SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 433 The Condor 89:433-434 0 The CooperOrnithological Society 1987 FIRST NORTH AMERICAN NESTING AND OCCURRENCE OF HALZAEE TUS ALBZCZLLA ON ATTU ISLAND, ALASKA ’ THEODOREG. TOBISH,JR. Box 90662, Anchorage,AK 99509 LAWRENCEG. BALCH Wilbur Wright College,Chicago, IL 60634 Key words: White-tailed Eagle; first nest;Attu Is- lunatum were included in the rim. This is a similar to land; Aleutian Islands;adults; immatures. contents from Aleutian nests of Bald Eagle H. leuco- cephalus(Murie 1959). The nearctic range of White-tailed Eagles(Huliaeetus SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS albicillu) is listed as casual in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska (Attu, where probably breeds, Unalaska), in Our first observation of these eagleswas 27 May 1977 eastern Greenland and off Massachusetts,near Nan- when we watched two adults perform aerial displays tucket Lightship (AOU 1983). The speciesbreeds only over MassacreValley. Annually since 1977 while con- in western Greenland in the nearctic;a breeding report ducting early-May to mid-June bird tours to Attu, we from Baffin Island hasnot been confirmed(AOU 1983). recorded at least one adult H. albicilla; most obser- Referencein the AOU Check-list to H. albicillu breed- vations were in Temnac, Massacre,or PeacefulValleys. ing at Attu is based on data presentedherein. We dis- Two adultswith the juvenile were still in Temnac Val- covered an active aerie of this specieson Attu Island ley on our departurein 1983 (27 September), the only (52”49’N, 173”lO’E) in 1982. We have numerous ob- year we conducted fall field work. servationsof four individual H. albicilla there in May Additionally, we recordeda one-year-old individual to September, 1977 to 1986 (summary follows). These twice in May 1979, a two-year-old bird (presumably observations and the nest site are all from the river the immature from 1979) on 29 May 1980, a second valleys and coastline at the east end of Attu Island. year bird in May 1985, and a three-vear-old bird in We located the active nest in Temnac Valley on 25 May and early-June 1986 (all over the eastend ofAttu). May 1982 after watching both adult eaglestake turns It is likely the young bird from the 1983 nest that was sitting in a rocky depressionon a cliff ledge. On sub- observedin the springsof 1985 to 1986 in progressive sequenttrips to this site in 1982 (31 May, 4 June)both plumages.Detailed field descriptionsof the immatures adults were seen attending to a single downy chick. and photographsof the adults-areon file at UAM. Photographsofthe nest site are on file at the University Johansen(196 1) listed H. albicillu asa former breed- of Alaska Museum (UAM). The same nest was active er and occasional winter visitor to the Commander in 1983 with a single chick present. This chick was Islands. Dement’ev and Gladkov (195 1) reported it as fledged and feeding on pink salmon (Oncorhvnchus a common, but decreasingbreeder on the Kamchatka gorbuscha)with the adults along the Temnac River in Peninsula,and “scant” in northeast Siberia east of the September 1983. This nest has not been active since Kolyma River. They also report a clear relationship 1983; only one adult eagle has been recorded at Attu betweenthe species’ rangeand the availability of salm- since 1983. on and other fish. The Temnac is the largestof several The nest site waslocated on the north side of Temnac rivers on eastern Attu, and has a large run of pink Valley, 2.7 km from the Temnac River mouth (and salmon. These birds may be resident on Attu. We have salt water) at approximately 80 m above sea level. The two winter reports (December 1979, March 1980) of nest cup sat on a fractured rock ledge 20 m up the single “eagles” bv local Coast Guardsmen and Sutton southeastface of a rock pinnacle. This pinnacle stood and Wilson (1946) reported two H. albicilla on 15 immediately in front of a south-facing40-m high cliff March 1945 at Murder Pt. on Attu Island. face. A heavily vegetated35 ” talus slopestretched from Historically (1880s to 1930s) H. leucocephaluswas the pinnacle base to a point close to the river, roughly a rare breeder and winter visitor in the Near Island- 30 m away. Commander Island zone (Stejneger1887, Murie 1959) With a rim about 10 to 15 cm high on the outside, but it has since retracted eastward. It now breeds in the nest was approximately 1 m in diameter. The well- the Aleutians west to the Rat Island group and Buldir packed cup consisted of kelp (probably Laminaria), Island (52”21’N, 175”56’E) where nesting is sporadic fronds and rachisof Athyriumjilix-femina,and Elymus (Byrd and Day 1986). In 10 years of field work at Attu arenarius.Stalks and a few umbel heads of Heracleum we have never recordedH. leucocephalusand we know of no recordsthere since Murie’s (1959) reports of the 1930s. * Received 19 August 1986. Final acceptance23 De- We wish to thank G. F. Wagner, N. S. Proctor, and cember 1986. T. L. Savaloja for their field assistanceand observa- 434 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS tions. