RECENT ACQUISITIONS Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books Manuscript Acquisitions, 1976 AMHARIC BURMESE Traditional Amharic commentary on the Bible: Tabin-Shwei-Hti Thatnaing Ya-Zawin. Histor- Enoch. Copied by Mari Geta Mogas Getahun ical account of King Tabin-shwei-hti, 1531- at Gondar, ^.1975. Or. 13709. 51. Palm-leaf; Burmese script; dated 1227 (i865).Or. 13714. ARABIC 'Ismat Allah ibn A'zam ibn 'Abd ar-Rasul as- CAMBODIAN Saharanfurl (d. i:. 1100/1688), Anwar hulasat Kon Can. A poem of instruction from father to al-hisab. A commentary and glosses upon child. Palm-leaf; Cambodian Mul script; Hulasat al-hisab of Baha' ad-Din Muhammad i8th-i9th century. Or. 13717. Gift of Mrs K. ibn Husayn al-'AmilT (d. 1031/1621), being a Saxton. compendium of arithmetic, written by Raqim 'Abd Allah; dated 1253 (1837); Persia. Or. 13747. The Qur'an^ copied in fully vocalized Muhaq- CHINESE qaq script, with the top and bottom lines in Register of troops reported by their com- each page written in a relatively larger script manding officer, Ch'en Chao-lang, for the with illuminated title-page, chapter headings, second month of Tao-kuang 20 (1840); dated and marginal medallions; undated, probably 1840. Or. 13710. first half of 14th century; southern Persia. Or. 13753. GUJARATI ARMENIAN Vetdl-PancavTsT-Ras of Devaslla, the earliest Xosk' ev xratk' Xikaray zor asac' Nadan vord- known Gujarati version ofthe Sanskrit Vetdl- voy iwroy. (The counsels of Akhikar to his son apancavimsati, in Jain Nagari script; dated Hadar); possibly i8th century. Or. 13708. 1647 (AD 1590/1); at Radbar (?). Or. 13792- 76 HINDI PANJABI Kavi-Priya of Kesav Das of Orchcha, a treatise Vafdt Ndmah Hazrat Rasul-i karm. An in Hindi verse on poetical composition. Jain account, in Panjabi verse, of the death of the Nagari script in black ink; dated 1706 (1649/ Prophet Muhammad and the election of Abu 50); Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Or. 13793. Bakr as-Siddlq as the first orthodox caliph; Arabic characters; 19th century. Or. 13727. Madh shartf Hazrat Pir Dastgir. Religious MALAY poems; Arabic characters; 19th century. Or. 13728. Sipat duapuluh, a popular Islamic religious instruction; dated 1301 H (AD 1883); probably Sumatra. Or. 13716. PASHTO Dwdn~i Rahmdn. The poetical works of MuUa 'Abd ar-Rahman, Mohmand, called Rahman ORIYA Baba. Dated 1226/1811; Kashmir. 'Unvanand Ldvanyavatt of Upendra Bhafija, the Oriya twelve miniatures. Or. 13764. verse romance of prince Candrabhanu and princess Lavanyavatl; Oriya script incised in black. Almost every folio illustrated in PERSIAN typically Orissan style: incised decoration with details and backgrounds coloured (red, yellow, Rubd'iyydt-i' Umar-i Hayydm. A modern copy and black). Bound in wooden boards covered in three volumes of the rubd'iyydt attributed with fabric and painted with scenes from the to 'Umar Hayyam, containing 243 poems life of Rama; palm-leaf; probably late i8th arranged alphabetically. Copied by Irsad 'All century, from Orissa. Or. 13720. Sawkat, Fathpuri; dated 1968; Southall, England. Or. 13711. Gift of Islamic Educa- tional Welfare Centre, London. Dwdn-i Paydm. The collected Persian poems of PALI Saraf ad-DTn 'All Han, called Payam, of Agra. Kammavdcd—Buddhist ordination text. Palm- Copied by Safi ad-DTn called Gulam Mustafa leaf manuscript; Burmese square script; the with the tahallus Maftun; dated 1256 (1840); leaves are gilded and lacquered with a decora- N. India. Or. 13712. tion on the opening and closing leaves of 'AjdUb as-sand'i'. A Persian translation of Kitdb hamsa birds, and are bound between boards, ff ma'rifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya, an Arabic decorated with geometric patterns and treatise on ingenious automata by BadT' az- roundels; late i8th or early 19th century. zaman Ibn ar-Razzas al-Jazarl. Translated by Or. 13765. Gift of the Revd Hugh Wake. Muhammad ibn Da'ud ibn Muhammad ibn Kammavdcd—'Hnddh.xst ordination text. Palm- Mahmud 'Alavi Sadiyabadl of Mandu leaf manuscript; Burmese script; the leaves are (Sadiyabad); contemporary coloured illustra- silvered over and the text is in black with tions, Indian Sultanate style; dated 914 (1509). decorations of hamsa and deva on the opening Or. 13718. and closing leaves; bound between boards, Masnavt. A copy of the Ma$navTof]A\^\ ad-Din silvered with geometric decorations in red; late RumI, containing Daftars i and 2 only; second i8th or early 19th century. Or. 13766. Gift of half of the i8th century; India. Or. 13721. the Revd Hugh Wake. [Risdla'rdar baydn-t haqiqat-iimdmat va zikr-i- 11 aqsam-i an.