Czasopisma Filozofia 2019 V5.Xlsx

Czasopisma Filozofia 2019 V5.Xlsx

Wykaz czasopism naukowych Lp. Tytuł 1 issn e-issn Tytuł 2 issn e-issn PunktyFilozofia 53 Accountability in Research-Policies and Quality 0898-9621 1545-5815 Accountability in Research 0898-9621 70 x 778 Algebra and Logic 0002-52321573-8302 Algebra and Logic 0002-5232 70 x 808 Alpha-Revista de Artes Letras y Filosofia 0718-2201 0718-2201 Alpha 0716-4254 0718-2201 70 x AMERICAN CATHOLIC PHILOSOPHICAL 846 1051-3558 2153-8441 American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 1051-3558 2153-8441 70 x QUARTERLY ANGELAKI-JOURNAL OF THE THEORETICAL 1125 0969-725X 1469-2899 Angelaki 0969-725X 1469-2899 70 x HUMANITIES 1290 ANNALS OF SCIENCE 0003-3790 1464-505X Annals of Science 0003-3790 1464-505X 70 x Asclepio-Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de 1841 0210-44661988-3102 Asclepio 0210-4466 70 x la Ciencia 1932 Asian Studies-Azijske Studije 2232-5131 2350-4226 Asian Studies 2232-5131 2350-4226 70 x 2218Axiomathes 1122-11511572-8390 Axiomathes 1122-1151 70 x 2319 Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 0170-6233 1522-2365 Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 0170-6233 1522-2365 70 x 3407 CENTAURUS 0008-89941600-0498 Centaurus 0008-8994 1600-0498 70 x 4050 Common Knowledge 0961-754X 1538-4578 Common Knowledge 0961-754X 1538-4578 70 x 4301 CONFIGURATIONS 1063-1801 1080-6520 Configurations 1063-1801 1080-6520 70 x 4355 Contemporary Buddhism 1463-9947 1476-7953 Contemporary Buddhism 1463-9947 70 x 4376 Contemporary Pragmatism 1572-3429 1875-8185 Contemporary Pragmatism 1572-3429 70 x Cosmos and History-The Journal of Natural and 4446 1832-9101 1832-9101 Cosmos and History 1832-9101 70 x Social Philosophy 4981 Developing World Bioethics 1471-8731 1471-8847 Developing World Bioethics 1471-8731 1471-8847 70 x 5055Diametros 1733-55661733-5566Diametros 1733-5566 70 x 5140 Disputatio-International Journal of Philosophy 0873-626X 0873-626X Disputatio 0873-626X 70 x Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica 5165 1122-5750 1122-5750 70 x Medievale Medievale 5256 Early Science and Medicine 1383-7427 Early Science and Medicine 1383-7427 1573-3823 70 x 5650ENDEAVOUR 0160-93271873-1929Endeavour 0160-9327 70 x 5855 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES 0963-2719 1752-7015 Environmental Values 0963-2719 70 x 5949ESPRIT 0014-07592111-4579Esprit 0014-0759 70 x Estetika-The Central European Journal of Estetika : The Central European Journal of 5955 0014-1291 0014-1291 0014-1291 70 x Aesthetics Aesthetics 5999 Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1386-2820 1572-8447 Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1386-2820 70 x 6002 Ethics & Global Politics 1654-4951 1654-6369 Ethics and Global Politics 1654-4951 1654-6369 70 x 6005 Ethics and Education 1744-9642 1744-9650 Ethics and Education 1744-9642 1744-9650 70 x 6035 Etikk i Praksis 1890-3991 1890-4009 Etikk i Praksis 1890-3991 1890-4009 70 x European Journal of the History of Economic European Journal of the History of Economic 6283 0967-2567 1469-5936 0967-2567 1469-5936 70 x Thought Thought 6577Film-Philosophy 1466-46151466-4615 70 x 6587FILOZOFIA 0046-385X Filozofia 0046-385X 70 x 6996 Gender and Language 1747-6321 1747-633X Gender and Language 1747-6321 70 x Gesnerus-Swiss Journal of the History of 7202 0016-9161 Gesnerus 0016-9161 70 x Medicine and Sciences 7325GRAZER PHILOSOPHISCHE STUDIEN 