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided DEMENT’EV,G. P., AND N. A. GLADKOV. 1951. Birds generous support. D. D. Gibson, B. R. McClelland, of the Soviet Union. Vol. 1. Israel Program for and D. H. Ellis presentedvaluable suggestionsfor the Sci. Transl., Jerusalem. manuscript. JOHANSEN,H. 1961. Revised list of the birds of the Commander Islands. Auk 78:44-56. MURIE, 0. J. 1959. Fauna of the Aleutian Islands and LITERATURE CITED Alaska Peninsula. N. Am. Fauna 6 1. STEJNEGER,L. 1887. Contributions to the natural his- AMERICANORNITHOLOGISTS UNION.’ 1983. Check- tory of the Commander Islands: No. 7. Revised list of North American birds. 6th ed. American and annotated catalogue of the birds inhabiting Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC. the Commander Islands. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. BYRD,G. V., ANDR. H. DAY. 1986. The avifauna of 10:117-145. Buildir Island, Aleutian Islands,Alaska. Arctic 39: SUTTON,G. M., AND R. S. WILSON. 1946. Notes on 109-l 18. the winter birds of Attu. Condor 48:83-9 1. The Condor 891434-436 0 The CooperOrnithological Society 1987 CONE PIGMENT OF THE GREAT HORNED OWL ’ GERALDH. JACOBS,MICHAEL CROGNALE, AND JOHNFENWICK Department of Psychology Universityof California, Santa Barbara CA 93106 Key words: Cone pigment;vision; Great Horned Owl. used with successon this problem involves the re- cordingof a grosselectrical potential (the electroretino- In most diurnal speciescone photoreceptorsare abun- gram-ERG) from a cornea1electrode when the eye is dant and, typically, heterogeneouslydistributed across stimulatedwith flickeringlights (Neitz and Jacobs1984, the retina. These receptorsprovide the signalsthat al- Jacobset al. 1985). The use of rapid flicker and bright low for maximum visual acuity and color Vision. Cones lightsmake it possibleto obviate any contribution from are alsopresent in the retinasof many nocturnalspecies rod photoreceptorsand typical short wavelength cones where they are usually less prevalent and more ho- to the recorded signal. This techniaue has the addi- mogeneouslydistributed across the retina (Walls 1942). tional advantagesof very high reliability and sensitiv- The function of cones in nocturnal retinas, and the ity, the latter allowing one to easily detect signalsfrom nature of the vision they subserve, have long been conesin eyes that contain relatively small numbers of topics for debate. such receptors. Owls are among the most resolutelvnocturnal of the The ERG was recorded from a cornea1contact lens birds, yet they too have cones. Throughout the retina electrode placed on the eye of an anesthetized Great of the Great Homed Owl (Bubo virginianus),for in- Homed Owl. To measurethe spectralsensitivity of the stance, about 7 to 8% of all photoreceptorsare cones cones in that eye a flicker photometric procedure was and over the expanseofthis retina, thus, there are many used in which a 53” circular area in the center of the thousandsof such recenters (Fite 1973). From behav- retina was stimulated with an alternating train of light ioral measurementsof visual acuity in this bird Fite flashes(flicker rate = 50 Hz) from an achromatic ref- (1973) was led to suggestthat the photopigment con- erence light and a monochromatic test light (this pro- tained in the conesmight be identical to that found in cedure is described in detail elsewhere:Neitz and Ja- the rods. The photopigment in the latter has been ex- cobs 1984, Jacobset al. 1985). The experimenter then tracted from the eye and measuredto have an absorp- adjusted the radiance of the test light over repeated tion peak at 503 nm (Crescitelli 1958). If owl conesdo presentationsuntil the potential producedby that light contain the same photopigment as owl rods, it would just nulled the (inverted) response nroduced bv the represent an arrangement that has only been infre- reference light. Equations of this sort were made for quently claimed for other species(Jacobs 1981). That monochromaticlights spanningthe spectrumfrom 460 possibilityprompted the measurementofcone pigment to 640 nm in steps of 20 nm. in the Great Homed Owl reported here. The eye of the Great Homed Owl produced robust Historically, it has been difficult to measure cone ERG responsesunder these stronglyphotopic test con- pigments. An in situ, noninvasive technique recently ditions. The results of the formal measurementsare summarized in Figure 1. The data points there are the inverse of the radiance of the test light at the equation, each being expressedin quanta1terms. The solid line I Received 3 September 1986. Final acceptance2 drawn through each data set is a theoretical function. January 1987. These functions, wavelength-dependent visual pig- .
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