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"-•.;"•; ...'".i.'.','.'!'"..' " .', . •••".'' 7_; "''.l.;..': ':' ..-. '.•.".'! •'.... ..•' -!.'.'.1.'.'/'.....:.' •_. .:....' .'•''•'.•",•."." •. • • •.',' • : •• ," " ' "• '. '• .;';1 .•.;':-1-' ;''•.!'.: •"'"•*''•;",••'•' ',•&.'''••'"'.' , ; i '••• .- •>••,.. •,• '. - .. .)•• ! CWAI^OTTO CHIRONKXE, .THPRSPAY:' MARCH \I Emm* Lobl, Hilary G erans today' pointed out that thou- they can make their own living. rive by taking advantage of y oca- Library Catalog Gameg ile—we—aro-jbusy-fii"{formin _ g 4ional-trftining-<K>uraea^-Hc-UFge«V Glogorski. Sandra Wil sah^sol Korean disabled.veterans of their disabled veterans to contact the Winners Annonnced ann Koslhski" and ~Ji men have passed up rehabilitation rehabilitation rights," the ' DAV DAV service > officer, Milton _ S. The 22_w|njiers of the catalog opportunities vital.to their future. commander', said, "we must: not' Greltier, .for further; information. game recently completed by the Pvl. Merwede Graduates Gus Cohen;' comman.der of Unity forget our responsibility to the junior department of the Cranford S From Ft. Dix School Chapter, 59, said that only slightly ninny World War H handicapped •Public •• Library were announced GIVE Rehabilitation more than 300,000 disabled veter- who have not yet availed .'them- OtonulriHts Hear Abbut This week' by Mrs. Marie Seiael. Mrs. Harvey L. Merwede of 3X0 children's librarian. The contest TO THE an* of World War II have been selves of training and" education Retford avenue and Mrs. B. Point GIVE ,: 'V' . With the spotlight centered on under Public Law 16, which is Lens to AM Near Blind was a series of four games arrang- of 135 Denman road attended TO TUE ... returning Korean disabled vet- rehabilitated by the Veterans Ad- xllll current legislation. ' Thirty Union' County Optometric ed to teach the children the proper OPEN EVERY SUNDAY graduation exercises of Class 88 RED CROSS W ': erans, the Disabled American Vet- ministration 'to the point where Society members last 'Wednesday use'of the catalog and. to under- "Many disabled veterans of "A" Battery, 26<h F. A. Bn:, on RED CROSS World War IT could not enter voj" heard Dr. William Felnbloom of stand simplified methods of look- Saturday morning at Fort Dix. Pvt GARWOOD C RANFORD «s rational courses for various rea- New York outline a»new technique ing up a book by it's author, subr Harvey W. -Merwede ^as a gradu- sons, one of them being because.of that "will open the eyes" of ject or title. • . • • ate of the clerk-typist class. , F«m 9 A. H. t» 9 P. H. There .were four weekly games 22 continued hospitalizatiori or- ex- thousands of partially or almost Pvt. Merwede had as his week- 1953 TENJ;ENTS based .on questions from the cata- tended treatment'for their service- completely blind persons, hereto- end guests, Pfc John Hirrill, Hobbs FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE log. The names of the winners connected 'disabilities which at the fore considered hostess, at the N. M.; Pfc. John Davis, Van Horn were indicated by a star on the time caused them to be 'not feas- quarterly educational meeting of Tex.; Pfc. Victor Krause, McAlleri honor roll each Week. Trustees Temple Players to Present 'The Heires^ ible for.trifinihj;.' _ the New Jersey Optometric^ Asso-^ Tex.; Pfc. Quinlon Sharver, Sny- ,'iQuif National Service head- elation in the Esse^ House *HoTeT, The winners of the four stars in- Transport der, Okla.; Pfc Richard Cooper, dicating excellent work for the Make BAROfCS c|Uartet's'-informs Us,' that, it has Newark, acording to tTrrSannuei Sydney, O.; and Pfc. Warren entire period were- Patricia Keen- yet to learn of-a single case Where Lonsk, local society secretary, Bowen., Ottumwa,. Iowa. •*"•.- Hire Six an, Marilyn Venneri, Pat Hamilton, Your Prescription/Headquarters the Veterans Adminsitrnti6rt^Vol- ' ...Inventor 'of "the. 