PAGE 18 FILM LOOK AT AIDS actiVIST Vito RUSSO WINDY CITY THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 JULY 18, 2012 VOL 27, NO. 39 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.comTIMES Scholars excel in, out of classroom BY CARRIE MAXWELL was active in launching her high school’s gay-straight In order to fulfill her future goals, Filley began re- alliance. searching scholarship opportunities to offset the cost Among this year’s 29 undergraduate and graduate stu- Eager to begin working towards her future career of college. While searching the web, Filley came across dents receiving Point Foundation Scholarships, five goals, Filley has been doing research at Purdue Uni- Point’s website. Reading more about the organization, have local connections: Angela Filley, Tyler Kissinger, versity on a comparative analysis of cap and trade Filley said she found that the organization’s mission Alyssa Mandula, Pete Subkoviak and Kayla Wingert. policies. Through this research, Filley was introduced was applicable to her situation. The mentor program They were chosen out of nearly 2,000 scholarship ap- to the challenge of energy security. This has inspired excited Filley the most, she explained, since she has baR owNER plicants, and join the 47 Point Scholars currently re- Filley’s strong commitment to develop and implement only had one out adult to look up to where she grew up. ROGER HICKEY ceiving financial assistance and programming support sustainable energy resources. She also worked at the After some initial fears about being out and how that DIES from the foundation for the 2012-2013 academic year. Birck Nanotechnology Center in a lab that develops re- would affect her future career plans, Filley decided that Filley—who grew up in West Lafayette, Ind.—will be generative solar cells. Currently, Filley is working in an visibility was the best option so she went ahead and page 6 studying financial engineering with a minor in sustain- agricultural and biological engineering lab that deals submitted her application. able energy beginning this fall at Columbia University’s with water quality. On finding out that she was chosen as a Point Scholar, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences in New York Science is just one of many other passions that Filley Filley said, “It was surreal. It was pretty funny actually City. Although Filley was accepted by her family and has pursued. In the business arena, Filley was involved because the best part was that even if I hadn’t been close friends when she came out of the closet, she said in her high school’s business organizations and has named a Point Scholar I wouldn’t have been disappoint- she was disappointed by the way that her community served as state president of the Indiana Future Business ed because after meeting all the finalists in San Fran- and school responded to her sexual orientation. Not one Leaders of America. Politics is also an important part of to sit on the sidelines, Filley decided to implement the Filley’s life. To feed that passion, she plans on working Turn to page 8 “ThinkB4YouSpeak” campaign at her high school and to challenge anti-LGBTQ policies. SUMMER BOOKS SPECIAL page 22 Head to the beach with one of Tracy Baim’s picks for the books of the summer. Plus, talkiNG WITH read reviews and see special roller derby photos from The Blonde Bomber (at the MARINA AND right edge of the collage). THE DIAMONDS page 21 MOMA Tribute to Mothers of LGBTs Photographs by Kat Fitzgerald Edited by With additional photographers Tracy Baim RIDE FOR AIDS WRAP-uP page 30 2 July 18, 2012 WINDY CITY TIMES WINDY CITY TIMES July 18, 2012 3 this week in The 2013’s are Here! WINDY CITY TIMES When A Great Deal Matters, Shop Rob Paddor’s... NEWS ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS T AIDS report: Where are the gays? 4 Scottish Play Scott 13 Evanston Subaru in Skokie Lesbian PAC is launched 5 Theater reviews 14 3rd AnnuAl Roger Hickey dies; protest 6 Gay dancer in Cirque production 16 Lesbian magistrate judge named 7 ‘Fabulous’ show about Sylvester 17 Local Point scholars’ profiles 8 Knight: Vito; interview with director 18 ICIRR summit; LGBT report 9 Pop Making Sense; Manilow 20 Episcopals; Hunters controversy 