Weather Distribution Today dandy todtjr, tealgbt cad <#• jMfiaw witfe MMwara* Hl^csf RED BANK 17,1.75 temperature J6» lowest tempera- ture tonight In the W*. Tea at 1 Independent Daily f p. k. variable wind*. \ MONDAY THMVOHrUDM-ltrr. OH J $H 1-0010 35c PER WEEK lMueo daily. JIoadtT l&roUK* fntey. Mcona Clau Posuo PAGE ONE VOL. 84, NO. 13 Paid U Rtd Bank 4n4 it Atdltlontl Mtllini OKIua. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1961 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER Advice on East Point At S & L Branch f Union Beach Daylight Robbery Begin White Paper' Nets Pair $2,200 MayorResigns OCEANTOWNSHIP - A man to a parking lot behind the Oak and woman team, described by hurst Bar and disappeared." UNION BEACH - Mayor Har- which he works, the Sumco En- police as resembling "Mutt and Mrs. Grodeska said Mr. Rich- On Crisis in Berlin vey C. Eriksen resigned last gineering Co., Caldwell. Jeff" in appearance, held up a er sounded a robbery alarm as night. He will be in charge of the Shadow Lawn Savings and Loan ;oon as the thieves left. Borough Council look no action company's operation with the Na- Association branch here yester- Police reached the scene within, in electing a new mayor. tional Aeronautics and Space day and escaped with $2,200. a few minutes, but failed to pick' up any trace of the thieves. The, Efforts Mr, Eriksen is moving to Administration (NASA) doing de- Police Chief Richard J. Garrity HuntsviHe, Alabama, next weak velopment work with rockets said the couple robbed the branch Federal Bureau of Investigation as a result of a promotion to the and space capsules. on Monmouth Rd., Oakhurst, at joined the probe because the as- post of senior project engineer Although the mayor had hinted about 1:35 p.m. while it had no jciation, which has its chief office By U.S. and consultant in the firm for previously that the move might customers and only two em- at Long Branch, is federally in- be forthcoming, he said last ployees present. ured. night that confirmation cf the The man, about 6 feet 2 inches new assignment had come only all and weighing 200 pounds, and La. Girl a few hours earlier in the day. he woman, said to be less than Rutland Trial AreCited i feet in height and of slight Council Split WASHINGTON (AP) — And although the governing build, wore matching trench body has been bitterly split po- coats. Both were in their late 30s. The Kennedy administra- MissUSA litically since Mr. Eriksen took He wore a summer hat; she had Acquit tion is preparing a "white office in 1960, every member of bandanna about her dark locks. paper" on Berlin to drama- Diane jGiersch Is council heaped praise on the Presents Brown Bag tize before the world the mayor before Hie meeting con- Mrs. Eleanor Gfodeska, 45, of A Idrich cluded. repeated efforts of the 11 Highland Ave., Leonardo, the Western powers to reach agres- In Top 10 Said council president William branch manager, said she and a J. Langan (Mr. Eriksen's arch ment with Russia on a German MIAMI BEACH — Diane teller, P. Hedding Richter, 28, of Youth rival during the past two years): 22 Morris PI., Oceanport, were peace settlement. Giersch, 19-year-old daughter of "Though we have differed alone behind a high counter of RUTLAND, Vt.-The teenage: Work on the document, which Red Bank (N.J.) Councilman and many times politically, I wsnt to the two-year-old, modern, one- n whose behalf a former Long probably will take the form of Mrs. Frederic E. Giersch, Jr., say that you deserve a vote of story building when (he culprits Branch, N. J., policeman has i pamphlet, already has started was one of the 10 semifinalists thanks from the people of Union arrived. admitted perjuring himself- was n the State Department. The last night in the Miss Universe Beach, and that I have been acquitted last night on a mur- White House is understood to be Beauty Pageant. proud to work with you." According to Chief Garrity, der charge. ' ' interested in speeding it along. The title Miss USA went to Councilman William F. Rodgers Mrs. Grodeska gave this ac- SCENE OF RAID — Gasperone house in Keansburg, scene of a raid by county and Sharon Brown .of Minden, La. It, count: A jury held that Jeffrey Peter As US. officials presently see an ally of Mr. Eriksen's, who is local police, which resulted in arrest on bookmaking charge. Local officials say it the Berlin crisis, the dispute be- gives the beauty the right to running for mayor in November, "The man approached my win- Aldrkjh, 18,. adopted son of a represent this nation against 47 dow and pushed a brown bag over former Rutland and Keyport, N. is the beginning of the end of bookmaking in this town. tween the Western powers and said: 1 Russia over the future