INSIDE: • Heavenly citizenship • Documentaries take us to other worlds • Amish makeover of Christian fiction • Jesus and gun violence • Welcome back PHOENIX 201320 O URBANURBURBANO InterestedInterestedsted in urbann ministry? u WantWant tot connect withw other MennonitesMeennonites u fromfrom urbanu settings?settinggs? t CheckChecck outo these twotwwo greatgrreateat Phoenix 20132013 programsprrogogramsa t fi forforo adultsadultts and youthyouth interestedintinterterrestede in all thingsthhings urban. fi t t Urbanrban YouthYouth Gathering t (for teens and young adults only) t e 1 7EDNESDAY *ULYsnPM7EDNESDAYY *ULY s n PM e A time of fun, fellowshipfellowship,p,, powerful spoken worwordd and dynamic ministry r throughthrough music. Special guests will bring messages and music tailored to youth r and young adults who operate in the theologically,theologicallyy,, racially and economically diverse s context of the urban environment. s ComeCome to celebratecelebrate God’sGod’s kingdom, network and meet new friends. GuestGuest speaker: John ValenzuelaValenzuelaalenzuela (Coach Val)Val) is a San Antonio native and church planterplanter who began his ministry as a teen. In 2011, he left the education field after 2727 years of teaching and coaching and entered ministry full time.time. Currently he servesserves as men’smen’s pastor at Community Bible Church in San Antonio.AntonioAntonio. SpecialSpecial music: Sean Slaughter—son of Integrity Music recording artist Alvin Slaughter—has traveled nationally and internationally forr the last 12 yearsyears,s,, bringingbringing his brand of rap music and ministry to today’today’ss youth. 3UCCESSFUL5RBAN#HURCHES3UCCESSFUL5RBAN #HURCHES 2 "ESTPRACTICESSEMINARS"ESTPRACTICES SEMINARS UnderstandingUnderUnderstanding your Identity,Identityyy,, Bishop L.WL.W.. FFranciscorancisco III Missionalsional Spirituality,Spiritualityy,, Bishop L.W.L.W. FranciscoFrancisco III RelatingRelating to a DiverseDiverse Christianan Community,Communityy,, Lon Hershey HEALED IN HOPE StewardshipStewardship and ChurchChurchch Management,Man NicoleNicole FranciscoFrancisco Church-to-ChurchChurch-to-Churchc Partnerships,Partnersships,hips, HeidiHeidi AspinwallAspinwall 2 TheMennonite | April 2013 | www.themennonite.org April 2013 | Volume 16, Number 4 CONTENTS 12 Resurrected joy —Anita Amstutz 15 Questions to women leaders —Anne Berry 16 The Amish makeover of Christian fiction —Valerie Weaver-Zercher W 20 Fire from heaven —Titus Peachey 23 Heavenly citizenship C —Hyun Hur 26 Jesus and gun violence 28 The politics of Jesus —Ryan Ahlgrim 30 Vocation as missional engagement —Marty Troyer 34 Phoenix delegates to decide about new agency 36 Elkhart building brings diverse staff together —Gordon Houser 37 When loving neighbors conflicts with the law —Hilary J. Scarsella 39 Exhausted couple gets help from volunteers —Debbi DiGennaro 41 Sister Care spreads to Guatemala —Claire DeBerg 44 Pastoral care through Facebook? —Anna Groff 16 20 DEPARTMENTS 4 Letters 34 News 6 News Briefs 44 News Analysis 8 Grace and Truth 47 For the Record 9 Global Anabaptism 50 Classifieds 10 Miscellany 52 New Voices 12 Features 53 Mediaculture 32 Leadership 55 Mennonite Church USA 39 33 Opinion 56 Editorial ON THE COVER: “Last Beautiful Days of Autumn” by Ken Gingerich, art director, Mennonite Church USA Executive Board. Original: 6” x 6” acrylic on masonite. April 2013 | TheMennonite 3 LETTERS April 2013 | Volume 16, Number 4 This publication welcomes your letters, istic rule book” reading of the Bible. The Mennonite is the publication of Mennonite either about our content or about issues Church USA, which established three purposes The Bible is a gift to us—the church. If facing the Mennonite Church USA. for the magazine: to provide a forum for the we claim to be the church of today, then Please keep your letter brief—one or two voices within the denomination, to promote the we must continue to grow in our un - ministries of Mennonite Church USA and to paragraphs—and about one subject only. derstanding and use of the biblical nar - offer an editorial voice distinct from but We reserve the right to edit for length collaborative with other leadership voices. The rative. It does not mean the Bible will and clarity. Publication is also subject to Mennonite (ISSN 1522-7766) is published on the change. It means that we will grow. We space limitations. Email to first Tuesday of each month by the board for The will gain new insights. We will change. Mennonite, Inc. Periodicals postage paid at [email protected] or mail to As a retired Lutheran minister, I am Elkhart, IN 46517 and at additional mailing Letters, The Mennonite, 3145 Benham offices. Subscription rates for one year: $46 to excited to see that both our churches Ave., Suite 4, Elkhart, IN 46517. Please U.S. addresses and $54 USD to Canadian are moving forward and will have much include your name and address. We