10 Marina and the Diamonds 21 FFFrreeee D og Wash Gay in the Life; T in the Life 11 SPECIAL: Books section 22 benefitting Viewpoints: Berry; letters 12 Dish: Smith & Wollensky; Frontier 26 for the evanston Billy Masters 29 Photos on cover (left, from top): Photo from C.A.R.e. Animal Shelter the documentary Vito by Bettye Lane/HBO; OUTLINES This #1 2005 photo of Roger Hickey from Outlines/ Real estate; classifieds 27 St Windy City Times archives; image of Marina Calendar Q 28 SuBaru Saturday, July 21 11am-2pm and the Diamonds by Caspar Balslev; Ride for Sports: Emotional Ride for AIDS 38 dealer AIDS photo by Ross Forman in illinoiS Free 2008 GAY, LESBIAN, OF CHICAGO’S CE 1985 THE VOICE SIN NS COMMUNITY BI AND TRA 2012 JULY 18, SSO , NO. 39 FILM LOOK ATITO AIDS RU VOL 27 VIST V WINDY CITY ACTI PAGE 18 .com 2009 TIMESMediaGroup www.WindyCity lunch re- y began Scholars excel in, goals, Fille the cost er future o offset fulfill h nities t e across rder to opportu ley cam In o larship tion, aight ng scho ng the web, Fil organiza ’s gay-str searchi le searchi bout the ission ol ge. Whi more a n’s m gh scho of colle ading ganizatio ram ching her hi er e. Re the or p rog 2010 aun c are s websit at tive in l future Point’ found th The mentor s was ac s her Uni- id she tuation. nce she ha toward e lley sa si ined, si up. liance. g h at Purdu Fi ble to her expla e grew out ofal classroomegin workin researc nd trade ca ost, she to b was appli to where sh that Eager een doing s o f cap a d ley the m look up d how L - ley has b analysi ntroduce xcited Fil t to out an t uate stu als, Fil arative ey was i e out adul ut being ided tha rad go comp ill inspired rs abo DOWNLOADlley dec THIS! and g arch, F nly had one Fi d BY CARRIE MAXWEL raduate ips, five ty o n a is rese s has o initial fea plans, ead an underg holarsh versi ugh th curity. Thi lement me re career nt ah ar’s 29 tion Sc nger, Thro y se After so r futu so she we s ye Founda r Kissi policies. of energ evelop and imp t the he Among thi int lley, Tyle enge t to d ked a would affect best option olar, iving Po Fi gert. the chall mitmen lso wor e- as the int Sch ce ons: Angela yla Win - to com s. She a elops r bility w cation. s a Po dents re nnecti and Ka ap esource that dev visi r appli tually local co oviak arship Filley’s strong nergy r a lab g in an itted he s chosen a y ac have Pete Subk 2,000 schol ly re- e n subm een dula, f nearly current sustainable gy Center in s out that she wa. It was pretty funn hadn’t b Man n out o holars otechnolo ntly, Filley is workithat deal On finding s surreal en if I nt- Alyssa se int Sc support rck Nan ls. Curre ing lab “It wa that ev isappoi e cho e 47 Po g Bi eer y said, rt was been d They wer h programmin c year. ive solar cel gical engin Fille best pa have Fran- and join t nd cademi generat biolo y se the wouldn’t s in San plicants, assistance a 2013 a ll be ral and ns that Fille becau holar I finalist nancial e 2012- i agricultu y. assio d Point Sc ER iving fi th r qualit ther p s involve med a eeting all the WN ce ndation for Lafayette, Ind.—w tain- h wate of many o lley wa na after m to page 8 BAR O the fou in West inor in sus wit ust one rena, Fi nd has ecause Turn Y from grew up th a m ersity’s e is j usiness a ns a ed b R HICKE ho ring wi Univ Scienc n the b organizatio ROGE Filley—w enginee Columbia York sued. I usiness re Business cial ll at in New has pur ool’s b iana Futu f dying finan ing this fa iences gh sch the Ind ant part o stu plied Sc mily and hi ent of mport g DIES energy beginn and Ap her fa in her te presid lso an i orkin 6 able ering ed by as sta litics is a ans on w PAGE of Engine accept set, she said served ca. Po e pl School as nity Ameri n, sh 22 e out of the clo ommu Leaders of page Go to though Filley w cam r c . www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com ity. Al she hat he ne ife. To feed that passiocies C ds when way t n. Not o illey’s l frien d by the tatio F e anti-LGBTQ poli 2011 close nte xual orien ent the halleng as disappoi o her se implem to c she w onded t o and ol resp y decided t h school and scho s, Fille her hig at sit on the sideline campaign Baim’s to uSpeak” y “ThinkB4Yo th one of Tracr.
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