a A.P.P.M Order No.409 & 416 lP-2957 -17 -8-2OO2-14.59.1 14 Forms Form : 82 (Und.er Sections 154 Cr.P.C) ti Year : 2OL7. 2. (i) U/sec: 13(2) r/w 13 (1)(e) Act: (ii) Act.. "Sections (iii) Act.. """Sections ' (iv) Other Acts & Sect.ions. 3. (a) Occurrence of Offence : DaY Time Period from 02-06-1986 to l9-O7-2Ot7' received on (b) Information received at P.S : Proceedings of JD(R), Dt:06-O7 -2OL7 , l9-O7-2O17 at 09:0O hrs (c) General Diary Reference : Entry No"' ""' Time 4. TVpe of Information : Computer typed report North 5. Place of occurrence : (a) Direction and Distance from P.S: 3 Km Beat No. (b) Address : Name of P'S (c) In case, outside the limits of this Police Station, then, "'--"'District 6. Complainant/Informant : (a) Name : State : K.VijaYa Sekhar (b) Father,s/Husband's Name: Late Sri.K.Chithambarappa Indian - Hindu (c) Date/Year of Birth: 47 years. .......(d) Nationality: (e) Passport No. Date of Issue Place of Issue (f)Occupation: Inspector Of Police (g) Address: : Anti particulars: 7. Details of known/suspected/unknown accused with full -{Aitactr separate sheet, if necessary) Sri Koleri Krlshna Reddy, Special Grade Planning Oflicer, Ttrupati Urban DevelopmentAuthority,Tirupati, Chittoor District, R/o.D.No.18-l-l0/8, Ramachandra Chandra Nagar, Tirupati., Chittoor Dlstrict. Physical features, deformities and other details of the suspect/accused (if known/ seen) sl. Sex Date /Year Build Height Complexi Identificati No. of Birth (cms) Marks a 1 c 4 5 6 7 Deformitier Teeth Hair Eyes Habit(sl Dress Habit(s Peculiaritie 8 9 10 11 I2 13 LANGUAGE/DIALI PLACE OF 14 15 t6 t7 18 19 These lields will be entered only if complainant/informant gives any one or more particulars about the suspect/ accused. 8. Reasons for delay in reporting by the Complainant/ Informant : No delav 9. Particulars of properties stolen/involved (Attach separate sheet, if necessary) -- 1O. Total value of propert5r stolen/involved 11. Inquest Report/U.D Case No., if any ...............---- 12. First Information contents ( Attach separate sheet, if required ) : In the Court of Honourable Special Judee for SPE & ACB Cases. Nellore, Honoured Sir, On credible information received, it is noted that, Sri Koleri Krishna Reddy, Special Grade Planning Officer, Tirupati Urban Development Authority, Tirupati, Chittoor District has acquired assets disproportionate to his known sources of his legal income in his name and in the name of his kin and kith by illegal and corrupt practices. The Accused Officer (AO) is a native of Kathiripalle Village, Karvetinagar Mandal, Chittoor District. His father Sri K. Subram€rnayam Reddy is a Farmer and his mother Smt. K. Munemma is a House Wife. Their parents begot two male children and two female children. Among them AO is the eldest of all. The AO's brother K. Hemaa Reddy is now working as Head ft'aster, ZPHS, Kathiripalle and is residing in Tirupati. His 1"t Sister Bodireddy Chamundeswari, W/o. Bhupathi Reddy is a School Teacher, Govt. High School, Devalampeta, S.R.P.r."- mandal, Chittoor District and her husband is also a School Teacher. His 2"4 sister Smt. K. Shakunthala, W/o. S. Hari is a Registered Medical Practitioner, Chautagunta village, Vedumkuppam mandal, Chittoor District and her husband is an LIC agent. The AO joined into Govt. Service and was appointed as Junior Planning Offrcer on O2-06-1986. He was initially promoted as Assistant Planning Officer on 28-05-1993 and he was later promoted as Special Grade Planning Officer on 03-06-201f and continuing in the post. The AO got married to Smt. K. Chabbi Nag, D/o Parimal Kumar Nag, H.No.333/1 Jessore Road, Kolkata, West Bengal, Pin Code- 700016. They begot one male child by name Sri K. Abhishek Reddy on 11-01-1988. His son completed B. Tech at RVR & JC college of Engineering, Guntur and is now pursuing PG in Indian Institute of Management, Raipur, Chattisgarh. They also begot one female child by name Miss. K. Priyanka Reddy on 31-12-1996 and she is now pursuing her graduation. On enquiry, it is revealed that the AO is in possession of the following immovable assets in his name and in the name of his family members. ABSTRACT OT'PROPERTIES CLIUMED BY THE ACCUSED OFI'ICER AND HIS FAMILY MEMEBRS. S.No Doc. No. Description of the Name of Value of the with