PREFERENCE DATE REPORT Lone Star Park Through 07/01/2019 Page 1 of 7 Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf --Because I Like It(2017) 0 --Poppin(2017) 0 --Henny Luvs 0 Shrimp(2017) --Devil in 0 --Fu Cat(2017) NC --Reposessed(2017) P17 Diamonds(2015) A Fast Broad 0 A Guy Like Me P17 A M Milky Way S27 A Midnight Gift P1 A P's Bluegrass R19 Abbies Tank R13 Abstract Paynter R30 Aces Prince P26 Actif Vows NC Ada Ice S30 Adore P11 Adventurous Lady P11 Affirmatif Star R32 African Mo (IRE) 0 Aint She a Saint 0 Airedale NC Airline Drive 0 Akuna Matata R36 Alex's Bourbon R29 Algebra 0 Alicia'svalentine P32 All About Voodoo R30 All Effort R35 All Night Honey NC All Right With Me R32 All the Tea R14 Alluring Actor R11 Ally Song R37 Always Silver R36 Always a Catch R36 Amarillo Skysong 0 American Sport R33 Americana Flyer 0 An Empty Glass R29 Analyze This Jet R33 Anna's Lingerie S27 Annelou Too P1 Another Level P17 April Sugar R29 Araminta R37 Arch of Ages R23 Arch's Wild 0 Arched Feather 0 Archyouadream R32 Ardennes R16 Aryescelestic Man R31 Ash Angel P20 Ashtabula Five R31 Asi Fue (MEX) 0 Astral Favor R23 Astrology Bling P33 Aticketforwill 0 Atotonilco (MEX) R13 Attitude Ajustment R31 August Lilly 0 Augustus Maximus R35 Averys Miss R14 Avie's Paradise R14 Awesome Accent R35 Awesome Miner P11 Awesome Rain R37 Awesome Slate P8 Awesome Wild Girl R37 (IRE) B Js Arch R32 Backyard Hero R31 Bad At Love P17 Bagpipes R33 Ballroom Kitten R30 Bam Bam Bryan R30 Bambaleo 0 Banglia 0 Banker Billy NC Bankroll Ben R27 Banner Wave R34 Baozun P5 Barbarossa R37 Barbary Hall P11 Barbess R37 Barhop 0 Barrister Jade R36 Battleship Bevo 0 Bayerd P11 Bazooka R32 Be Not Afraid NC Bella Alicita P11 Belladonte 0 Bellarmine P1 Bentley's Show R30 Bermuda R19 Bernardian R23 Best Little Man R29 Beta Baby R32 Beta Jet R33 Beta Lake R30 Betabearly 0 Betonthepreacher R23 Better Belle P3 Better Tell Lola 0 Better Than Magic R35 Better Than Mo R30 Better in Boots R28 Bettercalljohn R33 Bev's Humor R27 Bevolution R35 Big Game Hunter P17 Big Glace P20 Big Little Lie P17 Bitty Brit R36 Bk Usa 0 Black Agnes R36 Blame the Caddie R25 Blame the Red Cat NC Blame the Whiskey R31 Blended Lute P11 Blessed Again P Blessings First 0 Blind Sea 0 Blingin' Rose R24 Blingonthwing R36 Blowin Smoke R34 Blu John R30 Blue Darter S26 Blue Wings R33 Bluecollarman 0 Blushing Kitten R32 Bo Positive 0 Bo Tee 0 Bobbie Power R18 Bode's Best P1 Bogey R13 Boggidyboggidy S28 Bold Legend R29 Boldcapo R30 Bonjour Baby R24 Bonnie Gray R35 Boogie Monster 0 Booneville Chapel R23 Bosque County R23 Boss Hoss Ross 0 Boston Baby S32 Boston Humor 0 Boulevardier 0 Boundless Joy R34 Bourbon Gleam 0 Bourbon Soul R32 Brave Daisey R37 Break At Dawn 0 Breakin Daylight 0 Brenda's Fever R32 Brigada R36 Brilliant Slew R34 Bring the Dough R32 Bruhlmeyer R33 Bug Lite R35 Bundle of Joy 0 Burciaga R33 Burtnjoe R12 Bwana Go R36 Caddo Fox 0 Cafe Gold R17 Cajun Up NC Calculating King R30 Cali Swaggs NC Caliber R34 Camadabody P1 Camila Cartel 0 Camp Point P3 Canyutel 0 Capotelized P5 Cappyco R33 Captain John R26 Captive Kitten R31 Cara Creek S32 Carolina Jasmine R37 Carry the Memories NCNP Cass in Stone 0 Castanuela (MEX) R32 Cat's American Pie NC Catkins P1 Cats Honor R37 Causeway Storm NC Cayman a Bikini