Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Magdalena Slavkova Address(es) 6a Moskovska , 1000 Sofia , Bulgaria Telephone(s) Personal : +359 2 805 26 14 Mobile: +359 887 64 74 05 Fax(es) +359 2 805 26 11 E-mail [email protected] Nationality Bulgarian Date of birth 28 .01 .1980 Gender Female Occupational field Ethnology, Romani Studies Work experience Dates 2008 onwards Occupation or position held Research Associate/Assistant Professor Main activities and Academic Research, Expert Activities, and Project activities responsibilities Name and address of employer Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , 6a , Moskovska , 1000 Sofia Type of business or sector Research and educational institution Dates 2007 – 2008 Occupation or position held Junior Researcher Main activities and Academic Research, Expert Activities, and Project activities responsibilities Name and address of employer Ethnographic Institute with Museum , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 6a , Moskovska , 1000 Sofia Type of business or sector Research and educational institution Dates 2006 - 2007 Occupation or position held Researcher Main activities and Academic Research and Project activities responsibilities Name and address of employer Ethnographic Institute with Museum , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 6a , Moskovska , 1000 Sofia Page 1/7 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Slavkova, Magdalena © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010 Type of business or sector Research and educational institution Education and training Dates 2003-2006 Title of qualification awarded PhD in Ethnology Principal subjects/occupational Thesis title : Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria skills covered Name and type of organisation Ethnographic Institute with Museum , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences providing education and training 6a , Moskovska , 1000 Sofia Dates 2001-2002 Title of qualification awarded M.A. in Ethnology Principal subjects/occupational M.A. thesis: Romani Protestant Churches in Bulgaria skills covered Name and type of organisation St. Kliment Ohridsky Sofia University, Faculty of History, Department of Ethnology, providing education and training 15, bul. Tsar Osvoboditel, Sofia 1504 Dates 1997-2001 Title of qualification awarded B.A in History and Ethnology Name and type of organisation St. Kliment Ohridsky Sofia University, Faculty of History, Department of Ethnology providing education and 15, bul. Tsar Osvoboditel, Sofia 1504 training Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Bulgarian Other language(s) Self -assessment Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken Spoken interaction production English C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user B2 Independent user Spanish C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user B1 Independent user French C1 Proficient user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user Macedonian C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user B2 Independent user Serbian C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user A2 Basic user Romany/Gypsy language A2 Basic user A2 Basic user A1 Basic user A1 Basic user A1 Basic user (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Organisational skills and Projects Leader and Coordinator,Team work competences Computer skills and Compe ten t with Microso ft Off ice programmes, Internet, etc. competences Additional information Membership in Professional Member of Gypsy Lore Society , 2011 Organisation Awards Gypsy Lore Society Honorable Mention, 2007 Page 2/7 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Slavkova, Magdalena © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010 Membership in Editorial Bodies Academica Balkanica, Balkan Ethnology Department, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum-BAS Academic Research Experience: Books: Славкова, Магдалена 2007. Циганите евангелисти в България (Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria). Sofia: Paradigma. Articles: • Slavkova, M. 2011. From Invisibility to Visibly Successful: Bulgarian Female School Activists in Spain. – In: Ganchev A. et al. (ed.). Migration processes in contemporary Europe: evolution of migration interrelations of the EU and countries of Central and Eastern Europe. (forthcoming). • Slavkova, M., 2010. “Estrategias migratorias de la población gitana bulgara en España”. – In: Perifería. Revista electrónica. