ilHOUCCOUBER DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER. N.Y. THURSDAY OCTOBER 24.1996 RAGE 13 A journalist considers papal candidates Not all papal elections are historically continue his initiatives toward Judaism, healtii took a downward turn, die most momentous or pivotal, but many have sig­ Islam and the other, religions of the serious candidate of the conservatives- nalled a new direction for the church, or world, and would want to follow up on was Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves, pres­ at least the new direction intended by the his invitation (in his encyclical Ut Unum ident of die Brazilian conference of bish­ cardinal-electors. Sint) to consider new and better ways of ops. Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the secre­ The election'of Pius X in 1903, for ex­ essaysin exercising papal audiority. tary of state, has moved in, at age 69, to ample, marked a turning away from the The principal reformist candidate is fill the vacuum. more open posture of Leo XIII toward theology Cardinal Carlo Martini of Milan, who is A candidate favbred by the Curia is the modern world and back toward the 69. He is widely admired arid has been Cardinal Pio Laghi, the Holy See's for­ more reactionary approach of Pius IX elected by his fellow bishops to many mer ambassador to the United States. Zi­ (reflected even in the name the new high-ranking positions in die church, in­ zola suggests he might prove to be a com­ pope chose for himself). cluding the presidency of the European promise choice even though he had a The election 11-years later of Benedict conference of bishops. A Jesuit biblical direct hand in naming most of die Unit­ XV, who had been a close collaborator of more reformist course. scholar, Martini has a reputation for spir­ ed States' conservative bishops. Leo Xffl's secretary of state, was indica­ The well-informed and astute Italian itual and intellectual depth. The candidate of the far right — espe­ tive of yet another change. Within diree journalist, Giancarlo Zizola, believes that Like all people of integrity, however, cially of Opus Dei — is Cardinal Giaco- months, Benedict issued an encyclical die new pope will emerge from this clash he has made some enemies over die mo Biffi of Bologna, who has denounced calling a halt to the battles waged by ul­ of views widiin die College of Cardinals: years. He speaks the truth, and, although just about every progressive initiative tak­ tra-conservative Catholics against pro­ die reformers versus die conservatives. Jesus said the truth would make us free, en in die church since Vatican II. "We can gressive Catholics. The reformers want a pope young many ecclesiastical bureaucrats seem to live only with certitudes," he once said. Sometimes papal elections are simply enough to serve at least 10 years, and fear it. To be sure, mere are several otiier pos­ opportunities for the church to catch its who is ready to attack die problems fac­ If Martini does not gain sufficient sup­ sibilities: Cardinals Marco Ce' of Venice, breadi. Surely, diat was the case when the ing die church. He must be capable of re­ port, two backup candidates are Cardi­ Silvano Giovannelli of Florence, Eduardo • cardinals elected the kindly diplomat-pas­ pairing die fractures inherited from "wo- nal Roger Etchegaray, a Frenchman who, Pironio of Argentina, and Francis Arinze tor, John XXIII, in 1958, less than a jtylism," diat is, from die present pope's at age 74, heads the Vatican's Councils of Nigeria, who are generally moderate month before his 78th birthday. style of exercising authority. for Justice and Peace and Cor Unum, a in oudook. (The latter two hold curial They expected his to be a transitional On die odier side are the conserva­ council diat coordinates die church's so­ posts.) Zizola finds it difficult to imagine pontificate. Instead, he opened the win­ tives, whom Zizola refers to as "partisans cial services and its relationships widi hu­ diat die next pope will be a true contin- dows to let the fresh air in, through the of a wojtylism without Wojtyla." They man development organizations world­ uator of die pontificate of John XXHI. mechanism of die Second Vatican Coun- want to exploit to the fullest the new wide; and the ecumenically-minded But who expected die 78-year-old Car­ cil. force which John Paul II has given to die Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, age 73, pre­ dinal Angelo Roncalli of Venice to turn In the next election the cardinal-elec­ church