, ECEMBER 1944 FRANK JAMES ARSHALL orn A 11,g. 10, 1877 'it" N u". 9, 1944 35 CENTS ubstripli on Rate IE YEAR $3 HARE THE J OYS of chess with yom' friends and relatives ! Give them the opportunity to S leaI'll the Royal Game and enjoy countl ess hours of happiness over the checkcl'ed board ! In­ troduce chess to others a nd help to spread intel'est in the Game of Kings! lIow ? By presenting your friends with Chl'ist­ mas Gift su bsc riptions to CHE SS REVIEW! E ven if Lhey know nothing about chess, this special ,s ub­ scription will bl'i ng them a complete course of in­ struction. Wilh- ench gift subscription we will include, free of charge, reprints of all the previous installments of " Let's Play Chess"- ou l' Picture Guidu to Chess-so that yOll!' friends ca n start this fascinating course from the beginning and learn how to play chess with the aid of this pic­ torial, self-teaching guide! This is something yOli /.: 1/.010 your friends will appr eciate, Just before Christmas they will re­ ceive the Decembel- issue of CHESS REVIEW and :.\]] the r epl"i nts of t he P icture Guide- a re"l Christmas package_ Then, as t hey receive the s ubsequcnt issues of CHESS RE VIEW , they will be reminded of you again a nd again_ As they fol ­ low the installments of t he course and r ead all the other features of CHESS REVIEW t hey will be grateful to you fol' having introduced t hem to t he greatest game in the world_ You will have brought CHESS REVIEW THE PICTURE CHESS MAGAZ IJf[ them a li fet ime of pleas lll-e and happiness ! To each of your friends \\"e will also send the unique Chl'istmas Card reproduced Oil this page_ This c<lrd .announces your gift, tells YOLlI- friend t hat CHF;SS REVIEW is coming to him for onc, two 01' thl-ee years wi t h your best wishes and g't'eetings_ The cH. rd is s igned by us wi th your name_ FROM .. ______ A gift s ubscription to CH ESS REVIEW is an ideal but inexpensive Christmas present_ Om- 1-e­ du(;/'c/. Christma.<; SltU8C1-i1Jtion rutes a 1-C 1/OW in effect _ During the holiday season (from now un­ til J anuary 30th ) you can take advantage of t hese low rates to entcr or re new YO Ul" own subscription and to send gift subscr iptions to others_ By ordering s ubscript ions now at these low rales, much of your Chr istmas shopping will be fOR CHRISTMAS done ear ly and well_ To ol-der, w rite the names :.t nd :.\ddresses of yom" fl"iends 0 1" relatives on the Christmas Gift Ol-del- Form insetted opposite BRING YOUR fRIENDS this ))nge_ Be s Ul -e to fill in your own name a nd .address at t he bottom so t h:.\t we C'lll send t he Christmas Cm-cls s igned wilh your name_ Note, loo, that you can e nter Ot- renew yo Ill" O1on sub­ scription at these s pecial r:.\tes_ No matter when THE JOYS yOUl- pl'csent s ubscription expires, your I-enewal wi ll a utomaticall y begin when the old one e nds_ Wis h your fricnds a cheery, chessy Christ­ mas ! Fill in and mail the Christmas Gift Order Of CHESS Form now and ma il to CHESS R EVIEW, 250 West 57th Str eet, New York 19, N_ Y_ [ CHESS REVIEW --- . VOL. 12, No. 10 Dece mber, 1944 . T INDEX NEWS FEATU RE Jackson W i ns Amat eu r TIUe. 21 OBITUARY Fran k Ja mes Mar. hall ______ 3 A.R'I"ICLES • Frank J . Ma rsha ll's Career __ 5 A Marshall Masterpiece Re uben F ine __ _____ ___ __. 12 Frank M ar shall-Genius of Attack-by Irvi ng Chernev_14 DEPARTMENTS Che ss Brief. _______________ 24 Pastal Chen ____ ________ __ __28 PrObl ems _______________ ____ 26 Reader.' Ga mes _____________ 33 Winn ing Traps _______ ____ __ 27 SERIAL Two Kn ight" Defense _______ 25 An nual Index on Pages 34 &. 35 EDITORS & PUBLISHERS I. A. H orow itz, Kenneth Harkness POSTAL EDITOR Jack Str;lley Batte1l This I• ssue of CHESS REVIEW is dedicated to ASSOCIATE EDITORS Reuben Fi ne, Irv ing Cherney, Albert S. Pinkus the memory of CHESS REVIEW Is published monthly O<llober to Mny, bl· monthly June to September (total FRANK JAMES MARSHALL of ten luuell per year) by CHESS REVIEW. 250 Wen 57th Stree t. Kew York 19. N. Y. Entered as Secon d Clau maHer May 5. 