will addresses. Group rates available. The views to learn from each other in the future. expressed in this publication do not necessarily not print letters sent anonymously, With much appreciation— George E. represent the official positions of Mennonite though we may withhold names at our Church USA, The Mennonite, or the board for Keck, Harlesyville, Pa . The Mennonite, Inc. Scripture references are discretion. —Editors from the New Revised Standard Version unless This note is long overdue. Time and otherwise noted. Jesus references Lamech? time again I am impressed by the qual - POSTMASTER send address corrections to: Thanks to Everett Thomas for his edi - ity of articles in The Mennonite as it en - 3145 Benham Ave., Suite 4 torial, “In with the Old” (February), courages dialogue in the broader Elkhart, IN 46517 noting that the New Testament can’t be church setting. Many articles have STAFF understood apart from the Hebrew touched me over the years, and many Editor: Everett J. Thomas Bible. I was especially delighted to see have shown how much the Menno- [email protected] the reference to Lamech of Genesis 4, nite/Anabaptist church has changed Associate editor: Gordon Houser [email protected] who sought security by upping Cain’s since I started relating to the Menno- Associate editor: Anna Groff sevenfold vengeance to 77 times. One nite church 30 years ago. [email protected] New Testament connection not men - One of your most recent articles, Advertising, subscriptions: Rebecca Helmuth tioned in the essay is the conversation “Rule Book or Story” by J. Denny [email protected] Bookkeeper: Celina Romero between Peter and Jesus in Matthew Weaver, lays out a wonderful under - Editorial assistant: Nora Miller 18, where Jesus extends Peter’s in - standing of the Living Word as we try Design: Dee Birkey quiry about forgiveness from seven to be faithful to the gospel in our own WEBSITE www.themennonite.org times to 77 times. time. Might Jesus have had Lamech in Years ago, I heard an excellent ex - OFFICES mind when he said this? Forgiveness planation by Marion Bontrager of why 3145 Benham Avenue then becomes a kind of reverse re - Mennonites don’t believe in a flat Suite 4 Elkhart, IN 46517 venge, an active way of undoing the Bible—meaning the emphasis starts phone: 800-790-2498 deadend path Cain and Lamech initi - with Jesus and everything else flows fax: 316-283-0454 ated that finds its logical conclusion in from his life, teaching and example. I 718 N. Main St. weapons of mass destruction. It seems knew at that moment that my theology Newton, KS 67114-1703 that Jesus saw this style of forgiveness was and is Anabaptist.— Gary T. phone: 866-866-2872 as the only way forward out of the Guthrie, Nevada, Iowa fax: 316-283-0454 mounds of grievances accumulated P.O. Box 1896 over the millennia.— Joel Miller, What is wealth creation? 504 W. Choctaw Drive Cincinnati The news story “Wealth, Capitalism Whiteriver, AZ 85941 phone: 928-338-6016 Focus of AMBS’ Pastors Week” used fax: 316-283-0454 Rule book or story? the language of wealth creation and I was privileged to have received a creating wealth. I confess to being per - copy of The Mennonite from my neigh - plexed in my effort to understand what bor. Even though I am not a Menno - is meant by the language and troubled Mennonite nite, I felt that I must congratulate you when I think I do get the idea. Wealth, Church for printing J. Denny Weaver’s article by most of the definitions I can find, USA “Rule Book or Story?” (March). The means the value of things, or things article is outstanding. Articles like this with value. But the language of wealth are valuable in this day when Chris - creation does not seem to be used of tians are being divided due to a “literal - manufacturing or creating things of 4 TheMennonite | April 2013 | www.themennonite.org LETTERS value. It is used rather of the process Confession of faith and marriage MCC just was not able to get a top by which individuals amass, collect, ac - Ted Grimsrud’s Opinion article (Janu - scary rating. crue and gain wealth. But I would call ary) reminds me of the time I was The “12 Most Threatening People this redistributing (toward oneself) asked by my mother if I hit my little (sic)” may exist, but it seems unlikely wealth, not creating wealth. Why is it sister. “No, I didn’t hit her,” was my that MCC was in the top 12. (If they called “wealth creation”?— John Stoner, reply. The truth was I kicked her. are, then that’s a lot of bang for the Akron, Pa . Grimsrud is correct in saying, “The buck). If you can find the list, please actual confession of faith does not in send it or a link to the list to me. It AMBS responds fact mention homosexuality.” What it might be helpful to check the facts be - At Pastors Week, Kim Tan’s teaching in does say is, “We believe that God in - fore you hype.
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