FREE October 2016 www.bidefordbuzz.org.uk A free commuBnity newislettder for Beidefordf, Northoam, Applredore, Wdestwar d HBo!, Lundyu and vilzlages wez st as far as Hartland W is for Wicked Week Wicked Week Way of the Wharves This October sees two exciting happenings in Bideford. and . Wicked Week Bideford's very own runs from Monday 24th October through to Saturday 29th October aand ins aW sdpec ial Whalf terma exytrava gaonzfa fo r atll hthe e family. A host of events are planned for each day, all of which are listed on BOB's (Businesses of Bideford) Facebook page. As well as this there are printed ‘Wicked Week’ booklets available from shops, The Burton Art Gallery and Museum and Bideford Library. WhaWray ovf thee Ws harves is an ongoing project throughout October and November discovering the history of the Wharves on the East side of the river in Bideford. Saturday 22nd October at 4pm is a rare opportunity to have a guided tour of the Royal Hotel with a short talk beforehand. On Monday 24h October there is a family fun day at Pollyfield Centre from 10.30am – 4pm. Imagine Bideford in the 1600s, dress up in costume, experience everyday life, and get shot at in the car park by a Musketeer! (weather permitting). On 29th and 30th October there is an outdoor performance by The Monday Collective, taking you on a journey across the Old Bridge and through time with sound, theatre and movement ending at sunset with a post-performance wind down at a local café. More information about Wicked Week and Way of the Wharves on next page ... Bideford Buzz is produced by a team of volunteers with practical assistance from Torridge District Council, Torridge Voluntary Services, Bideford Town Council, T Bideford Bridge Trust, South West Foundation, Devon County Council & Bideford Freemasons. If you are interested in helping to produce or distribute this newsletter Z C we would be pleased to hear from you. Please note that for advertisements there is a charge from £15 per box per month. Cheques payable to Bideford Buzz A Z T Newsletter Group. All items for inclusion should be sent by the 15th of the month to the Editor, Rose Arno. Further information about us can be obtained from the U N Buzz Secretary, John Wilson on 01271 860918. 3,250 copies are printed monthly. O B All items for inclusion, advertising and distribution to be addressed to Rose Arno (Editor) c/o Torridge Voluntary Services, 14 Bridgeland Street, EX39 2QE. C Email: editor@ bidefordbuzz.org.uk. Mobile: 07929 976120. Web: www.bidefordbuzz.org.uk. Bideford Bideford Freemasons Lions www.northdevonprint.co.uk Bideford Town Council 1 5 It was a gre at honour to be electe d Mayor by my fellow councillo rs and I very soon foun d out what Aa Mpr ivailyegoe r iat lis n r oeptr e sent ing Bi def ord in t he ne ighb our ing town s in Devon and Co rnw all . The Mayoress and I have alrea dy attended civic events in South Mo lton, Bu de, Northam a nd Barnsta ple and will so on be attending events in Great To rring ton , Lynmouth an d Filleig h. Civic events in other towns allow Louise and I th e op portunity to meet the other mayors a nd importantly explore how we can work together for the bene fit of our communities. A good example of th is is how th e mayors and councillors joine d forces with the “Save Ou r Hosp ital Services” campa ign to p rotect essen tial services at No rt h Devon District Hospital. Louise an d I have taken part in both of tnhd e p rotest meetings so far and we wi ll b e at t he demons tration “ Paint in g t he T own Red” on the 22 of Oc tober . Apart from civic e ngagements we h ave a ttended a wi de variety of commun ity even ts including the Leavers' Day at East the Water School, the Raising of the Armed Forces Flag, Prize Day at King sley Schoo l, North Devon Display Gymnasti cs competition, North Devon Veter ans Ar med Forces Day, g reeting the arrival in B ideford of the MV Balmoral and took pa rt in the celebration s of 40 y ears of twinnin g with Land ivisiau, We were also part of th e larg e and t h enthusiastic