0165-92271875-6735 70 x 7327 GREECE & ROME 0017-38351477-4550 Greece and Rome 0017-3835 70 x 7403 HARVARD THEOLOGICAL REVIEW 0017-8160 1475-4517 Harvard Theological Review 0017-8160 1475-4517 70 x 7426 HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS 1065-3058 1573-3394 Health Care Analysis 1065-3058 1573-3394 70 x 7497 HEC Forum 0956-27371572-8498 HEC Forum 0956-2737 1572-8498 70 x HERMES-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KLASSISCHE 7539 0018-07772365-3116 Hermes 0018-0777 70 x PHILOLOGIE 7610 HISTORIA MATHEMATICA 0315-0860 1090-249X Historia Mathematica 0315-0860 1090-249X 70 x Historical Materialism-Research in Critical 7629 1465-4466 1569-206X Historical Materialism 1465-4466 70 x Marxist Theory 7649 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF LOGIC 0144-5340 1464-5149 History and Philosophy of Logic 0144-5340 70 x 7661 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN IDEAS 0191-6599 1873-541X History of European Ideas 0191-6599 70 x 7671 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN SCIENCES 0952-6951 1461-720X History of the Human Sciences 0952-6951 70 x HOPOS-The Journal of the International Society 7708 2152-5188 2156-6240 HOPOS 2152-5188 2156-6240 70 x for the History of Philosophy of Science 7794 HUMAN STUDIES 0163-8548 1572-851X Human Studies 0163-8548 1572-851X 70 x 7862Ideas y Valores 0120-0062 Ideas y Valores 0120-0062 70 x 8298 Informal Logic 0824-25770824-2577 Informal Logic 0824-2577 70 x INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL 9250 0967-2559 1466-4542 International Journal of Philosophical Studies 0967-2559 1466-4542 70 x STUDIES 9506 INTERNATIONAL PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY 0019-0365 2153-8077 International Philosophical Quarterly 0019-0365 70 x 9938 JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY 0021-8286 1753-8556 Journal for the History of Astronomy 0021-8286 70 x 9967 Journal of Academic Ethics 1570-1727 1572-8544 Journal of Academic Ethics 1570-1727 70 x JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL & Journal of Agricultural and Environmental 10053 1187-7863 1573-322X 1187-7863 70 x ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS Ethics 10643 JOURNAL OF CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES 1355-8250 Journal of Consciousness Studies 1355-8250 70 x 10721 Journal of Critical Realism 1476-7430 1572-5138 Journal of Critical Realism 1476-7430 1572-5138 70 x 11586 JOURNAL OF JEWISH THOUGHT & PHILOSOPHY 1053-699X Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 1053-699X 1477-285X 70 x Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Journal of Medical Ethics and History of 11816 2008-0387 2008-0387 2008-0387 70 x Medicine Medicine 12270 Journal of Philosophical Research 1053-8364 2153-7984 Journal of Philosophical Research 1053-8364 70 x 12649 Journal of Social Philosophy 0047-2786 1467-9833 Journal of Social Philosophy 0047-2786 1467-9833 70 x JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIETY FOR Journal of the British Society for 12866 0007-1773 2332-0486 0007-1773 70 x PHENOMENOLOGY Phenomenology JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied 12912 0022-5045 1468-4373 0022-5045 1468-4373 70 x ALLIED SCIENCES Sciences 12984 Journal of the Philosophy of History 1872-261X 1872-2636 Journal of the Philosophy of History 1872-261X 1872-2636 70 x 12985 JOURNAL OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF SPORT 