ 5411 before Board and Maritime Proposed rule making: The following Supplements are now Administration ; searching, available: Electric cap lamps_____‘______ - 5401 copying, and certification of Mobile diesel-powered equip- Title 7: Parts 210-899 ($2.25) records; fees therefor--------- 5399 ment for non-coal mines - 5402 Federal Trade Commission Single-shot blasting units______ 5401 Title 19, Revised 1953 ($5.00) Notices: National Park Service' Title 32A, Revised Dec. 31,1953 Commercial Dental Laboratory Notices: ($1.50) Industry ; holding of trade Regional Administrative Officers practice conference---------— 5415 and Chief Clerks; delegations Title 46: Part 146 to end ($6.50) Watch Attachment Industry; of authority to enter into cer­ hearing and opportunity . to tain contracts______________ - 5413 Previously announced: Title 3, 1953 Supp. present views, suggestions, or ($1.50); Titles 4 -5 ($0.60); Title 6 objections------------------------ 5415 Post Office Department ($2.00); Title 7: Parts 1-209, Revised General Services Administration Rules and regulations: 1953 ($7.75); Part 900 to end ($1.25);
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