Fow Page Color ed of This Pajpef^ Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Sporting News, VOL. VI, No. 5 CARTERET, N. J , FRlfcAY, OCTOBER 21, 1927 PRICE THREE Woman Leaps to Death from Taxi Automobile Stolen. Damaged Birthday Anniversary Party While Owner Watches Game )ef endint Released For William Rossman Jr. | COUNCIL RESCINDS ACTION Aftet Paying Driver $15. Fare While Councilman Edward J. Mr. and Mrs. Willism Romunan of Coughlin was attending a ball game Censured 64 Wheeler svomie held « party »t ON SCHOOL REFERENN "unday at Raritan Copper Works Her skull fractured when she their honlt Sunday in honor of their & Reading railroad crossing on St. 'ield in Perth Amboy, his Frank- leaped from a taxicab in which she New YorW Arrested On Wo- son, William's birthday. The rooms Plan To Giv* Mayor and Council Right To Appoint M« George avenue I^anda heard the cab in sedan was stolen. The car was was on her way to Newark, Mrs. man'* Charge Released. Were attractively decorated in a blue door Rlam and looked around to see arked with hundreds of others near Of School Board Upset When Andre* Joins Democrat* Mary Cumming, a 39-year-old ne- 'and white color scheme. Many beau hin passenger had disappeared. He he ball field. Two men it was le«rn- Sever* Reprimand For gress of Long Branch, died shortly 'tifut gifts were received . Games In Protest. Move fs Lost By Vote of 4 to 1 stopped and ran back along the road id, took the car and while driving Woman Who Caused after being taken tn Rahway Hospi- were played. Mr. and Mrs. Ross- to find the woman unconscious on t across the Victory Bridge toward Recent action of the Republican,» trolley car to « bus was tal early Sunday morning. Brian Arrest j'man entertained the guests with ra- the pavement. A truck driver help- South Amboy, lost control of it. As Th« company, h* said, is trying Lands, Long Branch taxi driver, selections. Dainty refreshments msjority In the Borough Council to ed him rush the injured woman to ' he machine raced along the bridge roUin the same drivers that wa» arrested by the Woodbridge po- Charles Iieas'tra, who lives in New were served. Baskets filled with gain control of th« public school* for the hospital. it struck another car and both ma- charge of th* bna«« btfor* th* lice and held in jail until Monday ork, was arrested Inst week on com- 'dainty drops of all sorts were giv- the party was check-ma|ed at Monday Mrs. Cummings leaves a husband fchines were damaged. p*ny scquired the line. morning when he wag arraigned be- laint Of JWMn Patrich, of Central en as favors ot all. night's meeting of the council when and two small children. The hus- A policeman who came to investi- Those present were William Ross- the Democivts aided by Councilman Ask«d ss to whether the fore Judge Kirkpatrick on a tech- venue whtf charged disorderly con- band came to Woodbridge on Sunday gate the accident, questioned the man Jr., Dorothea Karasiewski, Frank Andres, carried a resolution had raised fares for Cart«r«t nical charge of manslaughter. He and made arrangements to transfer was released under bail of $3,000. driver of "Coughlin's car but, appar- uct. Tuesday Lrtwstra WAS releas- Dorothy Rossman, Charlotte and abrogating the action of September ren attending schools in Pertfc the body to Long Branch. He said ently, did not ask to see his regis- ed and the woman was given a se-Robert .lepson, Edward and Thomas 19. On that daU a resolution w»» boy, Mr. Weller said that fo Landa told police he was in a his wife's uncle died in Newark on tration card. The thief gave a Perth Butler, Ethel WinfcWhell, Blanche passed directing the county clerk to the children had been putting t i Long Branch lunch room at 3 o'clock ere reprimand. Ucastra had serv- Saturday and ahe went down to theAmboy address and was given a sum- Piorkowskl, Agnes Celestia and Miss In the fire box and riding to Sunday morning when a policeman hree daf* in jail. place on the ballots at the general station at Long Branch early Sun- mons. He left saying he was going Loretta Szymborski. Amboy for that amount. Th* entered and told him of a woman election s referendum on the propo- day morning to meet another rela- to get a garage man to tow the dam- From th* testimony it appears that pany had substituted wanting tCgo to Newark. Mrs. Cum- Mr. and Mrs. Nels Jepson, Mr. sition: Shall the provisions of Ar- tive who was coming from Newark aged Franklin away for repairs. He picastra and the woman had formerly tickets and collected (our of ming paid Landa $15. fare in ad and Mrs. Karnszewski Jr., Mr. ticle 8 of