in die ediical and political realms. fect of the Congregation for Oriental into a John XXIII? tors will be faced with the choices of con­ It is not that the reformers want to Churches and formerly a high-ranking of­ • • • tinuing die present course marked out by abandon all that the present pope has ficial in the Secretariat of State. Father McBrien is a professor of theology at John Paul II or of embarking on a new, done, however. In particular, they would Until a few months ago when his the University of Notre Dame. Love leads to salvation Sunday's Readings: (R3) Matthew If, however, it becomes a two-way bor. No man is an island — we need odi- 22:34-40. (Rl) Exodus 22:20-26. (R2) 1 street, if die good loved is a human per­ ers. But more, every man is God's cre­ Thessalonians 1:5-10. son and die love is mutual, such love is ation, purchased by his precious blood — I wonder how many people could look friendship, like that of David and so, lovable. at our lives — yours and mine — and know Jonathan (in Greek, "philia"). Such a love Finally, as die intensity of a fire can be that there are two laws to which die fol­ a word moves us to share. known by how far it can dirow its heat, so lowers of Christ must conform: to love for If die good loved is a human person the depth of our love for God can be God and to love our neighbor as our­ and mutual but with one of the opposite measured by how far it reaches out — selves. Love is everydiing. Sunday sex, this is erotic or romantic love (in even to enemies. We love diem, not as So, what is love? Greek, eros). It moves one to give his or enemies, but as potential saints. Love is an omnibus word, a generic her very self. When this gift of self is ex­ St. Margaret of Cortona said: "The term. Like a grab bag, it holds, or in­ clusive, open to life and till death, it is way of salvation is easy. It is enough to cludes, everydiing from Hollywood love married love. love." to heavenly love. The Greeks, with dieir urn. Finally, there is die love for God, a di­ • • • genius for grasping concepts, have four First, love is "complacentia" — a feel­ vine person. When he is loved above all Father Shamon is administrator of St. words for love. We have only one. ing of complacency, a being pleased things, then our human love becomes, Isaacfogues Chapel, Fleming. St. Thomas in his Summa Theologica widi, a delight in, a contentment, a sense like God's love, unconditional love (love (his Reader's Digest of Theology) has de­ of euphoria, as if you had swallowed die for all, die worthy and the unwordiy) or voted to die subject of love five questions noonday sun. Love makes one feel good. celibate love (self-donation for love of Daily Readings composed of 53 articles (2a2ae, qu 23-27). This feeling of delight in or pleasure is God) or contemplative love (God's kiss, Monday, October 28 mystical marriage). To express such love, Victor Herbert's beautiful operetta common to all forms of love. Ephesians 2:19-22; Luke 6:12-16 the Christians used the Greek word "Naughty Marietta" (1910) climaxes in Secondly, love is a complacency in Tuesday, October 29 die duet between Marietta and Dick: agape. some "good." If die good loved is a dung, Ephesians 5:21-33 or 5:25-32; "Ah! Sweet mystery of life, at last I've However, we cannot love everyone the one moves toward it instinctively, like a Luke 13:18-21 found diee..." same. As those closest to a fire receive hungry dog for a bone. This movement Wednesday, October 30 What's die mystery? "Tis love and love more of its heat, so the closer a person is for the good thing that delights is im­ Ephesians 6:1-9; Luke 13:22-30 alone, die world is seeking;... 'tis die an­ pulsive. When every strong, we call it a to us, the more of our love he deserves. swer, 'tis the end and all of living, for it passion or emotion. Consequendy, our first love should be for Thursday, October 31 Ephesians 6:10-20; Luke 13:31-35 is love alone that rules for aye!" If die good loved is a human person our family. For Victor Herbert, love is everything, and one-sided, then love makes us do But love should not stay at home: It Friday, November I yet die mystery of lite — for God is love flip-flops. It makes us giving people. ought to go to church. So our secondjove Revelation 7:24, 9-14; 1 John 3:1- and God is mystery. Such love gives, forgives, ouelives and should be for our coreligionists. Thus at 3; Matthew 5:1-12 Though love is a mystery, St. Thomas ever stands widi open hands.
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