Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42890-3 — The Cambridge Companion to English Dictionaries Edited by Sarah Ogilvie Index More Information Index Académie française, 73, 119, 144 Burchfield, Robert, 177–8, 281 Accademia della Crusca, 119, 137 Burnell, Arthur Coke, 283 Adelung, Johann Christoph, 73 Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Cambridge International Dictionary of English, 35, 197–8, 200, 233, 286 201, 202–3, 271 Ainsworth, Robert, 71, 130, 132 Canadian English, 255–64 Allsopp, Richard, 302 and American English, 257, 258 American Dialect Society, 307 and British colonisation, 256 American Dictionary of the English Language, 48, and national identity, 258 95, 146, 159–60, 161, 171 Canadian Oxford Dictionary, 97, 255, 258–9, American English, 13, 41, 97, 157–69, 177, 201, 261–4 204, 223, 226, 271, 308 Caribbean English, 298–305 and national identity, 158, 163 and British colonisation, 299–300 regional usage of, 164, 167, 168, 306–14 definition of, 299 American Heritage Dictionary of the English Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang, 84 Language, 32, 53–7, 165, 168 Cassidy, Frederic G., 168, 300–1, 306, 308–9 Anglo-Indian dictionaries, 282–4 Cawdrey, Robert, 2, 7–8, 47–8, 57, 69, 91, 104, antonymy, 46, 200, 202 106–13, 116 Australian English, 265–73 Century Dictionary, 95, 97–8, 166 and Aboriginal languages, 266, 267, 277 Chambers publishing company, 18, 23, 315 and national identity, 268, 270 Chambers, Ephraim, 92, 93, 95, 131 Australian National Dictionary, 269 Chapman, Robert L., 81, 84 Church, Ken, 24–5, 241 B. E.’s dictionary, 76–7 COBUILD English Language Dictionary, 20–1, Bailey, Nathaniel, 9, 10, 70, 71, 73, 76, 77, 90, 23–4, 42, 98, 100, 199–202, 205–6, 210, 92–4, 122, 130–1, 132–3, 136–8, 146, 148, 220–1, 223, 234–6, 240 150–2 Cockeram, Henry, 8, 63, 91, 113, 117–19 Barnhart, Clarence L., 162 Coleridge, Herbert, 171–3, 176 bilingual dictionaries, 2, 8, 32, 42, 62, 63, 66, Coles, Elisha, 9, 76, 90, 91–2, 100 67–9, 70, 72, 73, 90, 130, 132, 137, 195, 226 Collins publishing company, 20, 97, 220, Blount, Thomas, 9, 69–70, 91, 120–6 269, 281 BNC. See British National Corpus collocations, 19, 25, 28, 140, 193, 196, 201, 203, Boswell, James, 144, 153 204, 205, 210, 220, 222, 225, 234, 235, 237, Boyer, Abel, 69, 71, 130, 132, 137 241, 242, 243–4, 246, 248, 250, 251 Bradley, Henry, 176–7 colloquialisms, 266, 267, 271, 277, 290 Branford, William, 290–2, 293 Concise Oxford Dictionary, 41 British Empire, 2, 40, 126, 173, 175, 268, 282, 299 Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 50, 56, 286 British National Corpus, 23–4, 25, 202, 223, 227, Concise Scots Dictionary, 321 233, 235 concordance, 20–1, 24, 25–6, 28, 189, 190, 191, 192, Brown Corpus, 19, 42, 210, 220, 225 204, 209, 210, 227 Bullokar, John, 8, 70, 89, 91, 94, 113, 116–18, 122 Coote, Edmund, 3, 90–1, 105–6, 108–13 342 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42890-3 — The Cambridge Companion to English Dictionaries Edited by Sarah Ogilvie Index More Information Index 343 copyright, 213 English Dialect Dictionary, 96, 190, 308 corpus English Expositor, 8, 70, 89, 91, 116–18 definition of, 13, 221 English Schoole-Maister, The, 3, 90–1, development of, 19, 22, 28, 223, 226 105, 108–10 domain-specific, 224 entry structure, 