R34 Cbc Deputy's Girl NC Cedar Hall R37 Cee's Memory S14 Celestial Cowboy R35 Chamisa R33 Champagne Bling R36 Chanceleggy Girl R37 Changeinmypocket P20 Chargin Texan R35 Charming Arrow NC Chattering Class R30 Chayil R25 Cherokee Cowgirl NC PREFERENCE DATE REPORT Lone Star Park Through 07/01/2019 Page 2 of 7 Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf Cherokee Summer R36 Cherry Bomb Baby 0 Cherry Shine 0 Chicago Blues R33 Chilean Queen P11 Chitaurus Bro 0 Chloe Raven R37 Chocolate Nuts P11 Chody N Daniel 0 Ciao Ciao R8 Cityonthenile R37 Clamarator R26 Classic Czar P11 Classy Bling S23 Clear Advantage 0 Clear Corredor R35 Clever Serve P11 Clever Union P23 Coconut for You P14 Collateral Kitten S22 College Cat S12 Colonel Bowie R17 Colonial Kendra NC Command Humor NC Commander McDivitt R37 Cookies Are Good R26 Cookin Vickie 0 Cookinwithgas 0 Copper Candy 0 Cord's Koko Night P1 Corinthian's Glory NC Corluna P32 Cornelius Springs R35 Cosmic Halo R31 Country King P27 Covert Special NC Cowboy Bling R36 Cowboy Breeze R35 Cowboy Ridge R34 Cowgirls Like Us 0 Coyster R26 Cozzett's Heat P32 Cpattieannie P3 Craps Shooter P31 Crazy Ivan R35 Create a Star R29 Creme Brulee P20 Crimson N Chrome 0 Crooked Banker P15 Crosstime R30 Crowned Leader R26 Cu Rahy R26 Curandero (MEX) R37 Custom Bling S33 Czars Man R27 D Y Button R35 D' cinnamon Girl P31 Da Streekin Mo 0 Daaher's Success R33 Daftar R33 Dak Da Man P5 Dalmavsman P17 Dance to My Song R33 Dancing Awesome R36 Daniel Road R34 Dare to Be Stormy 0 Dark Desert Wine R37 Dark Dixie 0 Dark Harbor 0 Dark Hedges R30 Dark Spirit R35 Daryl'slittlediva P17 Darylslittlediablo R32 Data Gold R23 Daughterofdefence R32 Dauntless Prince R31 Dazzling Reunion P31 Dealing Deuces P13 Declare War R32 Deeya's Bling R18 Demands Attention 0 Derecho Warrior P24 Desdemona Dixie P1 Desert Dreams R36 Desert Image R36 Desert Madam R37 Detroit Sixty Six R34 Devil's Demise 0 Deyonce R36 Diamond Bound R18 Diamond Flyer P17 Direct Dial P11 Dirt Road Diva 0 Discreet Cherokee R33 Discreet Smile R34 Discretionary Time 0 Ditty R35 Divine Favor R34 Divine Holiday R36 Divine Soul R37 Dixie Cowgirl R5 Dizzy Kitten R24 Dobbins G P18 Doc's Denita R36 Doc's Gold R34 Doctor Witt NC Dollarstohavecents 0 Dominante NC Don't Blame Dexter R3 Don't Tell Stacy 0 Dont Let Me Linger R32 Double P's Tavern 0 Dr. Boehrer R30 Dragon Dragon R35 Dream Big Kid NC Dreamin Tiger R31 Dreamy Kid P1 Drill Stem Test P17 Drowningndiamonds R4 Duanes Strawberry R36 Duhopper P5 Duke of Argyle P23 Duke of Kent S30 Dust a Flying R19 E Carter R31 Early Flying Gold R18 Early Ride 0 Earnednevergiven R33 Ears a Winner R29 East and West R21 Easter Snap R29 Eaton's Boogie 0 Eaton's Memory R37 Ebony Nights R33 Ec Abella NCNP Edric P17 El Chocolate R37 Elcaballodelmanana 0 Eldon's Jet 0 Elijah Ghost P20 Ellie Brock S24 Emerald Lady R36 Emperor T R22 Empressive Reward 0 Enfant de Pacque R33 Erlenmeyer R32 Estrela Cadente SR7 Eternal Bling R34 Ettalusive R32 Eura Queen R36 Eurodevilwoman R35 Eurogem R35 Euromusing R32 Excalibur Ridge R17 Exciting R35 Exotic Paradise NC Expect Halo NC Expect Royal 0 Expect to Fly R33 Expectvalidczech R20 Expedition 0 Eye On Harper R37 Eyes On Red R23 F J Uncle Vic R34 Fancy Stockings R35 Fancy's Thename R34 Far Out Kailee P17 