'new "clear- Pv^. .Merwede entertained at i> image" lens that restores sight to Grace Speth, Nancy Grad, Vir- untarily advised the disabled vet- buffpt supper Saturday evening # eran of his entitlement to train- people'with as little, as two percent ginia Smith, Marie Delaney, San- for Cpl. Douglas A. Jackson ot • Prompt Service /\ . Lowest Prices ing after hjs health had improved." vision, formerly classed with .tht Ira Hines, Marcia Gillespie, Agnes Subscriptions Totaling $104,300 Received Teachers blind, Dr.. Feinbloom lectured on Brown, Stephen Tice, Hank Hage- Cranford, recently returned from Board of Education Votes tin Consider ••m Commander Cohen said the DAV Korea; A3/c William M. Jackson, For Church Building in First three Days; t'nrtnot stress too much the lasting and demonstrated his methods in lau, Kenneth Weeks, Arlene Hahn, of-Fort Belvoir, Va., and tarry 1.49 Taliaferro Reports^ AH Aspects of Problem "Following Request j<ood a disabled veteran will de- New Jersey for :the, first time. ... -Patty Klubnik, Karen Sorensen, Priddy of Cranford. FREE! Crusade, Chairman Expects to Reach $108,000 ('our More Elementary The Cranford Methodist Church received subscriptions totaUng F^jUdJjjjLJ^areiits of Elementary Pupils _ 1.00 $104,300 in the first three days of its current crusade to' raise $100,000 Instructors Needed Board of Education Tuesday evening initiated a sweeping Attend Reunion of toward the cost of a new sanctuary, This announcement was made by Six new teachers for the 1953™ study of the bus transportation situation in the town. 54 school year were hired Tuesday Che board's health and attendance committee *as directed to Echo Hill Camps Dennetics Shampoo the campaign director, the Rev. Virgil E. Turner, at the second work- evening by the Board of Educa- ers' report meeting Tuesday night at the 'church: - . ^he problem and to bring in recommendations. Meanwhile, the Several Cranford residents were tion. , among 200 campers, parents . and with S. A. Cleanser Harlon W. Drew, crusade chairman, announced that $72,000 M. L. Taliaferro, education staff was instructed 16 prepajre a report on the history and back- friends who attended Echo Hill BOTTLE was received Sunday afternoon at an open house which marked the chairman, revealed that four more ground of-the •problem in Crnnford and to-: find out what other com- Jamps' 17th annual reunion ban- beginning of the fund drive in advance of the personal solicitations. elementary teachers are needed. munitiei; arc doing about it. ... - , . ° quet at Grandvie\v Grange Hall, ..A final report through the var-*-: - : ••' Four, of ,the six new teachers' are This action followed a plea from ten residentsTn^tiiie Wood- Flcmington, Saturday bight. Mr. ious team captains will be made for the elementary school. They •slde Manor and Columbia Manor' and Mrs. Robert Lechner, directors 981 Sunday morning. The total is ex- join three other elementary in- section of the town for bus trans--; of" the camps, located at Clinton, pected to reach $108,000 to $110,- CD Drill structors hired February 17. portation for olementary students. were hosts'. Attending from Cran 000. Approximately 60 families The new teachers are: Maurice Ried Cross John Halkowich, secretary of the CONSUMER SPECIALS are still to be heard from in the C. Blanken and Stuart S. Gold- ford were Mrs. Emery Meschter •. • .. .,. ..-.. y, •••,-•• Woodside ;Manor Civic Associa- and daughter, EmHy; Mrs. Philip personal solicitation canvass. blattv who will be assigned to tion, was the. spokesman for the' Henehand and daughter, Judy; $1.00 Woodbury Deodorant 50c Successful Cranford High School, and Miss Near 50% Uroup. •• . , . In addition to the $104,000, the 1 Diane DeLonge and Barbara O Elizabeth M. Aug. Andrew .50 Woodbury Shampoo .................. 29c .Jlev. Albert Allinger, pastor, and Klein, Miss Josephine Granato Safety Factor Stressed Wright^ Emily Meschter tied for Dr. Homer J. Hall, general chair- HoWeyer, Siren Not and Mrs. Edna H. Laird, elemen- Iti 'making .a request for bus 'ftrst place honors for the best re- 1.00 Woodbury Hauil Cream ...^.^.... 50c I man of the new building commit- tary teachers. Collections Total service to and from the elemen- port card, and also won a third' tee, reported Receipt of a check for Entirely Audible; . Mr. Goldblatt. who is a resident tary schools, Mr. Halkowich prize for a~~modern camp direc .50 Woodbury Lotion .......\.............._39c| $7,887, 445 Percent stressed the safety factor. The ( $10,000 as a special gift toward the Need More Wardens v of New Yor4c.(City, has Completed tional sign. Barbara Wright was 1.00 Woodbury Lotion ...........:.......... 50c I cost. of .a new organ. Ultimate requirements for a- doctorate de- Of $16,057 Goal
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