14, 15–17, 35–9, 170, 200 sources for, 20, 23, 42, 189, 205, 222, 224 Estienne, Henri, 70, 72, 103 corpus evidence, 28, 220, 221, 233, 234, 236–8, 241 Estienne, Robert, 67–8, 103 corpus lexicography, 19–28, 38, 98, 100, 190, etymology 192–4, 199–202, 210–11, 240–51, 293 as dictionary microstructure, 36–7, 41, 49, 66, corpus linguistics, 2, 21, 23, 42, 219–39 80, 84, 133, 162, 171, 304, 317 Corpus of American Historical American dictionaries of, 9, 71, 73, 96, 130, 318 English, 223 folk etymologies, 77, 78 Corpus of Contemporary American English, 223 principles of, 7, 36–7, 43, 66, 77, 79, 82, 86, 98, Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, 130, 135, 159, 163, 173, 231, 316 185, 186 reliability of, 48, 79, 82, 85, 115, Craigie, William, 315, 320 121, 160, 174 crowdsourcing, 33, 172, 173–4, 216 European lexicography, 70, 74 exonormativity, 265 DARE. See Dictionary of American Regional English Farmer, John Stephen, 79–80 de Vries, Matthias, 174 Firth, John R., 19, 42, 239 defining process, 10–17, 38, 131, 132, 193, 198, 220, Florio, John, 66, 68–70 248–9, 250 Funk & Wagnalls publishing company, 161–2, derivatives, 35–6, 167, 204 255, 258–9 description, 1, See descriptivism Furnivall, Frederick, 171, 176 descriptivism, 1, 45, 49–57, 129, 134–5, 138, 164–6, 172, 173, 174, 179, 188, 289 Gaelic, 316 Deutsches Wörterbuch, 39, 172, 174 Gove, Philip, 50, 163–4 diachronic approach, 31–44, 171, 187–8, 293 Green, Jonathon, 83–6, 115 dictionary entry. See entry structure Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, 39, 96, 172–4 Dictionary of American English, 167–8, 177, Grose, Francis, 77–9 308, 315 Dictionary of American Regional English, 167–9, Hanks, Patrick, 19, 24–5, 221, 241 306–14 hard words dictionaries, 1, 7, 9, 76, 90, 91, 104–5, Dictionary of Americanisms on Historical 113, 115, 116, 218 Principles, 167, 168, 308 Henley, William Ernest, 79–80 Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical historical corpora, 224–5 Principles, 256, 260–4 historical principles, 31, 36, 39, 41, 96, 100, 166–8, Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage, 302–4 172, 173, 179, 183, 229–32, 267, 269, 274, 275, Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant, and Other 300, 303, 315 Vulgar Words, 79 Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary of New Zealand English, 274–6, 278–81 Dictionary, 179 Dictionary of Old English, 183, 188–94, 315 Hobson-Jobson, 283–4 Dictionary of South African English on Historical Hornby, A.S., 195–7, 233–4 Principles, 290–7 Hotten, John Camden, 78–80 Dictionary of the English Language, 10–11, 70–3, Houston Hall, Joan, 306, 309 76, 89, 93, 122, 132, 142–53, 171, 240 hyponymy, 200, 202, 248 Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue, 190, 315, 319–23 idioms, 17, 85, 98, 131, 140, 196, 199, 200, 201, 203, disambiguation, 30, 242, 246–7, 251 204, 267, 268, 292, 301 illustrative quotations, 11, See quotation evidence Early English Books Online, 225 Imperial Dictionary of the English Language, Early English Text Society (EETS), 176 95, 159 electronic dictionaries, 207–18 Indian English, 282–7 endonormativity, 265, 268 and British Empire, 282, 283 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42890-3 — The Cambridge Companion to English Dictionaries Edited by Sarah Ogilvie