1944. at the POlIt oitl<:e at New York. whose sudden death on November 9th is mourned X. Y .. under the Act of March 3. 1819. by chessplayers throughout the world. He spent his life over a dleckered board In moving chessmen o'er the adverse field, And meditating traps yet unexplored, To force the stubborn enemy to yield. "A futile life" say some "Spent on a game!" And yet he gave to m~ny priceless joy, And' gained withal his meed of deathless fame In bloodless battle, sport without aHoy. The compass of his travels ranged afar, On trains and ships, to Europe and return; Then at his famous Club, with his cigar, The perfect host, genial but taciturn, Who at the last with gay insouciance CHESS REVIEW II copyrlllht and republication of original materlat Checkmated Death' s grim terror with a glance. .pp u ~l ng In thl. m a gntne I. prohibited w ithout writte n per. mlu lon . New.paper c he.. colum n. Contributed by E. C. McCulloch, M. D. If. hereby II r.nted pe rm lulon to Quote f rom CH!:SS REVIEW, pro· vlded f ult c redit I, given. Copyright, 10«, by CHESS REVIEW, New York, N . Y. C HESS R EVIEW. D ECEMBER. 1944 1 ["rank .'IIHr8hnll, with his wife Caroline D. M arsh all, pose d tor chess CII)·eer. The metal chess sel was Ilresentetl to Mn!"ehnll b ~ this portrait j\l~t tll'O weeks befo"e he died. They Intended to a club member. The marble·top lublll ('ame from 'I'unill. the gilll )'C II)'o(hwe lhls photograph and send It to thoi!' many friends on a of chess lJalt'On Leo l'\nrdus. ChrISLOllH~ ('ar<l. The MaeSlt'O and his devutc<l wife-his compan· ion and bttl;!lncss mallager for nea rly 40 yeat"~ - HI'e shown ~eated in 'fhe ]loom whkh nppears below (source unknown) Is Ilubllsbed f ront of thc fll'ejllnce In theIr llilart ment at the .'Iliu·shal1 Chess Clu b, at t he re(II'CSl of M l"s. MarRhall. Theile ,'erses, gh'cn 10 her br surt'Ountled b)" the girts HIII\ U'ol)hies of :\ long alld distinguished .'I l arshall some t ime ago, ha\'c sustai ned aud comforted her, If some day death should, smiling, turn to me But more than that. my love, remember this: And o'er my shoulders fold his sable cloak, Your happiness was heaven itself to me. You must not weep nor grieve for me. but see And I may never find a realm of bliss. My joy that all my earthly chains be broke. Less. turning. chance your smiling face to see. I go to other fields. a fairer land. And happiness cannot be found alone: New vistas. wider visions meet my eye. So live your life. seek new friends. love the old; There will be other labors for my hand. And do not let your heart turn into stone. And new adventures 'neath that other sky, Nor let your love of laughter become cold. No sighs nor tears that dissipate the soul Though I have often failed you in this land. Can build a lasting monument on earth. Know that I'll always guard you from above. For rather would I see my life work whole. Close by your side in spirit I will stand, • See you convert it to some lasting worth. For death can never be the death of love. 2 CHESS R EVIE W, D ECE MBER, 19441 ------- CHESSDOM MOURNS DEATH OF GRANDMASTER FRANK J. MARSHALL ITH s t unn ing but merciful swiftness. a nalUral all' of distinction, II. keen sense Editorials a nd articles 011 Mars hall a l)­ W death came to Frank James MnMlhall of s howmanll hip. \Vhen he entered a l)Ublic peared In the New York Times, the New 1II the evening of November ninth. The place. peoille tm ned to look at h im, tben York Herald-Trlblllle, the New York Post, jean of Amel'ican ch elllllnHsl ers hnd tUned leaned their heads together a nd w hill ilered. the nrooklyn ])ally Eagle a nd other ne ws· iD New York , aplJurenUy In good henlth and \V hen he 1)la yed In a tourna ment, tbe c rowd !la l)el'lI. T he fo llowing Is from the editorial ill t he best of spidts, and had c ,'o8l1ed the always gathered around Mal'8hall's table; Ilnge oC the New York T imes, November they knew he would put on a good show, Hudson to Jersey City, to vis it some 14th, and was written by Dana Bl1\nnan: f!Wll ds. At about 7 :30 II.
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