4978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 26. As we misjudge or confuse or obscure these them in the family of God-that place SELECT SUBCOMMITTEE ON LABOR elements we diminish profoundly the pos­ where peace in life, and eternal happi­ Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask . sibilities of peace and even the possibilities ness will reign. of survival, at least of survival in freedom. unanimous consent that the Select Sub­ To our Nation today falls no social work­ We ask these blessings through Thy · committee on Labor may sit today during er's chore of improving the world's hygiene. Saviour Son, ·Jesus Christ our Lord. general debate. Our challenge is not that of the carnival Amen. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to · barker called upon to exton the excellence the request of the gentleman from Loui­ of his show so that every passerby will at siana? least want to peek inside. Our challenge is THE JOURNAL not that of the marathon runner who, if only The Journal of the proceedings of· There was no objection. hls breath holds out, will find his competitor Thursday, March 22, 1962, was read and gasping and falling by the wayside. approved. Our chore and challenge is simply the ded­ COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS icated, wise use of every element of our na­ Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask tional power to secure the peace of the world WATERSHED AND FLOOD PREVEN­ unanimous consent, notwithstanding the by reducing to impotence the opposing power TION PLANS sessions of the House, that the Commit-· that threatens it. tee on Public Works be permitted to sit This is not work for a young nation. It is The SPEAKER laid before the House work for a mature nation in a real world. the following communication, which was during general debate during the week It is the continuation in our time of the read and referred to the Committee on of March 26. realistic course that Washington set for us. Appropriations: The SPEAKER. Is there objection to It is time now to use the power which his the request of the gentleman from Loui­ policies permitted to grow. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S., siana? We, nor the world, may have no second COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, There was no objection. chance in this challenge. Washington, D.C., March 22, 1962. We will write, through indecision and un­ Han. JoHN W. McCoRMACK, reality, nothing but an address to the fare­ The Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, FOREIGN TRAVEL BY MEMBERS OF well of freedom in the world. CONGRESS Or we will write, with the pen of our Washington, D.C. morality and the sword of our responsi­ DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the pro­ Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I ask bility, a great testament to man's triumph visions of section 2 of the Watershed Protec­ tion and Flood Prevention Act, as amended, unanimous consent to address the House over tyranny and terror-a great testament the Committee on Agriculture has today con­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend to man's dignity and his determination to my remarks. live not as animals cowering in pens of au­ sidered the work plans transmitted to you thorital"ianism, but as men cast in the image by Executive Communication 1331 and re­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection ferred to this committee and unanimously to the request of the gentleman from of God and knowing no fear but of Him. approved each of such plans. The work Our lives would be meanly led and, finally, Iowa? plans involved are: There was no objection. ignobly lost if we accept any lesser dedi­ North Carolina, Gum Neck watershed; cation. Tennessee, Pine Creek watershed; Texas, Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, in the northeast tributaries of Leon River; Okla­ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for Wednesday, RECESS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK A.M., homa, Wagon Creek watershed. March 21, 1962, there are listed several Sincerely yours, reports by chairmen of committees of MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1962 HAROLD D. COOLEY, expense accounts of junketing Congress­ Mr. MUSKIE. Mr President, in con­ Chairman. men. On page 4753 of the CONGRES­ formance with the previous agreement SIONAL RECORD of that date the Chairman RESOLUTION APPROVING THE WORK PLAN FOR entered into, I move that the Senate now GUM NECK WATERSHED, NORTH CAROLINA of the Committee on House Administra­ stand in recess until 9 o'clock on Monday tion, Mr. BURLESON, lists the committees Be it resolved by the Committee on Agri­ next. culture of the House of Representatives, That that have filed reports, and then he con­ The motion was agreed to; and (at 1 the plan for works of improvement for the cludes with this astounding final para­ o'clock and 45 minutes p.m.) the Senate Gum Neck watershed, North Carolina, sub­ graph: took a recess under