Index More Information 344 Index Jamieson, John, 96, 100, 174, 318–19 nationhood, 2, 40, 63, 66, 122, 124–6, 130, 132, Johnson, Samuel, 9–12, 27, 45, 47, 48, 51, 56, 60, 139, 152, 158, 175, 258–9, 265–73, 274, 275, 61, 63, 70–3, 76, 77, 81, 89, 92, 93, 97, 98, 289, 323 122, 132–8, 140–1, 142–53, 171, 174, 220, natural language processing, 2, 18, 20, 21–3, 29, 232, 240 180, 240–51 Johnstone, Grahame, 268, 281 neologisms, 106, 112, 268, 270, 271, 277 Kersey, John, 9, 10, 70, 76, 130, 147, 151 New English Dictionary, 9, 76, 147, 172, 267, See Kilgarriff, Adam, 24–6, 204 Oxford English Dictionary New Zealand English, 274–81 Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus. See LOB Corpus and Māori language, 276 Latin, 9, 62, 107, 138, 191 and sign language, 281 as a metalanguage, 2, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68–72, newspaper corpora, 224, 321 90–1, 104, 110, 112, 189, 318 NLP. See natural language processing as a prestige language, 61, 106 derivations from, 34, 47, 58, 105, 107, 111, 115, objectivity, 1, 17 121, 130, 152, 192, 193, 231–2 obsolete words, 32–4, 37, 41, 47, 116, 121, 135, 149, dictionaries of, 65, 93, 103, 190 171–2, 211, 231, 232, 234, 301, 303, 307 Le Page, Robert, 300 OED. See Oxford English Dictionary lemmatisation, 21, 22, 23, 190, 227, 242, 250 OED Online, 178–9 lexical database, 248 Ogilvie, John, 80, 159 lexical profiling, 24–6, 204 Old English, 62, 96, 111, 183, 186 Liddell, Henry, 96 dictionaries of, 183, 188, 315 Lighter, Jonathan, 81, 83–4 Onions, Charles, 176–8 literacy, 2, 8–9, 11, 103, 117, 289 online dictionaries, 12–13, 28–30, 42, 46, 48, Littré, Émile, 174 98–100, 169, 194, 205, 217–18, 229 loan words, 124, 132, 175, 266, 290 Orsman, Harry, 274, 275–6, 278–81 LOB Corpus, 19, 220, 225 Oxford English Corpus, 23 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 20, Oxford English Dictionary, 26, 31–2, 33–9, 42, 47, 197–9, 201–2, 205–6 56, 74, 77, 78, 80–1, 96–7, 109, 111, 136, 141, Longman publishing company, 23, 26, 197 151, 159, 166–8, 170–80, 183–4, 187–9, 190, 194, 219, 229, 231, 267, 270, 275, 291, 292, machine learning, 2, 180, 241, 243, 246, 248 303, 310, 315 Macmillan English Dictionary, 25, 203 digital version of, 29, 98, 179 Macmillan publishing company, 25, 27, 216 Macquarie Dictionary, 265, 269–70 parsing, 240, 242–3, 250 macrostructure, 32–6 part-of-speech tagging, 15, 21–2, 179, 242–3, 250 Markov model, 243 Partridge, Eric, 77, 80–2 Martin, Benjamin, 137, 147–50, 152 Passow, Franz, 96, 172 Merriam-Webster, 56–7, 204, 213 Phillips, Edward, 9, 76, 91–2, 120, 122–4 dictionaries by, 50, 53, 160, 161, 231 Philological Society (London Philological online edition of, 56, 99, 169 Society), 167, 171, 172, 173, 176, 178, 219 Merriam-Webster publishing company, 46, 51, phrasal verbs, 131, 137, 140, 149, 199, 200, 221 53, 56, 99, 157, 161, 163, 164–6, 169, 216 plagiarism, 1, 61, 108, 122, 123–4, 160 microstructure, 32, 36–9, 303 pointwise mutual information (PMI), 241–2, Middle English 244, 245 dictionaries of, 168, 183–8, 315 polyglot dictionaries, 61, 63–7, 69, 90 glossaries of, 62, 67 polysemy, 77, 84, 108, 131, 132, 137, 149, in historical dictionaries, 96, 97, 111, 194 150, 210 Middle English Dictionary, 183–9, 194, 315 prescription.
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