Fast Lil Devil P5 Fast Prize Missy 0 Favorite Kool Cartel 0 Fear the Zodiac 0 Fearless Alex R35 Fearless Dixie R20 Fearless Jim R29 Ficety Lady R31 Fiera Prado R35 Fifteen Golden R13 Fifteen Love Back R29 Final Arrow 0 Final Exam R29 Find My Place 0 Finding Value R32 Fire of Gold R30 Flamin Icon R37 Flash Tag R8 Flat Out Phat 0 Flat Precious R34 Flat d'Oro 0 Fly to the Bank P26 Flycatcher R19 Flyin' Easy P14 Flying Fireworks R37 Flying Ladies Man 0 Flying Magic Song R21 Fonda Carlos 0 Foolish Princess P31 Forest Girl R37 Forevamo P5 Forti 0 Four J's R34 Four Kathryns NC Fox Alert R36 Foxrun R31 Fred's Lucky Boy R30 Free Play P30 Freshman Tap R31 Frilly Frill 0 Frio Flash 0 Frosted Bling R20 Fruhl'n Around R37 PREFERENCE DATE REPORT Lone Star Park Through 07/01/2019 Page 3 of 7 Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf Horse Name Dirt Turf Fruity (IRE) P8 Funky Justice s34 G's Alilcrazy 0 G's Turn 0 Gabiota Ridge NC Galactica R35 Galilea R10 Game Loading R34 Gator Vindication R30 Gee She Sparkles R27 General Steve P11 Get Foxy R34 Get Paid R4 Get the Bling R35 Giant Pulpit S30 Gift Bag R35 Giles S Gio Point R26 Gioblast R34 Glen Garry Rose P1 Glenn's Jumper R7 Glitter Bright R26 Gloriosa R35 Glorious Leader R37 Glory Stars S27 Gold Buyer R33 Gold Pilot R17 Gold Speed Go 0 Golden Heat R32 Golden Lullabye R26 Golden Magic R19 Golden Paree R37 Golden Secret P9 Goliath Ridge R37 Good Judgment R17 Goodnight Song R37 Goodnightloving R30 Got No Kash NC Gotta Lotta Silver S10 Gottherightonebaby R24 Gradyz Kat R27 Gran Rojo P4 Grand Bling S5 Grand Priority NC Grandma Gertrude R36 Grassburr 0 Great Kat R33 Green Machine R33 Grey Halo P23 Greystoke NC Gunnerscelesticman R29 Gunny Mo S12 Gustnado R35 Gymnastic R37 Hadley N Sadie R11 Haleys Heist 0 Handsome Ransom R32 Hansen's Showgirl R18 Hard Trier R36 Hawaiian Typhoon R34 Hawk Eyed P20 Hawkeye Girl P23 Hay Flo R36 He's a Ranger R27 Heaven Blessed 0 Heir of Storm R36 Heisman Dreams R33 Hello Hello Mister 0 Hennessybadboy R33 Henyetta 0 Her Quicksilver R27 Herbs Love R37 Hi Heat Boy R30 High Class Taste 0 High Def Ridge R33 Highway Song 0 Hiway Fifty Nine P26 Holdmygoldback R29 Hopper Top P16 Hot Day in April R37 Hot Fudge Louie 0 Hot Harvey R37 Hot Pajamas P26 Hottie Dottie S24 Hours to Shine R30 Houston Strong R34 Humdinger NC Humor's Reward R18 Hunk of a Hit P17 Hunkette 0 I'm All Ears P17 I'm Lit S5 I'm Not Listening 0 I'm Solid Gone 0 I'm a Rock R27 I'm a Stephanie R34 Ice Box Time P26 Ice Cocoa R27 Ice Ghost R31 Ice Strike S33 Icebirg Let Us 0 Iced Out R32 Illuminatingappeal R24 Im Not Shy 0 Ima Discreet Lady P27 Ima Real Deal NC Imaginary Image R25 Imaginary Music P11 Indium R33 Infinite Cents R21 Infinite O'Prado R35 Irish Chrome P3 Irish City Lad R35 Irish Missile R35 Irish Silver P23 Iron Cross R14 Irreplaceable P8 Ish R22 Island Hopper P1 Isolde's Girl 0 Istan Warrior 0 It's All Up to You R3 It's My Money 0 Iter R33 Its Over Baby R30 Itsascrimshawnow R6 Iza Daddy R26 J P New Way R36 Jacare R31 Jack With Seven R27 Jail House R9 Jaime's Lil Fear R34 Jay Iskey S23 Jayne's Idea NC Jazzy G R33 Jerry's Vision P23 Jersey Cut R23 Jess Eleven Or Seven 0 Jess Paint Me Perry 0 Jess a Junky NC Jessicas Arch R18 Jet R.
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