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Departamento de Antropología Social y Cultural (http://antropologia.uab.es/Periferia/index.html ), núm. 12. • Slavkova, M. 2010 . “Schimbarea reprezentârilor despre viaţa emigranţilor: migraţia la muncă a rudarilor din Bulgaria în ţările mediteraneene” [Rethinking the Live in Emigration: Labor Migrations of Bulgarian Rudari to the Mediterranean Countries] – In: Şerban Şt., (coord.). Teme în antropologia socială din Europa de sud-est.. Volum dedicate memoriei Profesorului Paul Stahl . Bucureşti: Paideia, pp. 283-308. • Славкова, М. 2010 . “Между перспективите и носталгията: българските имигранти в Испания (случаят с българите в Кастилия и Леон)”. – В: Карамихова М., (съст.). Четива за историята и културата на Балканите. В помощ на университетското преподаване . София: Парадигма, 219-239. • Slavkova, M. 2010. “Between Realities and Nostalgia: Bulgarian Immigrants in Spain: the case with Bulgarians in Castilla y León“. – In: Karamihova, M., (ed.). Readings in the history and culture of the Balkans. In support of University Teaching . Sofia: Paradigma. (forthcoming). • Slavkova, M. 2010. “Challenging Boundaries: Contemporary Migratory Patterns of Bulgarian Rudari”. – In: Anastasova, Ek., M. Kõiva (eds.). Balkan and Baltic States in United Europe: Histories, Religions, and Cultures. Sofia: Paradigma, pp. 188-197. • Slavkova, M., 2010 . “Romani migrations from Bulgaria to Spain: challenges and perspectives” (http://romanimobilities.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/conference-proceedings1.pdf ). University of Oxford, pp. 210- 214. • Slavkova, M. 2010. “Prestige and Identity Construction among Pentecostal Roma in Bulgaria”. – In: Thurfjell D., A. Marsh (ed.). Anthology on Romani Pentecostalism (forthcoming). • Slavkova, M. 2010 . “„Tu sinjan, Isuse, amaro thagar”.... La musique évangélique tsigane en Bulgarie ». - In: Etudes Tsiganes (forthcoming). • Славкова, М. 2009. «Миграция и идентичност: случаят с българските рудари» [Migration and Identity: the Case with Bulgarian Rudari]. – In: Păstrarea parimoniului cultural în ţările europene (red. resp.: Veaceslav Stepanov). Materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale , 25-26 septembrie 2008, Chişinău: Bussines-Elita, pp. 355-361. • Славкова, М. 2009. „Пътуване през границите: съвременни модели на трансграничана трудова миграция на рудари в България” [Contemporary labour migration of Rudari from Bulgaria]. – В: Български фолклор , № 3-4, pp. 140-146. • Slavkova, M. 2008. “Being Gypsy in Europe: the case of Bulgarian Roma Workers in Spain.” – In: Balkanologie (Ed. by Association française d’études sur les Balkans), Vol. XI, No. 1-2 [http://balkanologie.revues.org/index1102.html ]. • Slavkova, M., 2008. “Se comporter en évangéliste : modèles et règles de la culture alimentaire des Tsiganes nouvellement convertis ». – In: Etudes Tsiganes , vol. 31-32, pp. 164-177. • Славкова М., 2008. „Съвременни трудови миграции на български цигани към Испания и тяхното отражение върху идентичността им” (Contemporary Labor Migrations of Gypsies from Bulgaria to Spain and the Impact on their Identity). – В: Дечева М., (съст.). Динамики на националната идентичност и транснационалните идентичности в процеса на европейска интеграция . София: Парадигма, 289-319. • Slavkova, M., 2008. “Contemporary Labor Migrations of Gypsies from Bulgaria to Spain”. - In: Marushiakova E., (ed.). Dynamics of National Identity and Transnational Identities in the Process of European Integration . Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Pp. 189-214. • Slavkova, M., 2008. “A Critical View of Contemporary Romology: Employing the Evangelical Sources”. – In: Сохань, П., Н. Зiневич (Ред.) Роми Украïни: iз минулого в майбутнэ. Науковi записки . Т. 15. Киïв: Национаљна Академiя Наук Украïни, Институт украïнськоï Археографiï та джерелознавства iм М.С. Грушевського, pp. 385- 394. • Slavkova M., 2007. „Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria: Way of Life and Performance of Identity. – In: Romani Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2 (December). Pp. 205-247. Page 3/7 - Curriculum vitae of For more information on Europass go to http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Slavkova, Magdalena © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010 • Славкова М., 2007. „Евангелските цигани в България: начин на живот и идентичност” [Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria: Lifestyle and Identity]. – В: Карамихова М., (съст.). “Завръщане” на религиозността. Academica Balkanica 3 , 81-113. • Славкова М., 2007. „За личните имена при евангелските цигани в България” [About the Personal Names of Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria]. – В: Сб. Транзициите во историjaта и културата . Скопjе: Институт за национална историjа, 743-754. • Slavkova M., 2006. “The Wedding among the Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria”. – In: Đorđević Dr., T. Branković 2006 (eds.). Protestantism on the Balkans in the Past, Today and the Future. Niš: JUNIR, PUNTA. Pp. 87-94. • Славкова М., 2005. “Rudari u istočnoj Bugarskoj i jevanđeljski
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