date. properties. the aaset in Claimant rupees 1. Doc. No. House site to an extent of AO to,876 392r I t99O, 2447 Sft. in Sy. No. l95lol of Dt:10-08-90 Chennaiahgunta, Tirupati. of SRO, Tirupati Urban 2. Doc. No. Purchased house site to an AO and O5 10,15,750 t8s7 lt99t, extent of 2835 Sft in Sy. No. others Dt:06-O5-91 696 / I of Tirupati for Rs. of SRO, 94,5OOl- along with 5 others. Tirupati The share of AO being Rs. Urban l5,7 50 l -. Further along with O5 others, the AO constructed a G+2 apartment in the same site, vide Assessment No. lOl2OO9789 and Door. No. 2O-3-L35lE, Shivajyothi Nagar, Tirupati. The share of AO in the construction of the building is worth about Rs. 1O lakhs. 3. Doc. No. Purchased vacant land to AO's father 4,000 1323 I t991, extent of 40 cents Sy. No. Dt:28-09-91 23O/7 of Gundrajakuppam of SRO, village, Nagari mandal. Nasari. 4 4. Doc. No. Share in the Agricultural Well AO's father 5,000 7871r99s, edsting in Sy. No. 14212 and Dt. 07-O7-95 l43lll of Kathiripalle village, of SRO, Karvetinagaram mandal. Karvetinagar am. 5. 89212OO3, Purchased l.2O acres AO's father 10,45,000 Dt. 06-10-03 agricultural land in Sy. No. of SRO, tt9 /3,tr9 I 4,1221 5,r2217 ,12 Karvetinagar 2 / 8,r22 I tl,t22 I t5,t23 I 2 of arn Kathiripalle village, Karvetinagaram mandal and constructed farm house in the above land worth about Rs. 1O,OO,0O0/-. 6. Doc. No. Purchased 82 cents of AO's father 31,500 933/2OO3, agricultural land in Sy. Nos. Dt:16-1O-O3 tt9l5, ttgl6A, tt9l9, of SRO, ll9 ltO, ll9 l14 and I22/lO Karvelinagra of Kathiripalle village, m Karvetinagaram mandal. 7. Doc. No. Purchased 5 cents of AO's father 4,500 93412OO3, agricultural land in Sy. No. Dt:16-10-O3 l4O/7, 3 cents tn Sy. No. of SRO, 141/5, 3 cents 1n l4l/7 of Karvetinagra Kathiripalle village, m Karve tinagaram mandal (Total 11 cents). 8. Doc. No. Purchased 10 cents of AO's father 18,500 9ss/2oo3, agricultural land in Sy. No. Dt: 16-10-03 l22l15 A and 38 cents in Sy. of SRO, No. 122/15 B of Kathiripalle Karvetinagar village, Karvetinagaram am mandal (Total 48 cents). 9. Doc. No. Purchased 50 cents of AO's father 23,O00 936/2OO3, agricultural land in Sy. No. Dt: 16-10-03 122/l7C and 10 cents in Sy. of SRO, No. llg/68 of Kathiripalle Karvetinagar village, Karvetinagaram am. mandal (Total 60 cents). 10 Doc. No. Purchased house site to an AO's wife 7,22,OOO 138s/200s extent of 76 cents, in Sy. No. Smt. of SRO, 63/2 of Peruru, Tirupati Chabbi Dt:29-04-05 rural mandal. Nag Chandragiri 11 Doc. No. Purchased house site to an AO's wife t,26,OOO L62e l2OO7, extent of 64 cents in Smt. Dt:31-05-07 Sy.No.65/2 of Peruru, Chabbi of SRO, Tirupati rural mandal. Nag Chandragiri t2 Doc. No. Purchased house site to an AO's wife 6,15,000 513r l2OO7 extent of 1O,931.67 Sft in Smt. Dt:79-O7-O7 Sy.No.313/1C and 313/1C1 Chabbi of Tirupati of Chiguruvada village, Nag Urban Tirupati rural mandal. 13 Doc. No. Purchased house site to an AO's wife 9,37,500 s132/2OO7, extent of 16,704 Sft in Smt. Dt:19-O7-O7 Sy.No.313/lC and 313/1Cl Chabbi of Tirupati of Chiguruvada village, Nag - Urban Tirupati rural mandal. l4 Doc. No. Purchased 11 cents of AO's father 24,OOO 48t l2OLO, agricultural land in Sy.No. Dt: 21-04-10 120/08 and 28 cents in Sy. of SRO, No. l2Ol09 of Kathiripalle Karvetinagra village, Karvetinagaram m mandal (Total 39 cents). 15 Doc. No. Purchased 1 Acre e 27.5 AO's father 2,92,OOO 1067 /2Ot2 cents of agriculture land in dt.2t-o7-t2 Sy. No. 7lB and 1 acre & 31 of SRO, cents of in Sy. No. 7lE of Karvetinagar Ponnagal village, arn Karvetinagram Mandal (Total 2 Acres & 58 cents). 16 Doc. No. Given loan amount of Rs. 5 AO',s 5,00,000 to88l2ot2, lakhs by executing mortgage mother Dt:23-07-12 deed of SRO, Karvetinagar am t7 Doc. No. Purchased house site to an AO 83,50,000 2O4t/2Ot3, extent of 2220.25 Sft in Sy. Dt: 30-03-13 No.493 of 18th ward, Tirupati SRO, urban for an amount of Rs. Tirupati 23,5O,OOO /- and constructed Urban G+2 house having D.No. 18- 1-1O/8, Ramachandra Nagar, Tirupati worth about Rs. 60,00,000/- in the year 2013 vide Building Assessment No. 1ot206367s 18 Doc. No.. Given loan amount of Rs. 2 AO',s 2,00,000 259/2014, lakhs by executing mortgage Mother Dt: 07-03-14 deed of SRO Karvetinagar aln 19 Doc.
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