0094-8705 1543-2939 Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 0094-8705 70 x Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical 13033 1068-8471 2151-3341 1068-8471 70 x Psychology Psychology 13130 JOURNAL OF VALUE INQUIRY 0022-5363 1573-0492 Journal of Value Inquiry 0022-5363 1573-0492 70 x 13291 KENNEDY INSTITUTE OF ETHICS JOURNAL 1054-6863 1086-3249 Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1054-6863 70 x 13588LEONARDO 0024-094X1530-9282Leonardo 0024-094X 70 x 13740 LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL 1367-0751 1368-9894 Logic Journal of the IGPL 1367-0751 1368-9894 70 x 13741 Logica Universalis 1661-8297 1661-8300 Logica Universalis 1661-8297 1661-8300 70 x 13742 Logical Methods in Computer Science 1860-5974 1860-5974 Logical Methods in Computer Science 1860-5974 70 x 13743 Logique et Analyse 0024-5836 2295-5836 Logique et Analyse 0024-5836 70 x 13752Logos-Vilnius 0868-7692 Logos (Lithuania) 0868-7692 70 x Metaphysica-International Journal for Ontology 14275 1437-20531874-6373 Metaphysica 1437-2053 70 x & Metaphysics 14590 Monash Bioethics Review 1321-2753 1836-6716 Monash bioethics review 1321-2753 70 x 14739NanoEthics 1871-47571871-4765 NanoEthics 1871-4757 1871-4765 70 x 14939Neuroethics 1874-54901874-5504 Neuroethics 1874-5490 1874-5504 70 x 15027 NEW GENETICS AND SOCIETY 1463-6778 1469-9915 New Genetics and Society 1463-6778 1469-9915 70 x Nuncius / Istituto e museo di storia della 15261 Nuncius-Journal of the History of Science 0394-7394 1825-3911 0394-7394 70 x scienza 15348OCEANIA 0029-80771834-4461Oceania 0029-8077 70 x 15552Organon F 1335-0668 Organon F 1335-0668 70 x 15843PENSAMIENTO 0031-4749 Pensamiento 0031-4749 70 x 15997 Philosophical Papers 0556-8641 1996-8523 Philosophical Papers 0556-8641 1996-8523 70 x 16016 PHILOSOPHY AND RHETORIC 0031-8213 1527-2079 Philosophy and Rhetoric 0031-8213 1527-2079 70 x 16019 PHILOSOPHY EAST & WEST 0031-8221 Philosophy East & West 0031-8221 70 x 16025 PHILOSOPHY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES 0048-3931 1552-7441 Philosophy of the Social Sciences 0048-3931 70 x 16026 Philosophy Psychiatry & Psychology 1071-6076 1086-3303 Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 1071-6076 1086-3303 70 x PHOENIX-THE JOURNAL OF THE CLASSICAL 16031 0031-82991929-4883 Phoenix 0031-8299 70 x ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 16289POLIS 0142-257X2051-2996 Polis 0142-257X 2051-2996 70 x 16979 RADICAL PHILOSOPHY 0300-211X 0030-211X Radical Philosophy 0300-211X 70 x 17031Ratio Juris 1794-66381794-6638 Ratio juris 0952-1917 70 x Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie 17068 1370-7493 1370-7493 1783-1717 70 x Medievales Medievales 17088 Reflective Practice 1462-3943 1470-1103 Reflective Practice 1462-3943 70 x 17167 RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION 0034-429X 0034-429X Renaissance and Reformation 0034-429X 70 x 17204 Res Philosophica 2168-9105 2168-9113 Res Philosophica 2168-9105 2168-9113 70 x Res Publica-A Journal of Moral Legal and 17205 1356-4765 1572-8692 Res Publica 1356-4765 1572-8692 70 x Political Philosophy Rethinking Marxism-A Journal of Economics 17294 0893-5696 1475-8059 Rethinking Marxism 0893-5696 70 x Culture & Society 17356 REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS 0034-6632 Review of Metaphysics 0034-6632 1549-4853 70 x 17556 Revista de Filosofia Aurora

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