the order previously mitted to the Speaker of the House of Rep­ The following committees have expended entered, until Monday, March 26, 1962, resentatives by Executive Communication funds for oversea travel but have failed to at 9 o'clock a.m. 1331 and referred to the Committee on Agri­ report expenditures as required by law: culture pursuant to section 2 of the Water­ Agriculture, Education and Labor, Inter­ •• ...... •• shed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, state and Foreign Commerce. as amended (16 U.S.C. 1002), is hereby ap­ proved. Mr. Speaker, I hope it will not be nec­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Approved March 22, 1962. essary that the Attorney General of the United States be called upon to enforce MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1962 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE WORK PLAN FOR the law with respect to reports on the NORTHEAST TRIBUTARIES OF LEON RIVER The House met at 12 o'clock noon. WATERSHED, TEXAS part of junketing Congressmen. The Reverend Archie J. Cochrane, Old Be it resolved by the Committee on Agri­ St. Andrews Church, Bloomfield, Conn., culture of the House of Representatives, PRINTING OF ADDITIONAL COPIES offered the following prayer: That the plan for works of improvement for OF HEARINGS, COMMITI'EE ON the northeast tributaries of Leon River EDUCATION AND LABOR Almighty, gracious, and Holy God, watershed, Texas, submitted to the Speaker who, from the hearts and souls of men of the House of Representatives by Executive Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, by direction art able to draw forth true great­ Communication 1331 and referred to the of the Committee on House Administra­ ness; so enlighten in us our understand­ Committee on Agriculture pursuant to sec­ tion, I call up House Resolution 510. ing of Thee that we shall at all times tion 2 of the Watershed Protection and Flood The Clerk read as follows: Prevention Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1002), sense the presence in our lives of this Resolved, That there be printed for the seed of greatness which Thou hast so is hereby approved. Approved March 22, 1962. use of the Committee on J:ducation and graciously sown in us at our creation. Labor one thousand additional copies of part Help us to nourish and to bring to RESOL UTXON APPROVYNG THE WoRK PLAN FOR 1 of the hearings held by that committee on maturity those things we know to be PINE CREEK WATERSHED, TENNESSEE the impact of imports and exports on em­ ployment. truly great in Thy sight: Love of Thee, Be it resolved by the Committee on Agri­ love of our fellow man, and love of the culture of the House of Representatives, The resolution was agreed to. truth; so that with these elements of That the plan for works of improvement for A motion to reconsider was laid on the spiritual health we may more vigorously the Pine Creek watershed, Tennessee, sub­ table. pursue the responsibilities that lie be­ mitted to the Speaker of the House of Rep­ foreus. resentatives by Executive Communication 1331 and referred to the Committee on Agri­ PRINTING OF ADDITIONAL COPIES We make our prayer in the sincere culture pursuant to section 2 of the Water­ hope that, in Thy good time, all nations shed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, OF CIVIL DEFENSE HEARINGS of men will accept these Thy gifts, and as amended (U.S.C. 1002), is hereby approved. Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, by direction take the place Thou hast prepared for Approved March 22, 1962. of the Committee on House Administra- 1962 ' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 4979 tion, I call UP House Concurrent Resolu­ out "one hundred thousand" and insert in PRINTING OF HOUSE DOCUMENT tion 405. lieu thereof "two hundred thousand." 118, ENTITLED "THE HOUSE COM­ The Clerk read as follow~: The amen~ent was agreed to. MITTEE ON UN-AMERICAN ACTIV­ Resolved by the House of Representatives The resolution as amended was agreed to. ITIES, WHAT IT IS-WHAT IT (the Senate . concurri~g), That there · be DOES" printed for the use of the House Committee · A motion to reconsider was laid on on Government Operations five tholiffand the table. Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, by direction additional copies of the committee print of the Committee on House Administra­ "Civil Defense-1961, Hearings · Before a tion, I call up House Resolution 542. Subcommittee of the Committee on Govern­ PRINTING OF PARTS I, n, AND m The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ ment Operations, :Bouse of Representatives, OF HEARINGS ON SMALL BUSI­ lows: August 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9, 1961," issued by . NESS PROBLEMS thJ Committee on Government Operatioll$ Resolved, That there be printed for the use during the Eighty-seventh Congress, first Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, by direction of the Committee on Un-American Activities session.
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