the Laws of 1903 be on the 1.20 train. He supposed the has not been seen since. The Frank- kept company and that trouble be- for a one-way trip. This plan, vance and they started immediate- and Mrs. Siymborski, Mr. and adopted in the school district of Car- relatives failed to appear and hisin was later identified. It was badly :ween the pair begun in New York said, bad been approved by' ly, Landa said the woman appeared Urn. Piorkowski, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- teret. Article 6 gives the Msyor and wife decided to go to Newark to learn damaged. while the woman resided there. Dur- schools. to have been drinking and he paid the reason. "The taxi driver should liam Rossman, Mrs. L. Karasiowskl, council the right to appoint school ng a quarrtl, it was testified, Licas- The Public Service company ttf.j no attention to her attempt* to shout not have taken her," the husband de- and Mr. im\ Mrs. Butler of Hillside. commissioners, and does swsy with ra pushed Or struck the woman and letter Informed the council that to him through the glass partition clared, explaining that his wife had school elections. i\\e ran to tbe floor below and picked ing to an exemption granted by .in the cab. Near the Philadelphia [been drinking Saturday night. Amboy Finally Wins iip a baby b«longiii(t to a family there At the meeting this week, Coun- Department of Banking and la nd then raised an outcry chaVging Man Drops Dead cilman Walter Vonah who sponsor- ance, the company is not llabk that Licastfa had struck her while ed the September resolution, was ab- municipal ordinances regarding Local Strikers For m Game From Carteret he was carrying the baby. sent. The Mayor and Councilman sursnee on buses. The letter expll Jolly Rogers to Meet It was admitted that Licastra Heart Disease Cause Andres and Ellis were present rep- ed that the exemption is ei Sixth Meeting of Rival Teams ;ame to Carteret hist week in re- resenting the G. O .P. The throe to all common carriers having i Lanndrymen s Union Results I n Victory For sponse to an urgent request from Michael Kintor, Visiting Democrats, Councilman F.dward J. Ital of $500,000 or more. A CarteretjvC. Sunday ment showing the company to Tizzano's Clan. Carteret Miss Patrich «nd that when he arriv- Friend When End Come*. • Coughlin, Samuel B. Brown and Wil- Men Out In Carteret Plant Onrteret is to be represented- with ed here SB* attempted to patch up liam D'Zurilla were present, capital far in excess of the half ft football team on Sundays this Took Other Five Was Foreman At Creo- lion limit, accompanied the Organized Under State ' their diWottlties. When Licastra Coughlin said that at the time year, according to present plans of showed no disposition to resume their soting Plant the resolution regarding Article 6 Acknowledgment of a letter Federation—T o Hold the Carteret Field Club. The foot Six players of various leagues and former frUndly relationship, the was presented and panned, he and the Mayor MulvihiU to the Board ol Dance and Hear ball team will be under the super- four errors by the opponents en- woman had him nrrcsted, it was tes- Michael Kantor, aged 42 years, of other Democrats had no knowledge timate of New York City r«g*p' vision of Bill Hagan, who, with An abled Jimmie Tizzano's Perth Am 32 Roosevelt avenue, was stricken mosquitoes from State n Speakers tified. that such a measure was contem- dy Bodnar and Joe Weisman, was boys to beat the Carteret Field Club 'with heart disease about 8 o'clock plated. The thing had been rushed swamps invading Carteret, was responsible for the crack team pu by a 6 to 0 score at the Raritan Cop Sunday night as he was entering the ceived, the board stating that The employees of the Rooseveli through without giving time to con- out by the local high school tw> per Works Field in Perth Amboy home flf Mrs. Michael Schweitzer at sider it, he declared. Cnughlin and matter had been referred to the 1 Laundry who recently went on strike Pershing avenue and Union street, years ago. Hagan has a good supply 'Sunday afternoon. The victory fo: the other Democrats had voted a- as a committee of the whole. on account of a wage reduction, have of material /or the Sunday after Liquor-Crazed Man and died immediately. He WEB just Amboy over the Staubach machin gainst it while the three Republican other letter was received from organized under the supervision of noon eleven and he is confident tha Entering the door to make a social •was the first for the Amboys in six councilmen voted for it.
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