} An Isna'aJart^Vi treatise on the 2. A Persian translation with brief com- doctrine of the imdmat. The title given above is mentary, of Hizb al-bahr, an Arabic litany the description of the work found in the of Sayh Abu 1-Hasan as-Sazill. author's preface. The author's name is 3. A treatise on aspects of the esoteric mean- Muhammad Isma'Tl; igth century; India. ings and benefits of the Hizb al-bahr of Or. 13722. Sayh Abu 1-Hasan as-SazilT; late i8th Manba al-Bahrayn. A treatise on prosody and century; Bukhara. Or. 13745. rhyme. This is an autograph fair copy of the [Poems by Sifa'T and Sipahi]; i8th century. text both written and checked by the author, Or. 13746. Muhammad Taj ad-Dln called Bahjat; dated An anonymous explanatory translation into _i247 (1832); India. Or, 13723. Persian of Abu Hamid al-GazalT's Arabic work A'Tna-yi haqaUg-namdy a commentary by most commonly known as Risdlat at-taswtya\ Ibrahim SattarT HasanabadI upon Jdtn-i late 18th or igth century; India. Or. 13751, Jahdn-namd^ a treatise on Sufi metaphysics and $arh-i Ma$navT. A commentary upon difficult cosmology, by Sams ad-Din Muhammad verses in the Ma$navToi]^\^\ ad-Din RumT, by Sirin ibn Tzz ad-Din Magribi of Azarbayjan; Ayyub Lahawri; mid 19th century; India. probably 19th century; India. Or, 13725. Or, 13752. Part of the Sdhndma of FirdawsT, containing Munaz,ardt-i hams. Five philosophical debates approximately the last quarter of the poem; between allegorical personages, in prose inter- 19th century; India. Or. 13726. spersed with verses, by Sa'in ad-Din 'All Persian translations of, summaries of, or extracts Turka, Isfahan!; dated 822 (1419); Samar- from, five Sanskrit texts; dated AD 1882; qand. Or. 13761. Lahore, Illuminated 'unvans, and miniatures Fasl al-hitdb. A compilation of teachings on in Panjabi style. Or. 13743, Sufism, containing passages from many [Three works on Sufism.] Persian and Arabic works, by the NaqsbandT 1. Parda bar~anddht va bardagi iindht. A Sayh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Hafizi treatise on basic doctrinal and practical al-Buhari, better known as Hwaja Muhammad aspects of Islam, and the meaning of ten Parsa; dated 996 (1588); Istanbul. Or. 13762. terms used in Sufism. 2. Risdlat dar ma'ni-yi tavajjuh. A brief work by Sayh Sa'd ad-Din KasgarT on the PERSIAN and ARABIC meaning of the term tavajjuh (i,e, con- centration of the heart in zikr). [Five tracts, one in Persian and four in Arabic] 3. A Sufi commentary on the significance of 1, In Persian; Sarh-i qastda-i Jawhar at- the Islamic confession of faith in Allah and tarkib. A versified treatise in qasida form on in His angels. Scriptures, Prophets, the the principles of Persian syntax, by Munsi Last Day, the Divine Decree for good and Sivaram called Jawhar, of Bareilly and evil, and the truth of resurrection after Delhi; about 1830; Delhi. death. The name of the author is not given; 2, In Arabic: A grammatical treatise. i8th century; India. Or, 13744 3, In Arabic: Sarh Tahdib al-Mantiq wa-l- [Three works on Sufism.] Kaldm. A commentary by Galal ad-Din I. ar-Risdlat al-mubdraka. A treatise on Muhammad ibn As'ad ad-Dawanl upon aspects of the Sufi Path, including a discus- Tahdtb al-Mantiq wa-l-Kaldm of Mas'ud sion of a number of Sufis known to the ibn 'Umar at-Taftazani, a treatise on logic author, by Sayh Muhammad Gaws ibn and dialectic. Sayyid Husayn Qadirl of Peshawar. 4, In Arabic: Sarh Sullam al-'Ulum. A com- mentary, probably al-Munhiyah, upon Devtmdhdtmya, an extract from the Markan- Sullam al-'Ulum, a treatise on logic by deya Purdna^ preceded by various stotras; Muhibb Allah ibn 'Abd as-Sakur al-Biharl. twenty-five illustrations; i8th century; 5. In Arabic: A super-commentary, mainly a probably from Gujarat. Or. 13733. grammatical analysis of a commentary Cakras. Forty-six diagrams, for use in divina- upon ar-Risdlah a^-Samsiyyah ft l-a*tndl tion; 19th century.? Or. 13734. al-mantiqiyyah^ the treatise on logic of A work on omens {Sakundvalt}), together with Nagm ad-Din 'Ali ibn 'Umar al-Qazwini, the Pdiakakevali (on divination by means of called al-Katibi. Or. 13724. dice) here ascribed to Narada; i8th century. Or. 13735. Aivamedhaparvan from the Jaimini Bhdrata; 18th century. Or. 13736. PRAKRIT Mdtrkdmghantu, a homonymous vocabulary of RajaprahiTyasutra., the second Upariga of the monosyllables, by Mahldasa; i8th century. Svetambarajaina Canon; dated 1599(1532/3). Or. 13737. Or. 13784- Subhdsitamanjart, a collection of ninety-nine Dasdsrutaskandhasutra, the fourth Chedasutta subhasitas; i8th/i9th century. Or. 13738. of tbe Svetambara Jaina Canon; dated 1590 Horoscope. A birth-chart for a person (name (1533/4)-Or. 13785- indecipherable) born 1994 (1938); New Delhi. Avaiyaka, the second Mulasutra of the Svetam- Or. 13739. barajaina Canon; dated 1478 (i42t/2); Pattan. Bhaktdmarastotra., a hymn to Adinatha, by Or. 13786. Manaturiga; dated 1822 (1765/6). Or. 13741. A set of three copper plates; a charter recording the gift of a village; dated (CAD 935-70); PRAKRIT and GUJARATI Cuttack. Or.
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