team a t the re cent “Sp ruce Up B ideford Day” a nd we wi ll b e at t he next one on the 16 of Oc tobe r. A v ery special event for L ouise t h and I was wishing a happ y birthday to the delightfu l and very sharp Miss P henie Ta ylor on her 100 birthday. As a result of the District and County co uncils re ducing or d rop ping services the Council has had to change th e way it app roa ches its role a nd respo nsibi lities. A good example of this was at the last full council mee ting whe n it wa s agreed to recruit two mainten ance personnel and the equipment that they will need so th at they ca n tak e on more of the work th at the other councils see a s unaffordable. I am proud to be part of wh at is a progressive , fo rward thinking and flexible Coun cil that is keeping the ne eds o f t he comm un ity a t t he fore front of all that it does. nd Finally ple ase , please put the 2 2 of Oc tobe r in your diaries a nd ask eve ryone that you know to d o the s ame and to we ar s omethin g red on the day to show th e depth of fe eling aga inst cuts at North Devon Ho spit al. David H owell th th Way of the W harves Wic ked Week Oc tober 24 - The Way of the Wharves Project– activities and eve nts in Octobe r and No vember 2Th9 rou.gh out the week there will be stor ytellin g,craft activiti es, train rides, events at Pre-book via the Eve ntb ri te website. F or all of the Burton Art Gallery, Bideford Libra ry an d th e these a £2 p er person don ation will be collected th Pa nnier Market. on th e day – children go free on th e fun day on UV Treasure Hunt every day. Hire a UV to rch Octobe r 24 . Fo r a full pro gra mme of events go fr om Cobblers a nd Keys and search for clues. to bbcdevon.eventbrite.co m an d sele ct you r The week wiltlh culminate in a lantern pa rade on event. - Leaving promptly nd Sa turda y 2 9 5.30p m-6pm th from Jubilee Square and wa lkin g towards the Our friendly group usual ly meet o n the 2 and Po rt Mem orial . 4 Thursdays of the mont h froth m 2 -4.30th pm - our next s essions are October 20 and 27 . Fab worksho ps and events durin g th e week Ve nue: Th e Common Ro om, Ethelwynne B rown wh ich carry a s mall charge are at th e follo win g. Close. This is at the ma in entrance to Fla ts 2 1- Please contact them dire ct fo r details. 40, half way down on the left. If you would like to The M aGp iE's Ne st, But chers Ro w - P oti ons jo in us or h ave in forma tion to share abo ut th e and Ch arms - T ext 07710 41111 7. history of th e Wha rves, c onta ct Project Co- The Insto w Kitchen, Market Place - aftern oon ordin ator Sadie Green at proje ct@bbcdevo n.org spooky cake d eco rating - Phone 0 7711 36395 8 or phone 07530 508676 . Visit and ‘like ’ our Ro sa Tamsin & Rosebud s, Grenville Stre et - facebook page for upd ate s and events at Play Sessio ns - Tues 25th, Wed 26th, Thurs https://www.facebook .com/B ru nswickW harf 27th and S at 29th - Phone - Sa die Green , P rojec t Co-ordin ator 0797 7 510807.Othe r informatio n available from Co bblers and K eys, Hi gh St, Bideford. 2 The Bideford Branch of Robin's Nest Function Room THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF at Bideford Football Club FRIENDS or QUAKERS Available for hold their Meetings for Worship on Sunday All Day Weddings mornings, between 10.30 and 11.30 am, followed by refreshments and a chat, All Birthdays at 17 Honestone Street, Bideford Christenings (opposite the car park) Wakes Everyone is welcome Buffet Supplied For further details, contact: Jacqui Poole Tel: 01271 861824 Contact Sue Tyrrell on 01237 474974 ARTEZZANE Shabby Chic & Pine Furniture Home Décor Painting Service 1 Stanhope Terrace, Northam Road, Bideford OPENING HOURS Mon – Fri 09:30 – 5:30 Sat 10:00 – 4:00 01237 238035 Find Artezzane on Facebook & Twitter JON T APE BUILDING AND MAINTENA NCE nd North Devon Show Telephon e: 012 37 441 78 1 / 077 76 142 074 2 August 2017 Local , ful ly quali ed bu il der w ith over 25 year s ST UC K FO R of e xperien ce.
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