of West foreign entires for the Miss Uni- "I have learned a great deal the counter. There was a note on "X, clergyman, was not responsi- verse title. v it telling me this was a holdup ble because of insanity for the Berlin is now in a propaganda watching you in action in that warfare phase with both sidos Miss Giersch represented New chair, and no matter what the and to put all of the money in knife slaying of the minister's Jersey last night in the judging the drawer in the bag. wife last Jan. 12 in the Congre using public speeches and state- outcome in November, I have ments in an effort to influence benefited from being associated T did what he said. gational Church parsonage here, Under Vermont law the youth Bookmaking Cleanup orM opinion, . See Picture, Page 3 with you. It has been an honor. One Hand In Pocket And there were other plaudits will be held in prison, however, One of Soviet Premier Khrush- "He kept one hand in his coat until authorities determine he chev's insistent arguments has for the Miss USA title. Wednes- from the other members of coun- cil. pocket and made me think he has regained sanity. Keansburg Man Is Arrested in Raid been that action is long overdue day night, she had survived the had a gun, though I don't know His attorney said he will Seek to eliminate what he calls the first round of judging, when 28 Enjoyed It for sure if he was armed. an order to compel immi'dipts cilman T. Edward Kinlin, follow- Gralh, local police chief, re- vestiges of World War II in Ger- others seeking the title were elim- Mr. «Erikson, for his part, KEANSBURG-"We're going to "The woman stayed with him psychiatric treatment and an ing a raid Wednesday at 60 ported. many. inated. thanked the various municipal clean out bookmaking in this and when they got the money :arly release from custody. Waackaack Ave. by county de- The man, who listed his occu- Withdraw Force daddy Will Faint departments for their co-operation town once and for all—and for they walked out, across the street (See TRIAL, Page 13) tectives and local police. pation as plumber, has been He has proposed that the West- "My daddy will probably faint during his term, and said plain' good." Arrested in the raid was Alfred charged with bookmaking, and ern power* withdraw their force when he hears this," said Miss tively, "I'm sorry I have to Gasperone, 47, owner of the released in $1,000 bail for arraign Brown moments after she was leave this post — I have en- That was the declaration made (Sea BERLIN. Page 2) house, chief of county detectives ment in municipal court Monday crowned Miss USA. "He thought joyed it. yesterday in a joint statement by "And I regret it particularly Social Problems Mayor Louis Collichio and Coun- John Gawler, and Alphonsus Me at 9:30 a, m. I should improve my carriage. That's why 1 went to modeling at this time — when so many Prosecutor's Office Hughes Backs Khool." constructive programs have been Cited by Pope in New Encyclical HoimdePs Bell Labs The raid was initiated by the (See CONTEST, Page 2) (See MAYOR. Page 2) county prosecutor's office, in co- Jetport In VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Titled "Mater and Magistra" operation with local police. Chief John XXIIT in a mammoth new —meaning the church as "Mother Gawler was in charge of the'Op' encyclical on the social prob- and Teacher"—the encyclical was cration. South Jersey lems of the present-day world issued in commemoration of the Funds to Provide Marlboro Introduces Two county detectives, Chiel TRENTON (AP) —Richard J. called today for co-operation be- 70th anniversary of the "Rerum McGrath and Captain Robert J. tween the advanced and under- novarum" (of new things) Hughes, Democratic candidate Kronenberger participated in the for governor, said today he be- developed nations. sued by Pope Leo XIII on May raid. Tax Map Measure The encyclical, longest in the 15, 1891. For Road Program lieves a jetport "can be and Chiefs McGrath and Gawler should be located in the south- MARLBORO — The Township the county radio system will no 2,000-year history of the Roman The Reruni Novarum is the HOLMDEL — The Township firmatron from the Board of Free- told The Register the raiding Catholic Church, described as basic document of the Roman central section of the state." Committee adopted an ordinance longer handle fire calli. Committee last night introduced holders that the county will take party entered the house at 2:30 He said he had the Ocean-Bur- last night setting in motion the Mayor Charles McCue ap- "perhaps the major problem of Catholic Church's modern atti- an ordinance providing funds for over responsibility for the bound- p.
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